63 research outputs found

    Deception Island Volcanism (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica): Results from Thin-Section Invertigations

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    Van frustratie naar integratie: Handelingsperspectieven om kennis en beleid over de Waddenzee beter op elkaar aan te laten sluiten

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    Deze handelingsperspectieven zijn het resultaat van samenwerking tussen onderzoekers van Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Universiteit Utrecht, Wageningen Universiteit, Universiteit Twente en Deltares. In 2013 ontstond het idee een discussie aan te gaan met mensen die professioneel actief zijn in het waddengebied, met de inzichten die zijn opgedaan in ons onderzoek. In het najaar van 2013 is hiervoor een bijeenkomst op Texel georganiseerd. Daarna is in verschillende schrijf- en feedbackrondes aan deze tekst gewerkt

    A comparison of results of empirical studies of supplementary search techniques and recommendations in review methodology handbooks: a methodological review

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    Background The purpose and contribution of supplementary search methods in systematic reviews is increasingly acknowledged. Numerous studies have demonstrated their potential in identifying studies or study data that would have been missed by bibliographic database searching alone. What is less certain is how supplementary search methods actually work, how they are applied, and the consequent advantages, disadvantages and resource implications of each search method. The aim of this study is to compare current practice in using supplementary search methods with methodological guidance. Methods Four methodological handbooks in informing systematic review practice in the UK were read and audited to establish current methodological guidance. Studies evaluating the use of supplementary search methods were identified by searching five bibliographic databases. Studies were included if they (1) reported practical application of a supplementary search method (descriptive) or (2) examined the utility of a supplementary search method (analytical) or (3) identified/explored factors that impact on the utility of a supplementary method, when applied in practice. Results Thirty-five studies were included in this review in addition to the four methodological handbooks. Studies were published between 1989 and 2016, and dates of publication of the handbooks ranged from 1994 to 2014. Five supplementary search methods were reviewed: contacting study authors, citation chasing, handsearching, searching trial registers and web searching. Conclusions There is reasonable consistency between recommended best practice (handbooks) and current practice (methodological studies) as it relates to the application of supplementary search methods. The methodological studies provide useful information on the effectiveness of the supplementary search methods, often seeking to evaluate aspects of the method to improve effectiveness or efficiency. In this way, the studies advance the understanding of the supplementary search methods. Further research is required, however, so that a rational choice can be made about which supplementary search strategies should be used, and when