675 research outputs found

    Rochas Ornamentais de Timor Leste

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    O potencial em rochas ornamentais de Timor Leste é reconhecido desde os primeiros trabalhos de campo que no território foram realizados. No entanto a cartografia geológica até agora realizada não permitia elementos suficientes para quantificar quaisquer reservas. No âmbito da realização de dez teses de mestrado em Ciências da Terra e Atmosfera da Universidade de Évora, foi realizada a cartografia geológica à escala 1:25000 da folha de Manatuto, que será publicada na escala 1:50000. Daqui resulta possível definir alvos para pesquisa detalhada de massas minerais com potencial em rochas ornamentais e até a estimativa aproximada de reservas de algumas destas massas. Na perspectiva da futura utilização destes materiais para fins ornamentais importa desde já proceder à sua caracterização petrográfica e realizar sobre eles os principais ensaios físico-mecânicos normalmente utilizados para caracterizar as rochas ornamentais

    Existence and qualitative properties of solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger equations on metric graphs

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    Tese de mestrado em Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Nesta dissertação é abordada a equação de Schrödinger não linear no contexto de grafos métricos. Em particular, são seguidos com grande detalhe os artigos de Adami R., Serra E., Tilli P., [NLS ground states on graphs, Calc. Var. (2015) 54:743–761] e [Threshold phenomena and existence results for NLS ground states on metric graphs, J. Funct. Anal. (2016) 271(I):201-223]. O foco destes artigos é a existência ou não existência de soluções de energia mínima, com massa fixa, para o funcional de energia da equação de Schrödinger com um fator não linear do tipo potência em grafos métricos.In this dissertation we do a detailed study of the results of Adami R., Serra E., Tilli P., in the articles [NLS ground states on graphs, Calc. Var. (2015) 54:743–761] and [Threshold phenomena and existence results for NLS ground states on metric graphs, J. Funct. Anal. (2016) 271(I):201-223] concerning the existence of ground states of prescribed mass for the nonlinear Schrodinger energy functional on metric graphs

    Holding on to stability whirlpool corporation

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    HODing ON TO STABILITY is a paper presenting the reader a full valuation on Whirlpool Corporation which will culminate in a target estimated price for December 2020 and a consequent investment recommendation. We stand by a HOLD recommendation since we expect limited positive return, as we anticipate the company to remain stable in future years, not outperforming nor under performing the market

    Airports and Emergency Planning Measures Implemented to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 and their Effectiveness

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    Airports are subject to numerous situations that can disrupt their normal operations. Given the impossibility of preventing disruptions, especially those of natural origin, emergency and contingency plans are the best tool airports have to react effectively and quickly to any event. In late 2019, emerged an infectious disease of uncertain cause named COVID-19. The high rate of transmissibility and the increasing number of cases worldwide forced governments to implement measures to restrict movement, such as confinements or border closures. These measures had a more than significant impact on the aeronautical sector, which was one of the most affected. Record lows were thus recorded in the number of flights made, leading to historic losses throughout aviation. In order to analyse the implementation of measures against COVID-19, interviews were conducted with experts as well as surveys of the general public (those who had travelled by air in 2021). Through this data collection, interesting conclusions were drawn, such as the fact that the most efficient measure was the mandatory use of masks, which was widely adopted worldwide, and the least cost-efficient measure was the temperature plug, which was eventually abolished at most airports over time. Although no single measure on its own was efficient enough to deal with the pandemic, tiered mitigation was considered efficient. Although there were peculiarities at each airport when the measures were implemented, there was a normalization of measures over time. Finally, although most airports already had sections in their contingency/emergency plans that dealt with "public health emergencies", they were not prepared to deal with a pandemic crisis like COVID-19.Os aeroportos estão sujeitos a inúmeras situações que podem vir a perturbar o seu habitual funcionamento. Dada a impossibilidade de impedir disrupções, em especial as de origem natural, os planos de emergência e de contingência são a melhor ferramenta que os aeroportos possuem para reagir de uma forma eficaz a qualquer acontecimento. No final de 2019, surgiu uma doença infeciosa de causa incerta denominada de COVID19. A elevada taxa de transmissibilidade e o número crescente de casos em todo o mundo forçaram os governos a implementar medidas para restringir a circulação, tais como confinamentos ou encerramentos de fronteiras. Estas medidas tiveram um impacto mais do que significativo no sector aeronáutico. Assim, registaram-se mínimos históricos no número de voos efetuados, levando a perdas históricas em toda a aviação. A fim de analisar a implementação de medidas contra a COVID-19, foram realizadas entrevistas a peritos, bem como inquéritos ao público em geral (aqueles que tinham viajado de avião em 2021). Através desta recolha de dados foram tiradas conclusões interessantes, tais como o facto de a medida mais eficiente ter sido a utilização obrigatória de máscaras e a medida menos eficiente em termos de custos ter sido a tomada de temperatura, que acabou por ser abolida com passar do tempo. Embora nenhuma medida por si só fosse suficientemente eficiente para lidar com a pandemia, a atenuação por níveis foi considerada eficiente. Embora houvesse peculiaridades em cada aeroporto aquando da implementação das medidas, houve uma normalização das medidas ao longo do tempo. Finalmente, embora a maioria dos aeroportos já apresentasse secções nos seus planos de contingência/emergência que tratavam de "emergências de saúde pública", não estavam preparados para lidar com uma crise pandémica como a COVID-19

    Associação entre o nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores

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    Objectivo: Verificar a associação entre o nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores e a existência de um nível profilático. Métodos: A 49 estudantes, aplicouse o Questionário Internacional Actividade Física, avaliou-se o refluxo venoso pelo ecodoppler e a resistência do tricípite sural por um teste de fadiga local. Resultados: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso dos membros inferiores estão associados (p=0,013). Estudantes com menores índices físicos apresentaram piores resultados. Conclusão: O nível de actividade física e o refluxo venoso estão associados. Não foi possível inferir acerca do nível de actividade física mais adequado.Objective: Determine if the physical activity level and the venous reflux of lower limbs are related and if there is a prophylactic level. Methods: 49 students answered the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, made an eco-doppler to evaluate the venous reflux and a local fatigue protocol of triceps surae to evaluate the muscular resistance. Results: The physical activity level and the venous reflux of lower limbs are related (p=0,013). Reduced activity levels are verified in students with the worst results. Conclusion: The physical activity level and the venous reflux are related. No conclusions were achieved about the ideal physical activity level

    Psa-fca merger: Carlos Tavares´ road to glory?

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    The present case-study intends to analyse the merger of Groupe PSA (Peugeot Société Anonyme) and FCA Group (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles), announced on the 18th of December 2019. The case-study will explore the merger through a narrative and a teaching note. The narrative will explore the history of both groups and relevant events that influence their path to the present situation, while also providing the details of the merger. The teaching note will study the motivations of both groups to be part of the deal, analyse the expected synergies and possible gains or losses for shareholders

    Computer-based assessment system for e-learning applied to programming education

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engemharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Social and Emotional Learning and Academic Achievement in Portuguese Schools: a bibliometric study.

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    Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an educational movement that is gaining ground throughout the world. We can define SEL as the capacity to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively, and establish positive relationships with others. Research has demonstrated the significant role of SEL in promoting healthy student development and academic achievement. Extensive research confirms that SEL competencies: can be taught, that they promote positive development and reduce problem behaviors, and that they improve students’ academic achievement and citizenship. At the international level, several rigorous studies have identified programs and practices that promote SEL. In Portugal, however, no review has yet been published regarding the implementation of SEL programs. Such a study would elucidate the current panorama of SEL programs in Portugal. This study aims to identify research on SEL programs implemented in Portuguese schools and the relationship of those programs with academic achievement. To this end, we have consulted the following databases: Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (RCAAP), Online Knowledge Library (b-on), and Web of Science (WoS). The criteria were: (a) all time frames; (b) publications in either Portuguese or English; (c) programs that developed socio-emotional competencies in Portuguese schools; (d) academic levels including elementary, middle, and high school and (e) students of regular education. Few publications on SEL programs implemented in Portugal were found, although the recent decade has witnessed an upsurge of interest in the topic, principally that arising from academic research.Fundação Calouste Gulbenkia