11 research outputs found

    Characterization of Leader Processing Shows That Partially Processed Mersacidin Is Activated by AprE After Export

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    The ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide mersacidin is a class II lanthipeptide with good activity against Gram-positive bacteria. The intramolecular lanthionine rings, that give mersacidin its stability and antimicrobial activity, are specific structures with potential applications in synthetic biology. To add the mersacidin modification enzymes to the synthetic biology toolbox, a heterologous expression system for mersacidin in Escherichia coli has recently been developed. While this system was able to produce fully modified mersacidin precursor peptide that could be activated by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens supernatant and showed that mersacidin was activated in an additional proteolytic step after transportation out of the cell, it lacked a mechanism for clean and straightforward leader processing. Here, the protease responsible for activating mersacidin was identified and heterologously produced in E. coli, improving the previously reported heterologous expression system. By screening multiple proteases, the stringency of proteolytic activity directly next to a very small lanthionine ring is demonstrated, and the full two-step proteolytic activation of mersacidin was elucidated. Additionally, the effect of partial leader processing on diffusion and antimicrobial activity is assessed, shedding light on the function of two-step leader processing

    Membrane composition and organization of Bacillus subtilis 168 and its genome-reduced derivative miniBacillus PG10

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    A form of lateral membrane compartmentalization in bacteria is represented by functional membrane microdomains (FMMs). FMMs are important for various cellular processes and offer application possibilities in microbial biotechnology. We designed a lipidomics method to directly measure relative abundances of lipids in detergent-resistant and detergent-sensitive membrane fractions of the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis 168 and the biotechnologically attractive miniBacillus PG10 strain. Our study supports previous work suggesting that cardiolipin and prenol lipids are enriched in FMMs of B. subtilis. Additionally, structural analysis of acyl chains of major phospholipids indicated that FMMs display increased order and thickness compared with the surrounding bilayer. Despite the 36% genome reduction, membrane and FMM integrity are largely preserved in miniBacillus PG10, as supported by analysis of membrane fluidity, flotillin distribution and gene expression data. The novel insights in FMM architecture reported here will contribute to further explore the biological significance of FMMs and the means by which FMMs can be exploited as heterologous production platforms. Moreover, our lipidomics method enables comparative FMM lipid profiling between different bacteria.ISSN:1751-7915ISSN:1751-790

    Unchaining miniBacillus PG10:Relief of FlgM-mediated repression of autolysin genes

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    Cell chaining in Bacillus subtilis is naturally observed in a subset of cells during exponential growth and during biofilm formation. However, the recently constructed large-scale genome-minimized B. subtilis strain PG10 displays a severe and permanent defect in cell separation, as it exclusively grows in the form of long filaments of nonseparated cells. In this study, we investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the incomplete cell division of PG10 by genomic and transcriptomic analyses. Repression of the SigD regulon, including the major autolysin gene lytF, was identified as the cause for the cell separation problem of PG10. It appeared that SigD-regulated genes are downregulated in PG10 due to the absence of the flagellar export apparatus, which normally is responsible for secretion of FlgM, the anti-sigma factor of SigD. Although mild negative effects on growth and cell morphology were observed, deletion of flgM could revert the aberrant cell-chaining phenotype and increased transformation efficiency. Interestingly, our work also demonstrates the occurrence of increased antisense transcription of slrR, a transcriptional repressor of autolysin genes, in PG10 and provides further understanding for this observation. In addition to revealing the molecular basis of the cell separation defect in PG10, our work provides novel targets for subsequent genome reduction efforts and future directions for further optimization of miniBacillus PG10. IMPORTANCE Reduction of the size of bacterial genomes is relevant for understanding the minimal requirements for cellular life as well as from a biotechnological point of view. Although the genome-minimized Bacillus subtilis strain PG10 displays several beneficial traits as a microbial cell factory compared to its parental strain, a defect at the final stage of cell division was introduced during the genome reduction process. By genetic and transcriptomic analyses, we identified the underlying reasons for the cell separation problem of PG10. In addition to enabling PG10 to grow in a way similar to that of B. subtilis wild-type strains, our work points toward subsequent targets for fine-tuning and further reduction of the genome of PG10. Moreover, solving the cell separation defect facilitates laboratory handling of PG10 by increasing the transformation efficiency, among other means. Overall, our work contributes to understanding and improving biotechnologically attractive minimal bacterial cell factories

    MiniBacillus PG10 as a Convenient and Effective Production Host for Lantibiotics

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    Efficient bacterial cell factories are important for the screening and characterization of potent antimicrobial peptides such as lantibiotics. Although lantibiotic production systems have been established in Lactococcus lactis and Escherichia coli, the industrial workhorse Bacillus subtilis has been left relatively unexplored as a lantibiotic production host. Therefore, we tested different B. subtilis strains for their ability to produce lantibiotic peptides by using the subtilin modification and transport enzymes derived from the natural subtilin producer B. subtilis ATCC 6633. Our study shows that although B. subtilis ATCC 6633 and 168 are able to produce various processed lantibiotic peptides, an evident advantage of using either the 8-fold protease-deficient strain WB800 or the genome-minimized B. subtilis 168 strain PG10 is the lack of extracellular serine protease activity. Consequently, leader processing of lantibiotic precursor peptides is circumvented and thus potential toxicity toward the production host is prevented. Furthermore, PG10 provides a clean secondary metabolic background and therefore appears to be the most promising B. subtilis lantibiotic production host. We demonstrate the production of various lantibiotic precursor peptides by PG10 and show different options for their in vitro activation. Our study thus provides a convenient B. subtilis-based lantibiotic production system, which facilitates the search for novel antimicrobial peptides

    Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology employing Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus subtilis cell factories

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    Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology approaches have prospered the field of biotechnology, in which the main focus has been on Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as microbial workhorses. In more recent years, improving the Gram-positive bacteria Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus subtilis as production hosts has gained increasing attention. This review will demonstrate the different levels at which these bacteria can be engineered and their various application possibilities. For instance, engineered L. lactis strains show great promise for biomedical applications. Moreover, we provide an overview of recent synthetic biology tools that facilitate the use of these two microorganisms even more

    Experimental mitochondria-targeted DNA methylation identifies GpC methylation, not CpG methylation, as potential regulator of mitochondrial gene expression

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    Like the nucleus, mitochondria contain their own DNA and recent reports provide accumulating evidence that also the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is subjective to DNA methylation. This evidence includes the demonstration of mitochondria-localised DNA methyltransferases and demethylases, and the detection of mtDNA methylation as well as hydroxymethylation. Importantly, differential mtDNA methylation has been linked to aging and diseases, including cancer and diabetes. However, functionality of mtDNA methylation has not been demonstrated. Therefore, we targeted DNA methylating enzymes (modifying cytosine in the CpG or GpC context) to the mtDNA. Unexpectedly, mtDNA gene expression remained unchanged upon induction of CpG mtDNA methylation, whereas induction of C-methylation in the GpC context decreased mtDNA gene expression. Intriguingly, in the latter case, the three mtDNA promoters were differentially affected in each cell line, while cellular function seemed undisturbed. In conclusion, this is the first study which directly addresses the potential functionality of mtDNA methylation. Giving the important role of mitochondria in health and disease, unravelling the impact of mtDNA methylation adds to our understanding of the role of mitochondria in physiological and pathophysiological processes

    The Bacillus subtilis Minimal Genome Compendium

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    To better understand cellular life, it is essential to decipher the contribution of individual components and their interactions. Minimal genomes are an important tool to investigate these interactions. Here, we provide a database of 105 fully annotated genomes of a series of strains with sequential deletion steps of the industrially relevant model bacterium Bacillus subtilis starting with the laboratory wild type strain B. subtilis 168 and ending with B. subtilis PG38, which lacks approximately 40% of the original genome. The annotation is supported by sequencing of key intermediate strains as well as integration of literature knowledge for the annotation of the deletion scars and their potential effects. The strain compendium presented here represents a comprehensive genome library of the entire MiniBacillus project. This resource will facilitate the more effective application of the different strains in basic science as well as in biotechnology

    Engineering Lactococcus lactis for the production of unusual anthocyanins using tea as substrate

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    Plant material rich in anthocyanins has been historically used in traditional medicines, but only recently have the specific pharmacological properties of these compounds been the target of extensive studies. In addition to their potential to modulate the development of various diseases, coloured anthocyanins are valuable natural alternatives commonly used to replace synthetic colourants in food industry. Exploitation of microbial hosts as cell factories is an attractive alternative to extraction of anthocyanins and other flavonoids from plant sources or chemical synthesis. In this study, we present the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis as an ideal host for the production of high-value plant-derived bioactive anthocyanins using green tea as substrate. Besides the anticipated red-purple compounds cyanidin and delphinidin, orange and yellow pyranoanthocyanidins with unexpected methylation patterns were produced from green tea by engineered L. lactis strains. The pyranoanthocyanins are currently attracting significant interest as one of the most important classes of anthocyanin derivatives and are mainly formed during the aging of wine, contributing to both colour and sensory experience

    Data from: Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science

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    This record contains the underlying research data for the publication "Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science" and the full-text is available from: https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/lkcsb_research/5257Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown. We conducted replications of 100 experimental and correlational studies published in three psychology journals using high-powered designs and original materials when available. Replication effects were half the magnitude of original effects, representing a substantial decline. Ninety-seven percent of original studies had statistically significant results. Thirty-six percent of replications had statistically significant results; 47% of original effect sizes were in the 95% confidence interval of the replication effect size; 39% of effects were subjectively rated to have replicated the original result; and if no bias in original results is assumed, combining original and replication results left 68% with statistically significant effects. Correlational tests suggest that replication success was better predicted by the strength of original evidence than by characteristics of the original and replication teams