23 research outputs found

    Instability of Acylcarnitines in Stored Dried Blood Spots:The Impact on Retrospective Analysis of Biomarkers for Inborn Errors of Metabolism

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    Stored dried blood spots (DBS) can provide valuable samples for the retrospective diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism, and for validation studies for newborn blood spot screening programs. Acylcarnitine species are subject to degradation upon long-term storage at room temperature, but limited data are available on the stability in original samples and the impact on acylcarnitine ratios. We analysed complete acylcarnitine profiles by flow-injection tandem mass spectrometry in 598 anonymous DBS stored from 2013 to 2017, at +4 degrees C during the first year and thereafter at room temperature. The concentrations of C2-, C3-, C4-, C5-, C6-, C8-, C10:1-, C10-, C12:1-, C12-, C14:1-, C14-, C16:1-, C16-, C18:2-, C18:1-, C18-, C5OH+C4DC-, C18:1OH-, and C16DC-carnitine decreased significantly, whereas a positive trend was found for free carnitine. Only the C4/C8-, C8/C10-, C14:1/C10- and C14:1/C16-carnitine ratios appeared robust for the metabolite instability. The metabolite instability may provoke the wrong interpretation of test results in the case of retrospective studies and risk the inaccurate estimation of cut-off targets in validation studies when only stored control DBS are used. We recommend including control DBS in diagnostic, retrospective cohort studies, and, for validation studies, we recommend using fresh samples and repeatedly re-evaluating cut-off targets

    Prediction of disease severity in multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency:a retrospective and laboratory cohort study

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    Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) is an ultra-rare inborn error of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and amino acid metabolism. Individual phenotypes and treatment response can vary markedly. We aimed to identify markers that predict MADD phenotypes. We performed a retrospective nationwide cohort study; then developed an MADD-disease severity scoring system (MADD-DS3) based on signs and symptoms with weighed expert opinions; and finally correlated phenotypes and MADD-DS3 scores to FAO flux (oleate and myristate oxidation rates) and acylcarnitine profiles after palmitate loading in fibroblasts. Eighteen patients, diagnosed between 1989 and 2014, were identified. The MADD-DS3 entails enumeration of eight domain scores, which are calculated by averaging the relevant symptom scores. Lifetime MADD-DS3 scores of patients in our cohort ranged from 0 to 29. FAO flux and [U-13C]C2-, C5-, and [U-13C]C16-acylcarnitines were identified as key variables that discriminated neonatal from later onset patients (all P <.05) and strongly correlated to MADD-DS3 scores (oleate: r = −.86; myristate: r = −.91; [U-13C]C2-acylcarnitine: r = −.96; C5-acylcarnitine: r =.97; [U-13C]C16-acylcarnitine: r =.98, all P <.01). Functional studies in fibroblasts were found to differentiate between neonatal and later onset MADD-patients and were correlated to MADD-DS3 scores. Our data may improve early prediction of disease severity in order to start (preventive) and follow-up treatment appropriately. This is especially relevant in view of the inclusion of MADD in population newborn screening programs

    Inborn Errors of Metabolism That Cause Sudden Infant Death:A Systematic Review with Implications for Population Neonatal Screening Programmes

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    BACKGROUND: Many inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) may present as sudden infant death (SID). Nowadays, increasing numbers of patients with IEMs are identified pre-symptomatically by population neonatal bloodspot screening (NBS) programmes. However, some patients escape early detection because their symptoms and signs start before NBS test results become available, they even die even before the sample for NBS has been drawn or because there are IEMs which are not included in the NBS programmes. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: This was a comprehensive systematic literature review to identify all IEMs associated with SID, including their treatability and detectability by NBS technologies. Reye syndrome (RS) was included in the search strategy because this condition can be considered a possible pre-stage of SID in a continuum of aggravating symptoms. RESULTS: 43 IEMs were identified that were associated with SID and/or RS. Of these, (1) 26 can already present during the neonatal period, (2) treatment is available for at least 32, and (3) 26 can currently be identified by the analysis of acylcarnitines and amino acids in dried bloodspots (DBS). CONCLUSION: We advocate an extensive analysis of amino acids and acylcarnitines in blood/plasma/DBS and urine for all children who died suddenly and/or unexpectedly, including neonates in whom blood had not yet been drawn for the routine NBS test. The application of combined metabolite screening and DNA-sequencing techniques would facilitate fast identification and maximal diagnostic yield. This is important information for clinicians who need to maintain clinical awareness and decision-makers to improve population NBS programmes

    Enantiomer-specific pharmacokinetics of D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate:Implications for the treatment of multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

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    D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (D,L-3-HB, a ketone body) treatment has been described in several inborn errors of metabolism, including multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD; glutaric aciduria type II). We aimed to improve the understanding of enantiomer-specific pharmacokinetics of D,L-3-HB. Using UPLC-MS/MS, we analyzed D-3-HB and L-3-HB concentrations in blood samples from three MADD patients, and blood and tissue samples from healthy rats, upon D,L-3-HB salt administration (patients: 736-1123 mg/kg/day; rats: 1579-6317 mg/kg/day of salt-free D,L-3-HB). D,L-3-HB administration caused substantially higher L-3-HB concentrations than D-3-HB. In MADD patients, both enantiomers peaked at 30 to 60 minutes, and approached baseline after 3 hours. In rats, D,L-3-HB administration significantly increased Cmax and AUC of D-3-HB in a dose-dependent manner (controls vs ascending dose groups for Cmax: 0.10 vs 0.30-0.35-0.50 mmol/L, and AUC: 14 vs 58-71-106 minutes*mmol/L), whereas for L-3-HB the increases were significant compared to controls, but not dose proportional (Cmax: 0.01 vs 1.88-1.92-1.98 mmol/L, and AUC: 1 vs 380-454-479 minutes*mmol/L). L-3-HB concentrations increased extensively in brain, heart, liver, and muscle, whereas the most profound rise in D-3-HB was observed in heart and liver. Our study provides important knowledge on the absorption and distribution upon oral D,L-3-HB. The enantiomer-specific pharmacokinetics implies differential metabolic fates of D-3-HB and L-3-HB

    Efficacy and safety of D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (D,L-3-HB) treatment in multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

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    PURPOSE: Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) is a life-threatening, ultrarare inborn error of metabolism. Case reports described successful D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (D,L-3-HB) treatment in severely affected MADD patients, but systematic data on efficacy and safety is lacking.METHODS: A systematic literature review and an international, retrospective cohort study on clinical presentation, D,L-3-HB treatment method, and outcome in MADD(-like) patients.RESULTS: Our study summarizes 23 MADD(-like) patients, including 14 new cases. Median age at clinical onset was two months (interquartile range [IQR]: 8 months). Median age at starting D,L-3-HB was seven months (IQR: 4.5 years). D,L-3-HB doses ranged between 100 and 2600 mg/kg/day. Clinical improvement was reported in 16 patients (70%) for cardiomyopathy, leukodystrophy, liver symptoms, muscle symptoms, and/or respiratory failure. D,L-3-HB appeared not effective for neuropathy. Survival appeared longer upon D,L-3-HB compared with historical controls. Median time until first clinical improvement was one month, and ranged up to six months. Reported side effects included abdominal pain, constipation, dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting/nausea. Median D,L-3-HB treatment duration was two years (IQR: 6 years). D,L-3-HB treatment was discontinued in 12 patients (52%).CONCLUSION: The strength of the current study is the international pooling of data demonstrating that D,L-3-HB treatment can be effective and safe in MADD(-like) patients.</p

    Changes in pediatric plasma acylcarnitines upon fasting for refined interpretation of metabolic stress

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    BACKGROUND: Childhood fasting intolerance is a life-threatening problem associated with various inborn errors of metabolism. Plasma acylcarnitines reflect fatty acid oxidation and help determine fasting intolerance etiology. Pediatric reference values of plasma acylcarnitines upon fasting are not available, complicating interpretation of stress samples. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of supervised clinical fasting studies between 01/2005-09/2012. Exclusion criteria involved patients with (suspected) disorders, repeated tests or incomplete results. Remaining children were grouped according to age: group A (≤24 months), B (25-84 months) and C (≥85 months). Median and 2.5th to 97.5th percentiles of basic metabolic parameters and acylcarnitines were determined at start and end of testing on the ward and analyzed for significant differences (p<0.05). RESULTS: Out of 127 fasting studies, 48 were included: group A (n=13), B (n=23) and C (n=12). Hypoglycemia occurred in 21%. Children from group C demonstrated significantly higher end glucose concentrations while end ketone body concentrations were significantly lower compared to younger children. In all groups, free carnitine and C3-carnitine significantly decreased upon fasting, while C2-, C6-, C12:1-, C12-, C14:1-, C14-, C16:1- and C16-carnitine significantly increased. End concentrations of C6-, C12:1-, C12-, C14:1-, C14-, C16:1-, C16- and C18:1-carnitine were significantly lower in children ≥85 months compared to younger children. CONCLUSIONS: Fasting-induced counter-regulatory mechanisms to maintain energy homeostasis are age-dependent. This influences the changes in basic metabolic parameters and acylcarnitine profiles. Our data enable improved interpretation of the individual fasting response and may support assessment of minimal safe fasting times or treatment responses in patients