36 research outputs found

    Hubungan Morfologi, Ukuran Partikel dan Keamorfan Fly Ash dengan Kuat Tekan Pasta High-Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) Cement

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    Penggunaan fly ash sebagai bahan substitusi semen menarik untuk dioptimalkan sebagai bahan bangunan berkarbon rendah (low carbon footprint materials), misalnya high-volume fly ash (HVFA) cement. Kuat tekan pasta semen HVFA dipengaruhi oleh sifat-sifat fly ash yang digunakan. Studi ini membahas tentang morfologi, ukuran partikel dan keamorfan fly ash serta hubungannya dengan kuat tekan pasta semen HVFA. Morfologi fly ash diamati dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM), ukuran partikel dihitung dengan SEM-particle metric, sedangkan keamorfan fly ash dianalisis berdasarkan data X-ray diffraction (XRD). Pasta semen HVFA dibuat dengan mencampur 20% semen Portland dengan 80% fly ash. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar fly ash tersusun atas partikel-partikel yang berbentuk bola dan sebagian kecil mempunyai bentuk tak beraturan. Semakin banyak partikel fly ash yang berbentuk tak beraturan, maka semakin kecil keamorfan fly ash, serta makin rendah kuat tekan pasta semen HVFA. Kuat tekan pasta semen HVFA ditentukan oleh efek filler, efek pengenceran dan efek kimia fly ash

    Tourism and built environment changes in traditional communities : Kuta and Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia as the case studies.

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    In many of the changes that are occurring in the world today, tourism has a significant role in many areas developed mainly as tourist destinations. Among other changes, spatial and land development engendered by tourism has not been researched widely. One of the most obvious impacts of tourism is on the physical landscape, especially because of change in the built environment. Most studies on the impact of tourism in developing countries are focused on the social and economic impacts of tourism. This research will specifically focus on the impact of tourism on the built environment. Accepting that tourism and land development are complex phenomena, which are idiosyncratic to the context of the particular communities, this study focuses on the traditional communities of Bali. Although faced with significant socio-economic change, especially brought about by tourism, these communities are culturally conservative and possess several highly developed traditional institutions, which maintain, guide and regulate many aspects of environmental change. This approach is constructed by investigating and problematising the theoretical model for this study; considering Bali tourism development generally; developing case studies from built environment change in two resorts in the same regency: Kuta, with integrated development, and Nusa Dua, with enclavic development, and comparing Balinese traditional and current government institutions within a planning discussion. The research uncovers that, there are multiform development mechanisms found in various tourism projects in Kuta and Nusa Dua. The challenge to the analysis is to recognise the common theme in land development processes, which differentiates these two cases. Most likely, the only commonality, which may be drawn out from them, is that nothing in development mechanisms can be generalised. Realising the complex disparity, the analysis is conducted by dichotomising the informal and formal development mechanism. The Nusa Dua resort is an example of a purely formal development mechanism. In contrast, most of built environmental changes in Kuta represent informal and/or semi-formal mechanisms, except starred hotels and other tourist facilities built by large capital investors. Considering planning for changes to the built environment in Bali is practised by two distinct sets of institutions: traditional institutions (desa adat) and more recent official institutions which are created and controlled by the central state government, the supplementary analysis exercise is comparing these two sets of institutions, which apparently have contrasting characteristics and processes. The concern with 'institutions' suggests an understanding of the land development process as social products, and therefore embodiments of context-and historical-specific practices. Built environment processes and their outcomes are seen as the complex result of economic, social and cultural processes from which geography and history cannot be ignored. Simultaneously, this research is another contribution to the empirical investigation of the role of 'institutions' in explaining development processes and the characteristics of the resulting built environment. In planning discipline, especially land development studies arena, most economic-institutionalapproach- research has been conducted in developed countries. This research has partly been based on a sociological-institutional-approach to analysing built environmental changes arising from tourist development in traditional Balinese communities

    Heritage Tourism Development Strategy in Sekanak Market Area of Palembang City

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    Sekanak Market Area is one of the historical areas in Palembang City which is identical to the heritage buildings of Sultanate and Colonial. Many potential cultures and histories should be conserved by developing them as tourist destinations. It is supported by Palembang Mayor Regulation Number 48 of 2015 regarding the Arrangement Plan for Heritage Area of Palembang City. This study focuses on heritage tourism development strategy formulation based on five aspects of tourist destination development (attraction, accessibility, amenity, accommodation, and ancillary). The study utilised quantitative description method. The data collected through observation, interviews, questioner, and related official documents. The results indicate that Sekanak Market Area needs the provision, improvement, and also development. The study proposed development strategies includes: (1) Conservation, attraction, and culture-experience components development, (2) Heritage tourism facilities provision including information and interpretation, street furniture, sanitation, accommodation, parking, finance, and souvenir center, (3) Human resources improvement which covers the community development and education, (4) Sense of place improvement by raising the local wisdom, and (5) Tourism accessibility development which in addition to the arrangement also requires the formation of tourist traditional transportation with its bases


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    Theme Park is a type of tourism attraction that able to become the main motivation while tourists visiting a destination. This kind of tourist attraction can bring tourists in large numbers. Farm House and Floating Market are an example of Theme Parks that can gather a large number of tourists which are developed in Lembang Sub-district. Their presence has both positive and negative impacts on the settlement areas where local residents live their livelihoods. This study aims to analyze and assess how the physical impacts occurred by the existence of Theme Parks to settlement areas around. This study uses mixed approach data analysis both qualitative and quantitative. Data analyzed based on both primary and secondary data. The physical impact of the presence of Theme Parks for settlement areas is divided into three aspects: land-use change, changes in housing functions, and the impact on public facilities and infrastructure

    Efek Sinergis Alumina Trihydrate Dan Melamine Cyanurate Terhadap Ketahanan Api Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)

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    Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) in train interior components must have good fire resistance properties. Therefore, it is necessary to add a flame retardant compound to the GFRP material. In this study, Alumina Trihydrate (ATH) and Melamine Cyanurate (MCA) were mixed into a vinyl ester resin. The method of making GFRP refractory specimens uses the hand lay-up method. GFRP is mixed and tested for fire resistance standard ORE B 106.2. The results obtained after the addition of 25% ATH, a mixture of 25% ATH with 5% MCA, 10% MCA with 25% ATH, and 15% MCA with 25% ATH, 25% ATH in the outer layer, and a mixture of 5% MCA with 25% ATH in the outer layer of the resin weight is able to increase fire resistance. Optimum GFRP fire resistance at the addition of 25% ATH to the weight of the resin in the outer layer. The result of the burned area is 84.84 cm² with a fire extinguishing time of 0.33 seconds after the fire source leaves the specimen. The results show that the mixture of ATH and MCA has a synergistic effect on fire resistance properties, so it becomes a recommendation for interior sidewall panels and ceiling panels on trains according to the ORE B 106.2 standar

    Pengaruh Komposisi Bahan Baku Geopolimer Terhadap Kuat Tekan

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    Geopolymer are solid inorganic polymers produced from a chemical reaction called geopolymerization, which occurs between an alkaline solution and an aluminosilicate source. Geopolymers have been widely studied due to their known compressive strength resistance. This study aims to determine the optimal geopolymer composition for achieving compressive strength resistance. The compressive strength of geopolymers is determined by identifying the highest compressive strength value obtained from a compression test. In this study, variations in raw materials were explored, including Metakaolin at levels of 100%, 90%, 80%,70%,and 60%, Silica Fume at levels of 20%, 30%, and 40%, along with 10% Aluminium Hydroxide. The activator solutions used were Water Glass and KOH solution. The primary test conducted in this study was a compressive strength test aimed at evaluating the geopolymers strength. The results demonstrated that employing a composition of 90% Metakaolin and 10% Aluminium Hydroxide yielded the most favorable outcome. This particular composition exhibited a high compressive strength value of 40,8 MPa, with a standard deviation of ± 1,0 MPa

    Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Senyawa Fire Retardant terhadap Sifat Ketahanan Api, Kekuatan, Keuletan, dan Kekakuan Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)

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    Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) is one type of material is widely used in manufacturing land transportation components, especially is train. The requirement of material for thetrain must be fire resistance. But in the other hand the GFRP material is still have weakness in high temperature. So, in this case it can provide an opportunity to take experiment about the GFRP material. The experimental method to improvement of GFRP material is adding additive fire retardant as a filler. The additive fire retardant used as a filler is magnesium hydroxide. The method for making specimens of GFRP fire retardant using hand layup method. GFRP which has been added with magnesium hydroxide is tested for fire resistance according to the ORE B 106.2 standart and the tensile strength according to the ASTM D-638 standart. The results show that after adding 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% magnesium hydroxide by weight of polyester resin can increase the fire resistance of GFRP. The addition of magnesium hydroxide in the polyester resin caused reducing the tensile strength and modulus of elasticity. Fire resistance, tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of elasticity obtained optimum at the addition 35% magnesium hydroxide by weight of polyester resin. The result show that the carbonized surface of 68,67 cm2, time afterburn was 3,6 second after the flame has been extinguished, tensile strength of 70,86 MPa, elongation of 11,92%, and modulus of elasticity is 5,96 MPa. Therefore, GFRP with the addition 35% of magnesium hydroxide can be fire resistance, but it can't be used as an interior of the train because the tensile strength is less than standart

    Pengaruh Ketebalan Core Komposit Sandwich Berpenguat Serat Pelepah Pisang-Kayu Jati untuk Aplikasi Partisi Peredam Suara pada Kamar Mesin Kapal

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    Natural fiber composites are one of the innovative materials in an effort to solve the waste problem. Banana midrib and sawdust are plantation and forestry wastes whose utilization is very minimal. This research was conducted to make sandwich composites reinforced with banana midrib fiber and sawdust which is intended to be able to replace glasswool to reduce noise in the engine control room. The use of glasswool is not good for health which if the particles are inhaled it causes respiratory problems. The thickness of the core in the sandwich composite was varied by 2, 4, and 6 mm. Sound absorption testing is carried out according to the ASTM E1050-19 standard. The hand lay up method and polyester resin were used to make natural fiber sandwich composites. The highest sound absorption coefficient on specimens 2-35 is 0.77. All specimens of sandwich composites produced in this study met the requirements for sound absorption installations in buildings (? = 0.15). Along with the addition of the volume fraction reinforced on the core gives a parabolic effect with the addition of 35% giving the best results at thicknesses of 2 and 6 mm. The thinner the core provides a better sound absorption coefficient than other thicknesses

    Sustainable Settlement Development: Land Use Change in Lakeside Tourism of Bandung

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    This article is based on research to analyze the spatial land use development in two lakesides of peri-urban Bandung, Cileunca and Ciburuy lakes. In developing countries, fast-growing populations, urbanization, and rising economic sectors cause a vast demand for residential areas and supporting facilities for the residents, work labors, and office workers. Consequently, in able to deliver those demands, development in the peri-urban area is inevitable. In peri-urban Bandung, some developments tend to happen nearby the lakes; it provides the source for water, basic sanitation, and recreational space for surrounding residents and visitors. Later, the dynamic change of land use also occurs, following the rapid expansion of industrial area and tourism business. Sustainable housing development in urban Bandung is arguably integrated into those dynamic activities of the peri-urban. The method of this research is comparing spatial transformation and empirical investigation to evaluate the driving forces behind the land use conversion in Lakeside area of peri-urban Bandung. The results show that the development and land use alteration in Situ Cileunca’s lakeside settlement area is intensifying after the tourism activities take place. Conversely, industrial expansion and proximity to Bandung city more likely influence the development of physical infrastructure in Situ Ciburuy’s lakeside

    Studi Kuat Lentur Penggunaan Fly Ash sebagai Substitusi Semen pada Papan Semen dengan Penguat Serat Kaca

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    Fly ash merupakan limbah yang dihasilkan dari sisa pembakaran batu bara pada unit boiler. Fly ash yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari PLTU. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 Lampiran XIV, fly ash yang berasal dari PLTU merupakan limbah non B3 terdaftar yang memiliki persyaratan teknis pengelolaan. Jumlah produksi fly ash per tahunnya secara global mencapai lebih dari 1 juta ton, oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan fly ash dengan volume tinggi atau High Volume Fly Ash (HVFA) untuk mengurangi jumlah fly ash. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pengujian kuat lentur yang mengacu pada SNI 8299-2017 dengan persyaratan minimal 100 kg/cm2. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan semen dan HVFA menjadi papan GRC yaitu papan semen yang mengandung serat kaca dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan merencanakan variasi substitusi fly ash terhadap binder sebesar 0%, 45%, 55%, dan 75%, rasio water/binder 0,3, perbandingan binder dan filler sebesar 1 : 1,5, dan serat kaca sebesar 0,3%. . Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan nilai kuat lentur umur 28 hari pada variasi 0%, 45%, 55%, dan 75% secara berurutan sebesar 46,54 kg/cm2, 94,53 kg/cm2, 87,92 kg/cm2, dan 40,35 kg/cm2. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, nilai kuat lentur optimum yang mendekati persyaratan SNI yaitu variasi 45%