1,211 research outputs found

    Boekbespreking van: Politiek

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    Virtual Collaboration: An Investigation into the Influence of Avatars and 3D Virtual Environments on Team Effectiveness

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    Huysman, M.H. [Promotor]Schouten, A.P. [Copromotor]Feldberg, J.F.M. [Copromotor

    Sprache – Macht – Integration: Afrikanische Migrantinnen und die deutsche Sprache

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    Afrikanische Migrant*innen müssen sich aufgrund der großen kulturellen und strukturellen Unterschiede im Vergleich zu ihren Herkunftsländern in der Regel in Deutschland neu gesellschaftlich positionieren. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt exemplarisch anhand von qualitativen Interviews mit afrikanischen Migrantinnen aus West- und Zentralafrika, dass sie gesellschaftliche Anerkennung und Integration vor allem über den Erwerb der deutschen Sprache anstreben. Obwohl die Migrantinnen meist mehrsprachig sind, kann dieses kulturelle Kapital aber nur selten in Deutschland in Wert gesetzt werden. Gute Deutschkenntnisse sind daher für die interviewten Migrantinnen essentiell für eine erfolgreiche Positionierung in Alltag, Ausbildung und auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, aber auch zum Schutz vor Diskriminierung. Auf Basis der Analyse des Sprechens des französischen Soziologen Pierre Bourdieu wird gezeigt, dass Deutschlernen und -sprechen für die Migrantinnen mit erheblicher Mühe, Abwertung und Frustration verbunden sind. Dies liegt zum einen daran, dass das Sprachkönnen am Standardhochdeutschen als einzig legitim geltender Sprache gemessen wird und zum anderen, dass die Bewertung der Sprachkompetenzen häufig von negativen Statuszuschreibungen aufgrund von zugeschriebener Fremdheit sowie Vorstellungen von mangelnder fachlicher Kompetenz und Intelligenz überlagert werden. Language – Power – Integration: African Migrants and the German Language African migrants usually have to position themselves in the German society due to the cultural and structural differences with respect to their countries of origin. The present study shows exemplarily on the basis of qualitative interviews with female migrants from West and Central Africa that they pursue societal recognition and integration primarily through the German language. While most African migrants are multilingual, their language skills are often of little value in Germany. An excellent knowledge of German is therefore essential for the interviewed migrants to position themselves successfully in everyday life, vocational training and employment as well as to protect themselves from discrimination. Based on the analysis of language by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the present study shows that learning and speaking German involves a good deal of trouble, devaluation and frustration for the migrants. This is on the one hand because their language skills are compared with the only legitimate standard language, and on the other hand because the assessment of the migrants’ command of language often interferes with negative status attribution due to foreignness and notions of deficient professional expertise and intelligence

    Het politieke protest

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    In every community people are continually subjected to political power. This leads to counter-forces, which differ in quantity and quality. One of these counterforces — political protest — differs in several respects from opposition and rebellion. Opposition and protest are both directed against the government and governmental policy, but not against the regime, as is the case with rebellion. Both are non-violent, while violence is an important element in a rebellion. Opposition takes place according to carefully prescribed rules while political protest does not make use of the existing institutional channels. Though often strongly expressed, opposition can always be seen as a form of cooperation, political protest is obstruction, breaking laws and regulations in order to provoke the authorities to actions (even the use of violence) which will give the protests greater publicity and discredit the opponents. Opposition is directed against the entire governmental policy; political protest is directed against one or several parts of that policy. However, the protest can be a tactical means of a wider activity, which does intend to undermine and eventually to overthrow the existing regime. The effectiveness of political decisions is based on the degree to which relevant reactions to these decisions are foreseen. By smothering or ignoring these reactions the effectiveness or authority is promoted only in appearance. The stability of a political system is based on the degree to which that system is able to register and digest dissatisfaction and renew impulses. In view of those considerations political protest should be seen as a constructive element for the very reason that it operates outside the institutionalized channels. The official political institutions are created and manned by the establishment; they may sincerely strive for legality and fairness, but in social and political aspects they are not unbiased. Political protest creates an outlet for criticism, which prevents an accumulation of sentiments of dissatisfaction; it provides the authorities with more extensive information about resistances within the population than the constitutional institutions can offer; it provides the citizen with a possibility for greater variance in his political behavior than would be possible otherwise. Political protests and the freedom of demonstration which is needed for it, should be hindered as little as possible

    Politieke Vrijheid

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    Impact of diagenesis on carbonate mound formation

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    Weering, T.C.E. van [Promotor]Reijmer, J.J.G. [Promotor]Mienis, F. [Copromotor

    Modelling the Metaverse: A Theoretical Model of Effective Team Collaboration in 3D Virtual Environments

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    In this paper, a theoretical model of effective team collaboration in 3D virtual environments is presented. The aim of this model is to enhance our understanding of the capabilities exerting influence on effective 3D virtual team collaboration. The model identifies a number of specific capabilities of 3D virtual worlds that can contribute to this team effectiveness. Compared to "traditional" computer-mediated collaboration technologies, 3D virtual environments support team collaboration primarily through (a) the shared virtual environment, and (b) avatar-based interaction. Through the shared virtual environment, users experience higher levels of presence (a feeling of actually "being there"), realism and interactivity. These capabilities increase the users' level of information processing.  Avatar-based interaction induces greater feelings of social presence (being with others) and control over  self-presentation (how one wants to be perceived by others), thus increasing the level of communication support in the 3D environment. Through greater levels of information and communication support, a higher level of shared understanding is reached, which in turn positively influences team performance. Our paper concludes by presenting several propositions which allow further empirical testing, implications for research and practice, and suggestions for future research. The insights obtained from this paper can help developers of these virtual worlds to design standards for the capabilities that influence effective team collaboration in 3D virtual environments.
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