71 research outputs found

    Sexual well-being in old age: are older adults well sexually?

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A viuvez no envelhecimento : estudo exploratório com idosos

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    The promotion of older adults' sense of coherence through person-centered therapy: A randomized controlled pilot study

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    El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue explorar si una intervención individual de terapia centrada en la persona (TCP) en personas adultas mayores puede promover su sentido de cohe - rencia, en comparación con un grupo control (lis ta de espera). Se plantea que los participantes asignados al azar a TCP informarían mejoras en SDC de pre y post-intervención en com paración con el grupo control. Un grupo de 87 participantes de 65 a 86 años (M = 72.4; DE = 5.15) fue evaluado con la Escala de Sentido de Coherencia (ESDC) y el cuestionario sociodemográfico en tres momentos diferentes: al inicio del estudio (t1), post-trata miento (t2) y a los 12 meses de seguimiento (t3). Los resultados indicaron que los participantes en TCP evidenciaron un aumento significativo en cuanto a su SDC (16.7%), mientras que en el grupo control se encontró una disminución significativa (-2.7%), entre el inicio del estudio y el momento de seguimiento. El tamaño del efecto en el grupo TCP fue alto (@2p = .776). En concreto, tanto en la post-intervención como en el momento del seguimiento, los participantes que se sometieron a TCP tenían un SDC significativamente mayor (M = 3.84, DE = .219). Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el grupo de intervención y el grupo control en la post-intervención y en el seguimiento. Se concluye que los cambios en SDC fueron positivos y mantenidos, por lo tanto, los resultados sugieren que la TCP es favorable a la mejora de SDC. Por otra parte, ya que la SDC se asocia con el bienestar relacionado con la salud de las poblaciones de mayor edad, hay que enfatizar el desarrollo de SDC en la vejez.ABSTRACT: Sense of Coherence (SOC) derived from the salutogenic approach and seems to be a health promoting resource, which strengthens resilience and develops a positive subjective state of health. Older adults’ SOC is often challenged by specific issues in later adulthood such as grieving for losses, illness, feelings of worthless and solitude, retirement, disability and death, which require distinctive consideration. To our best knowledge, there are no previous studies that indicated the relation between a person-centered therapy (PCT) and older adults’ SOC. Therefore, this study aims to explore if a brief eight-session individual PCT intervention on older adults can promote their SOC, as compared with a control group (waiting list). Specifically, this is a randomized controlled pilot study designed to explore the promotion of SOC through an individual-based PCT interven - tion. We posited that participants randomized to PCT would report improvements in SOC from the pre- to the post-intervention moments when compared to those on the waiting list. The Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OtLQ) and demographics were assessed at the baseline (t1), post-treatment (t2) and at the 12-month follow-up (t3), in a group of 87 participants between 65 - 86 years (M = 72.4; SD = 5.15), from community and health centers in the Great Lisbon area, in Portugal. Participants were mostly women (59.8%), married (65.5%) and professionally inactive (63.2%). The Cronbach’s Alpha coeffi - cients for SOCS were .878, .989, and .988, in the three moments, respectively. Inclusion criteria determined their eligibility to participate in the study. No participant with a compromised cognitive function integrated the sample. All potential participants were given a brief description of the study and gave their informed consent. After the baseline assessment, participants were randomly assigned to one of the two groups. The eight-session intervention was conducted in an adequate setting and with a weekly frequency. Comparisons between the three assessments (t1, t2 and t3) for the two groups were done using Repeated Measures ANOVA. Post-hoc Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) test for mean differences was used to compare the three assessments for the SOC, in each group (PCT and waiting list). After the intervention, a significant increase of 17.3% (M = 3.86, SD = .218) was observed in the participants who did the PCT. The SOC evidenced at follow-up (t3) (M = 3.84, SD = .219) by these participants was significantly higher (16.7%) in comparison to the baseline score (M = 3.29, SD = .245). Conversely, participants in the control group experienced a minor decrease between baseline (M = 3.28, SD = .236) and follow-up (M = 3.19, SD =. 244) (- 2.7%). The effect size in the PCT group was high (@2p = .776). Significant differences between the intervention group and the control group were found at the post-intervention and follow-up. Findings also showed that partici - pants in PCT experienced an increment in the three dimensions of SOC. The highest increase was observed in the Comprehensibility dimension (71.2%). Manageability and Meaningfulness sub - scales showed an increase of 32.9% and 12.1%, respectively. Changes in SOC were positive and maintained, thus, findings suggest that PCT is favorable to enhancing SOC. In particular, for the participants who did PCT, the significant increase of their SOC was mainly due to the high increase of the comprehensibility of events. This study contribut - ed to filling a gap in gerontological literature and this intervention has the potential to offer a reasonably low-cost self-regulatory approach to the SOC. In this context, PCT is also a personal resource to promote SOC, in late adulthood. More - over, since SOC is associated with health-related well-being among older populations, SOC devel - op ment in old age should be stressed

    Person-centered therapy and older adults’ self-esteem: A pilot study with followup

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    Objectives: A higher self-esteem (SE) is suggested by a reduced difference between ideal and real self. The present pilot study was designed to investigate if a brief eight-session individual person-centered therapy (PCT) intervention on older adults can promote their SE, as compared with a control group (waiting list). We hypothesized that participants randomized to PCT would report improvements in SE from pre- to post-intervention compared to those not attending PCT sessions. Method: We recruited 81 persons aged between 65- 82 years (M = 71.9, SD = 4.77) in the Great Lisbon area, in Portugal and randomized 40 to PCT and 41 to control group. The PCT intervention consisted of an eight weekly individual therapy. Measures were completed, including demographics and the Self-esteem Scale (SES) at the baseline, post-treatment and at the 12-month follow-up. Results: Findings indicated that individual PCT with older adults may improve their SE. The difference between ideal self and real self, evidenced at follow-up (M = 1.251, SD = .524) by the participants who had undergone PCT, was significantly lower (41.3%) in comparison to the baseline score (M = 2.131, SD = .799). Additionally, significant differences between the intervention group and the control group were found in the post-intervention and follow-up. Estimates were statistically significant at .05 level. Conclusions: Results suggest that PCT is beneficial for improving SE. Clinical practice and program development in therapeutic settings may benefit from including PCT as an important component for promoting SE in older adults and for aging well.Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), for the grant [grant number SFRH/BD/44544/2008] (The fund approved the design and aims of the study but did not play any role in the collecting of data, interpretation of results, or preparation of this article)

    Desafios psicológicos num contexto de terapia centrada na pessoa: A perspetiva dos idosos

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    Estudo sobre o mal-estar sexual na adultícia avançada: Análise de uma amostra a transnacional de idosos

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    Bullying in old age: A qualitative study on older adults’ perceptions about being bullied

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    Significant demographic changes and a growing aging population increasingly emphasize the importance of assessing phenomena of violence against older adults, who constitute a vulnerable population. Therefore, bullying in old age is a poorly studied phenomena, but of growing importance. This study aims to analyze the perspectives of bullying in old age, using qualitative research at a cross-national level. We interviewed 173 older participants aged 65–91 years. Participants were Portuguese and English and lived in the community. Participants were subjected to semi-structured interviews. All the interviews went through a process of content analysis. Sample recruitment occurred through initial telephone contact, followed by a request to participate. Outcomes of content analysis produced seven themes, all of them associated with bullying experiences such as compromised learning capacity, loss of sense of agency and decision-making, asexuality, less attractive appearance, less social skills, gender discrimination, and less financial resources. Portuguese older adults felt mostly bullied for their loss of sense of agency and decision-making, less attractive appearance, less social skills, and less financial resources, while English participants mostly felt bullied for their compromised learning capacity, gender discrimination, and asexuality. The themes identified as being the most prominent in bullying are valuable guidelines for social policies and interventions toward bullying among older adults. Considering the scarcity of studies on bullying in older adults, this study is relevant for understanding the experience of older adults in relation to being bullied and for implementing psychosocial intervention programs including bullying situations that affect community-dwelling older adults.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crenças alimentares previnem um tipo de cancro ? estudo exploratório na população oncológica

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