46 research outputs found

    Distal tephra from Campanian eruptions in early Late Holocene fills of the Agro Pontino graben and Fondi basin (Southern Lazio, Italy)

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    Following on the discovery (in 2011) of a layer of distal tephra from the Pomici di Avellino eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, EU5) in the Agro Pontino (southern Lazio, Italy), further detailed study of the Holocene sediment archives in this graben and in the nearby Fondi coastal basin showed that distal tephra from this EU5 eruption occurs as a rather continuous, conspicuous layer. Two other, less conspicuous tephra layers were found, identified as the earlier Astroni 6 eruption from the Campi Flegrei (Fondi basin) and the later AP2 eruption of the Somma-Vesuvius (Agro Pontino). The identification of the distal tephra layers rests upon a combination of criteria, including stratigraphy, macro characteristics, mineralogy, geochemical data on glass composition, Sr-isotopic ratios, and the known tephrochronology for the period concerned, i.e. between c. 2500 and 1000 BCE. 14C datings serve to constrain their age. No significant spatial variation in the characteristics of the main tephra layer (EU5) was observed, other than distinct fining with increasing distance from the vent. Based on a detailed palaeogeographical reconstruction, the occurrence and preservation of these tephra are explained by the local environmental conditions governing their preservation during this time span (the Central Italian Bronze Age), and by the later evolution of the area. The observations underpin that multiple corings are needed to fully assess whether sedimentary hiatuses exist in palaeorecords, based on cores from sediment archives. Lastly, our study shows that hazard evaluations for future eruptions by Campanian volcanoes should pay more attention to their potential impacts on distal areas

    Епідигматичний модус англійських числівників

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    У статті розглядаються англійські числівники, денумеративи та їх епідигматичний модус. Семантична структура порівнюваних груп розглядаються на векторах їх походження та модифікації. Частиномовна представленість досліджується на просторах їх граматичного, семантичного і словотворчого буття. Визначаються перспективи подальшого дослідження. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30551В статье исследуются английские числительные, денумеративы, а также их эпидигматичекие аспекты. Семантическая структура сравниваемых единиц изучается на векторах семантики, грамматики и словотворчества. Намечаются перспективы дальнейшего исследования. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30551The article in question deals with the English numerals, denumerals and their epidigmatic tendencies. The semantic structures of both groups are being focused upon. The words under analysis are viewed in terms of their initial and secondary grounds. The item of part of speech charge is being considered in terms of grammatical, semantic and epidigmatic aspects. Thus, the modus of the paradigmatic groups have been considered wide perspectives for further investigation. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3055

    Bronze and Iron Age salt production on the Italian Tyrrhenian coast:An overview

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    A synthesis of the current knowledge of the so-called Italian giacimenti a olle d’impasto rossiccio (reddish jar potsherd deposits) is presented. These sites are common along the Tyrrhenian side of Central Italy and are usually interpreted as salt-production sites, because of parallels with similar European specialised sites. In the latter, salt was obtained by boiling a brine in special disposable pottery, a technique known as briquetage. However, the analogies are not straightforward and alternative hypotheses, e.g. fish-processing, and a more complex intertwined economy have also been put forward. To solve the interpretation issues, we advocate to use a multidisciplinary approach involving quantification of the ceramics encountered, establishment of their morphological and functional typologies, and physico/chemical analyses to identify their use

    A rare Mid-Wurmian lithoid tuff in the Agro Pontino graben (Southern Lazio, Italy) and its identification as an Albano 5-7 related distal tephra deposit (40-36 kaBP):characteristics, provenance and palaeogeographical implications

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    A lithoid tuff, found in 2011 (Ricci pit, Agro Pontino, Southern Lazio, Italy), was studied for its composition, origin and palaeogeographical implications. This tuff was the first occurrence of a Wurmian-age tephra layer, encountered in the coastal basins of Southern Lazio. Based on its mineralogy and isotopic composition (Sr and Nd), its stratigraphic position and the pre- and post-depositional soil formation and weathering, it was identified as a distal tephra deposit from the Colli Albani volcano, connected with the Albano 5-7 eruptive stage and dating from 40-36 ka BP. The lithoid tuff consists of tephra that were slightly reworked and subsequently lithified, when this central part of the Agro Pontino graben still consisted of a non-dissected, level lagoonal plain. The study confirms the earlier established importance of this tephra layer as stratigraphic marker for Central Italy, and shows that its distribution is wider than earlier assumed, notably to the SE of the Colli Albani volcano

    Old and recent multidisciplinary studies in the territory of Sezze and its surroundings

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    Following a synthesis of published archaeological investigations in the territory of Sezze by the team of the University of Groningen within the Pontine Region Project (PRP), this paper discusses the methodology and first results of two more recent fieldwork projects within the framework of the PRP, both funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): 1) the Avellino Event Project (AVP) of the universities of Groningen and Leiden that studies the distal effects of the great Bronze Age eruption of mount Vesuvius on the human environment of the Fondi and Pontine plains. 2) the Minor Centres project that studies the development of the settlements of Forum Appi and Ad Medias along the Via Appia in relation with the development of the Roman countryside. Both projects add significantly to the long term reconstruction of the human landscape in the plain south of Sezze as well as open up perspectives on further interdisciplinary work.A seguito della sintesi pubblicata sulle indagini archeologiche nel territorio di Sezze, condotte dall'Università di Groningen sotto l'egida del Progetto della Regione Pontina (PRP), questo documento discute la metodologia e i primi risultati di due progetti di ricerca sul campo più recenti nel quadro del PRP, entrambi finanziati dall'Organizzazione olandese per la ricerca scientifica (NWO): 1) l'Avellino Event Project (AVP) delle Università di Groningen e Leiden che studia gli effetti distali della grande eruzione del Vesuvio risalente all'età del bronzo sull'ambiente umano della pianura di Fondi e della pianura Pontina. 2) il progetto dei Centri Minori che studia lo sviluppo degli insediamenti di Forum Appi e Ad Medias lungo la Via Appia in relazione allo sviluppo della campagna romana. Entrambi i progetti contribuiscono in modo significativo alla ricostruzione a lungo termine del paesaggio umano nella pianura di Sezze e aprono prospettive su ulteriori lavori interdisciplinari

    Autonomy in participation in cerebral palsy from childhood to adulthood

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    Aim: To determine the long-term development of autonomy in participation of individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) without intellectual disability. Method: Individuals with CP (n=189, 117 males, 72 females; mean age [SD] 21y 11mo [4y 11mo], range 12–34y); were assessed cross-sectionally (46%) or up to four times (54%), between the ages of 12 and 34 years. Autonomy in participation was classified using phase 3 of the Rotterdam Transition Profile. A logistic generalized estimating equation regression model was used to analyse autonomy in six domains (independent variables: age, Gross Motor Function Classification System [GMFCS] level, and interaction between age and GMFCS level). Proportions of autonomy were compared to references using binomial tests (p<0.05). Results: In most domains, over 90% of participants (n=189, 400 observations, 80% in GMFCS levels I and II) reached autonomy in participation in their late twenties, except for intimate/sexual relationships. Those in GMFCS levels III to V compared to those in GMFCS levels I and II had less favourable development of autonomy in the transportation, intimate relationships, employment, and housing domains, and more favourable development in the finances domain. Compared to references, fewer individuals with CP were autonomous in participation. Interpretation: This knowledge of autonomy may guide the expectations of young people with CP and their caregivers. Furthermore, rehabilitation professionals should address autonomy development in intimate relationships, employment, and housing, especially in individuals with lower gross motor function. What this paper adds: Individuals with cerebral palsy without intellectual disability achieved autonomy in most participation domains. Regarding intimate relationships, they continued to have less experience compared to age-matched references. Development of autonomy was less favourable for individuals in Gross Motor Function Classification System levels III to V