7 research outputs found

    Cost and energy efficient operation of converged, reconfigurable optical wireless networks

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    This paper presents a converged fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) based access network architecture featuring wireless services. In order to fulfill the bandwidth demands from end users, a dynamic architecture is proposed with co-existence of LTE, WiMax and UWB technologies. Hybrid wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and a time division multiplexing (TDM) based optical access network offer reconfigurable provision. This enhances the ability to allocate different wavelengths to different optical networking units (ONUs) on demand. In addition, two different channel routing modules (CRMs) are introduced in order to address the cost effectiveness and energy efficiency issues of the proposed network. Take-up rate adaptive-mode operation and traffic-adaptive power management are utilized to optimize the benefits of low investment cost with energy efficiency. Up to 26% power consumption reduction is achieved at the time of minimum traffic conditions while 10% consumption is achieved at the time of maximum traffic conditions. Besides, 23% energy saving can be achieved compared to conventional systems in fully operated stage

    FörutspÄ genomsnittliga svarsuppfattningar pÄ massutskickade meddelanden med RNN

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    This study is concerned with using the popular Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model, and its variants Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), on the novel problem of Sentiment Forecasting (SF). The goal of SF is to predict what the sentiment of a response will be in a conversation, using only the previous utterance. In more every day terms, we want to be able to predict the sentiment of person B’s response to something person A said, before B has said anything and using only A’s utterance. The RNN models were trained on a Swedish email database containing email conversations, where the task was to predict the average sentiment of the response emails to an initial mass-sent business email. The emails didn’t come with sentiment labels, so the Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER) system was used to determine sentiments. Seventy-five training-and-testing experiments were run with varying RNN models and data conditions. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores were used to determine to what extent the models had been able to solve the problem. In particular, the F1 score of the models were compared to the F1 score of a dummy classifier that only answered with positive sentiment, with the success case being that a model was able to reach a higher F1 score than the dummy. The results led to the findings that the varying RNN models performed worse or comparably to the dummy classifier, with only 5 out of 75 experiments resulting in the RNN model reaching a higher F1 score than the positive classifier, and with the average performance of the rare succeeding models only going 2.6 percentage points over the positive only classifier, which isn’t considered worthwhile in relation to the time and resource investment involved in training RNNs. In the end, the results led to the conclusion that the RNN may not be able to solve the problem on its own, and a different approach might be needed. This conclusion is somewhat limited by the fact that more work could have been done on experimenting with the data and pre-processing techniques. The same experiments on a different dataset may show different results. Some of the observations showed that the RNN, particularly the Deep GRU, might be used as the basis for a more complex model. Complex models built on top of RNNs have been shown to be useful on similar research problems within Sentiment Analysis, so this may prove a valuable avenue of research. Denna studie handlade om att anvĂ€nda den populĂ€ra Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) modellen, och dess varianter Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) och Long- Short Term Memory (LSTM), pĂ„ det hittils understuderade problemet Sentiment Forecasting (SF). MĂ„let med SF Ă€r att förutsĂ€ga vad sentimentet av ett svar kommer att vara i en konversation, med endast det tidigare uttalandet. I mer vardagliga termer vill vi kunna förutsĂ€ga kĂ€nslan av person B: s svar pĂ„ nĂ„got som person A sagt, innan B har sagt nĂ„gonting och att vi endast anvĂ€nder A:s yttrande. RNN-modellerna trĂ€nades med en svensk e-postdatabas som innehöll epostkonversationer, dĂ€r uppgiften var att förutsĂ€ga den genomsnittliga kĂ€nslan av svarsmeddelandena till ett initialt utskickat massmeddelande. E-postmeddelandena kom inte med sentimentetiketter, sĂ„ Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)-systemet anvĂ€ndes för att utvinna etiketter. Sjuttio-fem experiment genomfördes med varierande RNN-modeller och dataförhĂ„llanden. Accuracy, precision, recall och F1-score anvĂ€ndes för att avgöra i vilken utstrĂ€ckning modellerna hade kunnat lösa problemet. F1- Score:n för modellerna jĂ€mfördes med F1-Score:n för en dummy-klassificerare som endast svarade med positivt sentiment, med framgĂ„ngsfallet att en modell kunde nĂ„ en högre F1-poĂ€ng Ă€n dummy:n. Resultaten ledde till fynden att de olika RNN-modellerna presterade sĂ€mre eller jĂ€mförbart med dummyklassificeraren, med endast 5 av 75 experiment som resulterade i att RNN-modellen nĂ„dde en högre F1-score Ă€n den positiva klassificeraren, och den genomsnittliga prestandan för de sĂ€llsynta framgĂ„ngsrika modellerna bara kom 2,6 procentenheter över den positiva klassificeraren, vilket inte anses lönsamt i förhĂ„llande till den tid och resursinvestering som Ă€r involverad i trĂ€ning av RNNs. I slutĂ€ndan ledde resultaten till slutsatsen att RNN och dess varianter inte riktigt kan lösa problemet pĂ„ egen hand, och en annan metod kan behövas. Denna slutsats begrĂ€nsas nĂ„got av det faktum att mer arbete kunde ha gjorts med att experimentera med data och förbehandlingstekniker. En annan databas skulle möjligtvis leda till ett annat resultat. NĂ„gra av observationerna visade att RNN, sĂ€rskilt Deep GRU, kan anvĂ€ndas som grund för en mer komplex modell. Komplexa modeller bygga ovanpĂ„ RNNs har visat goda resultat pĂ„ liknande forskningsproblem, och kan vara en vĂ€rdefull forskningsriktning

    Ny pÄ jobbet? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanstÀlldas upplevelse av socialisation inom den privata sektorn

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    Att pÄbörja en ny anstÀllning kan upplevas som en utmaning dÀr kÀnslor som glÀdje och förvÀntan kan förekomma, men Àven osÀkerhet och stress. Det finns flera faktorer som pÄverkar upplevelsen för den nyanstÀllde eftersom organisationer arbetar olika med introduktionsprogram vilket i sin tur har en pÄverkan pÄ den nyanstÀlldes möjlighet till organisatorisk socialisation. Eftersom alla nyanstÀllda gÄr igenom en period av att skapa förstÄelse för de normer som rÄder inom organisationen och dess kultur, vilket bland annat sker vid organisatorisk socialisation, var syftet med studien att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, att finna exempel pÄ hur denna socialisation kan upplevas för nyanstÀllda inom den privata sektorn. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer har materialet bearbetats tematiskt och analyserats utifrÄn organisatorisk socialisation och The Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Av resultatet framgick det att de nyanstÀllda som intervjuades i denna studie har haft ett behov av bÄde en tydlig och strukturerad introduktionsplan pÄ arbetsplatsen men Àven att tillgÄngen till en inkluderande arbetsgemenskap dÀr sociala interaktioner med arbetsledare, kollegor och andra medarbetare Àr betydande vid nyanstÀllning. Studien visar att nyanstÀllda inom den privata sektorn har olika upplevelser kring organisationens sÀtt att tillgodose nyanstÀlldas behov inför de roller som skulle tas och de arbetsuppgifter som skulle hanteras. De upplevde att det fanns andra faktorer som exempelvis sociala möten, relationer och gemenskap som gynnande för att komma in i organisationen och vara delaktig i arbetet. Respondenterna upplevde att med en tydlig planering i kombination med en arbetsledare i organisationen som fanns tillgÀnglig under den första perioden vid nyanstÀllningen, skapades en trygghet och sÀkerhet som i sin tur minskade graden av den initiala osÀkerheten. Slutligen presenterade resultaten vÀrdet av den sociala gemenskapen i form av sociala integration pÄ arbetsplatsen dÀr rolltydligheten uppnÄddes genom organisatorisk socialisation.Starting a new job can be experienced as a challenging since emotions such as joy and anticipation can occur, but also insecurity and stress. There are several factors that affect the experience for the newly hired employee because organizations work differently with introductory programs, which in turn has an impact on the new employee's opportunity for organizational socialization. Since all new employees go through a period of creating an understanding of the norms that prevail within the organization and its culture, which includes organizational socialization, the purpose of the study was to, through semi-structured interviews, examine how socialization is experienced for new employees within the private sector. Through semi-structured interviews, the material has been processed thematically and analyzed based on organizational socialization and The Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The results showed that new employees have a need for both a clear and structured introduction plan in the workplace but also access to an inclusive work community where social interactions with supervisors, colleagues and other employees are significant in new hires. The study shows that new employees in the private sector have different experiences about the organization's way of meeting the needs of new employees before the roles that would be taken and the tasks that would be handled. They felt that other factors such as social meetings, relationships, and community beneficial to get into the organization and be involved in the work. The respondents experienced that with a clear planning in combination with a supervisor in the organization who was available during the first period of the new employment, a security and safety was created which in turn reduced the degree of initial uncertainty. Finally, the results presented the value of the social community in the form of social integration in the workplace where role clarity was achieved through organizational socialization

    FörutspÄ genomsnittliga svarsuppfattningar pÄ massutskickade meddelanden med RNN

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    This study is concerned with using the popular Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model, and its variants Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), on the novel problem of Sentiment Forecasting (SF). The goal of SF is to predict what the sentiment of a response will be in a conversation, using only the previous utterance. In more every day terms, we want to be able to predict the sentiment of person B’s response to something person A said, before B has said anything and using only A’s utterance. The RNN models were trained on a Swedish email database containing email conversations, where the task was to predict the average sentiment of the response emails to an initial mass-sent business email. The emails didn’t come with sentiment labels, so the Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER) system was used to determine sentiments. Seventy-five training-and-testing experiments were run with varying RNN models and data conditions. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores were used to determine to what extent the models had been able to solve the problem. In particular, the F1 score of the models were compared to the F1 score of a dummy classifier that only answered with positive sentiment, with the success case being that a model was able to reach a higher F1 score than the dummy. The results led to the findings that the varying RNN models performed worse or comparably to the dummy classifier, with only 5 out of 75 experiments resulting in the RNN model reaching a higher F1 score than the positive classifier, and with the average performance of the rare succeeding models only going 2.6 percentage points over the positive only classifier, which isn’t considered worthwhile in relation to the time and resource investment involved in training RNNs. In the end, the results led to the conclusion that the RNN may not be able to solve the problem on its own, and a different approach might be needed. This conclusion is somewhat limited by the fact that more work could have been done on experimenting with the data and pre-processing techniques. The same experiments on a different dataset may show different results. Some of the observations showed that the RNN, particularly the Deep GRU, might be used as the basis for a more complex model. Complex models built on top of RNNs have been shown to be useful on similar research problems within Sentiment Analysis, so this may prove a valuable avenue of research. Denna studie handlade om att anvĂ€nda den populĂ€ra Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) modellen, och dess varianter Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) och Long- Short Term Memory (LSTM), pĂ„ det hittils understuderade problemet Sentiment Forecasting (SF). MĂ„let med SF Ă€r att förutsĂ€ga vad sentimentet av ett svar kommer att vara i en konversation, med endast det tidigare uttalandet. I mer vardagliga termer vill vi kunna förutsĂ€ga kĂ€nslan av person B: s svar pĂ„ nĂ„got som person A sagt, innan B har sagt nĂ„gonting och att vi endast anvĂ€nder A:s yttrande. RNN-modellerna trĂ€nades med en svensk e-postdatabas som innehöll epostkonversationer, dĂ€r uppgiften var att förutsĂ€ga den genomsnittliga kĂ€nslan av svarsmeddelandena till ett initialt utskickat massmeddelande. E-postmeddelandena kom inte med sentimentetiketter, sĂ„ Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER)-systemet anvĂ€ndes för att utvinna etiketter. Sjuttio-fem experiment genomfördes med varierande RNN-modeller och dataförhĂ„llanden. Accuracy, precision, recall och F1-score anvĂ€ndes för att avgöra i vilken utstrĂ€ckning modellerna hade kunnat lösa problemet. F1- Score:n för modellerna jĂ€mfördes med F1-Score:n för en dummy-klassificerare som endast svarade med positivt sentiment, med framgĂ„ngsfallet att en modell kunde nĂ„ en högre F1-poĂ€ng Ă€n dummy:n. Resultaten ledde till fynden att de olika RNN-modellerna presterade sĂ€mre eller jĂ€mförbart med dummyklassificeraren, med endast 5 av 75 experiment som resulterade i att RNN-modellen nĂ„dde en högre F1-score Ă€n den positiva klassificeraren, och den genomsnittliga prestandan för de sĂ€llsynta framgĂ„ngsrika modellerna bara kom 2,6 procentenheter över den positiva klassificeraren, vilket inte anses lönsamt i förhĂ„llande till den tid och resursinvestering som Ă€r involverad i trĂ€ning av RNNs. I slutĂ€ndan ledde resultaten till slutsatsen att RNN och dess varianter inte riktigt kan lösa problemet pĂ„ egen hand, och en annan metod kan behövas. Denna slutsats begrĂ€nsas nĂ„got av det faktum att mer arbete kunde ha gjorts med att experimentera med data och förbehandlingstekniker. En annan databas skulle möjligtvis leda till ett annat resultat. NĂ„gra av observationerna visade att RNN, sĂ€rskilt Deep GRU, kan anvĂ€ndas som grund för en mer komplex modell. Komplexa modeller bygga ovanpĂ„ RNNs har visat goda resultat pĂ„ liknande forskningsproblem, och kan vara en vĂ€rdefull forskningsriktning

    Ant Colony Optimization Algoritmer : Feromontekniker för TSP

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) uses behaviour observed in real-life ant colonies in order to solve shortest path problems. Short paths are found with the use of pheromones, which allow ants to communicate indirectly. There are numerous pheromone distribution techniques for virtual ant systems and this thesis studies two of the most well known, Elitist and Max-Min. Implementations of Elitist and Max-Min ACO algorithms were tested using instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The performance of the different techniques are compared with respect to runtime, iterations and approximation quality when the optimal solution could not be found. It was found that the Elitist strategy performs better on small TSP instances where the number of possible paths are reduced. However, Max-Min proved to be more reliable and better performing when more paths could be chosen or size of the instances increased. When approximating solutions for large instances, Elitist was able to achieve high quality approximations faster than Max-Min. On the other hand, the overall quality of the approximations were better when Max-Min was studied after a slightly longer runtime, compared to Elitist.Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) drar lärdom av beteende observerat hos riktiga myror för att lösa kortaste vägen problem. Korta vägar hittas med hjälp av feromoner, som tillåter myror att kommunicera indirekt. Det finns flera tekniker för att distribuera feromoner i virtuella myr-system och denna rapport kommer studera två av de mest kända, Elitist och Max-Min. Implementationer av Elitist och Max-Min ACO algoritmer testades med instanser av Handelsresandeproblemet (TSP). Prestandan hos de olika teknikerna jämförs med avseende på körtid, iterationer och approximeringskvalité när den optimala lösningen inte kunde hittas. Det konstaterades att Elitist strategin fungerar bättre på små TSP instanser där antalet möjliga stigar är begränsade. Däremot visade det sig Max-Min vara bättre och mer pålitlig när instansernas storlek ökades eller när fler stigar kunde väljas. När lösningar approximerades för stora instanser kunde Elitist uppnå approximationer med god kvalité snabbare än Max-Min. Däremot var den generella kvalitén hos approximationerna bättre när Max-Min studerades efter en lite längre körtid, jämfört med Elitist

    Ant Colony Optimization Algoritmer : Feromontekniker för TSP

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) uses behaviour observed in real-life ant colonies in order to solve shortest path problems. Short paths are found with the use of pheromones, which allow ants to communicate indirectly. There are numerous pheromone distribution techniques for virtual ant systems and this thesis studies two of the most well known, Elitist and Max-Min. Implementations of Elitist and Max-Min ACO algorithms were tested using instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The performance of the different techniques are compared with respect to runtime, iterations and approximation quality when the optimal solution could not be found. It was found that the Elitist strategy performs better on small TSP instances where the number of possible paths are reduced. However, Max-Min proved to be more reliable and better performing when more paths could be chosen or size of the instances increased. When approximating solutions for large instances, Elitist was able to achieve high quality approximations faster than Max-Min. On the other hand, the overall quality of the approximations were better when Max-Min was studied after a slightly longer runtime, compared to Elitist.Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) drar lärdom av beteende observerat hos riktiga myror för att lösa kortaste vägen problem. Korta vägar hittas med hjälp av feromoner, som tillåter myror att kommunicera indirekt. Det finns flera tekniker för att distribuera feromoner i virtuella myr-system och denna rapport kommer studera två av de mest kända, Elitist och Max-Min. Implementationer av Elitist och Max-Min ACO algoritmer testades med instanser av Handelsresandeproblemet (TSP). Prestandan hos de olika teknikerna jämförs med avseende på körtid, iterationer och approximeringskvalité när den optimala lösningen inte kunde hittas. Det konstaterades att Elitist strategin fungerar bättre på små TSP instanser där antalet möjliga stigar är begränsade. Däremot visade det sig Max-Min vara bättre och mer pålitlig när instansernas storlek ökades eller när fler stigar kunde väljas. När lösningar approximerades för stora instanser kunde Elitist uppnå approximationer med god kvalité snabbare än Max-Min. Däremot var den generella kvalitén hos approximationerna bättre när Max-Min studerades efter en lite längre körtid, jämfört med Elitist