59 research outputs found

    Vaccination prevented short-term memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory in Alzheimer's disease mice, independent of amyloid-β pathology

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    Background: Soluble oligomeric amyloid-β (Aβ), rather than Aβ plaques, seems to be the culprit in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Accordingly, a new concept vaccine of small cyclic peptide conjugates, selectively targeting oligomeric Aβ, has been developed.Objective: Study the therapeutic potential of this new vaccine in a mouse model for AD.Methods: J20 mice, overexpressing human amyloid precursor protein, were validated for an AD-like phenotype. Then, J20 mice were vaccinated at 2, 3, and 4 months of age and AD phenotype was evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 months of age; or at 9, 10, and 11 months with evaluation at 12 months. Effects on Aβ pathology were studied by plaque load (immunohistochemistry; 6E10) and antibody titers against Aβ (ELISA). AD behavioral phenotype was evaluated by performance in a battery of cognitive tests.Results: J20 mice displayed age-related Aβ plaque development and an AD-like behavioral phenotype. A consistent antibody response to the cyclic peptides was, however, not extended to Aβ, leaving plaque load unaffected. Nevertheless, immunization at young ages prevented working- and short-term spatial memory loss, but deteriorated long-term spatial learning and memory, at 12 months of age. Immunization at later ages did not affect any measured parameter.Conclusion: J20 mice provide a relevant model for AD to study potential anti-Aβ treatment. Early vaccination prevented short-term memory loss at later ages, but deteriorated long-term spatial memory, however without affecting Aβ pathology. Later vaccination had no effects, but optimal timing may require further investigation.</p

    Meta-Analysis of Pulmonary Transcriptomes from Differently Primed Mice Identifies Molecular Signatures to Differentiate Immune Responses following Bordetella pertussis

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    Respiratory infection with Bordetella pertussis leads to severe effects in the lungs. The resulting immunity and also immunization with pertussis vaccines protect against disease, but the induced type of immunity and longevity of the response are distinct. In this study the effects of priming, by either vaccination or infection, on a subsequent pathogen encounter were studied. To that end, three postchallenge transcriptome datasets of previously primed mice were combined and compared to the responses in unprimed control mice. In total, 205 genes showed different transcription activity. A coexpression network analysis assembled these genes into 27 clusters, combined into six groups with overlapping biological function. Local pulmonary immunity was only present in mice with infection-induced immunity. Complement-mediated responses were more prominent in mice immunized with an outer membrane vesicle pertussis vaccine than in mice that received a whole-cell pertussis vaccine. Additionally, 46 genes encoding for secreted proteins may serve as markers in blood for the degree of protection (Cxcl9, Gp2, and Pla2g2d), intensity of infection (Retnla, Saa3, Il6, and Il1b), or adaptive recall responses (Ighg, C1qb). The molecular signatures elucidated in this study contribute to better understanding of functional interactions in challenge-induced responses in relation to pertussis immunity

    Combined TLR2 and TLR4 ligation in the context of bacterial or helminth extracts in human monocyte derived dendritic cells: molecular correlates for Th1/Th2 polarization

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    Background: Recognition of pathogens by dendritic cells (DCs) through interaction with pattern recognition receptors, including Toll like receptors (TLR), is crucial for the initiation of appropriate polarized T helper (Th) cell responses. Yet, the characteristics and differences in molecular profiles of DCs with different T cell polarizing capacities are still poorly defined. To address this issue, the molecular profile of human monocyte derived DCs was characterized after exposure to TLR4 ligand LPS in combination with the Th1 promoting bacterial extracts from Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli or the Th2 promoting helminth derived phospholipids from Schistosoma mansoni and Ascaris lumbricoides, all with TLR2 activating capacity. Results: With regard to the signalling pathways activated upon exposure to LPS and the TLR2 activating compounds, we find that the ratio of activated Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK) p-ERK/p-p38 is lower in DCs stimulated with the bacterial products compared to DCs stimulated with the helminth products, which correlates with the Th1 and Th2 polarizing capacity of these compounds. Furthermore, analysis of the mRNA expression levels of a set of 25 carefully selected genes potentially involved in modulation of T cell polarization revealed that the mRNA expression of notch ligand delta-4 and transcription factor c-fos are differentially regulated and show a strong correlation with Th1 and Th2 polarization, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows that combined TLR2 and TLR4 activation in the context of different antigen sources can induce very distinct molecular profiles in DCs and suggests that the Th1/Th2 polarizing capacity of compounds can be predicted with the molecular signature they induce in DCs

    Immunization with Small Amyloid-β-derived Cyclopeptide Conjugates Diminishes Amyloid-β-Induced Neurodegeneration in Mice

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    Background: Soluble oligomeric (misfolded) species of amyloid-beta (A beta) are the main mediators of toxicity in Alzheimer's disease (AD). These oligomers subsequently form aggregates of insoluble fibrils that precipitate as extracellular and perivascular plaques in the brain. Active immunization against A beta is a promising disease modifying strategy. However, eliciting an immune response against A beta in general may interfere with its biological function and was shown to cause unwanted side-effects. Therefore, we have developed a novel experimental vaccine based on conformational neo-epitopes that are exposed in the misfolded oligomeric A beta, inducing a specific antibody response. Objective: Here we investigate the protective effects of the experimental vaccine against oligomeric A beta(1-42)-induced neuronal fiber loss in vivo. Methods: C57BL/6 mice were immunized or mock-immunized. Antibody responses were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Next, mice received a stereotactic injection of oligomeric A beta(1-42) into the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) on one side of the brain (lesion side), and scrambled A beta(1-42) peptide in the contralateral NBM (control side). The densities of choline acetyltransferase-stained cholinergic fibers origination from the NBM were measured in the parietal neocortex postmortem. The percentage of fiber loss in the lesion side was determined relative to the control side of the brain. Results: Immunized responders (79%) showed 23% less cholinergic fiber loss (p = 0.01) relative to mock-immunized mice. Moreover, fiber loss in immunized responders correlated negatively with the measured antibody responses (R-2 = 0.29, p = 0.02). Conclusion: These results may provide a lead towards a (prophylactic) vaccine to prevent or at least attenuate (early onset) AD symptoms

    Development of a thermostable spray dried outer membrane vesicle pertussis vaccine for pulmonary immunization

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    Worldwide resurgence of whooping cough calls for improved, next-generation pertussis vaccines that induce broad and long-lasting immunity. A mucosal pertussis vaccine based on outer membrane vesicles (omvPV) is a promising candidate. Further, a vaccine that is stable outside the cold chain would be of substantial advantage for worldwide distribution and application. A vaccine formulated as a powder could both stabilize the vaccine as well as make it suitable for pulmonary vaccination. To that end, we developed a spray dried omvPV with improved stability compared to the liquid omvPV formulation. Spray drying did not affect the structural integrity of the omvPV. The antigenicity of Vag8, a major antigen in omvPV was diminished slightly and an altered tryptophan fluorescence indicated some changes in protein structure. However, when administered via the pulmonary route in mice after reconstitution, spray dried omvPV showed comparable immune responses and protection against challenge with live B. pertussis as liquid omvPV. Mucosal IgA and Th17 responses were established in addition to broad systemic IgG and Th1/Th17 responses, indicating the induction of an effective immunity profile. Overall, a spray dried omvPV was developed that maintained effective immunogenic properties and has an improved storage stability

    Vaccine antigens modulate the innate response of monocytes to Al(OH)3.

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    Aluminum-based adjuvants have widely been used in human vaccines since 1926. In the absence of antigens, aluminum-based adjuvants can initiate the inflammatory preparedness of innate cells, yet the impact of antigens on this response has not been investigated so far. In this study, we address the modulating effect of vaccine antigens on the monocyte-derived innate response by comparing processes initiated by Al(OH)3 and by Infanrix, an Al(OH)3-adjuvanted trivalent combination vaccine (DTaP), containing diphtheria toxoid (D), tetanus toxoid (T) and acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine antigens. A systems-wide analysis of stimulated monocytes was performed in which full proteome analysis was combined with targeted transcriptome analysis and cytokine analysis. This comprehensive study revealed four major differences in the monocyte response, between plain Al(OH)3 and DTaP stimulation conditions: (I) DTaP increased the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas Al(OH)3 did not; (II) Al(OH)3 increased the gene expression of IFNγ, IL-2 and IL-17a in contrast to the limited induction or even downregulation by DTaP; (III) increased expression of type I interferons-induced proteins was not observed upon DTaP stimulation, but was observed upon Al(OH)3 stimulation; (IV) opposing regulation of protein localization pathways was observed for Al(OH)3 and DTaP stimulation, related to the induction of exocytosis by Al(OH)3 alone. This study highlights that vaccine antigens can antagonize Al(OH)3-induced programming of the innate immune responses at the monocyte level

    Reading urban cracks: practices of artists and community workers

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    Modulating endotoxin activity by combinatorial bioengineering of meningococcal lipopolysaccharide

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    Neisseria meningitidis contains a very potent hexa-acylated LPS that is too toxic for therapeutic applications. We used systematic molecular bioengineering of meningococcal LPS through deletion of biosynthetic enzymes in combination with induction of LPS modifying enzymes to yield a variety of novel LPS mutants with changes in both lipid A acylation and phosphorylation. Mass spectrometry was used for detailed compositional determination of the LPS molecular species, and stimulation of immune cells was done to correlate this with endotoxic activity. Removal of phosphethanolamine in lipid A by deletion of lptA slightly reduces activity of hexa-acylated LPS, but this reduction is even more evident in penta-acylated LPS. Surprisingly, expression of PagL deacylase in a penta-acylated lpxL1 mutant increased LPS activity, contradicting the general rule that tetra-acylated LPS is less active than penta-acylated LPS. Further modification included expression of lpxP, an enzyme known to add a secondary 9-hexadecenoic acid to the 2' acyl chain. The LpxP enzyme is temperature-sensitive, enabling control over the ratio of expressed modified hexa- and penta-acylated LPS by simply changing the growth temperature. These LPS derivatives display a broad range of TLR4 activity and differential cytokine induction, which can be exploited for use as vaccine adjuvant or other TLR4-based therapeutics

    Positioning community art practices in urban cracks

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    This article addresses the position of community art practices and the role of practitioners in urban cracks. Community art practices raise possibilities for a reconceptualisation of the concept of community and an extension of the concept of art in public space. Urban cracks are conceptualised as spatial, temporal and relational manifestations of changing dynamics in the city, in which different logics and needs conflict. Urban cracks can be seen as tempting urban spaces for adult educators and artists because they have the possibility to challenge the consensus over living together in the city, to fuel collective learning processes and democratic moments and to make urban spaces more ‘public’. Therefore practitioners in community art need to make an investment in reading and analysing the social and spatial context of their work. In this view, community art practices position themselves as a contextualised praxis in the community: not only working in but also working with this context
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