12,133 research outputs found

    The relation between sleep quality, sleep quantity, and gastrointestinal problems among colorectal cancer survivors:Result from the PROFILES registry

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    PURPOSE: Common residual symptoms among survivors of colorectal cancer (CRC) are sleep difficulties and gastrointestinal symptoms. Among patients with various gastrointestinal (inflammatory) diseases, sleep quality has been related to gastrointestinal symptoms. For CRC survivors, this relation is unclear; therefore, we examined the association between sleep quality and quantity with gastrointestinal symptoms among CRC survivors. METHODS: CRC survivors registered in the Netherlands Cancer Registry—Southern Region diagnosed between 2000 and 2009 received a survey on sleep quality and quantity (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) and gastrointestinal symptoms (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Quality of Life Questionnaire-Colorectal 38, EORTC QLQ-CR38) in 2014 (≥ 4 years after diagnosis). Secondary cross-sectional data analyses related sleep quality and quantity separately with gastrointestinal symptoms by means of logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: In total, 1233 CRC survivors were included, of which 15% reported poor sleep quality. The least often reported gastrointestinal symptom was pain in the buttocks (15.1%) and most often reported was bloating (29.2%). CRC survivors with poor sleep quality were more likely to report gastrointestinal symptoms (p’s < 0.01). Survivors who slept < 6 h were more likely to report symptoms of bloating or flatulence, whereas survivors who slept 6–7 h reported more problems with indigestion. CONCLUSIONS: Worse sleep quality and short sleep duration were associated with higher occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS: Understanding the interplay between sleep quality and gastrointestinal symptoms and underlying mechanisms adds to better aftercare and perhaps reduction of residual gastrointestinal symptoms in CRC survivors by improving sleep quality

    Yang-Yang thermodynamics on an atom chip

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    We investigate the behavior of a weakly interacting nearly one-dimensional (1D) trapped Bose gas at finite temperature. We perform in situ measurements of spatial density profiles and show that they are very well described by a model based on exact solutions obtained using the Yang-Yang thermodynamic formalism, in a regime where other, approximate theoretical approaches fail. We use Bose-gas focusing [Shvarchuck etal., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 270404 (2002)] to probe the axial momentum distribution of the gas, and find good agreement with the in situ results.Comment: extended introduction and conclusions, and minor changes throughout; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Thermoluminescence of zircon: a kinetic model

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    The mineral zircon, ZrSiO4, belongs to a class of promising materials for geochronometry by means of thermoluminescence (TL) dating. The development of a reliable and reproducible method for TL dating with zircon requires detailed knowledge of the processes taking place during exposure to ionizing radiation, long-term storage, annealing at moderate temperatures and heating at a constant rate (TL measurements). To understand these processes one needs a kinetic model of TL. This paper is devoted to the construction of such amodel. The goal is to study the qualitative behaviour of the system and to determine the parameters and processes controlling TL phenomena of zircon. The model considers the following processes: (i) Filling of electron and hole traps at the excitation stage as a function of the dose rate and the dose for both (low dose rate) natural and (high dose rate) laboratory irradiation. (ii) Time dependence of TL fading in samples irradiated under laboratory conditions. (iii) Short time annealing at a given temperature. (iv) Heating of the irradiated sample to simulate TL experiments both after laboratory and natural irradiation. The input parameters of the model, such as the types and concentrations of the TL centres and the energy distributions of the hole and electron traps, were obtained by analysing the experimental data on fading of the TL-emission spectra of samples from different geological locations. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data were used to establish the nature of the TL centres. Glow curves and 3D TL emission spectra are simulated and compared with the experimental data on time-dependent TL fading. The saturation and annealing behaviour of filled trap concentrations has been considered in the framework of the proposed kinetic model and comparedwith the EPR data associated with the rare-earth ions Tb3+ and Dy3+, which play a crucial role as hole traps and recombination centres. Inaddition, the behaviour of some of the SiOmn− centres has been compared with simulation results.

    Perturbative quantum gravity with the Immirzi parameter

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    We study perturbative quantum gravity in the first-order tetrad formalism. The lowest order action corresponds to Einstein-Cartan plus a parity-odd term, and is known in the literature as the Holst action. The coupling constant of the parity-odd term can be identified with the Immirzi parameter of loop quantum gravity. We compute the quantum effective action in the one-loop expansion. As in the metric second-order formulation, we find that in the case of pure gravity the theory is on-shell finite, and the running of Newton's constant and the Immirzi parameter is inessential. In the presence of fermions, the situation changes in two fundamental aspects. First, non-renormalizable logarithmic divergences appear, as usual. Second, the Immirzi parameter becomes a priori observable, and we find that it is renormalized by a four-fermion interaction generated by radiative corrections. We compute its beta function and discuss possible implications. The sign of the beta function depends on whether the Immirzi parameter is larger or smaller than one in absolute value, and the values plus or minus one are UV fixed-points (we work in Euclidean signature). Finally, we find that the Holst action is stable with respect to radiative corrections in the case of minimal coupling, up to higher order non-renormalizable interactions.Comment: v2 minor amendment

    The political dimension: added value for cross-cultural analysis:Nozawa and Smits, two CEO's and their public statements

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    Work-related cultural differences, which were familiarized by scholars such as Hall and Hofstede, offer important concepts to help us understand various forms of cooperation and communication. However, the predominant focus of cultural analysis on collectivistic harmony prevents us from gaining an understanding of strategy and conflict. In an attempt to grasp how conflicts are handled, a political analysis can provide new insights. This is illustrated by a comparative study of two CEOs who gave public statements concerning management failure: Shouhei Nozawa of Yamaichi and Paul Smits of KPN. Their statements were strikingly different in several ways, but the classical insights of cross-cultural analysis can only partly explain the differences. This is where political analysis comes in, focusing on interest relationships, responsibilities and virtues, tactics and strategy

    Outcome after modified Putti-Platt procedure for recurrent traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations

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    Most recent studies on procedures for stabilizing the glenohumeral joint focus on arthroscopic techniques. A relatively simple open procedure is the modified Putti-Platt procedure. The aim of these retrospective case series was to evaluate the functional outcome, patient satisfaction, and quality of life of patients who underwent this procedure. After a median follow-up time of 4.7 (P25-P75 1.7-6.8) years, fifty-one patients could be enrolled with a mean age of 25 (21-39) years. Five patients (10 %) reported re-dislocations. The median Constant score for the affected side was 84 (P25-P75 75-91). Median loss of motion in abduction, elevation, external rotation, and external rotation in 90°

    Amblyopia and quality of life: a systematic review

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    Background/Aims Amblyopia is a common condition which can affect up to 5% of the general population. The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) implications of amblyopia and/or its treatment have been explored in the literature. Methods A systematic literature search was undertaken (16th-30th January 2007) to identify the HRQoL implications of amblyopia and/or its treatment. Results A total of 25 papers were included in the literature review. The HRQoL implications of amblyopia related specifically to amblyopia treatment, rather than the condition itself. These included the impact upon family life; social interactions; difficulties undertaking daily activities; and feelings and behaviour. The identified studies adopted a number of methodologies. The study populations included; children with the condition; parents of children with amblyopia; and adults who had undertaken amblyopia treatment as a child. Some studies developed their own measures of HRQoL, and others determined HRQoL through proxy measures. Conclusions The reported findings of the HRQoL implications are of importance when considering the management of cases of amblyopia. Further research is required to assess the immediate and long-term effects of amblyopia and/or its treatment upon HRQoL using a more standardised approach

    Sticky bubbles

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    We discuss the physical forces that are required to remove an air bubble immersed in a liquid from a corner. This is relevant for inkjet printing technology, as the presence of air bubbles in the channels of a printhead perturbs the jetting of droplets. A simple strategy to remove the bubble is to ush the ink past the bubble by providing a high pressure pulse. In this report we rst compute the viscous drag forces that such a ow exerts on the bubble. Then, we compare this to the \sticking forces" on the bubble, due to the capillary interaction with the wall. From this we can estimate the required ow velocities for bubble removal, as a function of channel geometry, contact angle and ink properties. Finally, we investigate other ways to exert a force on a trapped bubble. In particular we focus on forces induced by electric elds which can alter the contact angle of the drop, or by locally applying thermal gradients. Once again, these forces are compared to the sticking forces to identify the parameters where the bubble can be removed

    Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Health Literacy Consultation Skills Training for Undergraduate Medical Students:A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Comprehensible communication by itself is not sufficient to overcome health literacy related problems. Future doctors need a larger scope of capacities in order to strengthen a patient's autonomy, participation, and self-management abilities. To date, such comprehensive training-interventions are rarely embedded in curricula, nor systematically evaluated. We assessed whether comprehensive training increased these health literacy competencies, in a randomized controlled trial (RCT), with a waiting list condition. Participants were international undergraduate medical students of a Dutch medical faculty (intervention: 39; control: 40). The 11-h-training-intervention encompassed a health literacy lecture and five interactive small-group sessions to practise gathering information and providing comprehensible information, shared decision-making, and enabling of self-management using role-play and videotaped conversations. We assessed self-reported competencies (knowledge and awareness of health literacy, attitude, self-efficacy, and ability to use patient-centred communication techniques) at baseline, after a five and ten-week follow-up. We compared students' competencies using multi-level analysis, adjusted for baseline. As validation, we evaluated demonstrated skills in videotaped consultations for a subsample. The group of students who received the training intervention reported significantly greater health literacy competencies, which persisted up to five weeks afterwards. Increase was greatest for providing comprehensible information (B: 1.50; 95% confidence interval, CI 1.15 to 1.84), shared decision-making (B: 1.08; 95% CI 0.60 to 1.55), and self-management (B: 1.21; 95% CI 0.61 to 1.80). Effects regarding demonstrated skills confirmed self-rated competency improvement. This training enhanced a larger scope of health literacy competences and was well received by medical students. Implementation and further evaluation of this training in education and clinical practice can support sustainable health literacy capacity building of future doctors and contribute to better patient empowerment and outcomes of consultations