21 research outputs found

    Корекція гемореологічних порушень у хворих на цукровий діабет з використанням низькоінтенсивного лазерного опромінення крові

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    In mammals, the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 acts as the central regulator of lymphatic cell fate. Its restricted expression in a subset of cardinal vein cells leads to a switch towards lymphatic specification and hence represents a prerequisite for the initiation of lymphangiogenesis. Murine Prox1-null embryos lack lymphatic structures, and sustained expression of Prox1 is indispensable for the maintenance of lymphatic cell fate even at adult stages, highlighting the unique importance of this gene for the lymphatic lineage. Whether this pre-eminent role of Prox1 within the lymphatic vasculature is conserved in other vertebrate classes has remained unresolved, mainly owing to the lack of availability of loss-of-function mutants. Here, we re-examine the role of Prox1a in zebrafish lymphangiogenesis. First, using a transgenic reporter line, we show that prox1a is initially expressed in different endothelial compartments, becoming restricted to lymphatic endothelial cells only at later stages. Second, using targeted mutagenesis, we show that Prox1a is dispensable for lymphatic specification and subsequent lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish. In line with this result, we found that the functionally related transcription factors Coup-TFII and Sox18 are also dispensable for lymphangiogenesis. Together, these findings suggest that lymphatic commitment in zebrafish and mice is controlled in fundamentally different ways

    Neuronal sFlt1 and Vegfaa determine venous sprouting and spinal cord vascularization

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    Formation of organ-specific vasculatures requires cross-talk between developing tissue and specialized endothelial cells. Here we show how developing zebrafish spinal cord neurons coordinate vessel growth through balancing of neuron-derived Vegfaa, with neuronal sFlt1 restricting Vegfaa-Kdrl mediated angiogenesis at the neurovascular interface. Neuron-specific loss of flt1 or increased neuronal vegfaa expression promotes angiogenesis and peri-neural tube vascular network formation. Combining loss of neuronal flt1 with gain of vegfaa promotes sprout invasion into the neural tube. On loss of neuronal flt1, ectopic sprouts emanate from veins involving special angiogenic cell behaviours including nuclear positioning and a molecular signature distinct from primary arterial or secondary venous sprouting. Manipulation of arteriovenous identity or Notch signalling established that ectopic sprouting in flt1 mutants requires venous endothelium. Conceptually, our data suggest that spinal cord vascularization proceeds from veins involving two-tiered regulation of neuronal sFlt1 and Vegfaa via a novel sprouting mode

    A fisheye view on lymphangiogenesis

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    Zebrafish have been widely used to study vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, and the vascular system is one of the most intensively studied organ systems in teleosts. It is a little surprising, therefore, that the development of the zebrafish lymphatic network has only been investigated in any detail for less than a decade now. In those last few years, however, significant progress has been made. Due to favorable imaging possibilities within the early zebrafish embryo, we have a very good understanding of what cellular behavior accompanies the formation of the lymphatic system and which cells within the vasculature are destined to contribute to lymphatic vessels. The migration routes of future lymphatic endothelial cells have been monitored in great detail, and a number of transgenic lines have been developed that help to distinguish between arterial, venous, and lymphatic fates in vivo. Furthermore, both forward and reverse genetic tools have been systematically employed to unravel which genes are involved in the process. Not surprisingly, a number of known players were identified (such as vegfc and flt4), but work on zebrafish has also distinguished genes and proteins that had not previously been connected to lymphangiogenesis. Here, we will review these topics and also compare the equivalent stages of lymphatic development in zebrafish and mice. We will, in addition, highlight some of those studies in zebrafish that have helped to identify and to further characterize human disease conditions

    The adaptor protein Grb2b is an essential modulator for lympho-venous sprout formation in the zebrafish trunk

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    Vegfc/Vegfr3 signaling is critical for lymphangiogenesis, the sprouting of lymphatic vessels. In zebrafish, cells sprouting from the posterior cardinal vein can either form lymphatic precursor cells or contribute to intersegmental vein formation. Both, the Vegfc-dependent differential induction of Prox1a in sprouting cells as well as a Notch-mediated pre-pattern within intersegmental vessels have been associated with the regulation of secondary sprout behavior. However, how exactly a differential lymphatic versus venous sprout cell behavior is achieved is not fully understood. Here, we characterize a zebrafish mutant in the adaptor protein Grb2b, and demonstrate through genetic interaction studies that Grb2b acts within the Vegfr3 pathway. Mutant embryos exhibit phenotypes that are consistent with reduced Vegfr3 signaling outputs prior to the sprouting of endothelial cells from the vein. During secondary sprouting stages, loss of grb2b leads to defective cell behaviors resulting in a loss of parachordal lymphangioblasts, while only partially affecting the number of intersegmental veins. A second GRB2 zebrafish ortholog, grb2a, contributes to the development of lymphatic structures in the meninges and in the head, but not in the trunk. Our results illustrate an essential role of Grb2b in vivo for cell migration to the horizontal myoseptum and for the correct formation of the lymphatic vasculature, while being less critically required in intersegmental vein formation. Thus, there appear to be higher requirements for Grb2b and therefore Vegfr3 downstream signaling levels in lymphatic versus vein precursor-generating sprouts

    Atypical E2fs control lymphangiogenesis through transcriptional regulation of Ccbe1 and Flt4

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    Lymphatic vessels are derived from venous endothelial cells and their formation is governed by the Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VegfC)/Vegf receptor 3 (Vegfr3; Flt4) signaling pathway. Recent studies show that Collagen and Calcium Binding EGF domains 1 protein (Ccbe1) enhances VegfC-dependent lymphangiogenesis. Both Ccbe1 and Flt4 have been shown to be indispensable for lymphangiogenesis. However, how these essential players are transcriptionally regulated remains poorly understood. In the case of angiogenesis, atypical E2fs (E2f7 and E2f8) however have been recently shown to function as transcriptional activators for VegfA. Using a genome-wide approach we here identified both CCBE1 and FLT4 as direct targets of atypical E2Fs. E2F7/8 directly bind and stimulate the CCBE1 promoter, while recruitment of E2F7/8 inhibits the FLT4 promoter. Importantly, inactivation of e2f7/8 in zebrafish impaired venous sprouting and lymphangiogenesis with reduced ccbe1 expression and increased flt4 expression. Remarkably, over-expression of e2f7/8 rescued Ccbe1- and Flt4-dependent lymphangiogenesis phenotypes. Together these results identified E2f7/8 as novel in vivo transcriptional regulators of Ccbe1 and Flt4, both essential genes for venous sprouting and lymphangiogenesis

    Regulation of the Rac GTPase pathway by the multifunctional Rho GEF Pebble is essential for mesoderm migration in the Drosophila gastrula

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    The Drosophila guanine nucleotide exchange factor Pebble (Pbl) is essential for cytokinesis and cell migration during gastrulation. In dividing cells, Pbl promotes Rho1 activation at the cell cortex, leading to formation of the contractile actin-myosin ring. The role of Pbl in fibroblast growth factor-triggered mesoderm spreading during gastrulation is less well understood and its targets and subcellular localization are unknown. To address these issues we performed a domain-function study in the embryo. We show that Pbl is localized to the nucleus and the cell cortex in migrating mesoderm cells and found that, in addition to the PH domain, the conserved C-terminal tail of the protein is crucial for cortical localization. Moreover, we show that the Rac pathway plays an essential role during mesoderm migration. Genetic and biochemical interactions indicate that during mesoderm migration, Pbl functions by activating a Rac-dependent pathway. Furthermore, gain-of-function and rescue experiments suggest an important regulatory role of the C-terminal tail of Pbl for the selective activation of Rho1-versus Rac-dependent pathways

    E2f7/8 rescued Flt4-dependent lymphangiogenesis phenotypes.

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    <p>A, Representative images of <i>Tg(fli1a:gfp;flt1<sup>enh</sup>:rfp</i>) un-injected control embryos (nic) or embryos injected with <i>e2f7/8</i> MOs or mRNA. B, C, D, E Quantification of the indicated parameters. Concentrations: <i>e2f7/8</i> MOs (10 ng each); <i>dll4</i> MO (3 ng); <i>e2f7/8</i> mRNA (100 pg each); <i>dll4</i> mRNA (100 pg).Open arrow heads indicate in (A; upper panel) hyper-branching of intersegmental vessels. Closed arrow heads indicate (upper panel in A) PLs or (lower panel, A) presence of the TD. All scale bars are 100 µm. Stars indicate missing TD fragments. Data presented as the average (±s.e.m.) compared to the control condition in three independent experiments (*** <i>P</i><0.001). At least n = 150 embryos per condition in three independent experiments were used for A–E.</p