161 research outputs found

    Long-term microstructural evolution of tungsten under heat and neutron loads

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    In nuclear fusion reactors, tungsten will be exposed to high neutron loads at high temper atures (>900 C). The evolution and degradation of the mechanical properties under these conditions is uncertain and therefore constitutes a major risk. Here, the microstructural evolution of tungsten under combined heat and neutron loads is studied, using a multi-scale approach incorporating clusters dynamics and a mean-field recrystallization model. The mean-field recrystallization model contains both nucleation in the bulk and at the grain boundaries. The cluster dynamics model includes the incorporation of loops in the dynamics of the dislocation network as a mechanism. The effects of bulk nucleation on the microstructural evolution are explored. The simulations predict a cyclically occuring neutron-induced recrystallization at all studied temperatures. Furthermore, the evolution of the irradiation hardening during neutron-induced recrystallization is assessed from the simulated microstructures.Comment: Submitted to peer-reviewed journa

    Controlled irradiation hardening of tungsten by cyclic recrystallization

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    The economical lifetime of the divertor is a key concern for realizing nuclear fusion reactors that may solve the world's energy problem. A main risk is thermo-mechanical failure of the plasma-facing tungsten monoblocks, as a consequence of irradiation hardening induced by neutron displacement cascades. Lifetime extensions that could be carried out without prolonged maintenance periods are desired. In this work, the effects of potential treatments for extending the lifetime of an operational reactor are explored. The proposed treatments make use of cyclic recrystallization processes that can occur in neutron-irradiated tungsten. Evolution of the microstructure under non-isothermal conditions is investigated, employing a multi-scale model that includes a physically-based mean-field recrystallization model and a cluster dynamics model for neutron irradiation effects. The model takes into account microstructural properties such as grain size and displacement-induced defect concentrations. The evolution of a hardness indicator under neutron irradiation was studied. The results reveal that, for the given microstructure and under the assumed model behaviour, periodical extra heating can have a significant positive influence on controlling the irradiation hardening. For example, at 800 C, if extra annealing at 1200 C was applied after every 100 hrs for the duration of 1 hr, then the hardness indicator reduces from maximum 140 to below 70.Comment:

    Three mechanisms of hydrogen-induced dislocation pinning in tungsten

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    The high-flux deuterium plasma impinging on a divertor degrades the long-termthermo-mechanical performance of its tungsten plasma-facing components. A prime actor inthis is hydrogen embrittlement, a degradation phenomenon that involves the interactions between hydrogen and dislocations, the primary carriers of plasticity. Measuring such nanoscaleinteractions is still very challenging, which limits our understanding. Here, we demonstrate anexperimental approach that combines thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) andnanoindentation, allowing to investigate the effect of hydrogen on the dislocation mobility in tungsten. Dislocation mobility was found to be reduced after deuterium injection, which ismanifested as a ‘pop-in’ in the indentation stress-strain curve, with an average activation stressfor dislocation mobility that was more than doubled. All experimental results can be confidentlyexplained, in conjunction with experimental and numerical literature findings, by the simultaneous activation of three mechanisms responsible for dislocation pinning: (i) hydrogentrapping at pre-existing dislocations, (ii) hydrogen-induced vacancies, and (iii) stabilization ofvacancies by hydrogen, contributing respectively 38%, 52%, and 34% to the extra activationstress. These mechanisms are considered to be essential for the proper understanding and modeling of hydrogen embrittlement in tungsten

    Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Performance of Small UAV Propellers in Static Conditions

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    The proliferation of small multi-rotor UAVs in commercial, recreational, and surveillance spheres has garnered significant interest in the noise produced by these vehicles. The current research aims to study the relationship between the aerodynamic performance and acoustic characteristics of small-scale UAV propellers. Three commercially available propellers for the DJI Phantom 2/3 UAV were selected for preliminary development and validation of an aeroacoustic experimental test setup and associated data reduction methods. Propeller thrust, torque, and power measurements were recorded at static conditions. Upon successful validation of the test bench, acoustic measurements were taken at the propeller disk’s upstream and in-plane locations. The power spectral density of these acoustic signals was estimated using the modified periodogram (Welch’s) method to identify frequency content and calculate sound pressure levels (SPLs) at each of the observation locations. Additionally, time-frequency analysis verified the periodogram results and identified possible sources of transient noise at static thrust. These methods found the nonrotor noise to be a major contributor to the SPL at higher frequencies and the propeller noise dominating the SPL spectra at the lower frequencies. Experimental thrust, torque, power, and sound pressure level (SPL) data were then compared for each propeller to identify relationships between aerodynamic performance and acoustic characteristics with variations in propeller geometry and blade loading

    LiMeS-Lab:An Integrated Laboratory for the Development of Liquid–Metal Shield Technologies for Fusion Reactors

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    The liquid metal shield laboratory (LiMeS-Lab) will provide the infrastructure to develop, test, and compare liquid metal divertor designs for future fusion reactors. The main research topics of LiMeS-lab will be liquid metal interactions with the substrate material of the divertor, the continuous circulation and capillary refilling of the liquid metal during intense plasma heat loading and the retention of plasma particles in the liquid metal. To facilitate the research, four new devices are in development at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research and the Eindhoven University of Technology: LiMeS-AM: a custom metal 3D printer based on powder bed fusion; LiMeS-Wetting, a plasma device to study the wetting of liquid metals on various substrates with different surface treatments; LiMeS-PSI, a linear plasma generator specifically adapted to operate continuous liquid metal loops. Special diagnostic protection will also be implemented to perform measurements in long duration shots without being affected by the liquid metal vapor; LiMeS-TDS, a thermal desorption spectroscopy system to characterize deuterium retention in a metal vapor environment. Each of these devices has specific challenges due to the presence and deposition of metal vapors that need to be addressed in order to function. In this paper, an overview of LiMeS-Lab will be given and the conceptual designs of the last three devices will be presented.</p

    Viscous-Inviscid Interactions in a Boundary-Layer Flow Induced by a Vortex Array

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    In this paper we investigate the asymptotic validity of boundary layer theory. For a flow induced by a periodic row of point-vortices, we compare Prandtl's solution to Navier-Stokes solutions at different ReRe numbers. We show how Prandtl's solution develops a finite time separation singularity. On the other hand Navier-Stokes solution is characterized by the presence of two kinds of viscous-inviscid interactions between the boundary layer and the outer flow. These interactions can be detected by the analysis of the enstrophy and of the pressure gradient on the wall. Moreover we apply the complex singularity tracking method to Prandtl and Navier-Stokes solutions and analyze the previous interactions from a different perspective

    The diagnostic work up of growth failure in secondary health care; An evaluation of consensus guidelines

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    Background: As abnormal growth might be the first manifestation of undetected diseases, it is important to have accurate referral criteria and a proper diagnostic work-up. In the present paper we evaluate the diagnostic work-up in secondary health care according to existing consensus guidelines and study the frequency of underlying medical disorders. Methods: Data on growth and additional diagnostic procedures were collected from medical records of new patients referred for short stature to the outpatient clinics of the general paediatric departments of two hospitals (Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital, Rotterdam and Spaarne Hospital, Haarlem) between January 1998 and December 2002. As the Dutch Consensus Guideline (DCG) is the only guideline addressing referral criteria as well as diagnostic work-up, the analyses were based on its seven auxological referral criteria to determine the characteristics of children who are incorrectly referred and the adequacy of workup of those who are referred. Results: Twenty four percent of children older than 3 years were inappropriately referred (NCR). Of the correctly referred children 74-88% were short corrected for parental height, 40-61% had a height SDS <-2.5 and 21% showed height deflection (Δ HSDS < -0.25/yr or Δ HSDS < -1). In none of the children a complete detailed routine diagnostic work up was performed and in more than 30% no routine laboratory examination was done at all. Pathologic causes of short stature were found in 27 children (5%). Conclusion: Existing guidelines for workup of children with suspected growth failure are poorly implemented. Although poorly implemented the DCG detects at least 5% pathologic causes of growth failure in children referred for short stature. New guidelines for referral are required with a better sensitivity and specificity, wherein distance to target height should get more attention. The general diagnostic work up for short stature should include testing for celiac disease in all children and for Turner syndrome in girls

    The Inviscid Limit and Boundary Layers for Navier-Stokes Flows

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    The validity of the vanishing viscosity limit, that is, whether solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations modeling viscous incompressible flows converge to solutions of the Euler equations modeling inviscid incompressible flows as viscosity approaches zero, is one of the most fundamental issues in mathematical fluid mechanics. The problem is classified into two categories: the case when the physical boundary is absent, and the case when the physical boundary is present and the effect of the boundary layer becomes significant. The aim of this article is to review recent progress on the mathematical analysis of this problem in each category.Comment: To appear in "Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids", Y. Giga and A. Novotn\'y Ed., Springer. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Cross-language differences in fundamental frequency range: a comparison of English and German

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    This paper presents a systematic comparison of various measures of f0 range in female speakers of English and German. F0 range was analysed along two dimensions, level (i.e. overall f0 height) and span (extent of f0 modulation within a given speech sample). These were examined using two types of measures, one based on 'long-term distributional' (LTD) methods, and the other based on specific landmarks in speech that are linguistic in nature ('linguistic' measures). The various methods were used to identify whether and on what basis or bases speakers of these two languages differ in f0 range. Findings yielded significant cross-language differences in both dimensions of f0 range, but effect sizes were found to be larger for span than for level, and for linguistic than for LTD measures. The linguistic measures also uncovered some differences between the two languages in how f0 range varies through an intonation contour. 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