55 research outputs found

    Analisis Resiko Daerah Rawan Kecelakaan pada Perlintasan Sebidang Kereta Api (Studi Kasus: Perlintasan Tarahan – Perlintasan Sukamenanti)

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    The accident rate between people and train actually can be reduced to minimum as the traffic of railway is not as crowded as road. This thesis is using stated prefence technique. Stated preference approaches with option statement in the form of hypothesis to be assessed by the respondent. With using regression analysis, researcher can see the dominant factors of the causes of railway-related accidents especially in Sukamenanti railway which is in a hypothetical situation. To determine the dominant factors causing accidents at railway based on the results of a questionnaire to the related instations to be compared with data on the number of train accident from 2012-2017 that obtained from the related instations with using regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program. The analysis result is: (the number of accidents from 2012-2017 ) = -9,256 + 0,008.X12+ 0,009.X6 + 0,011.X10 + 0,015.X5 From regression analysis result, dominant factors of railway-related accidents causes are inadequate railways, limited carriages, the inadequate of doorstop availability, the damages in engine, the factor of carriages age (X12), rider physic’s exhaustion while riding their vehicle (X6), Infrastructure damage such as worn rails, spaten railing, shovel rails, chained rails, cracked rail connections, skidding on rails, weathered bearings, incompatible ballasts, loose fitting, and unlocked wesel (X10), machinist’s body condition (exhausted)/sleepy while on duty (X5). Therefore the signification is a=0,05 with regression analysis test


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    Manggarai Station is one of DKI Jakarta Province's busiest stations. Manggarai Station's existence as a transit node promotes mobility from residential areas to the station. Many activities are impacted by land use around the station. In order to accommodate this matter, good accessibility is required. The development of the Manggarai Station area appears to follow the Transit Oriented Development concept (TOD). The implementation of the TOD concept is expected to improve the accessibility of the Manggarai Station transit area. As a result, the purpose of this research is to determine the level of accessibility of the Manggarai Station transit area


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    Urban planning is a solution to problems that may arise as a result of the continued increase in the population of the city which is also associated with a variety of activities which then affect land use and urban mobility, these causing transportation problems to be identified at this time so that preventive actions can be planned for the future. In Bandarlampung as a Metropolitan City, it can be seen that the population is increasingly dense and its activities are increasingly diverse as seen on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, which is surrounded by heterogeneous land uses like residential areas, trade and service areas and public service areas where Jalan Urip Sumoharjo is a strategic road for in Bandarlampung. So the purpose of this research are to identify the model of trip generation and trip attraction that determine the factors causing the movement of residential area of Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. The research method used are multiple linear regression and descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the analysis result, the factors that influence movement on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo are family members, number of working family members, average distance and time of movement, monthly income, vehicle ownership, purpose and travel destination, and accessibility


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    Sistem penyanggaan adalah salah satu aspek yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam sebuah perencanaan penambangan dengan metode tambang bawah tanah, kesuksesan dan kegagalan dalam menentukan sistem penyanggaan menjadi hal yang sangat kritikal dan penting, karena kegagalan dalam hal ini dapat menyebabkan resiko terhadap keselamatan bagi para pekerja serta terganggunya aktifitas produksi. PT.Freeport Indonesia mempunyai beberapa area tambang bawah tanah, dua area tambang bawah tanah yang saat ini pada tahap produksi yaitu Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) dan Biggosan, serta dua area yang pada tahap proses development dengan menggunakan metode block caving yaitu Deep Mill Level Zone (DMLZ) dan Grasberg Block Caving (GBC). Area tambang DMLZ terletak dikedalam 1500-1600m dari permukaan dan terletak dibawah tiga area tambang bawah tanah sebelumnya (Gunung Biji Timur, Intermediet Ore Zone , dan Deep Ore Zone), letaknya yang jauh dari permukaan menjadikan DMLZ berada pada kondisi tegangan yang cukup tinggi (high stress). Inovasi sistem penyanggaan terus dilakukan khususnya sistem penyanggaan yang dipasang di area tambang bawah tanah DMLZ, sebagai salah satu komitment perusahaan terhadap keselamatan dalam pencapaian produksi yang aman serta optimal dikemudian hari. Tulisan ini menjelaskan dan menyebutkan sistem penyanggaan di tambang bawah tanah DMLZ. Sistem penyanggaan yang digunakan sejak pertama metode tambang bawah tanah yang telah dibuka sampai saat ini telah banyak mengalami perubahan, dari sistem pemasangan secara manual atau konvensional serta jenis penyanggaan yang digunakan sesuai dengan kondisi pada tekanan yang tinggi dan berpotensi terjadinya strainburst atau rockburst seperti kondisi saat ini

    Studi Efektivitas Ruang Henti Khusus (RHK) Sepeda Motor Pada Simpang Bersinyal

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    The increasing number of motorcycle vehicles, causing traffic congestion at the signal intersection in Bandar Lampung City. As an effort in reducing congestion, the government of Bandar Lampung city made Special Stopping Space (RHK) for motorcycles. The RHK is a space dedicated to arrange motorcycle queue place when stop at the signalized intersection during traffic light period. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of RHK at the signalized intersection, and it’s impact on saturation current increase and approach capacity compared to approach without RHK. The effectiveness and impact of RHK, was conducted by surveying traffic flow in the morning during peak hours using camera video in each selected approaches. The survey data obtained were analyzed using MKJI and compared with previous research. RHK increases saturation flow 7,3% - 17,5% and approach capacity 37,67% - 52,09%. In conclusion RHK is effective to be provided in signal intersection. Value of RHK filling level at Jl. P. Diponegoro - Jl. P. Diponegoro and Jl. Jend. Sudirman - Jl. Gajah Mada - Jl. Jend. Sudirman is less than 50% that indicates bad while at Jl. Jend. Sudirman - Jl. Jend. Sudirman and Jl. Dr. Susilo - Jl. P. Diponegoro is 50% - 80% that indicates moderate.  Keyword : RHK (SSSM : Special Stopping Space for Motorcycle), signal intersection, effectiveness of RHK, saturation current, capacity of the approac

    Studi Karakteristik dan Model Pemilihan Moda Angkutan Mahasiswa Menuju Kampus di Universitas Lampung

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    The University of Lampung is one of university in lampung that possesses the active as much as 25.805 students in 2016. This study aims to for any identifying characteristic mode of transportation and he knows the selection of factors influencing the students in an election mode of transportation to campus .This study was conducted by the use of the method of analysis descriptive against characteristic of the selection of modes of transportation by college students and methods correlations to know variables affecting the selection of modes of transport by university students lampung.The result of this study showed that the proportion of students foot and bike (16,7%) percent motorcycle (48,0%) percent car (16,0%) percent and public transportation (19,3%) percent The results of the testing correlation value and the relationship with the variables transportation used by students to reach campus and unknown factors influencing the selection of modes of transportation students to campus University of Lampung, sex is the intensity of the, mode the cost of /, fare, age travel time, mileage, vehicle ownership and income parents based on the calculation on a variable that has the lowest correlation value are ownership variables license with the correlation of 0,180 (α<0,05), and the highest correlation is variable income parents with the correlation of 0,398 (α< 0,05)
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