4 research outputs found

    konflik Sosial Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Dawuk Karya Mahfud Ikhwan

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    ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan konflik sosial yang terjadi dalam novel Dawuk karya Mahfud Ikhwan. Konflik sosial terdebut meliputi bentuk konflik sosial, penyebab konflik sosial dan solusi konflik sosial pada tokoh utama  dalam novel Dawuk karya Mahfud Ikhwan. Penelitian konflik sosial ini dibatasi pada tokoh utama saja yaitu Muhammat Dawud ata Mat Dawuk.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah novel Dawuk karya Mahfud Ikhwan. Objek penellitian ini adalah konflik sosial tokoh utama yang meliputi bentuk konflik sosial, penyebab konflik sosial dan solusi konflik sosial. Data penelitin ini diperoleh dengan cara menganalisis novel Dawuk karya Mahfud Ikhwan,denagn menggunakan tehnik baca dan catat. Instrument yang di gunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dengan alat bantu buku-buku acuan dan kartu data. Keabsahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan faliditas data dan reliabilitas.Kata Kunci: konflik sosial,tokoh utama, sosiologi sastra

    Treatment of Hormax Growth Regulating Substances on Early Germination and Growth of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.)

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    The average production of sugar is 2.26 million tons per year, while consumption is about 5.10 million tons per year. This is what causes the number of production and consumption of sugar shows a fairly high gap. Extensification approach in increasing sugar cane production to achieve sugar self sufficiency target is quite difficult to achieve, so intensification program is one of the efforts that can be done through evaluation and optimization phase of germination and plant growth with application of growth regulator (Fitohormon). If this is done then to obtain a sugar cane plant that has the productivity and optimal yield is likely to be achieved (Ahmad Khuluq and Ruly Hamida, 2014). The experiment was conducted at Experimental Garden of Agriculture Faculty, Merdeka University, April-June 2017. Using Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. and 8 doses of Hormax growing growth regulator, among others: 0 ml/l water (Control); 1 ml/l water; 2 ml/l water; 3 ml/l water; 4 ml/l water; 5 ml/l water; 6 ml/l water; 7 ml/l water. In conclusion, the use of Hormax significantly affected the germination rate, the number of leaves, the number of roots, the wet weight and the dry weight per cane plant. Increased dose of Hormax followed by an increase in all variables of sugar cane observation. The highest results were shown dose of Hormax 7 ml/l water), but statistically not significantly different from the treatment dose of Hormax 6 ml/l water) and dose of Hormax 5 ml/l water. It is recommended that to assist the germination and early growth of sugar cane using a dose of Hormax 5 ml/l water

    “Pengaruh Islamic Branding Dan Islamic Advertising Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pasta Gigi Sasha Pada Masyarakat Muslim Kecamatan Tambang”

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    ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF ISLAMIC BRANDING AND ISLAMIC ADVERTISING ON THE PURCHASE DECISION OF SASHA TOOTHPASTE ON THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY OF TAMBANG DISTRICT By : DICKI WAHYUDI NPM : 175210828 The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence Islamic Branding and Islamic Advertising had on the decision to partially or simultaneously influence the purchase decision of Sasha Toothpaste Products in Muslim Communities in Tambang District. The research method used is descriptive and quantitative methods. Types and sources of data using primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The research subjects were 40 respondents using purposive probability sampling technique, while the data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially the Islamic branding variable (X1) had no effect on purchasing decisions for Sasha toothpaste products in the Muslim Community of Tambang District, while the Islamic advertising variable (X2) had a significant effect. Meanwhile, it was simultaneously obtained that Islamic branding and Islamic advertising had a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Sasha toothpaste products with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 63.4% and the rest was influenced by other variables that were not discussed further by this study

    Sebuah Aplikasi Chatbot Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Dialogflow

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    Chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate an interactive conversation or communication to the user (human) either through text, voice or visual. Chatbots have been widely used for practical purposes such as online help, personal services, or information acquisition. Along with the rapid development, a quick response is needed, including in the HelpDesk work of the Binjai Pratama Tax Office. In this research, chatbot technology is designed using dialogflow which consists of agent, intent and training phrase. The test results via messenger show that the chatbot system that has been designed can work well and respond according to the keywords or input contained in the training phrase and the appropriate response.Chatbot adalah sebuah program komputer yang dirancang untuk menstimulasikan sebuah percakapan atau komunikasi yang interaktif kepada pengguna (manusia) baik melalui tekt, suara ataupun visual. Chatbot telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan praktis seperti bantuan online, layanan personal, atau akuisisi informasi. Seiring perkembangan yang pesat diperlukan respon yang cepat tidak terkecuali dalam kerja HelpDesk Kantor Pajak Pratama Binjai. Pada penelitian ini teknologi chatbot dirancang dengan menggunakan dialogflow yang terdiri dari agent, intent dan training phrase. Hasil uji coba melalui messenger menunjukkan sistem chatbot yang telah dirancang dapat bekerja dengan baik dan memberikan respon sesuai dengan kata kunci atau masukan yang terdapat pada training phrase dan respon yang sesuai