250 research outputs found

    Suma de Negocios Working Papers No 1

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    En consonancia con la misión de la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, la Revista SUMA DE NEGOCIO SWorking Papers propenderá por la difusión de la investigación formativa de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Negocios y será un espacio abierto para la socialización de la investigación de los estudiantes de pregrado de la Fundación y de otras universidades. En este sentido, las visiones interdisciplinarias que pretendemos recopilar y socializar contribuirán al crecimiento en conjunto de nuestra comunidad académica.

    Are competitiveness rankings and institutional measures helping emerging economies to improve?

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    Purpose – Based on the rankings of the global competitiveness index and the fragile states index, this paper aims to suggest alternative approaches to shed some light on the effectiveness of rankings in helping emerging economies improve their competitiveness from an institutional standpoint. Design/methodology/approach – The statistical analysis consisted of a two-stage analysis; the first stage consisted of constructing an updated Alternative Institutional Quality Index (AIQI), intending to design a comparative measure between dimensions over time. The second stage consisted of evidencing the structure of each of the observed dimensions' variance to evidence the existing changes or gaps of the AIQI and its components. We incorporated the Kruskas-Wallis (KW) model to test our results. Findings – This paper demonstrates that the analyzed countries generally maintain their competitive position, even though changes in their scores are reflected. This makes invisible the development and progress factors generated by the countries that are mainly found with low scores and only reflect stable structures that allow them to maintain their position. Practical implications – The paper contributes to the applicable measurement of competitiveness and its structural change over time. Originality/value – This paper proposed an alternative and simple methodology to assess the evolution of the competitiveness indicators; this methodology could be used to measure structural changes at different levels, which may be an input for the design and implementation of policies to foster competitiveness

    Caveolae and caveolin-1 are implicated in 1α,25(OH)2-vitamin D3-dependent modulation of Src, MAPK cascades and VDR localization in skeletal muscle cells

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    We previously reported that 1α,25(OH)2D3 induces non-transcriptional rapid responses through activation of MAPKs in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. However, there is little information on the molecular mechanism underlying the initiation of 1α,25(OH)2D3 signaling through this pathway. Plasma membrane components have been involved in some non-genomic effects. In this work, we investigated the role of caveolae and caveolin-1 (cav-1) in 1α,25(OH)2D3-stimulation of c-Src and MAPKs. When proliferating cells were pretreated with methyl beta cyclodextrin (MβCD), a caveolae disrupting agent, under conditions in which cell morphology is not affected and no signs of apoptosis are observed, 1α,25(OH)2D3-dependent activation of ERK1/2, p38 MAPK and c-Src was suppressed. Similar results were obtained by siRNA technology whereby silencing of cav-1 expression abolished activation of c-Src and MAPKs induced by the hormone. By confocal immunocytochemistry it was observed that cav-1 colocalizes with c-Src in the periplasma membrane zone at basal conditions. Hormone treatment disrupted the colocalization of these proteins and redistributed them into cytoplasm and nucleus. Co-immunoprecipitation assays corroborated these observations. Changes in VDR localization after 1α,25(OH)2D3 exposure were also investigated. Confocal microscopy images showed that the hormone induces VDR translocation to the plasma membrane, and this effect is abolished by MβCD. Altogether, these data suggest that caveolae is involved upstream in c-Src-MAPKs activation by 1α,25(OH)2D3 and that VDR and cav-1 participate in the rapid signaling elicited by the hormone.Fil: Buitrago, Claudia Graciela. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Boland, Ricardo Leopoldo. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Home country institutions and outward fdi: An exploratory analysis in emerging economies

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    Although the internationalization of economies is driven by specific industry conditions or business-specific differences, the institutions that exist as background conditions directly determine firms’ strategies and interactions in the international environment. This paper contributes to the discussion on the relationship between institutional quality and outward FDI (OFDI). We used 30 indicators in 48 emerging economies in the period 2007–2017; we collected the indicators from alternative secondary sources. After we applied Factor Analysis, six factors were retained. We named the components as follows: “Transparency of government” (F1), “Research, development and innovation, R&D+I” (F2), “Inequality” (F3), “Rules on inward FDI (IFDI)” (F4), “Education and training” (F5), and “Financial market” (F6). The panel data model outcomes suggest that Factor 2, Research, development and innovation, has a significant and positive effect on OFDI. Factor 6, the Financial market, has a significant and negative effect on OFDI. When we include lagged values of OFDI stocks the results also show that the government measures transparency positively and significantly affects OFDI stocks. These findings imply that the institutional environment creates two streams of OFDI: leverage and escapism


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     Programs of economic liberalization have many common features all over the world, but they do not necessarily have the same consequences. Differences in their effects reflect differences in the countries themselves along with accidental factors of timing and external events, like the current crisis. Trade liberalization and openness to trade are usually viewed as key elements of successful growth, development strategies and perhaps a pattern to recovery from the crisis. However, trade policy may induce countervailing forces on income distribution, poverty alleviation, and human development. It seems to be the case for Latin America, the use of the word openness conceals a wish, if not an obligation, for the countries concerned to follow a freer trade policy looking for a sustainable recovery but the impacts on income and poverty are fundamentally different and a major concern

    Las dificultades de la integración latinoamericana a partir del modelo primario exportador

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    Latin America has developed within the patterns of the so-called Primary Export Model and its insertion in the international market has hindered its own cohesion and regional integration. Historical dependence on Washington’s post consensus neo-liberal models makes evident a model of structural peripheral marginalization. This open regionalism proposes a regional development model with strategies relying on endogenous resources and external markets initiatives within a political deconcentration and decentralization framework. The key to success for Latin America is to insert itself competitively in the international market with all its innate capabilities, leaving behind those technological, political and economic models of dependency.Latinoamérica se ha desarrollado dentro de los patrones del denominado Modelo Primario Exportador (MPE) y su inserción en el mercado internacional ha dificultado la propia cohesión e integración regional. La dependencia histórica profundizada a partir de los modelos neoliberales post Consenso de Washington hace evidente un modelo de marginación periférica estructural. Este regionalismo abierto propone un desarrollo regional con estrategias basadas en iniciativas de recursos endógenos y mercados externos, en un marco político de desconcentración y descentralización. La fórmula única de triunfo es insertarse, con las potencialidades internas, en el mercado internacional de forma competitiva, dejando de lado los modelos políticos de dependencia tecnológica, política y económica

    Rol del estudiante de Comunicación Social-Periodismo en el campo de práctica profesional

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    La presente es una sistematización de la práctica profesional que se llevó a cabo en la emisora Armoniaz 95.3Fm de Zipaquirá , la misma abarca el rol que se cumple como Community manager dentro de la empresa y medio de comunicación durante el año 2017 , partiendo de la primicia del reconocimiento que tiene este medio de comunicación en Zipaquirá cumpliendo ya una labor de información de 50 años, y cómo a raíz del cumplimiento del rol de Community manager se prevé un mejoramiento en la imagen y en la realización de un plan estratégico para las plataformas digitalesLa presente es una sistematización de la práctica profesional que se llevó a cabo en la emisora Armoniaz 95.3Fm de Zipaquirá , la misma abarca el rol que se cumple como Community manager dentro de la empresa y medio de comunicación durante el año 2017 , partiendo de la primicia del reconocimiento que tiene este medio de comunicación en Zipaquirá cumpliendo ya una labor de información de 50 años, y cómo a raíz del cumplimiento del rol de Community manager se prevé un mejoramiento en la imagen y en la realización de un plan estratégico para las plataformas digitales. Desarrollando el siguiente texto con el procedimiento investigativo que aporta Juliao dentro de la praxeología siendo la reconstrucción de sus 4 etapas (ver, juzgar, actuar y devolución creativa) los principales hitos de la reconstrucción por medio de la investigación de esta sistematización de práctica profesional.The present is a systematization of the professional practice that was carried out in the radio station Armoniaz 95.3Fm de Zipaquirá, it covers the role that is fulfilled as community manager within the company and means of communication during the year 2017, starting from the first of the recognition that this means of communication has in Zipaquirá already fulfilling an information task of 50 years, and how, following the fulfillment of the role of community manager, it is foreseen an improvement in the image and in the realization of a strategic plan for the platforms digital Developing the following text with the investigative procedure provided by Juliao within the praxeology being the reconstruction of its 4 stages (see, judge, act and creative return) the main milestones of the reconstruction by means of the investigation of this systematization of professional practice


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    The internationalization processes of the firm require capabilities that differ from those that supportlocal efforts. Accordingly, managers face special challenges when confronted with the possibility ofgoing abroad. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of processes carried outby individuals in the deep internationalization and organizational complexity, and therefore the roleof decision makers as fundamental actors for change and stability. The methodology is a literaturereview of articles from the International Business and Management field. The findings are that thesocial and economic impacts of internationalization efforts go well beyond the realm of the firm,therefore well rounded managers with global mindsets and social sensitivities have the ability tomake decisions that work at many levels.Key words: management, complexity, internationalization

    Reformas comerciais (abertura) na América Latina: revisando seus impactos no crescimento e o desenvolvimento

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    Economic liberalization programs have a lot of common characteristics around the world, but they do not necessarily have the same consequences. The differences in their effects reflect differences inside the countries along with accidental factors of synchronization and other external events. Commerce liberalization and trade opening are generally seen as key elements for successful strategies of growth and development; however, commercial policy can induce to antagonic forces on income distribution and poverty relief. This document establishes that in Latin-American case, the use of the word opening hides both a wish and an obligation, under Washington Consensus, of the countries to follow a free trade policy where the impact on development and poverty relief are fundamentally different.Los programas de la liberalización económica tienen muchas características comunes en todo el mundo, pero no tienen necesariamente las mismas consecuencias. Las diferencias en sus efectos reflejan las diferencias en los países mismos junto con factores accidentales de sincronización y otros acontecimientos externos. La liberalización comercial y la apertura al comercio se ven generalmente como elemen- tos claves para unas exitosas estrategias de crecimiento y desarrollo, sin embargo, la política comercial puede inducir fuerzas antagónicas en la distribución de ingresos y el alivio de la pobreza. Este parece ser el caso de Latinoamérica, el uso de la palabra apertura encubre un deseo, si no una obligación bajo el Consenso de Washington, de los países para seguir una política de libre comercio y debido a las diferencias mencionadas anteriormente los impactos en el desarrollo y el alivio de la pobreza son fundamentalmente diferentes.Mesmo que em redor do mundo as características dos programas da liberalização econômica são comuns, suas conseqüências não são necessariamente iguais. As diferenças em seus impactos mostram as diferenças entre os países mesmos e fatores acidentais de sincroni- zação e outros acontecimentos externos. Geralmente, a liberalização comercial e a abertura ao comércio parecem elementos chave em estratégias exitosas de crescimento e desenvolvimento, no entanto a política comercial pode induzir forças antagônicas na distribuição do ingresso e no alivio da pobreza. Neste artigo expõe-se que, no caso latino-americano, o uso deste vocábulo abertura encobre um desejo –assim como uma obrigação, sob o consenso de Washington– dos países para uma política de livre comércio, mesmo se o impacto no desenvolvimento e no alivio da pobreza são diametralmente diferentes

    Le portrait économique de l'utilisation des surplus structurels dans le secteur laitier canadien

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    Les surplus structurels, soit les solides non gras produits en surplus des besoins canadiens, entraînent des implications négatives sur le revenu des producteurs laitiers. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser le potentiel de valorisation de ces excédents canadiens de solides non gras. Dans un premier temps, l'évolution dans le temps de la production d'excédents est analysée, ces excédents étant définis par la quantité de protéine valorisée au-dessous de 4,50 $CAN/kg. Ensuite, la valeur actuelle de ces excédents sur le marché est évaluée à 157 millions de dollars. Après, le potentiel de gain d'une meilleure valorisation de la protéine en ingrédients laitiers de deuxième et troisième générations est mesuré. Une simulation économique du Sous-système d'ingrédients laitiers canadiens (SSILC) permet de vérifier l'augmentation des revenus issue d'une substitution par une production canadienne des concentrés de protéine laitière importés. Une analyse de sensibilité, basée sur différents coûts de transformation des ingrédients, permet de conclure à la viabilité éventuelle du SSILC