880 research outputs found

    Surges and Si IV bursts in the solar atmosphere. Understanding IRIS and SST observations through RMHD experiments

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    Surges often appear as a result of the emergence of magnetized plasma from the solar interior. Traditionally, they are observed in chromospheric lines such as Hα\alpha 6563 \AA and Ca II 8542 \AA. However, whether there is a response to the surge appearance and evolution in the Si IV lines or, in fact, in many other transition region lines has not been studied. In this paper we analyze a simultaneous episode of an Hα\alpha surge and a Si IV burst that occurred on 2016 September 03 in active region AR12585. To that end, we use coordinated observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST). For the first time, we report emission of Si IV within the surge, finding profiles that are brighter and broader than the average. Furthermore, the brightest Si IV patches within the domain of the surge are located mainly near its footpoints. To understand the relation between the surges and the emission in transition region lines like Si IV, we have carried out 2.5D radiative MHD (RMHD) experiments of magnetic flux emergence episodes using the Bifrost code and including the non-equilibrium ionization of silicon. Through spectral synthesis we explain several features of the observations. We show that the presence of Si IV emission patches within the surge, their location near the surge footpoints and various observed spectral features are a natural consequence of the emergence of magnetized plasma from the interior to the atmosphere and the ensuing reconnection processes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. The Astrophysical Journal (Accepted

    Atomic layer deposition-based tuning of the pore size in mesoporous thin films studied by in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering

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    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) enables the conformal coating of porous materials, making the technique suitable for pore size tuning at the atomic level, e.g., for applications in catalysis, gas separation and sensing. It is, however, not straightforward to obtain information about the conformality of ALD coatings deposited in pores with diameters in the low mesoporous regime (< 10 nm). In this work, it is demonstrated that in situ synchrotron based grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) can provide valuable information on the change in density and internal surface area during ALD of TiO2 in a porous titania film with small mesopores (3-8 nm). The results are shown to be in good agreement with in situ x-ray fluorescence data representing the evolution of the amount of Ti atoms deposited in the porous film. Analysis of both data sets indicates that the minimum pore diameter that can be achieved by ALD is determined by the size of the Ti-precursor molecule

    GpaXItarl originating from Solanum tarijense is a major resistance locus to Globodera pallida and is localised on chromosome 11 of potato

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    Resistance to Globodera pallida Rookmaker (Pa3), originating from wild species Solanum tarijense was identified by QTL analysis and can be largely ascribed to one major QTL. GpaXItarl explained 81.3% of the phenotypic variance in the disease test. GpaXItarl is mapped to the long arm of chromosome 11. Another minor QTL explained 5.3% of the phenotypic variance and mapped to the long arm of chromosome 9. Clones containing both QTL showed no lower cyst counts than clones with only GpaXItarl. After Mendelising the phenotypic data, GpaXItarl could be more precisely mapped near markers GP163 and FEN427, thus anchoring GpaXItarl to a region with a known R-gene cluster containing virus and nematode resistance genes

    Kinematics and Magnetic Properties of a Light Bridge in a Decaying Sunspot

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    We present the results obtained by analyzing high spatial and spectral resolution data of the solar photosphere acquired by the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish Solar Telescope on 6 August 2011, relevant to a large sunspot with a light bridge (LB) observed in NOAA AR 11263. These data are complemented by simultaneous Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) observation in the Fe I 630.15 nm and 630.25 nm lines. The continuum intensity map shows a discontinuity of the radial distribution of the penumbral filaments in correspondence with the LB, which shows a dark lane (about 0.3" wide and about 8.0" long) along its main axis. The available data were inverted with the Stokes Inversion based on Response functions (SIR) code and physical parameters maps were obtained. The line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the plasma along the LB derived from the Doppler effect shows motions towards and away from the observer up to 0.6 km/s, which are lower in value than the LOS velocities observed in the neighbouring penumbral filaments. The noteworthy result is that we find motions toward the observer up to 0.6 km/s in the dark lane where the LB is located between two umbral cores, while the LOS velocity motion toward the observer is strongly reduced where the LB is located between an umbral core at one side and penumbral filaments on the other side. Statistically, the LOS velocities correspond to upflows/downflows andcomparing these results with Hinode/SP data, we conclude that the surrounding magnetic field configuration (whether more or less inclined) could have a role in maintaining the conditions for the process of plasma piling up along the dark lane. The results obtained from our study support and confirm outcomes of recent magnetohydro-dynamic simulations showing upflows along the main axis of a LBs

    A new approach and insights on modelling the impact of production diseases on dairy cow welfare

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    Animal welfare is becoming an important consideration in animal health-related decision-making. Integrating considerations of animal welfare into the decision-making process of farmers involves recognising the significance of health disorder impacts in relation to animal welfare. Yet little research quantifies the impact, making it difficult to include animal welfare in the animal health decision-making process. Quantifying the impact of health disorders on animal welfare is incredibly challenging due to empirical animal-based data collection constraints. An approach to circumvent these constraints is to rely on expert knowledge whereby perceived welfare impairment weights are indicative of the negative welfare effect. In this research, we propose an expertise-based method to quantify the perceived impact of sub-optimal mobility (SOM) on the welfare of dairy cows, because of its welfare importance. We first quantified perceived welfare impairment weights of SOM by eliciting expert knowledge using adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA). Second, using the perceived welfare impairment weights, we derived the perceived welfare disutility (i.e., perceived negative welfare effect) of mobility scores 1–5 (1 = optimal mobility, 5 = severely impaired mobility). Third, using the perceived welfare disutility per mobility score, we quantified the perceived welfare impact at case- and herd-level of SOM for different SOM severity. Results showed that perceived welfare disutility increased with each increase in mobility score. However, the perceived welfare impact of SOM cases with lower mobility scores was higher compared to SOM cases with higher mobility scores. This was because of the longer-lasting duration of the SOM cases with lower mobility scores. Moreover, the perceived herd-level welfare impact was largely due to SOM cases with lower mobility scores because of the longer duration and more frequent incidence compared to the SOM cases with higher mobility scores. These results entail that better welfare of dairy cows with respect to SOM can be achieved if lower mobility scores are detected and treated sooner. Our research demonstrates a novel approach that quantifies the perceived impact of health disorders on animal welfare when empirical evidence is limited