41 research outputs found

    Optimierungsansätze zur Verbesserung von Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und Tierwohl in ökologischen und konventionellen Betrieben im Netzwerk Pilotbetriebe

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    In a network of organic and conventional pilot farms with dairy and/or arable production in Germany (www.pilotbetriebe.de) aspects of sustainability, resource efficiency, animal health and welfare and economic aspects are analysed. This is based on on-farm assessments and on whole farm modelling. In the first interdisciplinary workshops on the project farms results were presented and scenarios were developed in a participatory approach by scientists, consultants and farmers to improve N, P and land use efficiency as well as dairy health and welfare. Typical areas of action to optimize sustainability in these aspects were identified on the farms, e.g., complete accounting of manure N (N balance), enrichment of crop rotations with clover grass and cover crops (humus balance), improving forage quality (productivity, nutritional imbalances), improvement of housing conditions and grazing access (animal health and welfare). Systematic integration and detection of interconnectedness of environmental performance of production, animal welfare, resource efficiency and productivity result in a new quality in development of farm concepts

    Progress Report on Target Development

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    The present document is the D08 deliverable report of work package 1 (Target Development) from the MEGAPIE TEST project of the 5th European Framework Program. Deliverable D08 is the progress report on the activities performed within WP 1. The due date of this deliverable was the 5th month after the start of the EU project. This coincided with a technical status meeting of the MEGAPIE Initiative, that was held in March 2002 in Bologna (Italy). The content of the present document reflects the status of the MEGAPIE target development at that stage. It gives an overview of the Target Design, the related Design Support activities and the progress of the work done for the safety assessment and licensing of the target

    Keep them alive! Design and Evaluation of the “Community Fostering Reference Model”

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    Firms host online communities for commercial purposes, for example in order to integrate customers into ideation for new product development. The success of these firm-hosted online communities depends entirely on the cooperation of a high number of customers that constantly produce valuable knowledge for firms. However, in practice, the majority of successfully implemented communities suffers from stagnation and even a decrease of member activities over time. Literature provides numerous guidelines on how to build and launch these online communities. While these models describe the initial steps of acquiring and activating a community base from scratch very well and explicitly, they neglect continuous member activation and acquistion after a successful launch. Against this background, the authors propose the Community Fostering Reference Model (CoFoRM), which represents a set of general procedures and instruments to continuously foster member activity. In this paper, the authors present the theory-driven design as well as the evaluation of the CoFoRM in a practical use setting. The evaluation results reveal that the CoFoRM represents a valuable instrument in the daily working routine of community managers, since it efficiently helps activating community members especially in the late phases of a community’s LifeCycle

    ESA’s Space-Based Doppler Wind Lidar Mission Aeolus – First Wind and Aerosol Product Assessment Results

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) wind mission, Aeolus, hosts the first space-based Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL) world-wide. The primary mission objective is to demonstrate the DWL technique for measuring wind profiles from space, intended for assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. The wind observations will also be used to advance atmospheric dynamics research and for evaluation of climate models. Mission spin-off products are profiles of cloud and aerosol optical properties. Aeolus was launched on 22 August 2018, and the Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument (Aladin) instrument switch-on was completed with first high energy output in wind mode on 4 September 2018 [1], [2]. The on-ground data processing facility worked excellent, allowing L2 product output in near-real-time from the start of the mission. First results from the wind profile product (L2B) assessment show that the winds are of very high quality, with random errors in the free Troposphere within (cloud/aerosol backscatter winds: 2.1 m/s) and larger (molecular backscatter winds: 4.3 m/s) than the requirements (2.5 m/s), but still allowing significant positive impact in first preliminary NWP impact experiments. The higher than expected random errors at the time of writing are amongst others due to a lower instrument out-and input photon budget than designed. The instrument calibration is working well, and some of the data processing steps are currently being refined to allow to fully correct instrument alignment related drifts and elevated detector dark currents causing biases in the first data product version. The optical properties spin-off product (L2A) is being compared e.g. to NWP model clouds, air quality model forecasts, and collocated ground-based observations. Features including optically thick and thin particle and hydrometeor layers are clearly identified and are being validated