1,077 research outputs found

    Non-linear Realisation of the N=2, D=6 Supergravity

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    We have applied the method of dualisation to construct the coset realisation of the bosonic sector of the N=2, D=6 supergravity which is coupled to a tensor multiplet. The bosonic field equations are regained through the Cartan-Maurer equation which the Cartan form satisfies. The first-order formulation of the theory is also obtained as a twisted self-duality condition within the non-linear coset construction.Comment: 11 page

    Algebraic Integration of Sigma Model Field Equations

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    We prove that the dualization algebra of the symmetric space coset sigma model is a Lie algebra and we show that it generates an appropriate adjoint representation which enables the local integration of the field equations yielding the first-order ones.Comment: 27p

    On the Symmetric Space Sigma-Model Kinematics

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    The solvable Lie algebra parametrization of the symmetric spaces is discussed. Based on the solvable Lie algebra gauge two equivalent formulations of the symmetric space sigma model are studied. Their correspondence is established by inspecting the normalization conditions and deriving the field transformation laws.Comment: 17 page

    Histopathologic and immunohistochemical investigations of dental abscess formed in maxillofacial area

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    Background: An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms around the root of an infected tooth. In this study, we aimed to investigate the extracellular matrix proteases ADAMTS1, ADAMTS4, osteonectin, and osteopontin expressions in abscess fluid cells in jaws after implantation and prosthesis operation. Materials and methods: In this clinical study, abscess fluids belonging to 17 patients who applied to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery were examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically. In the histopathological examination of the abscess fluid, separation of chromatin bridges in the nuclei of neutrophil cells, pyknosis and apoptotic changes in the nucleus, degenerative change in the cytoplasm, and occasional vacuolar structures were observed. Results: The positive reaction of ADAMTS1 was observed in fibroblast cells, plasma cells, and macrophage cells. The positive reaction of ADAMTS4 was observed in fibroblast cells, osteoclast cells, and some apoptotic leukocyte cells. Osteopontin expression in osteoclastic cells and polymorphonuclear cells was defined as positive. Osteonectin expression was positive in polymorphonuclear leukocytes and hypertrophic fibroblast cells. Conclusions: ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS4 may induce bone destruction with its distinctive property in alveolar bone resorption, which promotes the activation of osteoclasts, which can accelerate the destruction of the extracellular matrix in the acute phase. Furthermore, osteoclastic activity increased with the increase of osteonectin and osteopontin protein expression due to inflammation in the abscess cases

    Effect of finishing on performance characteristics of woven and warp-knitted terry fabrics

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    The influence of some finishing processes has been studied on the performance characteristics of woven and warp-knitted terry fabrics with open-end pile warp. Terry fabrics of similar structural parameters have been produced by weaving or warp knitting and then subjected to finishing processes which are commonly applied by the textile industry. Samples are extracted at different stages of the finishing processes. Water absorption behavior, structural parameters, and mechanical properties are evaluated and the results are compared by statistical analysis of the obtained data. It is observed that compared to greige terry fabrics, the finishing treatment increases basis weight and dimensional stability due to shrinkage occurred with relaxation, water absorption rate due to the removal of size and other hydrophobic substances, and elongation ratio because of the elimination of size film during pretreatment processing. Woven terry fabrics give higher strength values and warp-knitted terry fabrics show higher elongation

    Effects of humidity level and IBA dose application on the softwood top cuttings of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) types

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    In this research, the effects of 85-90% relative humidity and ındol-3-butyric acid (IBA) doses on softwood top cuttings of two black mulberry (Types 1 and 2) and one white mulberry (Type 3) types were studied. Cuttings were taken from early June (14 Haziran) and applied to the different IBA doses (0, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ppm). Cuttings were planted in pumice medium under misting system in the greenhouse for 48 days in order to root. The highest rooting percentage was determined from Type 1 (black mulberry) in 2000 and 3000 ppm IBA doses application (100%). The lowest one was control group from Type 2 (black mulberry) which was not rooted. Acording to increase liveliness of the cuttings, rooting percentage increased. Nearly all of the living cuttings were rooted. The highest ratio of cutting callus formation was found to be 2000 and 3000 ppm IBA doses (100%) from Type 1; the lowest one was determined control group of Types 2 and 3 (0.00%). The highest rooting area lenght was found from Type 3 (2.00 cm) and Type 1 (1.92 cm); the lowest one was control group of Type 2 (0.00 cm). With respect to root numbers, the highest value was found from Type 3 (21.73 number/cutting) and Type1 (16.42 number/cutting); the lowest one was control group of Type 2 (0.00 number/cutting). The longest root was determined from 3000 ppm IBA dose of Type 1 (11.23 cm); the highest root branching value was found from Type 3 in 3000 ppm IBA dose (16.20 number/cutting) application

    Role of ZIP14 (SLC39A14) gene histidine rich regions in neural tube defects

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    Neural tube defects (NTDs) comprise a group of congenital malformations that includes spina bifida, anencephaly, meningomyelocele and encephalocele. Reports have implicated zinc deficiency as one of the causative factors of NTDs. Both environmental and genetic factors are involved in the etiology of NTDs. Inadequate folate intake and nutritional deficiency are important environmental risk factors. The aim of this study was to determine the relation of a zinc related gene ZRT and IRT like protein 14 (ZIP14) and neural tube defects in Turkish patients. The case control study included seventy Turkish mothers who gave birth to NTD infants. Two hundred and thirty-nine healthy controls were consecutively selected without any congenital defects or familial NTD history. Following DNA extraction, PCR, SSCP and DNA sequencing analysis of exons of the ZIP14 gene were performed. Our data revealed that no relation of neural tube defects and ZIP14 was detected in Turkish NTD patients. Zinc deficiency have been reported as a risk factor for Turkish population and other possible zinc related gene defects may have importance.Keywords: Neural tube defects (NTDs); Zinc; ZIP1

    Quantal effects on spinodal instabilities in charge asymmetric nuclear matter

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    Quantal effects on growth of spinodal instabilities in charge asymmetric nuclear matter are investigated in the framework of a stochastic mean field approach. Due to quantal effects, in both symmetric and asymmetric matter, dominant unstable modes shift towards longer wavelengths and modes with wave numbers larger than the Fermi momentum are strongly suppressed. As a result of quantum statistical effects, in particular at lower temperatures, magnitude of density fluctuations grows larger than those calculated in semi-classical approximation


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    Ramp handling acts a vital role in sustainable airport operations. The ramp related services provided to aircraft and their passengers at the airports are related to the landing, take-off, unloading and loading of the aircraft. Human resource is a key component in ramp handling operation and errors by employees cause significant accidents or incidents. The main purpose of the current study is to prioritize critical risk factors in ramp handling operations by using an integrated risk management approach and optimizing human performance while minimizing both failures and errors by employees. In this study, an integrated qualitative and quantitative risk assessment method is carried out by considering the factors that affect the possibility of ramp handling personnel errors. Initially, 113 risk factors are identified by using the academic literature, documents prepared by international organizations, and then by consulting expert opinions. Subsequently, a prioritization by professionals working on the ramp handling operations, based on the principles of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method resulted in the final selection of the 41 most important risks. Then, a risk assessment approach is applied by designing a matrix, based on three dimensions; probability, severity (impact) and relation ratio which ultimately resulted in risk index generation and a risk map model is developed. Finally eleven (11) risk factors are identified as they have higher probabilities to occur and possible higher negative consequences. Thanks to the integrated risk assessment applied in this study, it is aimed to ensure that all systems of the organization operate in a safe way and that an efficient safety culture is formed. Allocating a single resource to many risks, instead of facing the risks of the ramp personnel one by one, leads to more efficient use of resources and higher performance of ground handling companies