Agriculture Science (E-Journal - Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Merdeka Surabaya)
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    43 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Phenological Traits of Pear Varieties in Warm Temperate Region of Nepal

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    Phenological study of a fruit tree is important for timely and proper orchard management. This study was carried out in orchard located at Warm Temperate Horticulture Centre (WTHC), Kathmandu, Nepal from January to August, 2020 with the objective to identify the different timing of phenological stages in 18 different varieties of pear. Data on days from swollen bud to bud burst, swollen bud to green cluster, swollen bud to white bud, swollen bud to bloom, swollen bud to petal fall, swollen bud to fruit set, fruit length, and fruit diameter were recorded. The phenological and fruit traits were found highly significant. The shortest flowering period (days from swollen bud to petal fall) was observed in varieties Sinko and Yakumo (13.33 days) and the longest period was found in Pharping local (Green) (35.00 days) followed by Pharping local (Brown) (34.00 days). The longest fruit (58.80 mm) was recorded in Anjou followed by Bartlett (52.90 mm) and Yakumo (49.80 mm). Similarly, the highest fruit diameter (57.60 mm) was recorded in Anjou followed by Yakumo (55.80 mm) and Atago (51.60 mm). On the basis of total variability, pear varieties were grouped into five distinct clusters.  Cluster 2 showed that Anjou had the highest fruit length and fruit diameter. Cluster 5 illustrated that the longest flowering period was observed in the Pharping local (Green) followed by Pharping local (Brown). Based on phenological traits Sinko and Yakumo and based on fruits traits Anjou were found potential varieties for cultivation under warm temperate region of Nepal

    The Effect Concentration Plant Extracts Bintaro(CarberaManghas)Against Mortality Hama armyworm (Spodopteralitura)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of combined treatment plant extracts bintaro and giving the extract concentration on the mortality of armyworm pests. While the research method used factorial experiments conducted with a completely randomized design (CRD). Treatment Factor I was the Bintaro plant organs extracted consisting of 4 levels consisting of 4 combinations of Bintaro organs and 5 combinations of extract concentrations so that there were 20 combinations and 1 control (without giving the extract) so that a total of 21 treatments were repeated 3 times, a total of 63 units. trial. The experimental unit was using a jar with a height of 6 cm, a diameter of 12.5 cm with 8 instar 1 tails, so it needed 504 instar 1 caterpillars. Caterpillar feed is sunflower leaves that are added / replaced every day. The results showed that there was an insignificant effect of the combination of the treatment of Bintaro plant organ extracts and the concentration of Bintaro plant organ extracts with the mortality rate (%) of armyworms, where observations on days 4, 8, 12 and 16 showed a significant value> 0, 05 with the highest R Square achievement on the 16th day of observation of 0.0675 (6.75%), meaning that only a 6.75% mortality rate (%) of armyworms was affected by the combination of the above treatments. The insignificant effect at all levels of treatment factors was the concentration of Bintaro plant's organ extract (K), but the K5 treatment (12.5% ​​extract concentration) showed a tendency to be better than the K1, K2, K3, and K4 treatments with an R Square value of 0, 418370978 (41.84%) means a number of 41.85% mortality (%) armyworms due to K5 treatment (12.5% ​​extract concentration), the remaining 58.15% due to external factors and insignificant influence at all factor levels treatment of Bintaro plant organ extract (B), but treatment B1 (leaf organ extract) showed a better tendency than treatment B2, B3, and B4 with a significant value of F (0.264002509> 0.05) and R Square of 0.296443348 ( 29.64%)

    Analysis of Kulin KK LMDH Sumber Lestari Based Agroforestry Social Partnership Program In BKPH Tulungagung

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    LMDH Sumber Lestari has formed after the emerging of the Community Forest Management (PHBM) program which was socialized by Perum Perhutani in 2004. By looking at the background of the village of Samar, Pagerwojo Sub-district, Tulungagung District, which is one of the villages that geographically is a stakeholder village. forest and nearly 45% of the area of Samar village is State forest area. Meanwhile, if seen from the social, cultural and economic aspects, the majority of Samar village people are farmers, ranchers and traders who depend heavily on forest areas.The aim of this research were; 1) To analyze the extent to which the forestry partnership program (Kulin KK) LMDH Sumber Lestari is implemented in the Agroforestry-based social forestry program scheme at BKPH Tulungagung. 2) To analyze the economic benefits felt by Perum Perhutani and local communities (LMDH) by implementing the Forestry Partnership Program (Kulin KK) LMDH Sumber Lestari in the Agroforestry-based social forestry program scheme at BKPH Tulungagung.The method research used descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the characteristics of the research area, the characteristics of the respondents, the socio-economic characteristics of the community, the analysis of forestry partnerships. Descriptive analysis is also carried out on the factors that cause the institution to not be optimal in assessing the effectiveness of the structure, mechanism and performance of institutions that are directly involved in forestry partnerships and agroforestry activities.The results of this study found that the economic potential obtained by LMDH Sumber Lestari and Perum Perhutani KPH Kediri which is located in the area of RPH Pagerwojo BKPH Tulungagung from the results of partnership cooperation obtained as follows; From the pine stand commodity (sadapan), an income of 5,061,600,000 IDR was obtained, 23,625,000 IDR from coffee, 25,300,000,000 IDR from the porang commodity, 62,764,000,000 IDR from the empon-empon commodity, and 62,764,000,000 IDR from corn commodities income of 1,724,152,500 IDR so the total income was 94,873,377,500. From this total income, there were no sharing with Perum Perhutani KPH Kediri, with the provision that for the management of stands (pine tapping), the distribution is done at a ratio of 75: 25 where 75% of Perum Perhutani KPH Kediri, while 25% belongs to LMDH Sumber Lestari farmers. However, for agroforestry commodities, the ratio divided is 70: 30 provided that 70% of LMDH Sumber Lestari farmers  and 30% are Perum Perhutani KPH Kediri

    Supplying Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) With Organic Waste Materials On The Growth And Product of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L.)

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    Liquid organic fertilizers can come from feces (animals, humans), agricultural waste, agricultural processing waste, household waste, urban waste, and production waste. Waste in general is a case of environmental pollution which can cause environmental problems and deteriorate health for the community, this is caused by liquid waste obtained from various industrial activities, hospitals, markets, households, especially in food industry waste, because in the process it still leaves elements that can become part of the process water and discharged into the environment. The use of various wastes to become organic fertilizers is an effort to overcome the problem of environmental pollution, with high organic matter, waste can act as an organic source of food by microbial growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the various POC materials from organic waste that would have a better effect on growth and yield in lettuce plants. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded as follows:There is a significant effect on plant length variables on wet weight per plant with R Square of 0.69884 (69.88%) at 28 days of age observation and number of leaves with R Square of 0 , 7025 (70.25%) at 35 days after transplanting and there was a significant effect of the K3 treatment (POC 12%), plant length and number of leaves on the wet weight per plant which gave a higher value than the K1 and K2 treatments with Adjusted R Square of 0.935293 (93.53%); but statistically not significant difference with treatment K2 (POC 8%) with Adjusted R Square of 0.706472 (70.65%)

    Impact of Post-Disaster Rehabilitation Activities On Farmer Economic And Social Conditions Around The Sinabung Mountain

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    The disaster in Karo District due to the eruption of Mount Sinabung on September 15, 2013 has claimed lives, damage to homes, agricultural land and property. This affected the economic and social conditions of affected farmers, so the government intervened to improve these conditions through a rehabilitation and reconstruction program. The purpose of this study is to compare the economic and social conditions of the community before and after the eruption of Mount Sinabung due to rehabilitation and reconstruction activities and examine community participation in recovery activities. The analytical method uses the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, with two related samples namely the measurement of conditions before the disaster and after the post-disaster rehabilitation-reconstruction are not mutually free. The results show that the land owned by respondents after the disaster was reduced, but land tenure by respondents increased because they rented land elsewhere. The types and number of livestock have decreased such as buffalos and chickens, but cattle have increased due to the aid in purchasing cattle. Money capital has increased because of the provision of financial assistance from the private sector or government. The number of kiosks and sales turnover increased with the change of the area around the disaster into a tourist destination. Likewise, farm family income has increased with the new arable land in Siosar which is planted with vegetables in addition to the results of coffee on the old land that is ready to harvest. Resilience of respondent faces disaster and willingness to rise from disaster in the category of vulnerable and increasing. Work ethic in the high category increases, but in the medium category it actually decreases. The dependency of aid from the government in the high category increases, but in the low category it decreases

    Effect of Giving Growth Regulatory Substances (ZPT) Superior Plant Hormones (Ghosts) on Growth and Yields of Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L)

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    purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the effect of the provision of GH growth regulators on growth and yield in onion plants. This research was conducted in the Research Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University, Surabaya from April to June 2019. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of six treatments of GHOS, with three replications and using two sample plants. Use of ZPT Ghost fertilizer at doses Z = without fertilizer / control, Z1 = 1 ml / l / plant, Z2 = 2 ml / l / plant, Z30 = 3 ml / l / plant, Z = 4 ml / l / plant, and Z = 5 ml / l / plant. Observations made consisted of plant length, number of leaves, plant wet weight, plant tuber weight, and number of plant tuber. The results showed that the treatment of GHOS ZPT dose significantly affected all observed variables, namely plant length, number of leaves, number of tubers, plant wet weight and tuber weight of onion (Allium ascalonicum L.). The treatment of GHOS dose of 5ml per liter of water showed the highest growth and yield with a plant length of 30.16 cm, number of leaves 46.00, plant wet weight 68.33 grams, plant tuber weight 49.00 grams, and number of plant tubers 10 , 00 although statistically not significantly different from the ZPT GHOS fertilizer treatment using a dose of 1ml per liter of water with a plant length of 29.00 cm, number of leaves 34.83, plant wet weight 58.16 grams, plant tuber weight 38.56 grams and number of plant tubers 8,16

    Efficiency of Nitrogen And Phosphorus Fertilizer With Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) Application In Yield of Situbagendit Rice Variety On Rainfed Lowland Rice

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    The area of rainfed lowland rice in Indonesia was 3,292,578 ha or 24% of the total area of rice, but the used is still very small, so that opportunities are still open for the development of rice plants. The main constraints on rainfed lowland are drought stress and inefficient use of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) nutrients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the efficient use of nitrogen and phosphorus in rice planted in rainfed lowland. This research was conducted in rainfed lowland in April to July 2019 in the village of Demangan, Sambi, Boyolali, Central Java. The research method was a randomized completely block design. Factor 1: Doses of nitrogen fertilizer (N) 0; 45; 90; 135 kg/ha. Factor 2: phosphorus dose (P) 0; 25; 50; 75 kg/ha. Observations included the number of total tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle number, panicle length, 1000 grain weight, and grain weight per plot. Data Analysis was analysis of variance. If there was a difference between treatments then it was tested further by using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test  at 5% level. To know the relationship of direct and indirect influence, regression and correlation analysis were done. Data were analyzed by computer using SAS for window 9.0 programs. The results showed that the application of VAM could save the use of nitrogen fertilizer and eliminate the use of phosphorus fertilizer

    The Effect of Giving NPK Fertilizer On Growth and Results Plant Purple (Solanum Melongena L.)

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    The research objective was to determine the effect of NPK compound fertilizer dosage on the growth and yield of purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L). The research was carried out at the Nursery, Agribusiness Sub-Terminal, Food Security and Agriculture Service of Surabaya City, on Jl. Ketintang Madya VII Surabaya, East Java with an altitude of ± 5 m above sea level. Conducted from April to June 2018. his study used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of six dose treatments with three replications and two sample plants. The NPK compound fertilizer dosage treatment included: D0 = without NPK (Control); D1 = NPK 100 kg / Ha; D2 = NPK dose of 200 kg / ha; D3 = NPK dose of 300 kg / ha; D4 = NPK dosage 400 kg / ha; D5 = NPK dose of 500 kg / ha.The conclusion of the study, namely the NPK dose treatment had a very significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits and wet weight per plant of purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L). Treatment with NPK dose of 500 kg / Ha showed the highest growth and yield, although statistically it was not significantly different from the NPK treatment dose of 400 kg / Ha and the NPK treatment dose of 300 kg / Ha (optimum dose)

    Contribution of Penja Pepper Production on Economic Well-Being in Cameroon

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    Improving household well-being by intensifying agricultural production is a major concern of most developing countries. Our main objective is to quantify the contribution of Cameroon Penja pepper production on economic well-being. With the used of multiple correspondence analyses we constructed a well-being indicator using primary data collected among pepper producers and the result is estimated using ordinary least square. The results show that Penja pepper production is significantly corroborating with household economic well-being. The result is explained by industrial pepper production, while climate change, financing difficulties and availability of cultivated land are the main constraints faced by Penja pepper farmers. Decision makers should create policies to regulate the pepper market in terms of exportation of the crop. This is a wise step towards increase household economic well-being

    shara Production of Indigenous Microorganism organic fertilizer and its impact on growth and yield component of Chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.)

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    The aim of this research to improve the productivity of a local variety of chickpea by enriching the soil produced indigenous microorganism (IMO) and reducing the rate of nitrogen fertilizer. The experimental design used in this study was randomized complete block design with three replications. In this research, the soil was enriched with indigenous microorganism with different rates.The treatment combinations were soil with three different rates of IMO (Soil + 0, 2 and 4Tbsp of IMO) .The N fertilizer used in this study was installed in three different rates (0, 30 and 60 ppm NFR) in form of Urea in water) each rate of NFR was measured according to the weight of the soil in the pot. Morphological characters and yield component were determined in this research. The morphological characters included the height of plant, number of branches, days to 50% flowering (days), days to physiological maturity (days) and yield components were:   pods number /plant, seed number/plant, seeds weight/plant (g), hundred seed weight (g) and grain yield (kg/ha). The result illustrated that the main effect of IMO gave maximum plant height, number of branches, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/plant, weight of seeds/plant, hundred seeds weight and grain yield. The combination of IMO and NFR under treatment of (Soil + 4Tbsp IMO) with application of 30 ppm NFR also gave highest value of each of morphological characters and yield components. The result of this study demonstrates that enriching soil with 4Tbsp optimize the rate of N fertilizer to 30 ppm


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    Agriculture Science (E-Journal - Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Merdeka Surabaya) is based in Indonesia
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