69 research outputs found

    Social consequences of advanced cancer in patients and their informal caregivers:A qualitative study

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    Purpose Cancer threatens the social well-being of patients and their informal caregivers. Social life is even more profoundly affected in advanced diseases, but research on social consequences of advanced cancer is scarce. This study aims to explore social consequences of advanced cancer as experienced by patients and their informal caregivers. Methods Seven focus groups and seven in-depth semi-structured interviews with patients (n = 18) suffering from advanced cancer and their informal caregivers (n = 15) were conducted. Audiotapes were transcribed verbatim and open coded using a thematic analysis approach. Results Social consequences were categorized in three themes: "social engagement," "social identity," and "social network." Regarding social engagement, patients and informal caregivers said that they strive for normality by continuing their life as prior to the diagnosis, but experienced barriers in doing so. Regarding social identity, patients and informal caregivers reported feelings of social isolation. The social network became more transparent, and the value of social relations had increased since the diagnosis. Many experienced positive and negative shifts in the quantity and quality of their social relations. Conclusion Social consequences of advanced cancer are substantial. There appears to be a great risk of social isolation in which responses from social relations play an important role. Empowering patients and informal caregivers to discuss their experienced social consequences is beneficial. Creating awareness among healthcare professionals is essential as they provide social support and anticipate on social problems. Finally, educating social relations regarding the impact of advanced cancer and effective support methods may empower social support systems and reduce feelings of isolation

    Identifying the subtypes of cancer-related fatigue: results from the population-based PROFILES registry

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    Purpose: Little research has been done to identify possible cancer-related fatigue (CRF) subtypes and to classify cancer survivors accordingly. We aimed to identify CRF subtypes in a large population-based sample of (long term) stage I–III colorectal cancer survivors. We also identified factors associated with the CRF subtypes. Methods: Respondents completed the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory and other validated questionnaires on anxiety and reduced positive affect (anhedonia), sleep quality, and lifestyle factors (body mass index and physical activity). Latent class analysis was used to derive the CRF subtypes. Factors associated with the derived CRF subtypes were determined with multinomial logistic regression. Results: Three CRF classes were identified: class 1 (no fatigue and distress, n = 644, 56%), class 2 (low f

    Living with and beyond cancer: patients experience persisting consequences of their cancer and its treatment

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    In Nederland leven momenteel meer dan 800.000 mensen met of na kanker en dit aantal neemt toe. Zij kunnen te maken krijgen met uiteenlopende gevolgen van kanker en de behandeling, zowel op lichamelijk, emotioneel, psychosociaal als maatschappelijk vlak. Deze gevolgen zijn ingrijpend en vaak blijvend van aard. Ten minste een kwart van de mensen die leeft met of na kanker ervaart - ook langere tijd na behandeling - angst, vermoeidheid en problemen met seksualiteit. In vergelijking met een normpopulatie van dezelfde leeftijd en geslacht zijn meer dan twee keer zo vaak neuropathie (14% versus 4%), sociale belemmeringen (13% versus 5%) en angstklachten (30% versus 12%) gerapporteerd. Door binnen de gezondheidszorg consequent aandacht te hebben voor deze gevolgen, zowel tijdens als na het behandeltraject, kunnen we mensen die leven met en na kanker zo goed mogelijke ondersteuning bieden. Aandacht voor gevolgen omvat daarbij zowel het geven van voldoende informatie, het tijdig signaleren, het ondersteunen als ook het behandelen van gevolgen

    Patient characteristics and treatment considerations in pancreatic cancer: a population based study in the Netherlands

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer carries a poor prognosis. To date, there has been little research devoted to decision-making regarding treatment options in pancreatic cancer, including the rationale for choosing to withhold tumor targeting treatment (TTT). This study aims to gain insight into the characteristics of patients receiving no TTT, the reasons for this decision and their survival. Methods: All patients diagnosed in the Netherlands between 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2015 with a proven pancreatic adenocarcinoma or a pathologically unverified pancreatic tumor were identified in the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Information on initial management, patient characteristics, main reasons for no TTT (as reported in medical charts) and survival were analyzed. Results: A total of 3090 patients was included. Of these patients, 1818 (59%) received no TTT. Median age of no TTT patients was 74 years (range 35–99) versus 66 years (30–87) for TTT patients. In the no TTT group 77% had a clinical stage III/IV versus 57% of patients who received TTT. Main reasons for not starting TTT were patient’s choice (27%) and extensive disease (21%). Median survival of patients who did not receive TTT wa

    Visualization formats of patient-reported outcome measures in clinical practice: a systematic review about preferences and interpretation accuracy

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    Purpose The use of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for individual patient management within clinical practice is becoming increasingly important. New evidence about graphic visualization formats for PROMs scores has become available. This systematic literature review evaluated evidence for graphic visualization formats of PROMs data in clinical practice for patients and clinicians, for both individual and group level PROMs data. Methods Studies published between 2000 and 2020 were extracted from CINAHL, PubMed, PsychInfo, and Medline. Studies included patients >= 18 years old in daily clinical practice. Papers not available in English, without full-text access, or that did not specifically describe visualization of PROMs data were excluded. Outcomes were: visualization preferences; interpretation accuracy; guidance for clinical interpretation. Results Twenty-five out of 789 papers were included for final analysis. Most frequently studied formats were: bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts. Patients preferred bar charts and line graphs as these were easy and quick for retrieving information about their PROMs scores over time. Clinicians' interpretation accuracy and preferences were similar among graphic visualization formats. Scores were most often compared with patients' own previous scores; to further guide clinical interpretation, scores were compared to norm population scores. Different 'add-ons' improved interpretability for patients and clinicians, e.g. using colors, descriptions of measurement scale directionality, descriptive labels, and brief definitions. Conclusion There was no predominant graphical visualization format approach in terms of preferences or interpretation accuracy for both patients and clinicians. Detailed clarification of graph content is essential.Plain English summary Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) capture patients' self-reported health through the use of questionnaires. PROMs measure health related quality of life, daily functioning, and symptom experience, which are becoming increasingly important to incorporate in clinical practice for individual patient management. To present PROMs within clinical practice, raw or summarized PROMs scores can be visualized in graphical formats. To be useful during clinical encounters, both patients and clinicians ought to interpret such formats correctly. New evidence about graphic visualization formats for PROMs scores has become available. Therefore, we systematically reviewed the literature to evaluate evidence for graphic visualization formats of PROMs data in clinical practice. In 25 included papers, most studies used graphical formats like bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts for presenting PROMs scores. There was no predominant graphical visualization format approach in terms of preferences or interpretation accuracy for both patients and clinicians. Patients preferred bar charts and line graphs as these were easy and quick for retrieving information about their PROMs scores over time. Clinicians' interpretation accuracy and preferences were similar among graphic visualization formats. The graphical interpretation of PROMs data for patients and clinicians can be improved by using colors, descriptions of measurement scale directionality, descriptive labels, and brief definitions.Analysis and support of clinical decision makin

    Health-related quality of life of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic::Longitudinal improvements on social functioning and fatigue

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    The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among long-term Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors (AYACS) and an age- and sex-matched normative population was examined. Although the HRQoL of AYACS was worse compared to the normative population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the scores of AYACS improved over time in contrast to the normative population. Presumably, AYACS are used to adjusting their lives to stressful life events. Furthermore, the lockdown may have been beneficial for AYACS who face difficulties fully participating in society due to the impact of cancer. AYACS who encounter HRQoL issues could benefit from support interventions to empower them and build resilience
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