66 research outputs found

    Sawerigading in Strange Places: The I La Galigo Myth in Central Sulawesi

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    In this chapter I present an alternative response to Sawerigading. Among the Central Sulawesi Lauje who live in the Kecamatan Tinombo on the Tomini Bay, Sawerigading is not a Bugis hero, but a native son. In what follows I explore his transformation from Bugis into local Lauje hero and what this transformation reveals about the extent of Bugis influence in a Central Sulawesi coastal kingdom which is at the political periphery of South Sulawesi. Most of the people in the community discuss claim to be either Lauje, the indigenous ethnic group, or an immigrant mix of Kaili, Gorontalo or Mandar. Only a few people claim to be Bugis, yet they invoke the Bugis hero-god, Sawerigading, as the key figure in a cluster of highly secret and circumscribed rites while claiming that Sawerigading and their rites about him are Lauje. This chapter asks what these rites and lore reveal about local and immigrant relations. Locals ask and debate similar questions. Their debate, however, is entangled with contemporary ethnic concerns and issues of power. It is thus nearly impossible to reconcile oral history with documentary sources. Nevertheless, the fact that the ritual and lore about Sawerigading exists in rites which are supposedly \u27pure\u27 Lauje, passed down intact from time immemorial, leads me to conclude that there is much Bugis influence in this remote kingdom. In the following, then, I will discuss three issues: (1) how and why the Lauje have co-opted Sawerigading as one of their own ancestors; (2) how this co-optation and simultaneous denial of Bugis heritage reflects the negligible degree of political influence and control Bugis people have in the region today; and (3) how the presence of Sawerigading and other aspects of Bugis culture in supposedly traditional Lauje rites reflects a much closer historical contact with, and influence of, Bugis-Makassar migration on this peripheral trading-port kingdom in Central Sulawesi than is usually acknowledged


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    In Memoriam Prof. dr. Geert van der LaanEditoria

    Sinkronisasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terhadap Penerapan Asas Retroaktif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji implikasi putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi terkait perubahan undang-undang terhadap penerapan asas retroaktif dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute), pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi atas pengujian undang-undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar merupakan bentuk perubahan undang-undang untuk menjaga keselarasan dan kaharmonisan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam sistem hukum nasional. Implikasi terhadap ketentuan perundang-undangan yang diuji termasuk dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana. Penerapan asas retroaktif terkait adanya perubahan perundang-undangan, menganut teori materil terbatas. Penerapan prinsip menguntungkan dalam hal terjadinya perubahan perundang-undangan secara retroaktif masih terdapat ketidakseimbangan antara perlindungan kepentingan individu dan korban. Kecenderungan prinsip menguntungkan lebih menitikberatkan pada perlindungan kepentingan individu atau pelaku tindak pidana

    TCT-754: B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Predicts Improvement of Left Ventricular Function and Clinical Outcome After Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty

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    Sawerigading Di Tanah Asing: Mitos I La Galigo di Sulawesi Tengah

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    Sawerigading adalah Odysseus-nya orang Bugis. Pengembaraan epik Sawerigading tergambar dalam karya yang termashyur sebagai \u27salah satu karya sastra paling terkemuka di Indonesia\u27, epos I La Galigo (Abidin dan Macknight 1974: 161). Kisah-kisah tentang Sawerigading, yang selalu menawan di manapun ia ditemui dan dalam bahasa apapun ia disebut, pun telah mengembara sebagaimana sang tokoh Bugis, Sawerigading. Di seluruh wilayah Sulawesi dan sekitamya, Sawerigading telah diamini sebagai tokoh dan pahlawan agung dari tanah Bugis

    De bouwgeschiedenis van het transept en het schip van de Utrechtse Dom. Een nieuwe methode voor reconstructie op basis van de bouwrekeningen

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    The financial administration for the construction of the Utrecht Cathedral has never been thoroughly analysed in the context of its building history, even though the records of the building period of the transept and the no longer extant nave were preserved almost completely. There are relatively few accounts entries that reveal, without additional context, what materials were used for or what work was exactly done. In the end, however, there were enough clues to enable an almost complete reconstruction of the building chronology of both transept and nave of the ‘Dom’.To achieve this, we used three principles. The ‘heading method’ makes it possible to interpret ambiguous items by looking at a number of other, explicit items in the accounts. For instance, one stage in the building of the nave was reconstructed on the basis of a number of quite explicit items. Then, by ‘adding up clues’ a plausible order of construction can be established by combining a number of less explicit items. The three north chapels in the nave were dated quite accurately with this method. Finally, there is the principle of ‘confirmation’. For instance, the building period of the north chapels in the nave was confirmed in multiple ways, while that of the south chapels is confirmed by the type of stone that was used.There are many ways to obtain and apply additional information. The building sequence of the clerestory, for instance, was determined by comparing the amount of ironwork that was delivered; analysis of the amounts of mullions that were delivered helped in dating the large transept windows; and the transept’s northern fa.ade may possibly be dated by looking at the number of cornerstones of the buttresses.Studying the building administration can also offer insights into the building practices in the Middle Ages. We found that the windows of the clerestory were filled up gradually. And, contrary to current ideas, the amount of stone that was prepared at the quarry decreased significantly, after an initial increase. Another striking find is the regular involvement of master craftsmen from the city of Nijmegen in the tenders for the roof constructions.The building itself provides useful information as well for determining the chronology of the construction. For instance, the vertical sutures in the west wall of the transept suggest that this wall could only have been built after the remnants of the Romanesque transept had been demolished. In some cases, the accounts offer an explanation for irregularities in the construction. For instance, the addition of the side chapels in the nave turns out to have taken place while master builder Jacob van der Borch was still in charge. Because authors before us did not take into account the fact that building materials were sometimes stored for years before they were used, incorrect conclusions may have been drawn about the starting date of the construction of the transept’s west wall and the demolition of the Romanesque nave.Some questions still remain, however. For instance, how are we to picture the thatched roof over the middle nave that was under construction for three years from 1505 onward? And what has happened to the stone that was delivered for the flying buttresses of the nave
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