704 research outputs found


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    This study examines the attitudes of junior high school students in Indonesia towards Indonesian language subjects in junior high schools digitally and distance learning amidst the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Students in grades I-III were surveyed to find their perspective on learning Indonesian online in Indonesia. The findings of this study aim that online learning in Indonesian language lessons cannot provide the desired results in developing countries such as Indonesia, where most students cannot access the internet due to technical and financial problems. Lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers, less response time and lack of socialization in class are some of the other problems that junior high school students highlight in learning Indonesian.Studi penelitian ini mengkaji sikap siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Indonesia terhadap mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Menengah Pertama secara digital dan pembelajaran jarak jauh di tengah Coronavirus (COVID-19). SIswa kelas I-III disurvei untuk menemukan perspektif mereka tentang pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia secara online di Indoensia. Temuan penelitian ini menyoroti bahwa pembelajaran online pada pelajaran bahasa Indonesia tidak dapat memberikan hasil yang diinginkan di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, dimana sebagian besar siswa tidak dapat mengakses internet karena masalah teknis dan keuangan. Kurangnya interaksi tatap muka dengan pengajar, waktu respon yang kurang dan tidak adanya sosialisasi di kelas adalah beberapa masalah lain yang disoroti oleh siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia

    Bahan ajar pemantauan dan pembinaan pendidikan keaksaraan melalui TIK

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    Keberadaan bahan ajar diharapkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah tugas tutor, sehingga menciptakan proses dan hasil pembelajaran keaksaraan dasar melalui optimalisasi piranti handphone (HP) yang berkualitas, sehingga warga belajar yang terlibat dalam pembelajarannya dapat meningkatkan dan memelihara komp etensi keberaksaraannya secara mandiri. Semoga keberadaan bahan ajar ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan rujukan serta panduan untuk pencapaian tujuan dari pembelajaran keaksaraan dasar yang mengoptimalkan piranti HP sebagai media pendukung penumbuhan, peningkatan, dan pemeliharaan kompetensi keaksaraan warga belajar program pendidikan keaksaraan melalui TI

    Implementasi Sistem Kenaikan Pangkat Otomatis Berbasis Online pada Kantor Regional VI Badan Kepegawaian Negara di Kota Medan

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    The implementation of a system of automatic promotion based online is one of the policies formulated by the state human resources agency in the letter to be no d-26 / 30 / v-99, explained one about the automatic promotion. This policy was made with the aim of accelerating, promotion because previously promotion often. The purpose of this study to described the made in automatic promotion system based on online and implemented in regional offices VI employment agency state in the city of Medan. This study using theory Van Meter van Horn. Descriptive methodes used is the method with a qualitative approach using theory Van Meter van Horn policy covering standards and objectives, resources, the in automatic promotion system based on online and implemented in relationship between organization (communication), characteristic of implementing agent, the social conditions, economic and political implementor and disposition. In this research data collection techniques used technique interview, observation and documentation . The result of the research indicated that the implementation of a system of automatic promotion based online at regional offices VI national civil service agency in the city of Medan was doing well, conforming to the standards and objectives set policy. Although the performance of the employee has been optimized with computerized there are still some obstacles in implementing this policy, because there are a lot of the implementing agency involved. &nbsp

    Bahan ajar pengembangan penilaian: pendidikan keaksaraan melalui teknologi informasi &komunikasi

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    Keberadaan bahan ajar diharapkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah tugas tutor, sehingga menciptakan proses dan hasil pembelajaran keaksaraan dasar melalui optimalisasi piranti handphone (HP) yang berkualitas, sehingga warga belajar yang terlibat dalam pembelajarannya dapat meningkatkan dan memelihara komp etensi keberaksaraannya secara mandiri. Akhir kata, semoga keberadaan bahan ajar ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan rujukan serta panduan untuk pencapaian tujuan dari pembelajaran keaksaraan dasar yang mengoptimalkan piranti HP sebagai media pendukung penumbuhan, peningkatan, dan pemeliharaan kompetensi keaksaraan warga belajar program pendidikan keaksaraan melalui TI


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    This study aims at describing a model of andragogical development implemented by the leaders of Toriqoh Naqsabandiyah Jabal Qubis to empower their followers’ spirit to work. It is conducted at the non-formal institution of Naqsabandiyah Jabal Qubis by using phenomenological qualitative approach. The data of this research consist of the results of observation, deep interview, and focus group discussion. The data sources of this study are the top leader, the big chaliph, the old chaliph, and the young caliph. The data were analysed by the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana’s (2014) technique namely data condensation, data display, dan verification. The trustworthiness of this study is established through source and methodological triangulations. The findings of this research show that a model of andragogical development in empowering the followers’ spirit is applied through 4 steps : planning, developing, evaluating, doing follow-up, as well as their impacts

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani melalui Sistem Integrasi Tanaman Padi-ternak Sapi di Desa Jaro Kecamatan Jaro Kabupaten Tabalong (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani “Tani Membangun”)

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    This Research aims to determine how much it costs, revenue and income of farmers through an integration system of rice-breeding cattle crops in the farmers group “Tani Membangun” in Jaro village Jaro District Tabalong Regency. The method used is observation method, data collection was conducted from March until June 2015. The data analysis used is quantitative analysis. Quantitative data includes the revenue and expenses incurred farmers in the integration system of rice-breeding cattle crops such as variable costs and fixed costs. Element of total revenue and total cost of measurement is based on the measurement indicators. Descriptive statistical analysis is the analysis of the data used in this research to calculate the average income. The results of this research shows that the total costs is Rp.37.527.195,-/year, total revenue in the amount Rp.90.025.454,-/year and the income earned Rp.56.170.067,-/year with an average area of land owned 0,8 ha and 2,6 livestock ownership and production of livestock waste (fases) in the form organicfertilizer 711,6 kg/year

    The Difference of Satisfaction Level in BPJS Health Insurance Patient and Non Insurance Patient Toward Health Service

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    National Health Insurance (JKN) developed in Indonesia is part of the National Social Insurance System (SJSN). One way to assess the services quality is to measure the patient satisfaction level. This research is a quantitative research with the cross sectional research design. The subjects of this research were the BPJS health insurance patients and non insurance patients with 200 people as the samples. The data was analyzed by the independent t-test, gap analysis, CSI (Customer satisfation index) and IPA (Importance performance analysis). The result showed that significant (ρ value >0,05) in all dimensions which mean that there is no difference of patient satisfaction level in Social Security Organizing Body (BPJS) participants and non insurance patients toward health services in Negara General Hospital. The biggest satisfaction in non insurance patients is on the Assurance variable (-1,002) and the smallest satisfaction is on the Tangibles variable (-1,357) and the biggest satisfaction of BPJS health insurance patients is on Assurance variable (-1,085) and their smallest satisfaction is on Responsiveness variable (-1,367). The non insurance patients gap is (-0,217) and the BPJS health insurance patients gap is (-1,206), both of them were classified into low satisfaction level. The result of Importance performance analysis value of non insurance patient showed Responsiveness attributes that should be prioritized and improved while in BPJS health patients showed Responsiveness and Reliability attributes that should be prioritized and improved by Negara General Hospital

    Penggunaan Media Audio Visual untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Huruf Pada Anak Usia Dini di RA Amanah Amaliyah

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    Kemampuan mengenal huruf merupakan pondasi atau kemampuan awal di bidang bahasa dan keaksaraan yang harus dimiliki anak agar dapat memahami informasi dalam bentuk tulisan. Namun hasil observasi awal di RA Amanah Amaliyah menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mengenal huruf anak usia dini belum semuanya berkembang optimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan media audio visual untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal huruf pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) desain Kurt Lewin melalui empat tahapan dan dua siklus. Subjek pada penelitian ini yaitu anak usia 4-5 tahun. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman wawancara dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran pada siklus I sebanyak 13 orang (65%) yang tuntas dalam pembelajaran dengan nilai rata-rata 15,05 dan pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan sebanyak 20 orang (100%) tuntas dalam pembelajaran dengan nilai rata-rata 23,6. Pada penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa anak lebih semangat dan antusias dalam mengikuti pembelajaran karena media audio visual mendukung anak berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan menarik perhatian anak
