5,930 research outputs found

    Quantum algorithm for the Boolean hidden shift problem

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    The hidden shift problem is a natural place to look for new separations between classical and quantum models of computation. One advantage of this problem is its flexibility, since it can be defined for a whole range of functions and a whole range of underlying groups. In a way, this distinguishes it from the hidden subgroup problem where more stringent requirements about the existence of a periodic subgroup have to be made. And yet, the hidden shift problem proves to be rich enough to capture interesting features of problems of algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial flavor. We present a quantum algorithm to identify the hidden shift for any Boolean function. Using Fourier analysis for Boolean functions we relate the time and query complexity of the algorithm to an intrinsic property of the function, namely its minimum influence. We show that for randomly chosen functions the time complexity of the algorithm is polynomial. Based on this we show an average case exponential separation between classical and quantum time complexity. A perhaps interesting aspect of this work is that, while the extremal case of the Boolean hidden shift problem over so-called bent functions can be reduced to a hidden subgroup problem over an abelian group, the more general case studied here does not seem to allow such a reduction.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Predictability is necessary for closed-loop visual feedback delay adaptation

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    Rohde M, van Dam L, Ernst MO. Predictability is necessary for closed-loop visual feedback delay adaptation. Journal of Vision. 2014;14(3):4.In case of delayed visual feedback during visuomotor tasks, like in some sluggish computer games, humans can modulate their behavior to compensate for the delay. However, opinions on the nature of this compensation diverge. Some studies suggest that humans adapt to feedback delays with lasting changes in motor behavior (aftereffects) and a recalibration of time perception. Other studies have shown little or no evidence for such semipermanent recalibration in the temporal domain. We hypothesize that predictability of the reference signal (target to be tracked) is necessary for semipermanent delay adaptation. To test this hypothesis, we trained participants with a 200 ms visual feedback delay in a visually guided manual tracking task, varying the predictability of the reference signal between conditions, but keeping reference motion and feedback delay constant. In Experiment 1, we focused on motor behavior. Only training in the predictable condition brings about all of the adaptive changes and aftereffects expected from delay adaptation. In Experiment 2, we used a synchronization task to investigate perceived simultaneity (perceptuomotor learning). Supporting the hypothesis, participants recalibrated subjective visuomotor simultaneity only when trained in the predictable condition. Such a shift in perceived simultaneity was also observed in Experiment 3, using an interval estimation task. These results show that delay adaptation in motor control can modulate the perceived temporal alignment of vision and kinesthetically sensed movement. The coadaptation of motor prediction and target prediction (reference extrapolation) seems necessary for such genuine delay adaptation. This offers an explanation for divergent results in the literature

    Forest filled with gaps : effects of gap size on water and nutrient cycling in tropical rain forest : a study in Guyana

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    Guyana's forests are selectively logged and a forest management is desired that is economically sustainable and ecologically responsible. Canopy gaps, created by selective logging, induce changes to microclimatic and edaphic conditions. These changes influence the regeneration of the forest in general and of commercial tree species in particular. This study evaluated the influence of gap size on microclimatic conditions, water dynamics and nutrient cycling. The study was carried out in the tropical rain forest of central Guyana in experimental gaps of 50 to 3200m2. Research topics included: microclimate, soil moisture, modelling of solar radiation, evapotranspiration and soil water dynamics, litterfall, decomposition, mineralisation and leaching of nutrients. Emphasis was on differences between gaps of different size for the various parts of the water and nutrient cycle and the spatial variation within gaps and in the gap edge area. Temporal changes were studied by making observations in 0-3, 7 and 13-year-old gaps. The main finding were: 1) soil water availability was rarely limited for growth, 2) the amount of radiation increased with increasing gap size, both inside the gap and in the gap edge area, 3) the amount of litterfall decreased sigmoidal with increasing distance from the gap edge and litter turnover rates were larger in larger sized gaps due to a larger regrowth of the vegetation in these gaps, 4) decomposition rates were not affected by gap size, but decomposition in gaps was slower than in forest, 5) mineralisation rates were affected in gaps larger than 100m2 and mineralisation rates in larger sized gaps had a faster recovery to the level of the forest than in smaller sized gaps, 6) increased leaching was found in gaps larger than 400m2 and increased nutrient losses were still observed in a 7-year-old 3400m2 gap, but not in smaller gaps. This study generated insight into the potential impacts of logging gaps on abiotic and edaphic conditions affecting forest regeneration. The research result suggest that canopy gaps created by logging should preferably not exceed 400m2, if it is the objective of the forest management to maintain the ecological functions of the forest

    Eigenlevel statistics of the quantum adiabatic algorithm

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    We study the eigenlevel spectrum of quantum adiabatic algorithm for 3-satisfiability problem, focusing on single-solution instances. The properties of the ground state and the associated gap, crucial for determining the running time of the algorithm, are found to be far from the predictions of random matrix theory. The distribution of gaps between the ground and the first excited state shows an abundance of small gaps. Eigenstates from the central part of the spectrum are, on the other hand, well described by random matrix theory.Comment: 8 pages, 10 ps figure

    Context Effects in Embodied Lexical-Semantic Processing

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    The embodied view of language comprehension proposes that the meaning of words is grounded in perception and action rather than represented in abstract amodal symbols. Support for embodied theories of language processing comes from behavioral studies showing that understanding a sentence about an action can modulate congruent and incongruent physical responses, suggesting motor involvement during comprehension of sentences referring to bodily movement. Additionally, several neuroimaging studies have provided evidence that comprehending single words denoting manipulable objects elicits specific responses in the neural motor system. An interesting question that remains is whether action semantic knowledge is directly activated as motor simulations in the brain, or rather modulated by the semantic context in which action words are encountered. In the current paper we investigated the nature of conceptual representations using a go/no-go lexical decision task. Specifically, target words were either presented in a semantic context that emphasized dominant action features (features related to the functional use of an object) or non-dominant action features. The response latencies in a lexical decision task reveal that participants were faster to respond to words denoting objects for which the functional use was congruent with the prepared movement. This facilitation effect, however, was only apparent when the semantic context emphasized corresponding motor properties. These findings suggest that conceptual processing is a context-dependent process that incorporates motor-related knowledge in a flexible manner

    Improved Error-Scaling for Adiabatic Quantum State Transfer

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    We present a technique that dramatically improves the accuracy of adiabatic state transfer for a broad class of realistic Hamiltonians. For some systems, the total error scaling can be quadratically reduced at a fixed maximum transfer rate. These improvements rely only on the judicious choice of the total evolution time. Our technique is error-robust, and hence applicable to existing experiments utilizing adiabatic passage. We give two examples as proofs-of-principle, showing quadratic error reductions for an adiabatic search algorithm and a tunable two-qubit quantum logic gate.Comment: 10 Pages, 4 figures. Comments are welcome. Version substantially revised to generalize results to cases where several derivatives of the Hamiltonian are zero on the boundar

    No need to touch this: Bimanual haptic slant adaptation does not require touch

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    In our daily life, we often interact with objects using both hands raising the question the question to what extent information between the hands is shared. It has, for instance, been shown that curvature adaptation aftereffects can transfer from the adapted hand to the non-adapted hand. However, this transfer only occurred for dynamic exploration, e.g. by moving a single finger over a surface, but not for static exploration when keeping static contact with the surface and combining the information from different parts of the hand. This raises the question to what extent adaptation to object shape is shared between the hands when both hands are used in static fashion simultaneously and the object shape estimates require information from both hands. Here we addressed this question in three experiments using a slant adaptation paradigm. In Experiment 1 we investigated whether an aftereffect of static bimanual adaptation occurs at all and whether it transfers to conditions in which one hand was moving. In Experiment 2 participants adapted either to a felt slanted surface or simply be holding their hands in mid-air at similar positions, to investigate to what extent the effects of static bimanual adaptation are posture-based rather than object based. Experiment 3 further explored the idea that bimanual adaptation is largely posture based. We found that bimanual adaptation using static touch did lead to aftereffects when using the same static exploration mode for testing. However, the aftereffect did not transfer to any exploration mode that included a dynamic component. Moreover, we found similar aftereffects both with and without a haptic surface. Thus, we conclude that static bimanual adaptation is of proprioceptive nature and does not occur at the level at which the object is represented

    Quantum properties of a non-Abelian gauge invariant action with a mass parameter

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    We continue the study of a local, gauge invariant Yang-Mills action containing a mass parameter, which we constructed in a previous paper starting from the nonlocal gauge invariant mass dimension two operator F_{\mu\nu} (D^2)^{-1} F_{\mu\nu}. We return briefly to the renormalizability of the model, which can be proven to all orders of perturbation theory by embedding it in a more general model with a larger symmetry content. We point out the existence of a nilpotent BRST symmetry. Although our action contains extra (anti)commuting tensor fields and coupling constants, we prove that our model in the limit of vanishing mass is equivalent with ordinary massless Yang-Mills theories. The full theory is renormalized explicitly at two loops in the MSbar scheme and all the renormalization group functions are presented. We end with some comments on the potential relevance of this gauge model for the issue of a dynamical gluon mass generation.Comment: 17 pages. v2: version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Proteomic Assessment of C57BL/6 Hippocampi after Non-Selective Pharmacological Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity:Implications of Seizure-like Neuronal Hyperexcitability Followed by Tauopathy

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a small gaseous signaling molecule responsible for maintaining homeostasis in a myriad of tissues and molecular pathways in neurology and the cardiovasculature. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the potential interaction between arterial stiffness (AS), an independent cardiovascular risk factor, and neurodegenerative syndromes given increasingly epidemiological study reports. For this reason, we previously investigated the mechanistic convergence between AS and neurodegeneration via the progressive non-selective inhibition of all nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in C57BL/6 mice. Our previous results showed progressively increased AS in vivo and impaired visuospatial learning and memory in L-NAME-treated C57BL/6 mice. In the current study, we sought to further investigate the progressive molecular signatures in hippocampal tissue via LC–MS/MS proteomic analysis. Our data implicate mitochondrial dysfunction due to progressive L-NAME treatment. Two weeks of L-NAME treatment implicates altered G-protein-coupled-receptor signaling in the nerve synapse and associated presence of seizures and altered emotional behavior. Furthermore, molecular signatures implicate the cerebral presence of seizure-related hyperexcitability after short-term (8 weeks) treatment followed by ribosomal dysfunction and tauopathy after long-term (16 weeks) treatment
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