2,532 research outputs found

    Structural selection in implicit learning of artificial grammars

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    In the contextual cueing paradigm, Endo and Takeda (in Percept Psychophys 66:293–302, 2004) provided evidence that implicit learning involves selection of the aspect of a structure that is most useful to one’s task. The present study attempted to replicate this finding in artificial grammar learning to investigate whether or not implicit learning commonly involves such a selection. Participants in Experiment 1 were presented with an induction task that could be facilitated by several characteristics of the exemplars. For some participants, those characteristics included a perfectly predictive feature. The results suggested that the aspect of the structure that was most useful to the induction task was selected and learned implicitly. Experiment 2 provided evidence that, although salience affected participants’ awareness of the perfectly predictive feature, selection for implicit learning was mainly based on usefulness

    Гуманізуючий потенціал дистанційного навчання у контексті демократизації мовної освіти

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    У статті розглядається питання гуманізації мовної освіти за допомогою дистанційного навчання. Зроблено висновок про те, що слід активно використовувати сучасні інформаційні технології для гуманізації і демократизації сфери освіти.В статье рассмотрен вопрос гуманизации языкового образования с помощью дистанционного обучения. Сделан вывод о том, что следует активно использовать современные информационные технологии для гуманизации и демократизации сферы образования.The question of humanization of language education through distant teaching is considered. It is concluded that modern information technologies should be actively used for humanization and democratization of the educational sphere

    Developmental asymmetries in learning to adjust to cooperative and uncooperative environments

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    Learning to successfully navigate social environments is a critical developmental goal, predictive of long-term wellbeing. However, little is known about how people learn to adjust to diferent social environments, and how this behaviour emerges across development. Here, we use a series of economic games to assess how children, adolescents, and young adults learn to adjust to social environments that difer in their level of cooperation (i.e., trust and coordination). Our results show an asymmetric developmental pattern: adjustment requiring uncooperative behaviour remains constant across adolescence, but adjustment requiring cooperative behaviour improves markedly across adolescence. Behavioural and computational analyses reveal that age-related diferences in this social learning are shaped by age-related diferences in the degree of inequality aversion and in the updating of beliefs about others. Our fndings point to early adolescence as a phase of rapid change in cooperative behaviours, and highlight this as a key developmental window for interventions promoting well-adjusted social behaviour

    Здійснення релігієзнавчо-лінгвістичного аналізу поняття "добро" в Корані

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    У даній статті розглядаються особливості мови Корану. Проводиться морфологічний аналіз слів зі значенням «добро» в арабській мові та наводяться їх приклади уживання в релігійному тексті, тим самим розкриваючи глибину і багатогранність змістового насичення цієї дефініції.В данной статье рассматриваются особенности языка Корана. Проводится морфологический анализ слов со значением «добро» в арабском языке и приводятся примеры их употребления в религиозном тексте, тем самым раскрывая глубину и многогранность содержательного насыщения этой дефиниции.In this article the features of the Koran language are considered. The words with the meaning of “good” in Arab language are analyzed morphologically and the examples of their usage in religious text are given, thereby the depth and versatility of this definition content saturation are discovered