220 research outputs found

    Proses Perizinan Perceraian Bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 45 Tahun 1990

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja alasan hukum perceraian bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan bagaimana proses perizinan perceraian bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 45 Tahun 1990. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Alasan hukum perceraian bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil adalah: pertama, salah satu pihak berbuat zina atau menjadi pemabuk, pemadat, penjudi, dan lain sebagainya yang sukar disembuhkan; kedua, Salah satu pihak meninggalkan pihak lain selam 2 tahun berturut-turut tanpa izin pihak lain dan tanpa alasan yang sah atau karena hal lain di luar kemampuannya; ketiga, salah satu pihak mendapatkan hukuman penjara 5 tahun atau hukuman yang lebih berat setelah perkawinan berlangsung; keempat, salah satu pihak melakukan kekejaman atau penganiayaan berat yang membahayakan pihak lain; kelima, salah satu pihak mendapat cacat badan atau penyakit dengan akibat tidak dapat menjalankan kewajibannya sebagai suami istri; dan keenam antara suami istri terus menerus terjadi perselisihan dan pertengkaran dan tidak ada harapan akan hidup rukun lagi dalam rumah tangga. 2. Proses perizinan perceraian bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil yaitu permohonan izin untuk bercerai harus diajukan secara tertulis oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil kepada Pejabat dan harus dicantumkan secara jelas alasan-alasan hukum bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk bercerai. Permintaan izin diajukan kepada pejabat melalui saluran hierarki atau dilaksanakan sesuai dengan proses internal di lingkungan lembaga atau instansi dan memperhatikan pula jenjang jabatan yang ada dalam struktur lembaga atau instansi yang bersangkutan. Setiap atasan yang menerima permintaan izin harus memberikan pertimbangan. Jika informasi dan penjelasan sudah diperoleh, maka atasan tentu saja memerlukan waktu untuk menguji atau menganalisis pertimbangan apa yang seharusnya diberikan, atau kemudian dapat diteruskan kepada pejabat bersangkutan. Pemberian atau penolakan pemberian izin untuk melakukan perceraian dilakukan oleh pejabat secara tertulis dalam jangka waktu selambat-lambatnya tiga hari terhitung secara imperatif

    Risky Behaviour: Psychological Mechanisms Underpinning Social Media Users’ Engagement

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    Social media has received considerable media attention due to concerns that its use may be linked to risky behaviours, e.g., sharing personal information (Tow, Dell, & Venable, 2010), sexual communication with strangers (Baumgartner, Valkenburg, & Peter, 2010b) and extreme communities that may encourage self-harm and eating disorders (Lewis, Heath, Sornberger, & Arbuthnott, 2012). This thesis identifies who is using social media, what factors influence usage and willingness to engage in online risk behaviour, whether there is a link between content viewed on social media and offline risk behaviour, and the role of extreme communities for users. A mixed method approach is applied to survey and social media data. The first part of the thesis identifies younger users and female users as those most intensively using social media (partially explained by stronger social norms and experiencing more positive outcomes). Attitudes towards risk takers, norms and past behaviour predict willingness to engage in online risk. There is also a link between the content that users view on social media and engaging in offline risk behaviour; this link was stronger for male users. However no age differences were found. The second half of this thesis focuses on online communication around eating disorders and self-harm. Although some content did encourage these behaviours, the majority of the content was of a positive nature and appeared to provide social support for users. These findings suggest that the media portrayal of social media may be misleading. Two important outcomes are highlighted; Firstly, younger users may not necessarily be more vulnerable and, second, that care is needed to ensure that interventions respect the positive side of social media use and limit risks without disrupting potentially positive social networks. Implications include the guiding of such interventions, future research and policy

    Cybersecurity in healthcare: A narrative review of trends, threats and ways forward

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    Electronic healthcare technology is prevalent around the world and creates huge potential to improve clinical outcomes and transform care delivery. However, there are increasing concerns relating to the security of healthcare data and devices. Increased connectivity to existing computer networks has exposed medical devices to new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Healthcare is an attractive target for cybercrime for two fundamental reasons: it is a rich source of valuable data and its defences are weak. Cybersecurity breaches include stealing health information and ransomware attacks on hospitals, and could include attacks on implanted medical devices. Breaches can reduce patient trust, cripple health systems and threaten human life. Ultimately, cybersecurity is critical to patient safety, yet has historically been lax. New legislation and regulations are in place to facilitate change. This requires cybersecurity to become an integral part of patient safety. Changes are required to human behaviour, technology and processes as part of a holistic solution

    Fishes of the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River, Kentucky

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    Six tips for coping when the news is getting to you

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    Chatbots for embarrassing and stigmatizing conditions:could chatbots encourage users to seek medical advice?

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    Background: Chatbots are increasingly being used across a wide range of contexts. Medical chatbots have the potential to improve healthcare capacity and provide timely patient access to health information. Chatbots may also be useful for encouraging individuals to seek an initial consultation for embarrassing or stigmatizing conditions.Method: This experimental study used a series of vignettes to test the impact of different scenarios (experiencing embarrassing vs. stigmatizing conditions, and sexual vs. non-sexual symptoms) on consultation preferences (chatbot vs. doctor), attitudes toward consultation methods, and expected speed of seeking medical advice.Results: The findings show that the majority of participants preferred doctors over chatbots for consultations across all conditions and symptom types. However, more participants preferred chatbots when addressing embarrassing sexual symptoms, compared with other symptom categories. Consulting with a doctor was believed to be more accurate, reassuring, trustworthy, useful and confidential than consulting with a medical chatbot, but also more embarrassing and stressful. Consulting with a medical chatbot was believed to be easier and more convenient, but also more frustrating. Interestingly, people with an overall preference for chatbots believed this method would encourage them to seek medical advice earlier than those who would prefer to consult with a doctor.Conclusions: The findings highlight the potential role of chatbots in addressing embarrassing sexual symptoms. Incorporating chatbots into healthcare systems could provide a faster, more accessible and convenient route to health information and early diagnosis, as individuals may use them to seek earlier consultations

    Lateralis Components of the Acousticolateralis System in the Sunfish Family Centrarchidae

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