25 research outputs found

    How galactic environment regulates star formation

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    In a new simple model I reconcile two contradictory views on the factors that determine the rate at which molecular clouds form stars-internal structure versus external, environmental influences-providing a unified picture for the regulation of star formation in galaxies. In the presence of external pressure, the pressure gradient set up within a self-gravitating turbulent (isothermal) cloud leads to a non-uniform density distribution. Thus the local environment of a cloud influences its internal structure. In the simple equilibrium model, the fraction of gas at high density in the cloud interior is determined simply by the cloud surface density, which is itself inherited from the pressure in the immediate surroundings. This idea is tested using measurements of the properties of local clouds, which are found to show remarkable agreement with the simple equilibrium model. The model also naturally predicts the star formation relation observed on cloud scales and at the same time provides a mapping between this relation and the closer-to-linear molecular star formation relation measured on larger scales in galaxies. The key is that pressure regulates not only the molecular content of the ISM but also the cloud surface density. I provide a straightforward prescription for the pressure regulation of star formation that can be directly implemented in numerical models. Predictions for the dense gas fraction and star formation efficiency measured on large-scales within galaxies are also presented, establishing the basis for a new picture of star formation regulated by galactic environment

    Bottom's Dream and the amplification of filamentary gas structures and stellar spiral arms

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    Theories of spiral structure traditionally separate into tight-winding Lin-Shu spiral density waves and the swing-amplified material patterns of Goldreich & Lynden-Bell and Julian & Toomre. In this paper we consolidate these two types of spirals into a unified description, treating density waves beyond the tight-winding limit, in the regime of shearing and non-steady open spirals. This 'shearing wave' scenario novelly captures swing amplification that enables structure formation above conventional Q thresholds. However, it also highlights the fundamental role of spiral forcing on the amplification process in general, whether the wave is shearing or not. Thus it captures resonant and non-resonant mode growth through the donkey effect described by Lynden-Bell & Kalnajs and, critically, the cessation of growth when donkey behavior is no longer permitted. Our calculations predict growth exclusive to trailing spirals above the Jeans length, the prominence of spirals across a range of orientations that increases with decreasing arm multiplicity, and a critical orientation where growth is fastest that is the same for both modes and material patterns. Predicted structures are consistent with highly regular, high-multiplicity gaseous spur features and long filaments spaced close to the Jeans scale in spirals and bars. Applied to stellar disks, conditions favor low multiplicity (m<5) open trailing spirals with pitch angles in the observed range 10deg10 deg<ipi_p<50deg50 deg. The results of this work serve as a basis for describing spirals as a unified class of transient waves, abundantly stimulated but narrowly selected for growth depending on local conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 30 pages, 4 figure

    Interactions of the Galactic bar and spiral arm in NGC 3627

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    Aims: To gain insight into the expected gas dynamics at the interface of the Galactic bar and spiral arms in our own Milky Way galaxy, we examine as an extragalactic counterpart the evidence of multiple distinct velocity components in the cold dense molecular gas that populates a similar region at the end of the bar in the nearby galaxy NGC 3627. Methods: We assembled a high-resolution view of molecular gas kinematics traced by CO(2-1) emission and extracted line-of-sight velocity profiles from regions of high and low gas velocity dispersion. Results: The high velocity dispersions arise with often double-peaked or multiple line-profiles. We compare the centroids of the different velocity components to expectations based on orbital dynamics in the presence of bar and spiral potential perturbations. A model of the region as the interface of two gas-populated orbits families supporting the bar and the independently rotating spiral arms provides an overall good match to the data. An extent of the bar to the corotation radius of the galaxy is favored. Conclusions: Using NGC 3627 as an extragalactic example, we expect situations like this to favor strong star formation events such as are observed in our own Milky Way since gas can pile up where the orbit families cross. The relative motions of the material following these orbits is most likely even more important for the build-up of high density in the region. The surface densities in NGC 3627 are also so high that shear at the bar end is unlikely to significantly weaken the star formation activity. We speculate that scenarios in which the bar and spiral rotate at two different pattern speeds may be the most favorable for intense star formation at such interfaces

    Interactions of the Galactic bar and spiral arm in NGC 3627

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    Aims: To gain insight into the expected gas dynamics at the interface of the Galactic bar and spiral arms in our own Milky Way galaxy, we examine as an extragalactic counterpart the evidence of multiple distinct velocity components in the cold dense molecular gas that populates a similar region at the end of the bar in the nearby galaxy NGC 3627. Methods: We assembled a high-resolution view of molecular gas kinematics traced by CO(2-1) emission and extracted line-of-sight velocity profiles from regions of high and low gas velocity dispersion. Results: The high velocity dispersions arise with often double-peaked or multiple line-profiles. We compare the centroids of the different velocity components to expectations based on orbital dynamics in the presence of bar and spiral potential perturbations. A model of the region as the interface of two gas-populated orbits families supporting the bar and the independently rotating spiral arms provides an overall good match to the data. An extent of the bar to the corotation radius of the galaxy is favored. Conclusions: Using NGC 3627 as an extragalactic example, we expect situations like this to favor strong star formation events such as are observed in our own Milky Way since gas can pile up where the orbit families cross. The relative motions of the material following these orbits is most likely even more important for the build-up of high density in the region. The surface densities in NGC 3627 are also so high that shear at the bar end is unlikely to significantly weaken the star formation activity. We speculate that scenarios in which the bar and spiral rotate at two different pattern speeds may be the most favorable for intense star formation at such interfaces

    Clues to the formation of spiral structure in M51 from the ages and locations of star clusters

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    We determine the spatial distributions of star clusters at different ages in the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 using a new catalog based on multi-band images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). These distributions, when compared with the spiral structure defined by molecular gas, dust, young and old stars, show the following sequence in the inner arms: dense molecular gas (and dust) defines the inner edge of the spiral structure, followed by an overdensity of old stars and then young stellar clusters. The offset between gas and young clusters in the inner arms is consistent with the expectations for a density wave. Clusters as old as a few hundred Myr remain concentrated close to the spiral arms, although the distributions are broader than those for the youngest clusters, which is also consistent with predictions from density wave simulations. The outermost portion of the west arm is different from the rest of the spiral structure in that it contains primarily intermediate-age (approximate to 100-400 Myr) clusters; we believe that this is a "material" arm. We have identified four "feathers," stellar structures beyond the inner arms that have a larger pitch angle than the arms. We do not find age gradients along any of the feathers, but the least coherent feathers appear to have the largest range of cluster ages

    Comparing [C II], H I, and CO dynamics of nearby galaxies

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    The HI and CO components of the interstellar medium (ISM) are usually used to derive the dynamical mass M-dyn of nearby galaxies. Both components become too faint to be used as a tracer in observations of high-redshift galaxies. In those cases, the 158 mu m line of atomic carbon ([CII]) may be the only way to derive M-dyn. As the distribution and kinematics of the ISM tracer affects the determination of M-dyn, it is important to quantify the relative distributions of HI, CO, and [CII]. HI and CO are well-characterized observationally, however, for [CII] only very few measurements exist. Here we compare observations of CO, HI, and [CII] emission of a sample of nearby galaxies, drawn from the HERACLES, THINGS, and KINGFISH surveys. We find that within R-25, the average [CII] exponential radial profile is slightly shallower than that of the CO, but much steeper than the HI distribution. This is also reflected in the integrated spectrum ("global profile"), where the [CII] spectrum looks more like that of the CO than that of the HI. For one galaxy, a spectrally resolved comparison of integrated spectra was possible; other comparisons were limited by the intrinsic line-widths of the galaxies and the coarse velocity resolution of the [CII] data. Using high-spectral-resolution SOFIA [CII] data of a number of star forming regions in two nearby galaxies, we find that their [CII] linewidths agree better with those of the CO than the HI. As the radial extent of a given ISM tracer is a key input in deriving M-dyn from spatially unresolved data, we conclude that the relevant length-scale to use in determining M-dyn based on [CII] data, is that of the well-characterized CO distribution. This length scale is similar to that of the optical disk

    The radio spectral energy distribution and star-formation rate calibration in galaxies

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    We study the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the radio continuum (RC) emission from the Key Insight in Nearby Galaxies Emitting in Radio (KINGFISHER) sample of nearby galaxies to understand the energetics and origin of this emission. Effelsberg multi-wavelength observations at 1.4, 4.8, 8.4, and 10.5 GHz combined with archive data allow us, for the first time, to determine the mid-RC (1-10 GHz, MRC) bolometric luminosities and further present calibration relations versus the monochromatic radio luminosities. The 1-10 GHz radio SED is fitted using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique leading to measurements for the nonthermal spectral index (S-nu similar to nu(-alpha nt)) and the thermal fraction (f(th)) with mean values of alpha(nt)= 0.97 +/- 0.16(0.79 +/- 0.15 for the total spectral index) and f(th) = (10 +/- 9)% at 1.4 GHz. The MRC luminosity changes over similar to 3 orders of magnitude in the sample, 4.3 x 10(2) L-circle dot < MRC < 3.9 x 10(5) L-circle dot. The thermal emission is responsible for similar to 23% of the MRC on average. We also compare the extinction-corrected diagnostics of the. star-formation rate (SFR) with the thermal and nonthermal radio tracers and derive the first star-formation calibration relations using the MRC radio luminosity. The nonthermal spectral index flattens with increasing SFR surface density, indicating the effect of the star-formation feedback on the cosmic-ray electron population in galaxies. Comparing the radio and IR SEDs, we find that the FIR-to-MRC ratio could decrease with SFR, due to the amplification of the magnetic fields in starforming regions. This particularly implies a decrease in the ratio at high redshifts, where mostly luminous/starforming galaxies are detected

    Mapping dust through emission and absorption in nearby galaxies

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    Dust has long been identified as a barrier to measuring inherent galaxy properties. However, the link between dust and attenuation is not straightforward and depends on both the amount of dust and its distribution. Herschel imaging of nearby galaxies undertaken as part of the KINGFISH project allows us to map the dust as seen in emission with unprecedented sensitivity and similar to 1 kpc resolution. We present here new optical integral field unit spectroscopy for eight of these galaxies that provides complementary 100-200 pc scale maps of the dust attenuation through observation of the reddening in both the Balmer decrement and the stellar continuum. The stellar continuum reddening, which is systematically less than that observed in the Balmer decrement, shows no clear correlation with the dust, suggesting that the distribution of stellar reddening acts as a poor tracer of the overall dust content. The brightest H II regions are observed to be preferentially located in dusty regions, and we do find a correlation between the Balmer line reddening and the dust mass surface density for which we provide an empirical relation. Some of the high-inclination systems in our sample exhibit high extinction, but we also find evidence that unresolved variations in the dust distribution on scales smaller than 500 pc may contribute to the scatter in this relation. We caution against the use of integrated A(V) measures to infer global dust properties

    Resolving the far-IR line deficit : photoelectric heating and far-IR line cooling in NGC 1097 and NGC 4559

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    The physical state of interstellar gas and dust is dependent on the processes which heat and cool this medium. To probe heating and cooling of the interstellar medium over a large range of infrared surface brightness, on sub-kiloparsec scales, we employ line maps of [C II] 158 mu m, [O I] 63 mu m, and [N II] 122 mu m in NGC 1097 and NGC 4559, obtained with the Photodetector Array Camera & Spectrometer on board Herschel. We matched new observations to existing Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph data that trace the total emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We confirm at small scales in these galaxies that the canonical measure of photoelectric heating efficiency, ([C II] + [O I])/TIR, decreases as the far-infrared (far-IR) color, nu f(nu)(70 mu m) nu f(nu)(100 mu m), increases. In contrast, the ratio of far-IR cooling to total PAH emission, ([C II] + [O I])/PAH, is a near constant similar to 6% over a wide range of far-IR color, 0.5 , derived from models of the IR spectral energy distribution. Emission from regions that exhibit a line deficit is characterized by an intense radiation field, indicating that small grains are susceptible to ionization effects. We note that there is a shift in the 7.7/11.3 mu m PAH ratio in regions that exhibit a deficit in ([C II] + [O I])/PAH, suggesting that small grains are ionized in these environments

    The emission by dust and stars of nearby galaxies in the Herschel KINGFISH survey

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    Using new far-infrared imaging from the Herschel Space Observatory with ancillary data from ultraviolet (UV) to submillimeter wavelengths, we estimate the total emission from dust and stars of 62 nearby galaxies in the KINGFISH survey in a way that is as empirical and model independent as possible. We collect and exploit these data in order to measure from the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) precisely how much stellar radiation is intercepted and re-radiated by dust, and how this quantity varies with galaxy properties. By including SPIRE data, we are more sensitive to emission from cold dust grains than previous analyses at shorter wavelengths, allowing for more accurate estimates of dust temperatures and masses. The dust/stellar flux ratio, which we measure by integrating the SEDs, has a range of nearly three decades (from 10(-2.2) to 10(0.5)). The inclusion of SPIRE data shows that estimates based on data not reaching these far-IR wavelengths are biased low by 17% on average. We find that the dust/stellar flux ratio varies with morphology and total infrared (IR) luminosity, with dwarf galaxies having faint luminosities, spirals having relatively high dust/stellar ratios and IR luminosities, and some early types having low dust/stellar ratios. We also find that dust/stellar flux ratios are related to gas-phase metallicity ((log(f(dust)/f(*)) over bar) = -0.66 +/- 0.08 and -0.22 +/- 0.12 for metal-poor and intermediate-metallicity galaxies, respectively), while the dust/stellar mass ratios are less so (differing by approximate to 0.2 dex); the more metal-rich galaxies span a much wider range of the flux ratios. In addition, the substantial scatter between dust/stellar flux and dust/stellar mass indicates that the former is a poor proxy of the latter. Comparing the dust/stellar flux ratios and dust temperatures, we also show that early types tend to have slightly warmer temperatures (by up to 5 K) than spiral galaxies, which may be due to more intense interstellar radiation fields, or possibly to different dust grain compositions. Finally, we show that early types and early-type spirals have a strong correlation between the dust/stellar flux ratio and specific star formation rate, which suggests that the relatively bright far-IR emission of some of these galaxies is due to ongoing (if limited) star formation as well as to the radiation field from older stars, which is heating the dust grains