234 research outputs found

    Human phosphodiesterase 4D7 (PDE4D7) expression is increased in TMPRSS2-ERG positive primary prostate cancer and independently adds to a reduced risk of post-surgical disease progression

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    background: There is an acute need to uncover biomarkers that reflect the molecular pathologies, underpinning prostate cancer progression and poor patient outcome. We have previously demonstrated that in prostate cancer cell lines PDE4D7 is downregulated in advanced cases of the disease. To investigate further the prognostic power of PDE4D7 expression during prostate cancer progression and assess how downregulation of this PDE isoform may affect disease outcome, we have examined PDE4D7 expression in physiologically relevant primary human samples. methods: About 1405 patient samples across 8 publically available qPCR, Affymetrix Exon 1.0 ST arrays and RNA sequencing data sets were screened for PDE4D7 expression. The TMPRSS2-ERG gene rearrangement status of patient samples was determined by transformation of the exon array and RNA seq expression data to robust z-scores followed by the application of a threshold >3 to define a positive TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion event in a tumour sample. results: We demonstrate that PDE4D7 expression positively correlates with primary tumour development. We also show a positive association with the highly prostate cancer-specific gene rearrangement between TMPRSS2 and the ETS transcription factor family member ERG. In addition, we find that in primary TMPRSS2-ERG-positive tumours PDE4D7 expression is significantly positively correlated with low-grade disease and a reduced likelihood of progression after primary treatment. Conversely, PDE4D7 transcript levels become significantly decreased in castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). conclusions: We further characterise and add physiological relevance to PDE4D7 as a novel marker that is associated with the development and progression of prostate tumours. We propose that the assessment of PDE4D7 levels may provide a novel, independent predictor of post-surgical disease progression

    Staphylococcus aureus toxin LukSF dissociates from its membrane receptor target to enable renewed ligand sequestration

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    Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin is a pore-forming toxin targeting the human C5a receptor (hC5aR), enabling this pathogen to battle the immune response by destroying phagocytes through targeted lysis. The mechanisms that contribute to rapid cell lysis are largely unexplored. Here, we show that cell lysis may be enabled by a process of toxins targeting receptor clusters and present indirect evidence for receptor recycling that allows multiple toxin pores to be formed close together. With the use of live cell single-molecule super-resolution imaging, Forster resonance energy transfer and nanoscale total internal reflection fluorescence colocalization microscopy, we visualized toxin pore formation in the presence of its natural docking ligand. We demonstrate disassociation of hC5aR from toxin complexes and simultaneous binding of new ligands. This effect may free mobile receptors to amplify hyperinflammatory reactions in early stages of microbial infections and have implications for several other similar bicomponent toxins and the design of new antibiotics.Haapasalo, K., Wollman, A. J. M., de Haas, C. J. C., van Kessel, K. P. M., van Strijp, J. A. G., Leake, M. C. Staphylococcus aureus toxin LukSF dissociates from its membrane receptor target to enable renewed ligand sequestration.Peer reviewe

    Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis

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    Life-threatening bacterial infections in women after childbirth, known as puerperal sepsis, resulted in classical epidemics and remain a global health problem. While outbreaks of puerperal sepsis have been ascribed to Streptococcus pyogenes, little is known about disease mechanisms. Here, we show that the bacterial R28 protein, which is epidemiologically associated with outbreaks of puerperal sepsis, specifically targets the human receptor CEACAM1. This interaction triggers events that would favor development of puerperal sepsis, including adhesion to cervical cells, suppression of epithelial wound repair and subversion of innate immune responses. High-resolution structural analysis showed that an R28 domain with IgI3-like fold binds to the N-terminal domain of CEACAM1. Together, these findings demonstrate that a single adhesin-receptor interaction can drive the pathogenesis of bacterial sepsis and provide molecular insights into the pathogenesis of one of the most important infectious diseases in medical history

    Versatile vector suite for the extracytoplasmic production and purification of heterologous His-tagged proteins in Lactococcus lactis

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    Recent studies have shown that the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis can be exploited for the expression of heterologous proteins; however, a versatile set of vectors suitable for inducible extracellular protein production and subsequent purification of the expressed proteins by immobilized metal affinity chromatography was so far lacking. Here we describe three novel vectors that, respectively, facilitate the nisin-inducible production of N- or C-terminally hexa-histidine (His(6))-tagged proteins in L. lactis. One of these vectors also encodes a tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage site allowing removal of the N-terminal His(6)-tag from expressed proteins. Successful application of the developed vectors for protein expression, purification and/or functional studies is exemplified with six different cell wall-bound or secreted proteins from Staphylococcus aureus. The results show that secretory production of S. aureus proteins is affected by the position, N- or C-terminal, of the His(6)-tag. This seems to be due to an influence of the His(6)-tag on protein stability. Intriguingly, the S. aureus IsdB protein, which is phosphorylated in S. aureus, was also found to be phosphorylated when heterologously produced in L. lactis, albeit not on the same Tyr residue. This implies that this particular post-translational protein modification is to some extent conserved in S. aureus and L. lactis. Altogether, we are confident that the present vector set combined with the L. lactis expression host has the potential to become a very useful tool in optimization of the expression, purification and functional analysis of extracytoplasmic bacterial proteins

    Proinflammatory bacterial peptidoglycan as a cofactor for the development of central nervous system autoimmune disease

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    Upon stimulation by microbial products through TLR, dendritic cells (DC) acquire the capacity to prime naive T cells and to initiate a proinflammatory immune response. Recently, we have shown that APC within the CNS of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients contain peptidoglycan (PGN), a major cell wall component of Gram-positive bacteria, which signals through TLR and NOD. In this study, we report that Staphylococcus aureus PGN as a single component can support the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice, an animal model for MS. Mice immunized with an encephalitogenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide in IFA did not develop EAE. In contrast, addition of PGN to the emulsion was sufficient for priming of autoreactive Th1 cells and development of EAE. In vitro studies demonstrate that PGN stimulates DC-mediated processes, reflected by increased Ag uptake, DC maturation, Th1 cell expansion, activation, and proinflammatory cytokine production. These data indicate that PGN-mediated interactions result in proinflammatory stimulation of Ag-specific effector functions, which are important in the development of EAE. These PGN-mediated processes may occur both within the peripheral ly

    Влияние фенилгидразина и алкилсульфатов на осмотическую чувствительность эритроцитов млекопитающих

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    Показано, что чувствительность эритроцитов млекопитающих к гипертоническому стрессу при 37 °С после обработки фенилгидразином зависит от видовой принадлежности клеток. Установлено, что модификация фенилгидразином эритроцитов млекопитающих приводит к снижению антигемолитической активности алкилкилсульфатов в условиях гипертонического стресса.Показано, що чутливість еритроцитів ссавців до гіпертонічного стресу при 37 °С після обробки фенілгідразином залежить від видової приналежності клітин. Встановлено, що модифікація фенілгідразином еритроцитів ссавців призводить до зниження антигемолітичної активності алкілсульфатів в умовах гіпертонічного стресу.It is shown that the sensitivity of mammalian erythrocytes to hypertonic stress at 37 °C after the treatment with phenylhydrazine depends on the species of a cell. We have established that the modification with phenylhydrazine of mammalian erythrocytes leads to a decrease of the alkyl sulfates antihemolytic activity under hypertonic stress

    Complete sequence-based pathway analysis by differential on-chip DNA and RNA extraction from a single cell

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    Abstract We demonstrate on-chip, differential DNA and RNA extraction from a single cell using a microfluidic chip and a two-stage lysis protocol. This method enables direct use of the whole extract, without additional washing steps, reducing sample loss. Using this method, the tumor driving pathway in individual cells from a colorectal cancer cell line was determined by applying a Bayesian computational pathway model to sequences obtained from the RNA fraction of a single cell and, the mutations driving the pathway were determined by analyzing sequences obtained from the DNA fraction of the same single cell. This combined functional and mutational pathway assessment of a single cell could be of significant value for dissecting cellular heterogeneity in tumors and analyzing single circulating tumor cells

    Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors

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    Police crash reports are often the main source for official data in many countries. However, with the exception of fatal crashes, crashes are often underreported in a biased manner. Consequently, the countermeasures adopted according to them may be inefficient. In the case of bicycle crashes, this bias is most acute and it probably varies across countries, with some of them being more prone to reporting accidents to police than others. Assessing if this bias occurs and the size of it can be of great importance for evaluating the risks associated with bicycling. This study utilized data collected in the COST TU1101 action “Towards safer bicycling through optimization of bicycle helmets and usage”. The data came from an online survey that included questions related to bicyclists' attitudes, behaviour, cycling habits, accidents, and patterns of use of helmets. The survey was filled by 8655 bicyclists from 30 different countries. After applying various exclusion factors, 7015 questionnaires filled by adult cyclists from 17 countries, each with at least 100 valid responses, remained in our sample. The results showed that across all countries, an average of only 10% of all crashes were reported to the police, with a wide range among countries: from a minimum of 0.0% (Israel) and 2.6% (Croatia) to a maximum of a 35.0% (Germany). Some factors associated with the reporting levels were type of crash, type of vehicle involved, and injury severity. No relation was found between the likelihood of reporting and the cyclist's gender, age, educational level, marital status, being a parent, use of helmet, and type of bicycle. The significant under-reporting – including injury crashes that do not lead to hospitalization – justifies the use of self-report survey data for assessment of bicycling crash patterns as they relate to (1) crash risk issues such as location, infrastructure, cyclists' characteristics, and use of helmet and (2) strategic approaches to bicycle crash prevention and injury reduction.Fil: Shinar, D.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Valero Mora, Pedro. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: van Strijp Houtenbos, M.. Institute For Road Safety Research; Países BajosFil: Haworth, N.. Queensland University of Technology; AustraliaFil: Schramm, A.. Queensland University of Technology; AustraliaFil: de Bruyne, G.. Universiteit Antwerp; BélgicaFil: Cavallo, V.. No especifíca;Fil: Chliaoutakis, J.. No especifíca;Fil: Pereira Dias, Joao. Instituto Superior Tecnico; PortugalFil: Ferraro, Ottavia Eleonora. Universita Degli Studi Di Pavia; ItaliaFil: Fyhri, Aslak. No especifíca;Fil: Sajatovic, Anika Hursa. No especifíca;Fil: Kuklane, Kalev. Lund University; SueciaFil: Ledesma, Ruben Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Psicología Básica, Aplicada y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Psicología Básica, Aplicada y Tecnología.; ArgentinaFil: Calvé Mascarell, Oscar. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Morandi, A.. Universita Degli Studi Di Pavia; ItaliaFil: Muser, Markus. No especifíca;Fil: Otte, Diettmar. No especifíca;Fil: Papadakaki, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Sanmartín, J.. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Dulf, D.. No especifíca;Fil: Saplioglu, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Tzamalouka, Georgia. No especifíca