842 research outputs found

    "This is Philosophy: An Introduction," by Steven D. Hales

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    A Rating Scale for the Study of Social Behavior in Young Children

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    The social behavior of fifty children from one to five years of age was observed and analyzed for traits that should make up a rating scale for measuring social behavior in young children. The results of the analysis were compared with certain child behavior traits, called by Norsworthy and Whitley, social and non-social instincts; by Watson, emotions ; by Bolton, social traits, and by Gambrill, social attitudes. A preliminary graphic rating scale of twenty-six traits has been replaced by a more complete scale of thirty traits. The scale has five divisions extending from a decidedly high degree of the trait to a decided lack of the trait. At least three raters make ratings on each child

    Pesquisa cientificamente fundamentada em uma era pós-verdad

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    In this article, I explore the tension between the current political context in which science needs defending against anti-intellectualism and outright assaults on evidence as a means of decision-making on the one hand and the overzealous scientism that can result from backlash against a perceived lack of rigor in various forms of inquiry. To do so, I return to the emergence of the discourse of scientifically based research (SBR) in education and the debates surrounding it (2002-2013), which have implications for how and why educational researchers would advocate for science and what that advocacy might do. Specifically, I argue that we must have a science that does not allow alternative facts and politically expedient truth claims while still allowing science to be flexible, responsive, and theoretically informed. I conclude by advocating for theoretically informed activism and non-innocent science.En este artículo, explotan la tensión entre el actual contexto político en que la ciencia necesita defenderse contra el antiintetismo y los asaltos directos a la evidencia como un medio de toma de decisión, por un lado, y el cientificismo excesivamente celoso que puede resultar de la reacción contraria falta de rigor en varias formas de investigación. Para ello, vuelvo al surgimiento del discurso de la investigación científicamente fundamentada (SBR) en la educación y en los debates que la rodean (2002-2013), que tienen implicaciones sobre cómo y por qué. hacer. Específicamente, argumento que debemos tener una ciencia que no permita hechos alternativos y reivindicaciones de verdad políticamente expeditas, mientras que todavía permite que la ciencia sea flexible, responsiva y teóricamente informada. Concluyo defendiendo el activismo teóricamente informado y la ciencia no inocente. Neste artigo, eu exploro a tensão entre o atual contexto político em que a ciência precisa se defender contra o antiintelectualismo e assaltos diretos à evidência como um meio de tomada de decisão, por um lado, e o cientificismo excessivamente zeloso que pode resultar da reação contrária falta de rigor em várias formas de investigação. Para tanto, volto ao surgimento do discurso da pesquisa cientificamente fundamentada (SBR) na educação e nos debates que a cercam (2002-2013), que têm implicações sobre como e por quê. fazer. Especificamente, argumento que devemos ter uma ciência que não permita fatos alternativos e reivindicações de verdade politicamente expeditas, enquanto ainda permite que a ciência seja flexível, responsiva e teoricamente informada. Concluo defendendo o ativismo teoricamente informado e a ciência não inocente

    Gun Show Loophole Bills: A Study of Legislative Misdirection in 2009

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    In the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, which left thirty-two students and faculty dead at the hands of a student armed with two handguns, gun-control organizations saw an opportunity to press their legislative agenda items forward with vigor. A host of gun-control bills were introduced in the 2008 and, to a lesser extent, the 2009 General Assembly sessions. For pro-gun groups, Virginia Tech\u27s policy of not allowing any guns on campus was more proof that gun control only disarms good people. These groups argued that criminals, by definition, ignore the law and will simply get their guns through illicit methods, such as theft or straw purchases, and use those guns to commit mayhem wherever they please

    Clear Zone and Obstruction Free Zone Concepts

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    Categorization of Detainees and Standards of Detention

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    In the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, which left thirty-two students and faculty dead at the hands of a student armed with two handguns, gun-control organizations saw an opportunity to press their legislative agenda items forward with vigor. A host of gun-control bills were introduced in the 2008 and, to a lesser extent, the 2009 General Assembly sessions. For pro-gun groups, Virginia Tech\u27s policy of not allowing any guns on campus was more proof that gun control only disarms good people. These groups argued that criminals, by definition, ignore the law and will simply get their guns through illicit methods, such as theft or straw purchases, and use those guns to commit mayhem wherever they please

    The Veterans Legal Advocacy Center

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    Announcement of the new Veterans Legal Advocacy Center