868 research outputs found

    Temperature Dependence of the QCD Coupling

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    We present a one-loop calculation of a gauge invariant QCD beta function. Using both momentum and temperature renormalization group equations we investigate the running coupling in the magnetic sector as a function of temperature and momentum scale. At fixed momentum scale we find that, in contrast to λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 or QED, high-temperature QCD is strongly coupled, even after renormalization group improvement. However, if the momentum scale is changed simultaneously with temperature in a specified manner, the coupling decreases. We also point out in what regime dimensional reduction occurs. Both the cases NfN_f smaller and larger than 112Nc\frac{11}{2} N_c are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX (5 postscript figures available), ITFA-93-11,THU-93/0

    Critical Temperature and Amplitude Ratios from a Finite-Temperature Renormalization Group

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    We study \l\f^4 theory using an environmentally friendly finite-temperature renormalization group. We derive flow equations, using a fiducial temperature as flow parameter, develop them perturbatively in an expansion free from ultraviolet and infrared divergences, then integrate them numerically from zero to temperatures above the critical temperature. The critical temperature, at which the mass vanishes, is obtained by integrating the flow equations and is determined as a function of the zero-temperature mass and coupling. We calculate the field expectation value and minimum of the effective potential as functions of temperature and derive some universal amplitude ratios which connect the broken and symmetric phases of the theory. The latter are found to be in good agreement with those of the three-dimensional Ising model obtained from high- and low-temperature series expansions.Comment: 14 pages of LaTeX. Postscript figures available upon request form [email protected]

    The Finite-Temperature Renormalization Group Applied to λϕ⁴ Theory and QCD

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    In this paper we apply the finite-temperature renormalization group from the point of view of “environmentally friendly” renormalization. We study both λϕ⁴ theory and the magnetic sector of QCD. At one loop level the complete temperature range of λϕ⁴ is successfully described in terms of the parameters of the zero temperature theory. We show also how the critical temperature can be calculated in terms of the latter. For the magnetic sector of QCD, in distinction to λϕ⁴, a one-loop finite temperature renormalization group improvement is not sufficient to describe the high-temperature regime

    Пов’язка для лікування гнійно-некротичних ран у хворих на цукровий діабет

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    Разработана и клинически апробирована повязка для лечения гнойно-некротических ран у больных сахарным диабетом. Её использование способствует значительному улучшению результатов лечения и эффективной реабилитации этой категории больных.Developed and clinically tested for the treatment of necrotic wounds in diabetic patients. Its use greatly improve the results of treatment and effective rehabilitation of these patients

    Exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function in patients with pancreatico-jejunostomy or pancreatic duct occlusion after pancreaticoduodenectomy

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    Pancreatic duct occlusion (PDO) is performed in some centres to avoid complications of pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) after pancreaticodudodenectomy. The aim of our study was to study the exo- and endocrine pancreatic function, nutritional status and quality of life in patients with a PJ or PDO after a pancreatico-duodenectomy (PD)

    Symbolic Model Checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic

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    Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) can model complex information scenarios in a way that appeals to logicians. However, existing DEL implementations are ad-hoc, so we do not know how the framework really performs. For this purpose, we want to hook up with the best available model-checking and SAT techniques in computational logic. We do this by first providing a bridge: a new faithful representation of DEL models as so-called knowledge structures that allow for symbolic model checking. Next, we show that we can now solve well-known benchmark problems in epistemic scenarios much faster than with existing DEL methods. Finally, we show that our method is not just a matter of implementation, but that it raises significant issues about logical representation and update

    Особливості функціонування оцінних дієслівних лексем у публіцистичному дискурсі

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню семантико-стилістичних особливостей оціночної дієслівної лексики в публіцистичному дискурсі, виділенню тематичних груп інгерентно та адгерентно оціночної дієслівної лексики, а також визначенню основних типів сенсибилізації оціночних дієслів-прагмем. Ключові слова: публіцистичний дискурс, дискурс, прагмема, іформема, дієслова інгерентної оцінки, адгерентно оціночні дієслова, дієслівна прагмема, сенсибілізація, лінгвістичні сенсибілізатори.Статья посвящена исследованию семантико-стилистических особенностей оценочной глагольной лексики в публицистическом дискурсе, выделению тематических групп ингерентно и адгерентно оценочной глагольной лексики, а также определению основных типов сенсибилизации оценочных глаголов-прагмем. Ключевые слова: публицистический дискурс, прагмема, информема, глаголы ингерентной оценки, адгерентно оценочные глаголы, глагольная прагмема, сенсибилизация, лингвистические сенсибилизаторы.The article is dedicated to study of the semantic-stylistic features of estimated verbal vocabulary in publicistic discourse, to allocation of thematic groups ingerentno and angerentno estimated verbal vocabulary, and also to definition of the basic types of a sensubulisation of estimated verbs-pragmem. Keywords: Publicistic discourse, pragmems, informem, the ingerentno estimated verbs, the angerentno estimated verbs, verbal pragmems, a sensubulisation, linguistic sensubulisator