21 research outputs found

    Effective low-dose sirolimus regimen for kaposiform haemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon in young infants

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    Aims Management of kaposiform haemangioendotheliomas (KHE) with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon is challenging in young infants who are subjected to developmental pharmacokinetic changes. Sirolimus, sometimes combined with corticosteroids, can be used as an effective treatment of KHE. Simultaneously, toxicities such as interstitial pneumonitis related to the use of sirolimus may be fatal. As infants have a very low CYP3-enzyme expression at birth, which rises during ageing, we hypothesize that a reduced metabolization of sirolimus might lead to high sirolimus serum levels and low dose may be sufficient without the side effects. Methods A case series of 5 infants with kaposiform haemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon was analysed retrospectively. All infants were treated with sirolimus 0.2 mg/m(2) every 24 or 48 hours according to their age. Prednisone was added to the therapy for additional effect in 4 patients. Results In all patients, low dose of sirolimus led to therapeutic sirolimus levels (4-6 ng/mL). All infants (aged 4 days-7 months) had a complete haematological response, without serious adverse events. In all patients, the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon resolved, the coagulation profile normalized and tumour size reduction was seen. Conclusion Low-dose sirolimus treatment is safe for infants with kaposiform haemangioendothelioma and Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. It is essential to realize that during the first months of life, metabolism is still developing and enzymes necessary to metabolise drugs like sirolimus still have to mature. To avoid toxic levels, the sirolimus dosage should be based on age and the associated pharmacological developments

    Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma and tufted angioma – (epi)genetic analysis including genome-wide methylation profiling

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    Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) is a locally aggressive vascular condition of childhood and is dinicopathologically related to tufted angioma (TA), a benign skin lesion. Due to their rarity molecular data are scarce. We investigated 7 KHE and 3 TA by comprehensive mutational analysis and genome-wide methylation profiling and compared the clustering, also with vascular malformations. Lesions were from 7 females and 3 males. The age range was 2 months to 9 years with a median of 10 months. KHEs arose in the soft tissue of the thigh (n = 2), retroperitoneum (n = 1), thoracal/abdominal (n = 1), supraclavicular (n = 1) and neck (n = 1). One patient presented with multiple lesions without further information. Two patients developed a Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. TAs originated in the skin of the shoulder (n = 2) and nose/forehead (n = 1). Of the 5 KHEs and 2 TAs investigated by DNA sequencing, one TA showed a hot spot mutation in NRAS, and one KHE a mutation in RAD50. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis indicated a common methylation pattern of KHEs and TAs, which separated from the homogeneous methylation pattern of vascular malformations. In conclusion, methylation profiling provides further evidence for KHEs and TAs potentially forming a spectrum of one entity. Using next generation sequencing, heterogeneous mutations were found in a subset of cases (2/7) without the presence of GNA14 mutations, previously reported in KHE and TA

    The VASCERN-VASCA Working Group Diagnostic and Management Pathways for Venous Malformations.

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    UNLABELLED To elaborate expert consensus patient pathways to guide patients and physicians toward efficient diagnostics and management of patients with venous malformations. METHODS VASCERN-VASCA (https://vascern.eu/) is a European network of multidisciplinary centers for Vascular Anomalies. The Nominal Group Technique was used to establish the pathways. Two facilitators were identified: one to propose initial discussion points and draw the pathways, and another to chair the discussion. A dermatologist (AD) was chosen as first facilitator due to her specific clinical and research experience. The draft was subsequently discussed within VASCERN-VASCA monthly virtual meetings and annual face-to-face meetings. RESULTS The Pathway starts from the clinical suspicion of a venous type malformation (VM) and lists the clinical characteristics to look for to support this suspicion. Strategies for subsequent imaging and histopathology are suggested. These aim to inform on the diagnosis and to separate the patients into 4 subtypes: (1) sporadic single VMs or (2) multifocal, (3) familial, multifocal, and (4) combined and/or syndromic VMs. The management of each type is detailed in subsequent pages of the pathway, which are color coded to identify sections on (1) clinical evaluations, (2) investigations, (3) treatments, and (4) associated genes. Actions relevant to all types are marked in separate boxes, including when imaging is recommended. When definite diagnoses have been reached, the pathway also points toward disease-specific additional investigations and recommendations for follow up. Options for management are discussed for each subtype, including conservative and invasive treatments, as well as novel molecular therapies. CONCLUSION The collaborative efforts of VASCERN-VASCA, a network of the 9 Expert Centers, has led to a consensus Diagnostic and Management Pathways for VMs to assist clinicians and patients. It also emphasizes the role of multidisciplinary expert centers in the management of VM patients. This pathway will become available on the VASCERN website (http://vascern.eu/)

    The VASCERN-VASCA working group diagnostic and management pathways for lymphatic malformations

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    Lymphatic malformations (LMs) are developmental defects of lymphatic vessels. LMs are histologically benign lesions, however, due to localization, size, and unexpected swelling, they may cause serious complications that threaten vital functions such as compression of the airways. A large swelling of the face or neck may also be disfiguring and thus constitute a psychological strain for patients and their families. LMs are also highly immunologically reactive, and are prone to recurrent infections and inflammation causing pain as well as chronic oozing wounds.The European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN) is dedicated to gathering the best expertise in Europe. There are only few available guidelines on management and follow up of LMs, which commonly focus on very specific situations, such as head and neck LM (Zhou et al., 2011). It is still unclear, what constitutes an indication for treatment of LMs and how to follow up the patients. The Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA-WG) of VASCERN decided to develop a diagnostic and management pathway for the management of LMs with a Nominal Group Technique (NGT), a well-established, structured, multistep, facilitated group meeting technique used to generate consensus statements. The pathway was drawn following 2 face-to-face meetings and multiple web meetings to facilitate discussion, and by mail to avoid the influence of most authoritative members.The VASCA-WG has produced this opinion statement reflecting strategies developed by experts and patient representatives on how to approach patients with lymphatic malformations in a practical manner; we present an algorithmic view of the results of our work.Peer reviewe

    The VASCERN-VASCA working group diagnostic and management pathways for severe and/or rare infantile hemangiomas

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    The European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN), is dedicated to gathering the best expertise in Europe and provide accessible cross-border healthcare to patients with rare vascular dis-eases. Infantile Hemangiomas (IH) are benign vascular tumors of infancy that rapidly growth in the first weeks of life, followed by stabilization and spontaneous regression. In rare cases the extent, the localization or the number of lesions may cause severe complications that need specific and careful management. Severe IH may be life-threatening due to airway obstruction, liver or cardiac failure or may harbor a risk of functional impairment, severe pain, and/or significant and permanent disfigurement. Rare IHs include syndromic variants associated with extracutaneous abnormalities (PHACE and LUMBAR syndromes), and large segmental hemangiomas. There are publications that focus on evidence-based medicine on propranolol treatment for IH and consensus state -ments on the management of rare infantile hemangiomas mostly focused on PHACES syndrome. The Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA-WG) decided to develop a diagnostic and management pathway for severe and rare IHs with a Nominal Group Technique (NGT), a well-established, structured, multistep, facilitated group meeting technique used to generate consensus statements. The pathway was drawn following two face-to-facePeer reviewe

    Gezondheidsraad had voor een polyvalent HPV-vaccin moeten kiezen

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    De Gezondheidsraad doet in haar recente advies over HPV-vaccinatie ter voorkoming van HPV-gerelateerde kanker géén uitspraak over het type vaccin. Een gemiste kans, denken wij. Want het humaan papillomavirus (HPV) kan naast maligniteiten ook anogenitale wratten en larynxpapillomatose veroorzaken; aandoeningen met een grote impact door ziektelast en kosten. Wanneer de Gezondheidsraad expliciet voor brede HPV-vaccins had gekozen, zouden deze niet-oncogene HPV-types ook relatief eenvoudig en efectief aangepakt kunnen worden

    Cost-consequence analysis of "washing without water" for nursing home residents: A cluster randomized trial

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    BACKGROUND: No-rinse disposable wash gloves are increasingly implemented in health care to replace traditional soap and water bed baths without proper evaluation of (cost) effectiveness. OBJECTIVES: To compare bed baths for effects on skin integrity and resistance against bathing and costs. DESIGN: Cluster randomized trial. SETTING: Fifty six nursing home wards in the Netherlands. Participants: Five hundred adult care-dependent residents and 275 nurses from nursing home wards. METHODS: The experimental condition 'washing without water' consists of a bed bath with disposable wash gloves made of non-woven waffled fibers, saturated with a no-rinse, quickly vaporizing skin cleaning and caring lotion. The control condition is a traditional bed bath using soap, water, washcloths and towels. Both conditions were continued for 6 weeks. Outcome measures were prevalence of skin damage distinguished in two levels of severity: any skin abnormality/lesion and significant skin lesions. Additional outcomes: resistance during bed baths, costs. RESULTS: Any skin abnormalities/lesions over time decreased slightly in the experimental group, and increased slightly in the control group, resulting in 72.7% vs 77.6% of residents having any skin abnormalities/lesions after 6 weeks, respectively (p=0.04). There were no differences in significant skin lesions or resistance after 6 weeks. Mean costs for bed baths during 6 weeks per resident were estimated at €218.30 (95%CI 150.52-286.08) in the experimental group and €232.20 (95%CI: 203.80-260.60) in the control group (difference €13.90 (95%CI: -25.61-53.42). CONCLUSION: Washing without water mildly protects from skin abnormalities/lesions, costs for preparing and performing bed baths do not differ from costs for traditional bed bathing. Thus, washing without water can be considered the more efficient alternative.status: publishe

    Completeness of assisted bathing in nursing homes related to dementia and bathing method: results from a secondary analysis of cluster-randomised trial data

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    BACKGROUND: Bathing assistance is a core element of essential care in nursing homes, yet little is known for quality of assisted bathing or its determinants.AIM:To explore differences in completeness of assisted bathing in relation to bathing method and resident characteristics.METHODS: Secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial including 500 nursing home residents designed to compare traditional bathing methods for skin effects and cost-consequences; GlinicalTrials.gov ID [NCT01187732]. Logistic mixed modelling was used to relate resident characteristics and bathing method to bathing completeness.RESULTS: Bathing completeness was highly variable over wards. Apart from a large effect for ward, logistic mixed modelling indicated bathing was more often complete in case of washing without water (using disposable skin cleaning and caring materials; estimate 2.55, SE 0.17, P < 0.0001) and less often complete in residents with dementia (estimate -0.22, SE 0.08, P = 0.0040).CONCLUSIONS: Introduction of washing without water is likely to lead to more bathing completeness in nursing homes. However, inequity in care was also identified with a view to highly variable bathing completeness over wards and more incomplete bathing by care staff in residents with dementia.IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Monitoring the performance of assisted bathing in nursing homes is indicated for the identification of undesirable variation in essential care and poorly performing teams. The introduction of washing without water could serve the promotion of bathing completeness in nursing homes overall, but will not solve inequity issues for residents

    Compression therapy for congenital low-flow vascular malformations of the extremities: A systematic review

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    Introduction Low-flow vascular malformations are congenital abnormalities of the veins, capillaries or lymphatic vessels or a combination of the previous. Compressive garments are frequently used as a first-line treatment option for low-flow vascular malformations of the extremities with the purpose of relieving symptoms. Yet, the benefits and harms of compression stockings remain unclear. Methods A systematic search was performed in MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials including a hand search for studies measuring the benefits and harms of compression garments in treating low-flow vascular malformations. Two investigators performed study selection, quality assessment and data extraction independently. Results Of the 565 studies found, eventually five (totalling 101 patients with venous malformations or Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome receiving compression therapy) observational studies were included in the systematic review. Although the overall quality of these studies was poor, results suggest that compression garments might lessen intravascular coagulation, improve symptoms and appearance, diminish oedema, and protect against minor trauma. None of the studies quantified any harms of compression therapy. Conclusion Even though compression therapy is commonly used in the treatment of low-flow vascular malformations, available literature does not provide high-quality evidence to validate its use. We therefore advocate the need for prospective comparative trials with standardised outcome measures to study the benefits and harms of this treatment optio