60 research outputs found

    Some historical comparative remarks on the professional performance of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in the Netherlands

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    Disciplinary measures and, more broadly, the pursuit of upholding the quality of professional performance are not new but have a long history. Although the disciplinary processes, disciplinary law and the disciplinary measures imposed in the past were, in principle, intended to ensure a certain degree of decency (cf. the honour of the rank), the centre of attention seems to have now shifted to ensuring a high degree of professional expertise, including non-ethical regulation and enforcement. This contribution addresses the evolution and development of the way one attempted to guarantee the professional standards of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in legal history. Disciplinary law is one of the roads pursued for this purpose. In discussing these professions, their origins, their (legal) development throughout history (with an emphasis on the Modern Age) and the current state of affairs will be dealt with. Some comparative remarks then follow concerning the differences and similarities in the way these professionals sought to monitor the quality of their professional performance.procesos disciplinarios y, en términos más generales, la búsqueda de mantener la calidad del desempeño profesional, no es una cuestión reciente, sino tiene una larga trayectoria. A pesar de que los procesos disciplinarios, derecho disciplinario y las medidas disciplinarias impuestos en el pasado eran, en principio, destinados a garantizar un cierto grado de decencia (cf. el honor del rango), el centro de atención parece haberse desplazado para garantizar experiencia profesional, incluyendo la aplicación y regulación non-ética. Esta contribución aborda la evolución y desarrollo de cómo trataban de garantizar los estándares profesionales de los médicos, abogados y notarios en la historia del derecho. Derecho disciplinario es uno de los senderos que se recorría para este propósito. Al discutir estas profesiones, trataremos sus orígenes, su desarrollo (legal) a lo largo de la historia (con énfasis en la edad moderna) y el estado actual. Después de comentar cada una de estas profesiones, seguiremos con unas observaciones comparativas acerca de las diferencias y similaritudes de cómo en estas profesiones se trataba de monitorizar la calidad del rendimiento profesional.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Some historical comparative remarks on the professional performance of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in the Netherlands

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    Disciplinary measures and, more broadly, the pursuit of upholding the quality of professional performance are not new but have a long history. Although the disciplinary processes, disciplinary law and the disciplinary measures imposed in the past were, in principle, intended to ensure a certain degree of decency (cf. the honour of the rank), the centre of attention seems to have now shifted to ensuring a high degree of professional expertise, including non-ethical regulation and enforcement. This contribution addresses the evolution and development of the way one attempted to guarantee the professional standards of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in legal history. Disciplinary law is one of the roads pursued for this purpose. In discussing these professions, their origins, their (legal) development throughout history (with an emphasis on the Modern Age) and the current state of affairs will be dealt with. Some comparative remarks then follow concerning the differences and similarities in the way these professionals sought to monitor the quality of their professional performance

    The Development of Moral Reasoning in the Law Curriculum - An Exploration of Various Teaching Activities

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    Developing the capacity for moral judgment is an essential professional competence for lawyers. What teaching and learning activities in the law curriculum can be used in order to contribute to students’ moral reasoning and moral judgment? Four teaching methods were tried out in the period 2019 to 2021 at the Utrecht University School of Law: teaching methods that either work with (hypothetical) dilemmas (I); in-class reflection papers (II); experiential learning based on own experiences in a simulation situation (III); or clinical teaching in a real law firm (IV). The effects of these methods on the development of moral reasoning were measured using the Defining Issues Test (DIT). Additional information on the effectiveness and utility of the method was gathered using semi-structured interviews with teachers. The DIT results were compared at the beginning and at the end of the courses and related to the teaching methods. This article presents the outcomes of this study and formulates some recommendations for further research on the topic

    XIX. The Netherlands

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    The development of the concept of contributory negligence in civil and common law. A comparison

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    The injured party’s own conduct contributing to the damage suffered has been a bar to the recovery of damages in delictual liability for centuries, both in the traditions of civil as well as common law. This article describes and compares the historical development, from (classical) Roman law up to French, German and Dutch law in the beginning of the 20th century, of the method with which cases involving the behaviour of the injured party contributed to the occurrence of damage — nowadays called ‘contributory negligence’, with the English common law tradition from the medieval period until the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act of 1945. In both the civil and the common law traditions, the result of ‘contributory negligence’ was the same — all or nothing. Solutions found in civil and common law to deal with the contributory conduct of the injured party are not very different. There might have been remarkable similarities in the way one solved this issue before a concept of contributory negligence existed. Furthermore, whilst the official introduction of the partition of damages as a result of contributory negligence came later in common law than in civil law, early signs of the adoption of this principle can be also be found in 19th century common law

    Evaluatie Tijdelijke wet Groningen

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    Het rapport evalueert de Tijdelijke wet Groningen (TwG). Het geeft belangrijke conclusies over de doelen van de TwG en de uitwerking van de wet in de praktijk

    Clinical implementation of the hysteroscopic morcellator for removal of intrauterine myomas and polyps. A retrospective descriptive study

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    The aim of this study is to report our experience with a novel technique, the hysteroscopic morcellator (HM), for removal of intrauterine myomas and polyps. We performed a retrospective study on 315 women undergoing operative hysteroscopy with the HM in our university-affiliated teaching hospital. We collected data on installation and operating times, fluid deficit, peri- and postoperative complications. In 37 patients undergoing myomectomy with the HM, mean installation time was 8.7 min, mean operating time, 18.2 min, and median fluid deficit, 440 mL. Three out of 37 HM procedures were converted to resectoscopy, related to a type 2 myoma. In 278 patients, mean installation and operating times for polypectomy with the HM were 7.3 min and 6.6 min, respectively. All procedures were uneventful. Implementation of the HM for removal of type 0 and 1 myomas ≤3 cm, and removal of polyps appears safe and effective

    Some historical comparative remarks on the professional performance of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in the Netherlands

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    Disciplinary measures and, more broadly, the pursuit of upholding the quality of professional performance are not new but have a long history. Although the disciplinary processes, disciplinary law and the disciplinary measures imposed in the past were, in principle, intended to ensure a certain degree of decency (cf. the honour of the rank), the centre of attention seems to have now shifted to ensuring a high degree of professional expertise, including non-ethical regulation and enforcement. This contribution addresses the evolution and development of the way one attempted to guarantee the professional standards of medical practitioners, lawyers and notaries in legal history. Disciplinary law is one of the roads pursued for this purpose. In discussing these professions, their origins, their (legal) development throughout history (with an emphasis on the Modern Age) and the current state of affairs will be dealt with. Some comparative remarks then follow concerning the differences and similarities in the way these professionals sought to monitor the quality of their professional performance.procesos disciplinarios y, en términos más generales, la búsqueda de mantener la calidad del desempeño profesional, no es una cuestión reciente, sino tiene una larga trayectoria. A pesar de que los procesos disciplinarios, derecho disciplinario y las medidas disciplinarias impuestos en el pasado eran, en principio, destinados a garantizar un cierto grado de decencia (cf. el honor del rango), el centro de atención parece haberse desplazado para garantizar experiencia profesional, incluyendo la aplicación y regulación non-ética. Esta contribución aborda la evolución y desarrollo de cómo trataban de garantizar los estándares profesionales de los médicos, abogados y notarios en la historia del derecho. Derecho disciplinario es uno de los senderos que se recorría para este propósito. Al discutir estas profesiones, trataremos sus orígenes, su desarrollo (legal) a lo largo de la historia (con énfasis en la edad moderna) y el estado actual. Después de comentar cada una de estas profesiones, seguiremos con unas observaciones comparativas acerca de las diferencias y similaritudes de cómo en estas profesiones se trataba de monitorizar la calidad del rendimiento profesional.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Gesetzgebung, verfahrensrechtliche Realität und Rechtslehre im römisch-holländischen Recht des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Das Problem des Mitverschuldens bei Schiffskollisionen. Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs|Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs Band 2 / 2013 recht [durch] setzen / Making Things Legal Gesetzgebung und prozessuale Wirklichkeit in den europäischen Rechtstraditionen|

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    This article presents the different solutions provided by various statutes, case law and legal doctrine on the subject of contributory negligence in the event of a collision of ships. With regard to collision cases in Roman-Dutch law, there were various views on the legal solution in cases where two ships collided and both captains had acted negligently. The Hoge Raad decided that where it was not clear who had acted negligently, or where the negligence was equal on both sides, the damage had to be regarded as common and both should bear the damage equally. This decision obviously contrasts with that advanced by Roman law. The Roman approach was adopted as a basis by legal doctrine scholars such as Van Bijnkershoek, and later Van der Keessel, who argued that each should bear his own loss. Interestingly, this view was supported by two local statutes. The article ends with a discussion on another situation, namely that of a stationary ship being hit by a sailing ship. Van der Keessel considered the fault of the sailing ship as more serious and therefore argued that the fault of the (captain of the) sailing ship could not be compensated by the fault of the stationary ship. Thereby he introduced a renewed application of the medieval culpae compensatio doctrine

    Special issue on Education in (Professional) Legal Ethics, Emanuel van Dongen & Jet ­Tigchelaar (eds.)

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    The theme of the special issue of Law and Method on Education in (Professional) Legal Ethics consists both of content-related as well as didactical-oriented contributions, of which most are written in the Dutch language and two are written in the English language. The content-related approaches show that in education in legal ethics use can be made of professional standards, constitutional principles as well as general ethical theories (such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics). Because lawyers work with ‘the law’, broader or narrower conceptions of law (in relation to morality) also affect legal reasoning and are therefore relevant to education in professional legal ethics. However, these approaches are also put into perspective: the leap forward from moral reasoning based on abstract core values and ethical principles to morally correct action in concrete moral dilemmas in legal practice is a large one. Several solutions are proposed: I. teach ethics indirectly, stressing the importance of facts and of professional role consciousness, and of the importance of formal and informal respect for all concerned, as an essential part of the professional lawyers’ role (Kaptein – written in English); II. use insights from social psychology to overcome barriers to actual ethical behaviour (Becker and Mackor); III. use dialogues about case studies that demonstrate different aspects of judicial ethics for judges (Brenninkmeijer&Bish – written in English) or IV. give (to future governmental lawyers) context-sensitive bottom-up moral dilemmas to enhance realism, alertness and role resistance against opposing forces (Van Lochem). A relevant theme in the didactical approaches to legal ethics is the absence or limited practical professional experience law students have, so that, for example, conversation techniques based on personal experience have limited value. At university level, this can be remedied to some extent by reinforcing one’s own experience, i.e. experiential learning, or by bringing the experiences of others into the classroom, for example with guest lecturers from the field, or by telling and discussing fictional or true stories (Van Dongen & Tigchelaar). Education at university gives a good starting point for (professional) legal ethics, followed by post-academic legal ethics education and legal practice as lifelong learning school. A contribution with a focus on the notary (Waaijer) highlights the different approaches within this continuum