5 research outputs found

    The UBA domain of conjugating enzyme Ubc1/Ube2K facilitates assembly of K48/K63‐branched ubiquitin chains

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    The assembly of a specific polymeric ubiquitin chain on a target protein is a key event in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. Yet, the mechanisms that govern the selective synthesis of particular polyubiquitin signals remain enigmatic. The homologous ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes Ubc1 (budding yeast) and Ube2K (mammals) exclusively generate polyubiquitin linked through lysine 48 (K48). Uniquely among E2 enzymes, Ubc1 and Ube2K harbor a ubiquitin-binding UBA domain with unknown function. We found that this UBA domain preferentially interacts with ubiquitin chains linked through lysine 63 (K63). Based on structural modeling, in vitro ubiquitination experiments, and NMR studies, we propose that the UBA domain aligns Ubc1 with K63-linked polyubiquitin and facilitates the selective assembly of K48/K63-branched ubiquitin conjugates. Genetic and proteomics experiments link the activity of the UBA domain, and hence the formation of this unusual ubiquitin chain topology, to the maintenance of cellular proteostasis.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Max‐Planck‐Gesellschaft (MPG) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004189Peer Reviewe

    Die Funktion der ubiquitinbindenden CUE-Domäne von Cue1 bei der Synthese von Ubiquitinketten

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    Ubiquitinierungen sind dynamische, posttranslationale Proteinmarkierungen, die eine Vielzahl zellulärer Reaktionen hervorrufen. Die strukturell unterschiedlichen Signale werden von einer Ubiquitinierungsmaschinerie, bestehend aus E1-, E2- und E3-Enzymen, aufgebaut. Die Synthese von Polyubiquitin wird durch ubiquitinbindende Domänen (UBD) innerhalb der enzymatischen Kaskade stimuliert. Das E2-Enzym Ubc7 katalysiert zusammen mit dessen Kofaktor Cue1 die Polymerisierung von Ubiquitineinheiten und kennzeichnet Substratproteine mit Lysin 48 (K48)-ver¬knüpf¬ten Ubiquitinketten für den Endoplasmatische Retikulum-assoziierten Proteinabbau (ER-associated protein degradation, ERAD). In dieser Arbeit konnte mittels in vitro rekonstitu¬ierter Ubiquitinierungsreaktionen die Funktionsweise der ubiquitinbindenden CUE-Domäne von Cue1 während der Synthese von Polyubiquitin aufgeklärt werden. Verlängerungs¬reaktionen von Ubiquitinketten konnten durch Fluoreszenzmessungen verfolgt und die CUE-Domäne als Substratrezeptor von Ubc7 beschrieben werden. Anscheinend erhöht die Ubiquitin¬bindung durch Cue1 die lokale Konzentration von Ubc7 an den Ketten und positio¬niert das E2-Enzym effizient für die Übertragung der gebundenen Ubiquiti-neinheit. Die Reaktionen werden durch eine Bindungspräferenz der Cue1-CUE-Domäne für K48-ver¬knüpfte Ubiquitinmoleküle zusätzlich beschleunigt. Es ist bekannt, dass UBDs Ubiquitin¬signale entschlüsseln. Die Charakterisierung der CUE-Domäne beschreibt eine Notwendigkeit der Bindung von Ubiquitin bereits während der Entstehung von Polyubiquitin. Neben den E3-Ubiquitinligasen existieren Deubiquitinasen (DUB), die an der Reifung und dem Abbau von Ubiquitinsignalen beteiligt sind. Die proteasomalen DUBs Ubp6 und Rpn11 zeigen basale Aktivitäten in Isolation, die eingebunden in den 26S-Komplex moduliert werden. Fluoreszenz-basierte Untersuchungen von Kettenabbaureaktionen lassen erste Schlüsse über die Spezifitäten und die Abbaumechanismen der Enzyme zu.Polyubiquitination is an essential process modulating protein function in eukaryotic cells. Only recently ubiquitin binding activity has emerged as an important factor in ubiquitin chain assembly. Cue1 is a crucial component of yeast endoplasmic reticulum associated protein degradation complexes which recruits and activates the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ubc7. Our NMR solution structure reveals an unconventional CUE domain of Cue1 that substantially stimulates ubiquitin chain elongation by Ubc7.Results from NMR analysis combined with interaction studies and in vitro ubiquitination reactions imply that binding of CUE to a ubiquitin moiety adjacent to the acceptor ubiquitin is a prerequisite for rapid chain elongation. By this mode of action, the CUE domain counteracts the inability of associated Ubc7, to progressively elongate ubiquitin chains. Elongation of K48-linked ubiquitin chains is additionally accelerated since the CUE domain preferentially binds chains of K48-linkage. Our data support a model, where dynamic binding of ubiquitin chains assist to position Ubc7 for rapid elongation of K48-linked chains. Thus, the CUE domain acts as acceleration factor of elongation. Our study provides detailed mechanistic insight into how a ubiquitin binding domain governs polyubiquitin chain formation

    Disassembly of Lys11 and mixed linkage polyubiquitin conjugates provides insights into function of proteasomal deubiquitinases Rpn11 and Ubp6

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    Protein homeostasis is largely dependent on proteolysis by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Diverse polyubiquitin modifications are reported to target cellular proteins to the proteasome. At the proteasome, deubiquitination is an essential preprocessing event that contributes to degradation efficiency. We characterized the specificities of two proteasome-associated deubiquitinases (DUBs), Rpn11 and Ubp6, and explored their impact on overall proteasome DUB activity. This was accomplished by constructing a panel of well defined ubiquitin (Ub) conjugates, including homogeneous linkages of varying lengths as well as a heterogeneously modified target. Rpn11 and Ubp6 processed Lys(11) and Lys(63) linkages with comparable efficiencies that increased with chain length. In contrast, processing of Lys(48) linkages by proteasome was inversely correlated to chain length. Fluorescently labeled tetra-Ub chains revealed endo-chain preference for Ubp6 acting on Lys(48) and random action for Rpn11. Proteasomes were more efficient at deconjugating identical substrates than their constituent DUBs by roughly 2 orders of magnitude. Incorporation into proteasomes significantly enhanced enzymatic efficiency of Rpn11, due in part to alleviation of the autoinhibitory role of its C terminus. The broad specificity of Rpn11 could explain how proteasomes were more effective at disassembling a heterogeneously modified conjugate compared with homogeneous Lys(48)-linked chains. The reduced ability to disassemble homogeneous Lys(48)-linked chains longer than 4 Ub units may prolong residency time on the proteasome

    Disassembly of Lys11 and Mixed Linkage Polyubiquitin Conjugates Provides Insights into Function of Proteasomal Deubiquitinases Rpn11 and Ubp6

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    Protein homeostasis is largely dependent on proteolysis by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Diverse polyubiquitin modifications are reported to target cellular proteins to the proteasome. At the proteasome, deubiquitination is an essential preprocessing event that contributes to degradation efficiency. We characterized the specificities of two proteasome-associated deubiquitinases (DUBs), Rpn11 and Ubp6, and explored their impact on overall proteasome DUB activity. This was accomplished by constructing a panel of well defined ubiquitin (Ub) conjugates, including homogeneous linkages of varying lengths as well as a heterogeneously modified target. Rpn11 and Ubp6 processed Lys(11) and Lys(63) linkages with comparable efficiencies that increased with chain length. In contrast, processing of Lys(48) linkages by proteasome was inversely correlated to chain length. Fluorescently labeled tetra-Ub chains revealed endo-chain preference for Ubp6 acting on Lys(48) and random action for Rpn11. Proteasomes were more efficient at deconjugating identical substrates than their constituent DUBs by roughly 2 orders of magnitude. Incorporation into proteasomes significantly enhanced enzymatic efficiency of Rpn11, due in part to alleviation of the autoinhibitory role of its C terminus. The broad specificity of Rpn11 could explain how proteasomes were more effective at disassembling a heterogeneously modified conjugate compared with homogeneous Lys(48)-linked chains. The reduced ability to disassemble homogeneous Lys(48)-linked chains longer than 4 Ub units may prolong residency time on the proteasome