45 research outputs found


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    Writing is one of English skills that students should master. There are some levels of writing described as follows: word-based writing, sentence-based writing, paragraph-based writing, genre-based writing and academic writing. Due to the above statements, students find it difficult to organize sentences into a coherent paragraph. Thus, the researcher conducts a research on analysis of student responses on a paragraph based writing course which uses a method of circle the sage based on critical thinking. This research uses a method of descriptive analysis. The data are collected using questionnaires to obtain the student responses on course learning of paragraph based writing through a method of circle the sage based on critical thinking. A descriptive-qualitative data analysis is used to analyze the learning achievement of a paragraph-based writing course through a method of circle the sage based on critical thinking. From the research results, it shows that lecturers are expected to use more applicable methods or techniques to enable students to have critical thinking to put their ideas in writing a paragrap


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    This study discussed about an evaluation of textbook analysis entitled “Cambridge English Idiom in Used Advanced” written by written by Felicity O’Dell and Michael McCarthy. In this study, the textbook was analyzed using rubric of textbook evaluation in term of layout and design, activities, language type, materials, subject and content. From the discussion, it can be concluded that the book is suitable for advanced learner in term of the composition, given example, exercises and context

    Problem Based Learning: Supporting Active Student Responding in Writing

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    Students had difficulties to focus and got the idea to write their research report when they asked to finish their writing in certain time.Therefore, the researchers conducted the research on applying Problem Based learning (PBL) to support the Active Student Responding (ASR) in writing. Theobjectives of this research is to describe the studentsresponses in writing academic research especially their final project. The subjects of this study are the eighth semester of Universitas Terbuka who join Pemantapan Kemampuan Profesional subjects. The research methodology is descriptive quantitative.The sampling technique of the research is simple random sampling which uses 20 students from the eighth semester. The data obtained from questionnaire and observation.The reserach study concludes that the application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) encourage students to be creative in writing and enhance studentscritical thinking in solve theproblem. They tend to have a big effort to finish writing on their final project. It can be seen from the means result of studentsconcept learning questionnaire 69.8%. It meant that there were a big motivation from the students to write their research project


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    The use of efficient and appropriate learning media-based learning is needed at all levels of education.  In English language teaching (ELT) at the university level, the use of media can help to improve paragraph writing. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Blended Learning on improving learning outcomes of EFL university students' writing paragraphs in English. This quasi-experimental research entailed non-parametric statistical analysis. The results indicated a statistically significant improvement after getting treatment of blended learning.  The average pretest score was 65.9 and the average posttest score was (86.6) which means higher than the pre-test. These results also indicated that the Blended Learning model stimulated students to explore more ideas in writing activities. In addition, the results of the questionnaire showed that 85% of students were enthusiastic and enjoyed the learning process. Since the dearth of the research sample, further research has to be conducted in a broad research sample to be a more generalizable pedagogical implication.Keywords: blended learning, writing, paragraph


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    When the students want to write, they need patience, grammar understanding, and reading a lot from many resources to create academic articles. These activities are still rarely done by the students from Universitas Terbuka Semarang. They tend to focus on their teaching preparation, teaching performance, lesson plan, and assessment. They think that writing research articles are difficult to do whereas their chances to gather the data are very broaden. To overcome these problems, the researchers apply Task Based Language Teaching to motivate the teachers in writing research articles and to describe their responses on Task Based Language Teaching application. The participants of this study were 28 elementary teachers who continue their study to bachelor degree at UPBJJ UT Semarang. They were in the eight semester of Pokjar Kaliwungu Kendal. They should write academic article to fulfill the tutorial task of Teknik Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah subject. This research used descriptive quantitative method using students’ responses questionnaire. This research result covered that all the activities in the implementing Task Based Language Teaching were good category for the students’ responses in every phase of TBLT (pre task, main task, and post task). Moreover, the questionnaire items also got positive responses from the students’ understanding about TBLT.  Keywords: Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT), students’ response

    Developing Metacognitive Model on In-Service Teacher’s Academic Writing Through Virtual Flipped Classroom

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    The current study has two objectives. The first is to describe the process of developing a metacognitive model on in-service teachers’ academic writing through virtual flipped classrooms and then secondly, to investigate the teachers’ research writing interests using a metacognitive model on in-service teachers’ academic writing through virtual flipped classrooms. This research was conducted in the Demak regency. The researchers also used the Research and Development method. Validation results exemplify that the application of a metacognitive model to academic writing in the in-service teachers through virtual flipped classroom specifically used appropriate teaching materials to be used in classroom teaching, the attention is given to the outcomes of the validation, such as; the concept of conformance indicators, material performance indicators, demonstration indicators, and capability indicators. This proves that the metacognitive model on in-service teachers’ academic writing through virtual flipped classroom applications runs smoothly and according to what is expected. In addition, it has positive interests from the teachers which could give good impact in their writing research article


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    This research is based on the lack of students’capability in composing sentences to be meaningful text. This condition can be seen from the students’writing score which is relative low and their writings are lack of coherence and cohesion. Based on this problem, the reseacher creates interesting innovation for the teaching learning process by using demonstration and discussion method.  The objective of the research is how to compare between demonstration and discussion to improve students’writing skill statistically. It uses demonstration and discussion inwhich students’writing were compared significantly using t-test formula for analyzing the data.The result shows that there is a significant difference between making use of demonstration and discussion. The students’score of writing taught by discussion are better than those taught using demonstration method. It is also supported by students’questionaire. Finally, the researcher encourages lecturers not only to use interactive media, method, or technique but also support students’ to learn how to write well writing