23 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Nature-Based Solution and Smart City Assessment Schemes Against the Sustainable Development Goal Indicator Framework

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    Increasing global urbanization yields substantial potential for enhanced sustainability through careful management of urban development and optimized resource use efficiency. Nature-based solutions (NBS) can provide a means for cities to successfully navigate the water-energy-climate relationship, thus enhancing urban resilience. Implementation of NBS can improve local or regional economic resilience underpinned by the sustainable use of natural resources. The innovative governance, institutional, business, and finance models and frameworks inherent to NBS implementation also provide a wealth of opportunity for social transformation and increased social inclusiveness in cities. The ultimate benefit of NBS implementation in cities is increased livability, which is typically measured as a function of multiple social, economic and environmental variables. Given the range of different interventions classified as NBS and the cross-sectoral character of their co-benefits, different assessment schemes can be used to evaluate NBS performance and impact. Herein, performance and impact indicators within three robust NBS- and Smart City-related assessment schemes—Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES), Knowledge and Learning Mechanism on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (EKLIPSE), and Smart City Performance Measurement Framework (CITYkeys)—were critically analyzed with respect to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” Each selected assessment scheme was benchmarked with respect to the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators' global indicator framework for the sub-objectives of SDG 11. The alignment between each of the selected NBS assessment schemes and the SDG indicator framework was mapped with particular emphasis on consistency with city-level framework indicators for each SDG 11 sub-objective. The results were illustrated as composite scores describing the alignment of the analyzed NBS and Smart city assessment schemes with the SDG 11 sub-objectives. These results facilitate NBS assessment scheme selection based on alignment between each analyzed assessment scheme and specific SDG 11 sub-objectives. Cities face multiple challenges amidst a complex hierarchy of legislative, regulatory and other stakeholder obligations. The present study showed that strategic selection of an NBS assessment scheme which closely aligns with one or more sub-objectives within SDG 11 can maximize operational efficiency by exploiting synergies between evaluation schemes

    Policies as drivers for circular economy in the construction sector in the nordics

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    A circular economy (CE) represents the key alternative to the linear ‘take-make-consume-dispose’ economic model, that still predominates in the construction sector. This study investigates how policies support CE-focused businesses in the construction sector in the Nordics. A literature review, the creation of a database, a review of Nordic actors with a CE focus, and targeted interviews with actors across the value chain of the construction sector in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden enabled us to benchmark the CE policy landscape and assess how CE policies at different levels support CE business models in the construction sector. The results show that the construction sector is well represented in the CE policy frameworks and that many business opportunities are created when national and local policies are put into practice. The implementation of policies is mainly done via three key concepts, i.e., planning, requirements for sustainable constructions, and requirements for public procurement. It can be concluded that policies are drivers for the implementation of a CE and support CE business models in the Nordics

    Selvitys erÀiden jÀtteiden ja rejektien kÀsittelykapasiteetin sekÀ muutaman jÀteperÀisen materiaalin markkinan tilanteesta Suomessa

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    TÀssÀ työssÀ selvitettiin ympÀristöministeriön toimeksiannosta erÀiden keskeiseksi arvioitujen orgaanispitoisten jÀtteiden ja rejektien kÀsittelykapasiteetin sekÀ muutaman jÀteperÀisen kierrÀtysmateriaalin markkinan tilannetta Suomessa. Tarkastelu kohdistui tÀssÀ lÀhinnÀ jÀtteiden ja materiaalien ominaisuuksiin sekÀ yleisellÀ tasolla kÀsittelytavan teknistaloudellisiin reunaehtoihin sekÀ niiden vaikutuksiin kÀsittelymahdollisuuksien kannalta. Selvityksen perusteella runsaasti orgaanista ainesta sisÀltÀvien, erityisesti energia-hyödyntÀmiseen tai kemialliseen kierrÀtykseen soveltuvien teollisuuden ja kaupan jÀtteiden kÀsittelykapasiteettiin liittyy tÀllÀ hetkellÀ Suomessa merkittÀviÀ haasteita. NÀiden jÀtteiden kotimainen vastaanotto- ja varastointikapasiteetti on maksimissaan, mikÀ edellyttÀÀ lyhyellÀ tÀhtÀimellÀ viennin lisÀÀmistÀ ja energiahyödyntÀmiskapasiteetin kasvattamista. Myös uusia kierrÀtyssovelluksia tulisi alkaa aktiivisemmin kehittÀÀ ja ottaa kÀyttöön. Nykyisin kierrÀtysmarkkinoilla olevien jÀteperÀisten kierrÀtysmateriaalien kysyntÀ on sekÀ energiantuotannossa ettÀ kierrÀtysraaka-ainemarkkinoilla erittÀin heikkoa. Vuoden vaihteessa 2018 Kiina lisÀksi kielsi jÀtemuovin tuonnin ulkomailta. Osa Suomenkin kaupan ja teollisuuden muovipakkausjÀtteitÀ on aiemmin kuljetettu Kiinaan kierrÀtettÀvÀksi. Heikko teollisuuden ja kaupan jÀtteistÀ valmistettujen kierrÀtysmateriaalien kysyntÀtilanne heijastuu kÀsittelykeskuksissa varastointitarpeen kasvuna, mitÀ on edelleen lisÀnnyt talouden elpymisestÀ sekÀ vilkkaasta rakentamisesta ja korjausrakentamisesta johtuva kasvava kÀsittelyyn tulevan jÀtteen mÀÀrÀ ja nÀin myös tuotetun kierrÀtysmateriaalien mÀÀrÀÀ

    Towards a breakthrough in nutrient recycling : State-of-the-art and recommendations for developing policy instruments in Finland

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    The report has been complemented on 11.9.2018This report describes the state-of-the-art in phosphorus and nitrogen recycling in Finland and looks at basic data on the volumes and geographical distribution of biomasses and their nutrients. Based on this data, the report makes proposals for measures aiming to promote nutrient recycling. This report was prepared collaboratively by experts at the institutions making up the Finnish Partnership for Research on Natural Resources and the Environment (LYNET) to underpin a national action plan on nutrient recycling. Of all sectors in Finland, agriculture is the largest user and recycler of phosphorus and nitrogen. Different biomasses contain an annual total of approximately 26,000 t of recyclable phosphorus, which exceeds the fertilisation needs of grasslands and cereal crops in the entire area of Finland. The volume of nitrogen contained in biomasses is approximately 95,000 t. Still, approx. 11,000 t of phosphorus and 152,000 t of nitrogen are annually used in Finland as conventional inorganic fertilisers. There is a regional imbalance between manure production and crop nutrient requirements. The breakthrough in nutrient recycling means increased implementation of manure processing, thus making manure nutrients easier to transport and reducing the use of conventional inorganic fertilisers. At minimum 20% of the entire volume of manure generated in Finland will require advanced processing to enable long-distance transport of the manure phosphorus to areas in need of it. This requires separation of water. The highest demand for advanced processing is experienced in the regions of Ostrobothnia (approx. 60% at minimum), South Ostrobothnia and Satakunta (approx. 30 %) and Southwest Finland (13%). In the agricultural sector, fertilisation is currently guided by a wide array of different policy instruments, which make up an incoherent and unstructured whole. The instruments cause considerable amounts of regulatory burden, but appear to do little to promote sustainable nutrient recycling. This report proposes a total reform of the policy instruments to boost the recycling of nutrients. All legal standards related to fertilisation should be merged into a single statute, for example by developing the Nitrate Decree. At the same time, the current policy that controls nutrient use via the EU agri-environmental scheme should be abandoned, and the role of the environmental permit for livestock installations and its relationship with general regulatory instruments be clarified. A field plot specific nutrient database should be created to support guidance. The knowledge base of nutrient recycling should be developed by creating and maintaining a comprehensive data system on the quantities, properties and locations of nutrient-rich biomasses and ashes and their current processing methods. The report also proposes setting regional processing targets for livestock manure. Key objectives should include reducing excessive fertilisation in crop production. The goal of normative guidance should be nutrient use according to the crop needs.201

    Kohti ravinteiden kierrÀtyksen lÀpimurtoa : Nykytila ja suositukset ohjauskeinojen kehittÀmiseksi Suomessa

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    Julkaisua tÀydennetty 11.9.2018Raportti kuvaa fosforin ja typen kierrÀtyksen nykytilanteen Suomessa ml. perustiedot biomassojen ja niiden sisÀltÀmien ravinteiden mÀÀristÀ sekÀ alueellisesta jakaumasta. Esitettyjen tietojen pohjalta annetaan toimenpide-ehdotuksia ravinteiden kierrÀtyksen edistÀmiseksi. Luonnonvara- ja ympÀristötutkimuksen yhteenliittymÀ LYNET:iin kuuluvien laitosten asiantuntijoiden yhteistyönÀ toteutettu selvitys tehtiin taustaksi kansalliselle ravinteiden kierrÀtyksen toimintaohjelmalle. Suomessa maatalous on yksittÀisistÀ toimialoista suurin fosforin ja typen kÀyttÀjÀ ja myös kierrÀttÀjÀ. Erilaiset biomassat sisÀltÀvÀt vuositasolla kierrÀtettÀvissÀ olevaa fosforia yhteensÀ noin 26 000 tonnia, mikÀ on enemmÀn kuin koko Suomen nurmien ja viljojen lannoitustarve. TyppeÀ biomassat sisÀltÀvÀt noin 95 000 tonnia. Kuitenkin Suomessa kÀytetÀÀn vuosittain perinteisinÀ epÀorgaanisina lannoitteina noin 11 000 t fosforia ja 152 000 t typpeÀ. Noin 20 % Suomen lantafosforista muodostuu alueilla, joilla sen mÀÀrÀ on suurempi kuin kasvien tarve. Lantafosforia tulisi siten kuljettaa muille alueille korvaamaan perinteisiÀ epÀorgaanisia fosforilannoitteita. Kuljettaminen edellyttÀÀ yleensÀ prosessointia, mm. veden poistoa. Myös muiden biomassojen kÀsittelyssÀ on tarpeen ottaa kÀyttöön ravinteita tehokkaammin kierrÀttÀviÀ teknologioita. Maataloussektorilla lannoitusta ohjataan useiden ohjauskeinojen palapelillÀ, josta on muodostunut epÀyhtenÀinen ja jÀsentymÀtön kokonaisuus. NykyisellÀÀn ohjaus aiheuttaa huomattavaa sÀÀntelytaakkaa, mutta sen merkitys kestÀvÀn ravinnekierrÀtyksen edistÀjÀnÀ vaikuttaa heikolta. Raportissa ehdotetaan mm. ravinteiden kÀytön ohjauskeinojen kokonaisuudistusta, jossa luotaisiin yleinen kaikkea viljelyÀ ja lannoittamista koskeva sÀÀdös esim. nitraattiasetusta kehittÀmÀllÀ. Samalla luovuttaisiin ympÀristökorvausjÀrjestelmÀn nykyisenkaltaisesta ravinteiden kÀytön ohjauksesta ja selkeytettÀisiin elÀinsuojan ympÀristöluvan roolia ja suhdetta yleiseen normiohjaukseen. Ohjauksen tueksi luotaisiin peltolohkokohtainen ravinnetietokanta. Ravinteiden kierrÀtyksen tietopohjaa tulisi kehittÀÀ luomalla kattava ja pÀivitettÀvÀ tietojÀrjestelmÀ ravinnerikkaiden biomassojen ja tuhkan syntypaikoista, mÀÀristÀ, ominaisuuksista ja nykykÀsittelyistÀ. TuotantoelÀinten lannoille ehdotetaan asetettavaksi alueelliset prosessointitavoitteet. KeskeisenÀ tavoitteena tulisi olla ylilannoituksen vÀhentÀminen kasvintuotannossa ja siirtyminen kasvien tarpeen mukaiseen lannoitukseen.201

    Policies as Drivers for Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in the Nordics

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    A circular economy (CE) represents the key alternative to the linear ‘take-make-consume-dispose’ economic model, that still predominates in the construction sector. This study investigates how policies support CE-focused businesses in the construction sector in the Nordics. A literature review, the creation of a database, a review of Nordic actors with a CE focus, and targeted interviews with actors across the value chain of the construction sector in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden enabled us to benchmark the CE policy landscape and assess how CE policies at different levels support CE business models in the construction sector. The results show that the construction sector is well represented in the CE policy frameworks and that many business opportunities are created when national and local policies are put into practice. The implementation of policies is mainly done via three key concepts, i.e., planning, requirements for sustainable constructions, and requirements for public procurement. It can be concluded that policies are drivers for the implementation of a CE and support CE business models in the Nordics

    WEEE Plastics Recycling : A guide to enhancing the recovery of plasticsfrom waste electrical and electronic equipment

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    The purpose of this guide is to inform and assist different stakeholders in the Nordic region to enhance the recycling of plastic materials from WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Waste. It presents recommendations to various parties: consumers, authorities and policy-makers, recyclers and waste operators, as well as electronics producers.The guide was compiled as part of the Nordic Prime Ministers’ initiative, The Nordic Region – leading in green growth. Read more at www.norden.org/greengrowth or in the web magazine Green Growth the Nordic Way at www.nordicway.or

    Plastic value chains: Case: WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) : Part 2 Report

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    This project identifies improvements in plastics recycling from Nordic electronic waste. Limited improvement is possible through modest changes in the existing value chain, such as ensuring that wastes are directed as intended. But for the most part, enhanced plastics recycling implies higher costs. The necessary changes could be driven in part through revised policy and regulatory instruments. These changes might, in turn, encourage more positive engagement from electronics producers. The report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers' overall green growth initiative: “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth”. Read more in the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at www.nordicway.org or at www.norden.org/greengrowt

    Plastic value chains : Case: WEEE (Waste Electric and electronic equipment) in the Nordic region

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    This project identifies thousands of tonnes per annum of potential enhanced plastics recycling from Nordic electronic waste. Plastics recycling does not always feature prominently in waste treatment. Recycling is technologically viable although the market and economic landscape is challenging. Easy export markets for waste plastic are largely closed and near-source treatment is increasingly needed. Concerns include issues of quality and worries about hazardous materials. Positively engaging electronics producers - beyond the bare punitive requirements within extended responsibility schemes – is a crucial driver for further developments. The report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers’ overall green growth initiative: “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth”. Read more in the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at www.nordicway.org or at www.norden.org/greengrowth The report for Part 2 will be published in December 2014