2,461 research outputs found

    Picosecond fluorescence of intact and dissolved PSI-LHCI crystals

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    Over the last years many crystal structures of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes have been determined, and used extensively to model spectroscopic results obtained on the same proteins in solution. However, the crystal structure is not necessarily identical to the structure of the protein in solution. Here we studied picosecond fluorescence of Photosystem I-Light Harvesting Complex I (PSI-LHCI), a multisubunit pigment protein complex that catalyzes the first steps of photosynthesis. The ultrafast fluorescence of PSI-LHCI crystals is identical to that of dissolved crystals, but differs considerably from most kinetics presented in literature. In contrast to most studies, the present data can be modeled quantitatively with only 2 compartments: PSI core and LHCI. This yields the rate of charge separation from an equilibrated core (22.5+/-2.5 ps) and rates of excitation energy transfer from LHCI to core (kLC) and vice versa (kCL). The ratio R=kCL/kLC between these rates appears to be wavelength-dependent and scales with the ratio of the absorption spectra of LHCI and core, indicating the validity of a detailed balance relation between both compartments. kLC depends slightly but non systematically on detection wavelength, averaging (9.4+/-4.9 ps)(-1). R ranges from 0.5 (below 690 nm) to around 1.3 above 720 nm

    Проблемы специализированной помощи обожженным в России и пути их решения

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    На основании изучения динамики ожогового травматизма в России, тяжести травм и летальности среди больных с ожогами отмечено увеличение тяжести термической травмы, частоты раннего ожогового сепсиса и летальности среди взрослого населения, определены организационные и научные пути решения проблемы, повышения эффективности работы ожоговых центров.Basing on the study of the dynamics of burns in Russia, severity of the injury and death rate in the patients with burns the authors emphasize the increase in severity of thermal injury, incidence of early burn sepsis and death rate in adults. Organizational and scientific ways to solve the problem as well as to increase the efficacy of work of burn centers are defined

    Identifying factors limiting legume biomass production in a heterogeneous on-farm environment

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    Multipurpose legumes provide a wide range of benefits to smallholder production systems in the tropics. The degree of system improvement after legume introduction depends largely on legume biomass production, which in turn depends on the legumes' adaptation to environmental conditions. For Canavalia brasiliensis (canavalia), an herbaceous legume that has been recently introduced in the Nicaraguan hillsides, different approaches were tested to define the biophysical factors limiting biomass production on-farm, by combining information from topsoil chemical and physical properties, topography and soil profiles. Canavalia was planted in rotation with maize during two successive years on 72 plots distributed over six farms and at contrasting landscape positions. Above-ground biomass production was similar for both years and varied from 448 to 5357 kg/ha, with an average of 2117 kg/ha. Topsoil properties, mainly mineral nitrogen (N; ranging 25-142 mg/kg), total N (Ntot; 415-2967 mg/kg), soil organic carbon (SOC; 3-38 g/kg) and pH (5·3-7·1), significantly affected canavalia biomass production but explained only 0·45 of the variation. Topography alone explained 0·32 of the variation in canavalia biomass production. According to soil profiles descriptions, the best production was obtained on profiles with a root aggregation index close to randomness, i.e. with no major obstacles for root growth. When information from topsoil properties, topography and soil profiles was combined through a stepwise multiple regression, the model explained 0·61 of the variation in canavalia biomass (P<0·001) and included soil depth (0·5-1·70 m), slope position, amount of clay (19-696 kg/m2) and stones (7-727 kg/m2) in the whole profile, and SOC and N content in the topsoil. The linkages between topsoil properties, topography and soil profiles were further evaluated through a principal component analysis (PCA) to define the best landscape position for canavalia cultivation. The three data sets generated and used in the present study were found to be complementary. The profile description demonstrated that studies documenting heterogeneity in soil fertility should also consider deeper soil layers, especially for deep-rooted plants such as canavalia. The combination of chemical and physical soil properties with soil profile and topographic properties resulted in a holistic understanding of soil fertility heterogeneity and shows that a landscape perspective must be considered when assessing the expected benefits from multipurpose legumes in hillside environment

    Reasoning about actions meets strategic logics (LORI 2013)

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    International audienceWe introduce ATLEA, a novel extension of Alternating-time Temporal Logic with explicit actions in the object language. ATLEA allows to reason about abilities of agents under commitments to play certain actions. Pre- and postconditions as well as availability and unavailability of actions can be expressed. We show that the multiagent extension of Reiter’s solution to the frame problem can be encoded into ATLEA. We also consider an epistemic extension of ATLEA. We demonstrate that the resulting logic is sufficiently expressive to reason about uniform choices of actions. Complexity results for the satisfiability problem of ATLEA and its epistemic extension are given in the paper

    Військовополонені Першої світової війни в Кременчуцькому гарнізоні

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    У статті досліджено правове становище та умови перебування військовополонених Першої світової війни на території Кременчуцького гарнізону в другій половині 1916 року. На основі архівних даних визначено кількісний склад полонених, його розподіл за національною, соціальною та конфесійною ознаками. Досліджено динаміку чисельності, побутові умови та використання праці військовополонених.В статье исследовано правовое положение и условия пребывания военнопленных Первой мировой войны на территории Кременчугского гарнизона во второй половине 1916 года. На основе архивных данных определен количественный состав пленных, его распределение по национальной, социальной и конфессиональной принадлежности. Исследована динамика численности, бытовые условия и использования труда военнопленных.In article the legal status and conditions of stay of prisoners of war of the First World War in territory of the Kremenchug garrison in second half of 1916 is investigated. On the basis of contemporary records the quantitative structure captured, its distribution on a national, social and confessional accessory is defi ned. Dynamics of number, conditions of life and uses of work of prisoners of war is investigated

    The Evolutionary Status of Isolated Dwarf Irregular Galaxies II. Star Formation Histories and Gas Depletion

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    The results of UBV and H alpha imaging of a large sample of isolated dwarf irregular galaxies are interpreted in the context of composite stellar population models. The observed optical colors are best fit by composite stellar populations which have had approximately constant star formation rates for at least 10 Gyr. The galaxies span a range of central surface brightness, from 20.5 to 25.0 mag arcsec^{-2}; there is no correlation between surface brightness and star formation history. Although the current star formation rates are low, it is possible to reproduce the observed luminosities without a major starburst episode. The derived gas depletion timescales are long, typically ~20 Gyr. These results indicate that dwarf irregular galaxies will be able to continue with their slow, but constant, star formation activity for at least another Hubble time. The sample of isolated dIs is compared to a sample of star bursting dwarf galaxies taken from the literature. The star bursting dwarf galaxies have many similar properties; the main difference between these two types of gas-rich dwarf galaxies is that the current star formation is concentrated in the center of the star bursting systems while it is much more distributed in the quiescent dIs. This results in pronounced color gradients for the starbursting dwarf galaxies, while the majority of the quiescent dwarf irregular galaxies have minor or non-existent color gradients. Thus, the combination of low current star formation rates, blue colors, and the lack of significant color gradients indicates that star formation percolates slowly across the disk of normal dwarf galaxies in a quasi-continuous manner.Comment: 16 pages, uses emulateapj, to appear in The Astronomical Journal (April 2001

    Mining treatment patterns of glucose-lowering medications for type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands

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    Rationale and objectives Different classes of glucose-lowering medications are used for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) management. It is unclear how often these medications are prescribed in clinical practice. In this study, we aimed to describe treatment patterns of glucose-lowering medications in patients with T2DM in the Netherlands. Methods We studied a cohort of 73 819 patients with T2DM, aged ≥45 years with a first prescription for oral glucose-lowering medication between 2011 and 2017. We used the NControl database with dispensing data from 800 pharmacies in the Netherlands. Prevalence of each glucose-lowering medication class during 6 years after the index date was calculated. Using SQL Server, we identified stepwise patterns of medication prescription in this population. Findings During the study period, prevalence of biguanides (BIGU) decreased from 95.6% to 80.8% and use of sulfonylureas (SU) increased from 27.3% to 42.3%. 55.2% of all patient