170 research outputs found

    Processo de validação interna de um questionário em uma survey research sobre ISO 9001:2000

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    Muitos trabalhos desenvolvidos na literatura sobre ISO 9001:2000 utilizam a survey research (pesquisa de levantamento) como forma de obtenção de dados para suas pesquisas. Esta metodologia tenta descobrir relações entre variáveis dentro de uma população a partir de uma amostra utilizando questionários como instrumentos de medição. Contudo, antes de realizar a validação externa (inferências), é necessário verificar a validade interna do questionário, ou seja, se o instrumento mede o que está proposto a medir, já que a falta deste processo pode comprometer os resultados encontrados pelos pesquisadores. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um processo de validação interna de um questionário aplicado a empresas certificadas ISO 9001:2000 e não certificadas. Os passos adotados foram: validação de conteúdo, análise fatorial exploratória, validação de construção, verificação de confiabilidade e análise detalhada dos itens.Many papers on ISO 9001:2000 available in the literature apply survey research as a methodology to obtain data from a sample. The approach in this paper attempts to discover relationships between variables within a population using questionnaires as measuring instruments. However, before carrying out the external validity analyses (inferences), it is necessary to verify the internal validity of the questionnaire, i.e., whether the instrument measures what is supposed to measure since the lack of a validation process could compromise the results found by researchers. Thus, this study aims to present an internal validity process of a questionnaire applied to certified and non-certified ISO 9001:2000 organizations. Steps taken in this process were content validity, exploratory factor analysis, construction validity, reliability and detailed item analysis

    Mudança de regime Markoviano aplicado à fase I do CEP em ambientes de múltiplus setups

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    O controle estatístico do processo (CEP), através de suas ferramentas, tem como objetivo apontar quando o processo passa de um estado sob controle para um estado fora de controle. O CEP é dividido em duas fases: a fase de diagnóstico sobre a estrutura dos dados (Fase I) e a fase de controle do processo (Fase II). Um dos objetivos principais da Fase I é estimar os valores dos parâmetros do processo. A estimação destes parâmetros fica prejudicada em ambientes de produção flexível, pois as séries são relativamente mais curtas, impedindo uma adequada inferência dos parâmetros. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a aplicação de um modelo de mudança de regime markoviano para diagnóstico na Fase I do CEP em ambientes de múltiplos setups. O procedimento de mudança de regime markoviano é capaz de estimar os parâmetros das séries em cada regime, levando em consideração a estrutura de variabilidade comum a todos os regimes a partir da análise da característica da qualidade mensurada

    Gráficos de controle X e S com tamanho de amostra variável e análise de capacidade para dados não normais um estudo aplicativo

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    O presente artigo apresenta uma proposição de um método para aplicação de cartas de controle X e S com tamanhos de amostras variáveis e o cálculo de índices de capacidade para dados não-normais em um processo industrial. Quando o tamanho das amostras varia, utilizam-se médias e desvios-padrão ponderados, tendo o tamanho de cada amostra como pesos para estimar a média e o desvio-padrão gerais do processo, respectivamente. Para esse caso, as cartas de controle apresentam uma particularidade: os limites de controle são descontínuos, sendo calculados para cada amostra dependendo de seu tamanho. O presente trabalho também faz uma análise de capacidade do processo, utilizando, para isso, índices de capacidade para dados não-normais. O método proposto foi aplicado em uma indústria do setor metalúrgico.This article presents a method for application of variable sample size X and S control charts and calculation of process capability indices for nonnormal distributions in a industrial process. When sample size varies, the process mean and standard deviation should be estimated through weighted average of each sample, using the sample size as weight. For this case the control charts have a particularity: the control limits are discontinuous, being calculated for each sample depending on its size. The present work has also calculated the process capability indices for the process. The proposed method was applied in a metallurgical industry

    The Influence of Situational Involvement on Employees’ Intrinsic Involvement During IS Development

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    The accelerated pace of digital technology development and adoption and the ensuing digital disruption challenge established business models at many levels, particularly by invalidating traditional value proposition logics. Therefore, processes of technology and information system (IS) adoption and implementation are crucial to organizations striving to survive in complex digitalized environments. In these circumstances, organizations should be aware of and minimize the possibilities of not using IS. The user involvement perspective may help organizations face this issue. Involving users in IS implementation through activities, agreements, and behavior during system development activities (what the literature refers to as situational involvement) may be an effective way to increase user psychological identification with the system, achieving what the literature describes as intrinsic involvement, a state that ultimately helps to increase the adoption rate. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to understand the influence of situational involvement on intrinsic involvement. Thus, the paper explores how situational involvement and intrinsic involvement relate through a fractional factorial experiment with engineering undergraduate students. The resulting model explains 57.79% of intrinsic involvement and supports the importance of the theoretical premise that including users in activities that nurture a sense of responsibility contributes toward system implementation success. To practitioners, the authors suggest that convenient and low-cost hands-on activities may contribute significantly to IS implementation success in organizations. The study also contributes to adoption and diffusion theory by exploring the concept of user involvement, usually recognized as necessary for an IS adoption but not entirely contemplated in the key adoption and diffusion models

    Evaluating ISO 9001:2000 Certified and Non-Certified Organizations in Brazilian Leather-Footwear Chain

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    This study analyzes the Management Practices and Results constructs from several ISO 9001:2000 certified and non-certified organizations in the Brazilian leather-footwear chain in order to identify possible differences in performance between those and to determine the Motivation construct that led these organizations to attain the certification. To achieve these objectives, a research survey was made by sending out an invitation by e-mail to complete a suitable questionnaire on the Internet. We received 130 replies, 45 from certified  organizations and 85 from non-certified organizations. A validation process of the questionnaire was carried out. The factors extracted of the constructs presented positive and significant correlations in the certified organizations. These organizations also performed better in Management Practices and obtained superior Results than those of the non-certified organizations. It is suggested that the non-certified companies in the Brazilian leather-footwear chain should develop a specific motivation to obtain the ISO 9001:2000 certification in order to improve their businesses. The outcome of the research favors the implementation of such joint policies for quality along the value chain to improve industry competitiveness

    Implementação do gerenciamento por categorias para medicamentos em uma rede farmacêutica

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    Devido ao crescimento do mercado de varejo farmacêutico, às mudanças recentes na forma de exposição dos produtos e à necessidade de entender os consumidores, realizou-se a implementação do gerenciamento por categorias para medicamentos em uma rede farmacêutica. O gerenciamento por categorias possibilita a análise dos produtos trabalhados em grupos de itens que possuam características semelhantes entre si, além de melhorar o atendimento às necessidades do consumidor. Por meio da análise de dados, conhecimento dos produtos e reuniões com os gestores da empresa foi possível entender as particularidades do mercado e definir estratégias, metas e ações para cada categoria. O diferencial desse trabalho é propor indicadores que comparam os diferentes medicamentos para compor um indicador global. Os resultados obtidos permitem classificar as diferentes categorias a partir de um indicador global, possibilitando a seleção de categorias e produtos para o desenvolvimento de ações diferenciadas.Due to the growth of the pharmaceutical retail market, recent changes in the form of exhibition of products and the need to understand consumers, structured the implementation of Category Management for pharmaceutical drugs in a network. The category management enables the analysis of the products worked in groups of items that have similar characteristics to each other, besides having the purpose to meet consumer needs. Through data analysis, knowledge of products and meetings with company managers could understand the particularities of the market and define strategies, goals and actions for each category worked. The differential of this work is to propose indicators that compare the different drugs to compose an overall indicator. The obtained results allow to classify the different categories from a global indicator, allowing the selection of categories and products for the development of actions for each different category

    Quality management system implementation for fracture toughness testing

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    The evaluation of material fracture mechanic properties has had an increasing need, especially in the oil and gas industries. This scenario requires quality assurance of fracture toughness tests. This article describes the activities carried out when implementing the Quality Management System (QMS) for the fracture toughness tests at the Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (LAMEF) in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in order to achieve the management and technical requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Since LAMEF was previously accredited in performing other tests, most of the adequacy was related to the technical requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. After performing the required adjustments and after an external audit, the Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) accredited LAMEF to the fracture toughness tests. The accreditation of these tests is unprecedented in Brazil, and we expect this work to encourage other Brazilian and world laboratories to seek the implementation and accreditation of QMS for fracture mechanics tests