26 research outputs found

    Unbekannte Stridulationsorgane bei Dipteren und ihre Bedeutung fĂĽr Taxonomie und Phylogenetik der Agromyziden (Diptera: Agromyzidae et Chamaemyiidae).

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    Unter den Agromyziden war bisher keine mehr als eine Art umfassende Gattung durch konstante Merkmale definierbar. FĂĽr die GroĂźgattungen Agromyza und Liriomyza konnte nun je ein gattungscharakteristischer Strukturenkomplex entdeckt werden, welcher nach Parallelen bei anderen Insektenordungen und mechanischen Abnutzungsspuren als Stridulationsorgan gedeutet wird. Die Strukturen werden eingehend beschrieben und abgebildet, zumal fĂĽr Dipteren bisher nur fĂĽr wenige Tephritidae ein andersartiger Stridulationsmechanismus bekannt ist.Nomenklatorische HandlungenLemurimyza Spencer, 1965 (Agromyzidae), syn. n. of Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931Pteridomyza Nowakowski, 1962 (Agromyzidae), syn. n. of Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931ornata (Meigen, 1830) (Cerodontha), comb. n. hitherto Liriomyza ornatahilarella (Zetterstedt, 1848) (Phytoliriomyza), comb. n. hitherto Pteridomyza hilarellamelampyga (Loew, 1869) (Phytoliriomyza), comb. n. hitherto Liriomyza melampygaNo genus of agromyzids comprehending more than one species could hitherto be defined by constant features. Now a characteristic complex of stuctures has been discovered in Agromyza and Liriomyza, both genera of many species, which is interpreted as a frictional mechanism because of its parallels to other orders of insects and also on account of noticeable signs of mechanical wear. The structures are extensively described and illustrated, as among the Diptera there is known only one dissimilar frictional mechanism in some Tephritidae.Nomenclatural ActsLemurimyza Spencer, 1965 (Agromyzidae), syn. n. of Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931Pteridomyza Nowakowski, 1962 (Agromyzidae), syn. n. of Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931ornata (Meigen, 1830) (Cerodontha), comb. n. hitherto Liriomyza ornatahilarella (Zetterstedt, 1848) (Phytoliriomyza), comb. n. hitherto Pteridomyza hilarellamelampyga (Loew, 1869) (Phytoliriomyza), comb. n. hitherto Liriomyza melampyg

    New records of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iceland, with a survey of all simultaneously collected Dipteran families

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    During a visit to Iceland in 2001, 727 specimens of Phoridae were caught. Seven species of Phoridae were identified, five of which were recorded from Iceland for the first time: Megaselia coccyx Schmitz, 1965; M. humeralis (Zetterstedt, 1838); M. parnassia Disney, 1986; M. quadriseta (Schmitz, 1941) and M. tarsicia Schmitz, 1926. The most abundant and most widespread phorid fly of the study was Megaselia coccyx, of which 510 specimens (70% of the catch) on 18 of 29 sampling sites were caught. The female of Triphleba renidens Schmitz, 1927 is given an improved diagnosis, and the abdominal sternite 7 is illustrated for the first time. With the results of this study a total of 11 species of Phoridae have been identified from Iceland. Four of them were also recorded from Greenland and 3 from the Faroe Islands. An overview of all other 36 families of Diptera (more than 48,394 specimens) obtained during the same excursion to Iceland is also presented

    Parasitoid complex (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of the leaf-mining fly Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Russia

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    Yefremova Z, Strakhova I, Kravchenko V, von Tschirnhaus M, Yegorenkova E. Parasitoid complex (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) of the leaf-mining fly Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Russia. PHYTOPARASITICA. 2015;43(1):125-134.Sixteen species of Eulophidae were reared from Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau) collected from 14 host plants in the Middle Volga Basin (Russia). Chrysocharis viridis (Nees), Closterocerus trifasciatus Westwood, Diglyphus pusztensis (Erdos), Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees), Neochrysocharis aratus (Walker), Pediobius cassidae Erdos, and Pnigalio pectinicornis (Linnaeus) are new host records. Two parasitic species, D. isaea (Walker) and P. metallicus (Nees), were dominant. The pre-imaginal stages of both dominant (ecto- and endoparasitoid) species are illustrated. The sex ratio between the ecto- and endoparasitoids differed. In June/July, there were about threefold more females in ectoparasitoids than in endoparasitoids. These differences in sex ratio were not related to the plant species only. The endoparasitoid species were found on all species of host plants of C. horticola, whereas the ectoparasitoid species were restricted to about half the plant species. Diglyphus isaea and Pediobius metallicus are very important regulating species against leaf miner pests such as C. horticola

    New Phytologist / The betrayed thief the extraordinary strategy of Aristolochia rotunda to deceive its pollinators

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    Pollination of several angiosperms is based on deceit. In such systems, the flowers advertise a reward that ultimately is not provided. We report on a previously unknown pollination/mimicry system discovered in deceptive Aristolochia rotunda (Aristolochiaceae). Pollinators were collected in the natural habitat and identified. Flower scent and the volatiles of insects (models) potentially mimicked were analyzed by chemical analytical techniques. Electrophysiological and behavioral tests on the pollinators identified the components that mediate the plantpollinator interaction and revealed the model of the mimicry system. The main pollinators of A. rotunda were female Chloropidae. They are food thieves that feed on secretions of true bugs (Miridae) while these are eaten by arthropod predators. Freshly killed mirids and Aristolochia flowers released the same scent components that chloropids use to find their food sources. Aristolochia exploits these components to deceive their chloropid pollinators. Aristolochia and other trap flowers were believed to lure saprophilous flies and mimic brood sites of pollinators. We demonstrate for A. rotunda, and hypothesize for other deceptive angiosperms, the evolution of a different, kleptomyiophilous pollination strategy. It involves scent mimicry and the exploitation of kleptoparasitic flies as pollinators. Our findings suggest a reconsideration of plants assumed to show sapromyiophilous pollination.(VLID)221519

    Stomosis arachnophila sp. n., a new kleptoparasitic species of freeloader flies (Diptera, Milichiidae)

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    Stomosis arachnophila Brake, sp. n. (Diptera, Milichiidae) is described from Western Australia. The species is kleptoparasitic on araneid spiders

    Revision of Camarota Meigen (Diptera: Chloropidae), with a new species from Uganda

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    Riccardi PR, von Tschirnhaus M. Revision of Camarota Meigen (Diptera: Chloropidae), with a new species from Uganda. ZOOTAXA. 2018;4526(2):221-231.The genus Camarota is revised with the description of a new species-C. ugandae-and a key to species. The genus Paracamarota Cherian is considered here as a new junior synonym of Camarota. Distinctive morphological characters, such as the dark transverse band on the arista, the "vena spuria" of the wing and the placement of apical scutellar bristles, are interpreted

    Revision of Camarota Meigen (Diptera: Chloropidae), with a new species from Uganda

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    Riccardi, Paula Raile, Tschirnhaus, Michael Von (2018): Revision of Camarota Meigen (Diptera: Chloropidae), with a new species from Uganda. Zootaxa 4526 (2): 221-231, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4526.2.

    New generic synomyms in the Chloropidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae), with additional taxonomic notes

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    Nartshuk EP, von Tschirnhaus M. New generic synomyms in the Chloropidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae), with additional taxonomic notes. Zootaxa. 2012;(3267):44-54.Myrmemorpha Dufour, 1833 and M. brachyptera Dufour, 1833 are considered as synonyms of Elachiptera Macquart, 1835 and E. brevipennis (Meigen, 1830), respectively (Oscinellinae). Pachychoeta Bezzi, 1895, Melanochaeta Bezzi, 1906 and Pachychaetina Hendel, 1907 are considered as synonyms of Oscinella Becker, 1909 as the type-species of these genera, Pachychoeta aterrima Bezzi, 1895 (= Oscinis capreolus Haliday, 1838), is transferred to the genus Oscinella Becker, 1909. Lasiochaeta Corti, 1909 (type-species Elachiptera pubescens Thalhammer, 1898) is resurrected from synonymy with Melanochaeta Bezzi, 1906. Currently an application is with the ICZN (case 3576) to conserve Oscinella Becker, 1909 by reversed precedence of both Melanochaeta Bezzi, 1906 and Pachychaetina Hendel, 1907. Wing reduction in Chloropidae is also discussed

    FIGURES 3 & 4 in New generic synomyms in the Chloropidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae), with additional taxonomic notes

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    FIGURES 3 & 4—Male genitalia of Oscinella capreolus (Haliday): 3—epandrium, 4—hypandrium and phallic organs