670 research outputs found

    Control vector parameterization with sensitivity based refinement applied to baking optimization

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    In bakery production, product quality attributes as crispness, brownness, crumb and water content are developed by the transformations that occur during baking and which are initiated by heating. A quality driven procedure requires process optimization to improve bakery production and to find operational procedures for new products. Control vector parameterization (CVP) is an effective method for the optimization procedure. However, for accurate optimization with a large number of parameters CVP optimization takes a long computation time. In this work, an improved method for direct dynamic optimization using CVP is presented. The method uses a sensitivity based step size refinement for the selection of control input parameters. The optimization starts with a coarse discretization level for the control input in time. In successive iterations the step size was refined for the parameters for which the performance index has a sensitivity value above a threshold value.With this selection, optimization is continued for a selected group of input parameters while the other nonsensitive parameters (below threshold) are kept constant. Increasing the threshold value lowers the computation time, however the obtained performance index becomes less. A threshold value in the range of 10–20% of the mean sensitivity satisfies well. The method gives a better solution for a lower computation effort than single run optimization with a large number of parameters or refinement procedures without selection

    A Dissociation of Attention and Awareness in Phase-sensitive but Not Phase-insensitive Visual Channels

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    The elements most vivid in our conscious awareness are the ones to which we direct our attention. Scientific study confirms the impression of a close bond between selective attention and visual awareness, yet the nature of this association remains elusive. Using visual afterimages as an index, we investigate neural processing of stimuli as they enter awareness and as they become the object of attention. We find evidence of response enhancement accompanying both attention and awareness, both in the phase-sensitive neural channels characteristic of early processing stages and in the phase-insensitive channels typical of higher cortical areas. The effects of attention and awareness on phase-insensitive responses are positively correlated, but in the same experiments, we observe no correlation between the effects on phase-sensitive responses. This indicates independent signatures of attention and awareness in early visual areas yet a convergence of their effects at more advanced processing stages

    Viscoelastic liquid crystal colloids for the continuous processing of twisted nematic electro-optical cells

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    Liquid crystal colloid materials are described based on the liquid crystal (LC) E7 and submicron sized poly(methyl methacrylate-co-divinylbenzene) particles. Application of a thermal treatment to the composite material produces a finely dispersed network of the internally crosslinked polymeric inclusions in the LC-E7. Dynamic rheological measurements on the LC colloids show that the presence of this network imposes pronounced viscoelastic behavior on the material, which may be exploited in the manufacturing of large-area twisted nematic (TN) electro-optical cells via continuous methods as an alternative to the currently available batchwise routes. The electro-optical characteristics of TN cells based on the composite material are approximately comparable to the electro-optical characteristics of a reference cell filled with pure LC E7, which ensures that the largely increased viscoelasticity of the composite does not lead to a degradation of electro-optical propertie

    Modeling and analysis of the dynamic behavior of the XlnR regulon in Aspergillus niger

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    Background: In this paper the dynamics of the transcription-translation system for XlnR regulon in Aspergillus niger is modeled. The model is based on Hill regulation functions and uses ordinary differential equations. The network response to a trigger of D-xylose is considered and stability analysis is performed. The activating, repressive feedback, and the combined effect of the two feedbacks on the network behavior are analyzed. Results: Simulation and systems analysis showed significant influence of activating and repressing feedback on metabolite expression profiles. The dynamics of the D-xylose input function has an important effect on the profiles of the individual metabolite concentrations. Variation of the time delay in the feedback loop has no significant effect on the pattern of the response. The stability and existence of oscillatory behavior depends on which proteins are involved in the feedback loop. Conclusions: The dynamics in the regulation properties of the network are dictated mainly by the transcription and translation degradation rate parameters, and by the D-xylose consumption profile. This holds true with and without feedback in the network. Feedback was found to significantly influence the expression dynamics of genes and proteins. Feedback increases the metabolite abundance, changes the steady state values, alters the time trajectories and affects the response oscillatory behavior and stability conditions. The modeling approach provides insight into network behavioral dynamics particularly for small-sized networks. The analysis of the network dynamics has provided useful information for experimental design for future in vitro experimental wor

    Quantitative perfusion MRI of tumor model in mouse

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    INTRODUCTION: Perfusion in the body provides valuable information about physiological status and disease progression. Measuring perfusion in tumors is considered important with the recognition of angiogenesis, the process of developing new blood vessels, as a key element in the pathophysiology of tumor growth and metastasis1. Many studies have used Gd contrast agents to evaluate tumor blood flow and vasculature but quantification has been complicated and model/agent dependent. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a noninvasive and quantitative technique that measures perfusion by magnetically labeling water as a freely diffusible endogenous tracer. Application of ASL to measure perfusion in tumor is a challenge due to the low perfusion values and artifacts caused by …postprintThe 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2011), Montréal, QC., 7-13 May 2011. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011, v. 19, p. 108

    The value of reasons for encounter in early detection of colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Symptoms with a high predictive power for colorectal cancer (CRC) do not exist. OBJECTIVE: To explore the predictive value of patients' reason for encounter (RFE) in the two years prior to the diagnosis of CRC. METHODS: A retrospective nested case-control study using prospectively collected data from electronic records in general practice over 20 years. Matching was done based on age (within two years), gender and practice. The positive likelihood ratios (LR+) and odds ratios (OR) were calculated for RFE between cases and controls in the two years before the index date. RESULTS: We identified 184 CRC cases and matched 366 controls. Six RFEs had significant LR + and ORs for CRC, which may have high predictive power. These RFEs are part of four chapters in the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) that include tiredness (significant at 3-6 months prior to the diagnosis; LR+ 2.6 and OR 3.07; and from 0 to 3 months prior to the diagnosis; LR+ 2.0 and OR 2.36), anaemia (significant at three months before diagnosis; LR+ 9.8 and OR 16.54), abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and constipation (significant at 3-6 months before diagnosis; LR+ 3.0 and OR 3.33; 3 months prior to the diagnosis LR+ 8.0 and OR 18.10) and weight loss (significant at three months before diagnosis; LR+ 14.9 and OR 14.53). CONCLUSION: Data capture and organization in ICPC permits study of the predictive value of RFE for CRC in primary care