22 research outputs found

    Field Application of Sustained-Yield Harvest Management for Northern Bobwhite in Texas

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    Sustained-yield harvest (SYH) is considered a potentially viable strategy for managing harvest of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). However, application of SYH has not been evaluated for northern bobwhites. We evaluated the application of using SYH as a harvest management strategy for bobwhite during the 2007 2008 and 2008 2009 hunting seasons in 2 ecoregions of Texas (Rolling Plains, South Texas Plains). We collected field data at 3 study sites/ecoregion (900 1,900 ha each; 2 hunted sites and 1 control) to estimate 4 demographic parameters (fall and spring density, overwinter survival in the absence of hunting, and harvest rate). We used these data to parameterize the additive harvest model for bobwhites and compare predictions of spring abundance of the model with field estimates. The additive harvest model, compared to field estimates, consistently underestimated spring population density (mean 6 SE) by 55.7 6 17.8% (2007 2008) and 34.1 6 4.9% (2008 2009) in the Rolling Plains, and by 26.4 6 25.3% (2007 2008) and 49.1 6 2.1% (2008 2009) in the South Texas Plains. Implementing SYH in the field, despite its potential benefits, will be challenging given the need for reliable estimates of 3 key population parameters (fall and spring density, and natural mortality in the absence of hunting) and the high variation often associated with them. Conservative harvest prescriptions based on the lower 95% CIs of fall density estimates may permit sustainable harvest despite variation in density estimates

    A Simulation Model of Sustained-Yield Harvest for Northern Bobwhite in South Texas

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    Recommended sustainable harvest rates for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) vary greatly and range from 25% to 70% of the prehunt population. Because northern bobwhite populations have declined across their geographic range, determining sustainable harvest levels is critical for effective management. Our objectives were to use simulation modeling to identify sustainable rates of bobwhite harvest, probability of population persistence, and minimum viable population estimates. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impacts of harvest on northern bobwhite populations in Texas, USA. We constructed a simulation model using Program STELLA 9.0 for a hypothetical northern bobwhite population on 800 ha in the South Texas Plains USA and modeled population dynamics to 100 years over a range of harvest rates (0–40%). A 20% harvest rate produced the greatest average yields (mean ± standard error = 231 ± 10 bobwhites harvested/year). Given a quasi-extinction criterion of ≤40 bobwhites (≤0.05 bobwhite/ha), a 30% harvest rate resulted in a high probability of quasi-extinction (PE = 0.75) within 47.8 ± 2.3 years. A 40% harvest rate was not sustainable (PE = 1.0), with quasi-extinction occurring within 15.5 ± 2.6 years. Harvesting northern bobwhite populations in the South Texas Plains at rates of 20−25% of the prehunt population should maximize long-term harvest while minimizing the probability of population extinction. Spring densities of 0.60−0.80 bobwhite/ha may represent minimum viable spring densities for northern bobwhite populations in the South Texas Plains as these are the densities associated with sustainable 20-25% harvest rates. Harvest rates \u3e30% are likely to be excessive with respect to long-term population persistence for northern bobwhite populations in the South Texas Plains

    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) prevalence in field-collected ticks (Ixodes ricinus) and phylogenetic, structural and virulence analysis in a TBE high-risk endemic area in southwestern Germany

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    Background Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is the most common viral CNS infection with incidences much higher than all other virus infections together in many risk areas of central and eastern Europe. The Odenwald Hill region (OWH) in southwestern Germany is classified as a TBE risk region and frequent case numbers but also more severe infections have been reported within the past decade. The objective of the present study was to survey the prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in Ixodes ricinus and to associate TBEV genetic findings with TBE infections in the OWH. Methods Ticks were collected by the flagging methods supported by a crowdsourcing project implementing the interested public as collectors to cover completely and collect randomly a 3532 km2 area of the OWH TBE risk region. Prevalence of TBEV in I. ricinus was analysed by reversed transcription quantitative real-time PCR. Phylogeographic analysis was performed to classify OWH TBEV isolates within a European network of known TBEV strains. Mutational sequence analysis including 3D modelling of envelope protein pE was performed and based on a clinical database, a spatial association of TBE case frequency and severity was undertaken. Results Using the crowd sourcing approach we could analyse a total of 17,893 ticks. The prevalence of TBEV in I. ricinus in the OWH varied, depending on analysed districts from 0.12% to 0% (mean 0.04%). Calculated minimum infection rate (MIR) was one decimal power higher. All TBEV isolates belonged to the European subtype. Sequence analysis revealed a discontinuous segregation pattern of OWH isolates with two putative different lineages and a spatial association of two isolates with increased TBE case numbers as well as exceptional severe to fatal infection courses. Conclusions TBEV prevalence within the OWH risk regions is comparatively low which is probably due to our methodological approach and may more likely reflect prevalence of natural TBEV foci. As for other European regions, TBEV genetics show a discontinuous phylogeny indicating among others an association with bird migration. Mutations within the pE gene are associated with more frequent, severe and fatal TBE infections in the OWH risk region

    Blueberry - 2023

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    Fiber 10”x10”x10”https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/d32023/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Strawtilus - 2023

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    Mixed Media 6”x8”x2 ½”https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/d32023/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Indulgences and Temporal Punishments in the Light of Documents of the Council of Trent

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    Artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do powstania i rozwoju teologii odpustów w Kościele na tle okresu spadku praktyki publicznej pokuty w starożytności i początkach nowego systemu pokutnego w średniowieczu. Autor omawia teologiczne dylematy, które pojawiają się w wyniku przeniesienia obowiązku wykonania postawionych pokuty z okresu przed udzieleniem pojednania (pojednanie z Kościołem), jaką była starożytna praktyka. W dzisiejszych czasach coraz częściej nazywanego rozgrzeszeniem.This article provides an introduction to the origin and development of the theology of indulgences in the Church against the background of the period of decline of the practice of public penance in ancient times and the beginning of a new penitential system in the Middle Ages which in substance is valid until now. The author discusses the theological dilemmas that arise as a consequence of transferring the obligation to do the set penances from the period before granting reconciliation (reconciliation with the Church), which was the ancient practice, to a time after the reconciliation, nowadays more often called absolution, as in the case of the penitential practice obligatory from the Middle Ages onward. Then, the basic penance structure was consolidated in order to grant absolution from sins and eternal punishment by a priest under the Church jurisdiction according to the sacramental mode. Absolution from temporal penalty for sin could also be obtained according to the jurisdiction by indulgences, thus not according to the sacramental mode