210 research outputs found

    Resilience, Coping Strategies, and Stress Related to Online Diploma Exam in University Students in Poland

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    The present study investigated the association between resilience, coping strategies and stress related to online diploma exam under COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Sample of Polish university students (n = 453) in the last year of their bachelor’s or master’s completed a questionnaire containing questions about stress related to online diploma exam and experiencing difficulties relatedto studying online and scales: Questionnaire (KOP-26) by Gąsior, Chodkiewicz, Ciechowski, the Polish version of COPE by Wrześniewski, Sense of Stress Questionnaire (KPS) by Plopa and Makarowski. The results showed that higher resilience was associated with lower levels of onlinediploma exam stress, more frequent use of adaptive coping strategies and less frequent use of maladaptive coping strategies. Lower levels of online diploma exam stress were associated with more frequent use of coping strategies such as focus on the problem, humour and alcohol/drugideation, and less frequent use of focus on/venting emotions. The relationship between resilience and online diploma exam stress was shown to be mediated by two coping strategies (focus on the problem and focus on/ venting of emotions). Generalized sense of stress was not a moderator of the mediating effect. The results of the study have shown that the relationship between resilience, coping strategies, online diploma exam stress and sense of stress was different in students who experienced online study difficulties and those who did not

    Windows Based FTP Server with Encryption and other Advanced Features

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    I created a fully functional, open source FTP server for the Windows platform, complete with encryption, bandwidth quotas, bandwidth throttling, remote administration, ratios and IP checking. My server uses threads to manage each connection. The configuration and logging files are done in XML and the C++ source code is fully documented

    Quantitative Ultrasound and B-mode Image Texture Features Correlate with Collagen and Myelin Content in Human Ulnar Nerve Fascicles

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    We investigate the usefulness of quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and B-mode texture features for characterization of ulnar nerve fascicles. Ultrasound data were acquired from cadaveric specimens using a nominal 30 MHz probe. Next, the nerves were extracted to prepare histology sections. 85 fascicles were matched between the B-mode images and the histology sections. For each fascicle image, we selected an intra-fascicular region of interest. We used histology sections to determine features related to the concentration of collagen and myelin, and ultrasound data to calculate backscatter coefficient (-24.89 dB ±\pm 8.31), attenuation coefficient (0.92 db/cm-MHz ±\pm 0.04), Nakagami parameter (1.01 ±\pm 0.18) and entropy (6.92 ±\pm 0.83), as well as B-mode texture features obtained via the gray level co-occurrence matrix algorithm. Significant Spearman's rank correlations between the combined collagen and myelin concentrations were obtained for the backscatter coefficient (R=-0.68), entropy (R=-0.51), and for several texture features. Our study demonstrates that QUS may potentially provide information on structural components of nerve fascicles

    Seksualnost odraslih osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama iz perspektive osoblja za podršku

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    Historically, people with intellectual disabilities have been labeled as asexual or as perpetrators or victims of sexual abuse (McDaniels, Fleming, 2016). They often face discrimination because of their sexuality, regardless of whether they live within residential facilities or family homes (Wingles-Yanez, 2014). This paper presents research results from qualitative studies of the sexuality of adults with intellectual disabilities. Applying a phenomenographic method (Paulston, 1993), the authors conducted 16 interviews with professionals at several daycare and residential centres in north eastern Poland who work with intellectually disabled people. The specific research aims were to answer the following questions: (1) How do support staff workers perceive sexuality and intimate relationships of adults with intellectual disabilities? (2) Which factors contribute to the sexuality and intimate relationships of adults with intellectual disabilities according to support staff workers? (3) What kinds of support related to sexuality and intimate relationships do support staff workers think is essential for people with intellectual disabilities? The authors focus on presenting the professionals’ perceptions of sexuality and intimate relationships of adults with intellectual disabilities and to depict the discourse those workers use. Implications for practice are also discussed, especially the need to provide sexuality support to adults with intellectual disabilities, their therapists and parents.Kroz povijest osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama bile su smatrane aseksualnima ili pak počiniteljima ili žrtvama seksualnog nasilja. Zbog svoje seksualnosti ove se osobe često susreću s diskriminacijom, kako u institucijama, tako i u obiteljskom domu. U ovom su radu prikazani rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja seksualnosti odraslih osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. Primjenivši fenomenografsku metodu, autori su proveli 16 intervjua s osobljem koje radi s osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama, iz nekoliko institucija u sjeveroistočnoj Poljskoj. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su dati odgovore na sljedeća pitanja: 1) kako osoblje za podršku percipira seksualnost i intimne odnose odraslih osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama? 2) Koji čimbenici, prema mišljenju osoblja, doprinose seksualnosti i intimnim odnosima odraslih osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama? 3) Koja je vrsta podrške, prema mišljenju osoblja, ključna za seksualnost i intimne odnose osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama? Razmatraju se praktične implikacije dobivenih rezultata, osobito potreba za pružanjem podrške glede seksualnosti odraslima s intelektualnim teškoćama, njihovim terapeutima i roditeljima

    Odgoj i obrazovanje djece i mladih s teškoćama u razvoju u Poljskoj i Konvencija Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima osoba s invaliditetom

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    The Polish system of education provides a variety of schooling options for students with disabilities, including mainstream schools, integrated schools, special schools, home-schooling and remedial centres (for students with profound intellectual disabilities). Since the transformation of the political and economic system in 1989, the education system in Poland has been transforming towards greater inclusion and recognition of the right to equal access to education and training at all levels for students with disabilities. The most important legal act on the rights of disabled people is the Convention of the United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) of 2006, ratified by Poland in 2012. It acts as a philosophical and moral statement and framework guiding integrated and strategic policy across the nation. Article 24 of the CRPD proclaims the right to education "without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity" and obliges State Parties to "ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning" (Art. 24, CRPD, 2006, p. 16). This paper describes and analyses the contemporary educational situation of children and youth with disabilities in Poland, focusing in particular on recommendations of the CRPD and on possibilities and difficulties for fulfilling those recommendations for all students at all levels.Sustav odgoja i obrazovanja u Poljskoj pruža različite mogućnosti školovanja učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju, uključujući pohađanje redovnih škola, posebnih škola, obrazovanje kod kuće te centara za djecu i mlade s većim intelektualnim teškoćama. Od promjene političkog i ekonomskog sustava 1989. godine obrazovni sustav u Poljskoj transformirao se u pravcu veće uključivosti i priznavanja prava učenicima s teškoćama u razvoju na jednak pristup obrazovanju i osposobljavanju na svim razinama. Najvažniji pravni dokument o pravima osoba s invaliditetom Konvencija je Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima osoba s invaliditetom iz 2006. godine, koju je Poljska ratificirala 2012. godine. Taj dokument predstavlja filozofsko i moralno polazište i okvir kojim se rukovodimo u provođenju integriranih i strateških politika. Članak 24 Konvencije naglašava pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje "bez diskriminacije i temeljeno na jednakim mogućnostima" i obavezuje državna tijela na "osiguravanje inkluzivnog obrazovnog sustava na svim razinama učenja, kao i u smislu cjeloživotnog učenja". U ovom radu analizira se i opisuje aktualna situacija glede odgoja i obrazovanja djece i mladih u Poljskoj, s naglaskom na preporuke sadržane u spomenutoj Konvenciji te na mogućnosti i teškoće u ostvarivanju preporuka u odgoju i obrazovanju svih učenika, na svim razinama obrazovanja

    Comparative assessment of the role of state, third sector and combined intervention of state and third sector in intervening income inequalities through SHGS

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    Inequality reduction in general and income inequality reduction in particular has occupied huge efforts/resources of the state since independence in India.Given that more than 300 million people are under poverty line in India today and the sheer deprivation that they face, evaluation of inequality reduction methods in India assume greater significance.In the above context, the present paper is an attempt to understand the effectiveness of income inequality reduction methods by the state, third sector and the combined intervention of the state and third sector.For this purpose four villages in the Gulbarga district of Karnataka were chosen to assess the relative effectiveness of the interventions by state, third sector and the combined interventions of state and third sector. The results of the study show that, Combined intervention of the State and Third Sector on Income inequalities through SHGs is distinctly better in providing regular employment to employed people than other types of intervention.Combined intervention of State and Third Sector in Income inequalities is distinctly better both in empowering people with higher incomes and discouraging people from borrowing money from money lenders at very high interest rates.It could also be concluded that combined intervention of State and Third Sector provides better terms of borrowing than State intervention alone or Third Sector intervention alone.Earning and saving patters are much better in combined intervention of State and Third Sector than other interventions

    Objawy dysfunkcji układu ruchowego narządu żucia u pacjentów dorosłych z chorobami tarczycy

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    Wprowadzenie. Zaburzenia endokrynologiczne mają wpływ na funkcjonowanie niemalże całego organizmu. Choroby tarczycy dotyczą 2-5% społeczeństwa, częściej występują u kobiet i w wieku starszym. Cel badań. Ukazanie wpływu chorób tarczycy na objawy dysfunkcji układu ruchowego narządu żucia (URNŻ). Materiał i metodyka. Badania retrospektywne przeprowadzono na podstawie analizy 322 kart badań pacjentów Manualnej Funkcjonalnej Analizy URNŻ (MFA) w oparciu o kryteria DC/TMD, którzy poddali się fizjoterapii Stomatognatycznej na terenie Klinik Stomatologicznych w Krakowie. Grupę 44 pacjentów (40,2 ±10,6 lat) z zaburzeniami URNŻ i współwystępującymi chorobami tarczycy, podzielono na cztery podgrupy: niedoczynność tarczycy (N1=13), nadczynność tarczycy (N2=11), choroba Hashimoto (N3=11), guzki tarczycy (N4=9). Zastosowano kwestionariusz Manualnej Funkcjonalnej Analizy URNŻ (MFA) oraz kwestionariusz badania palpacyjnego mięśni głowy i szyi wg Festy. Dane zostały poddane analizie statystycznej z uwzględnieniem wskaźnika p-value 0.05). Wnioski. Choroby tarczycy mają wpływ na objawy bezpośrednie i pośrednie dysfunkcji URNŻ. Aczkolwiek nie wykazano statystycznie istotnych różnic pomiędzy rodzajami chorób tarczycy a objawami dysfunkcji URNŻ.Introduction. Endocrine disorders have influence on the functioning of almost the whole body. Thyroid diseases affect 2-5% of society, more often in women and the elderly. The aim of the study. The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was The aim of the study was to present an impact of thyroid diseases on temporomanidbular disorders (TMD). Materials and methods. Research material was a retrospective medical records of 322 patients aged (40,2 ±10,6 years) with the Questionnaires of Manual Functional Analysis of masticatory system (MFA) due to DC/TMD of patients with TMD, who underwent physiotherapy for TMD in Dentists Clinic in Kraków, from November 2017 to April 2018. Fourty four (40,2 ±10,6 years) patients with TMD and cooccurring thyroid diseases was isolated and divided according to the diagnosis of thyroid disease into four groups: hypothyroidism (N1=13), hyperthyroidism (N2=11), Hashimoto’s disease (N3=11) thyroid nodules (N4=9). A questionnaire of Manual Functional Analysis of masticatory sys-tem (MFA) and a questionnaire for palpation of head and neck muscles according to Festa were used. Statistical processing of the data was conducted considering significance at a p-value 0.05). Conclusions. Thyroid diseases have some influence on signs and symptoms of TMD. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the types of thyroid diseases and the symptoms of TMD

    Posttraumatski rast majki djece s teškoćama u razvoju

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    The psychosocial situation of mothers of children with disabilities is most often analysed in the context of difficulties and support capabilities. Less frequently, it is analysed from the perspective of their personal resources. Posttraumatic growth (PTG) is a phenomenon that points to the constructive, positive consequences of traumatic events or radical life changes that require adaptation. Introducing a child with a disability into a family, and the ongoing stress of raising a child with a disability, can be particularly difficult situations that can promote PTG. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between coping and self-efficacy and PTG in mothers of children with disabilities. The study included 96 mothers of children with autism and mothers of children with profound intellectual disabilities. The study was conducted using The Post-traumatic Growth Inventory, The Coping Orientations to Problem Experienced (COPE), and the General Self-Efficacy Scale. Regression analyses showed the predictive role of coping strategies (such as religion and focus on the problem) and self-efficacy in accounting for PTG variability in mothers of children with disabilities.Psihološka situacija majki djece s teškoćama u razvoju najčešće se analizira u kontekstu njihovih teškoća i kapaciteta za pružanje podrške, a rjeđe se analizira sa stajališta njihovih osobnih resursa. Posttraumatski rast fenomen je koji ukazuje na konstruktivne, pozitivne posljedice traumatskih događaja ili radikalnih životnih promjena koje zahtijevaju prilagodbu. Pojava djeteta s teškoćama u obitelji i kontinuirani stres tijekom podizanja djeteta s teškoćama mogu biti posebno teške situacije koje mogu doprinjeti posttraumatskom rastu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između strategija suočavanja sa stresom, samoučinkovitosti te posttraumatskog rasta kod majki djece s teškoćama u razvoju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 96 majki djece s autizmom i majki djece s teškim intelektualnim teškoćama. Za prikupljanje podataka korištena je poljska verzija Inventara posttraumatskog rasta (PTGI - The Post–Traumatic Growth Inventory), adaptirana verzija upitnika COPE (Coping Orientations to Problem Experienced) i Skala opće samoučinkovitosti (General Self-Efficacy Scale). Regresijska analiza pokazala je prediktivnu ulogu strategija suočavanja sa stresom (poput religije i fokusiranosti na problem), kao i samoučinkovitosti u objašnjavanju varijabiliteta u posttraumatskom rastu majki djece s teškoćama u razvoju