15 research outputs found

    Influence of early romantic relationships on adolescents' sexism

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of romantic relationships on adolescents sexism. We primed some of the participants with their past and/or present relationship experiences before assessing their sexism. A sample of 130 adolescents (67 boys and 63 girls) from Spanish high schools participated in the study. Half of them were asked to report on their relationship experience first before responding to an ambivalent sexism inventory. The other half of the sample responded first to the sexism inventory and then reported on their relationship experience. The results of this study showed that when participants relationship experiences were primed, they reported higher endorsement of sexist beliefs: boys reported higher BS and HS, whereas girls reported higher BS.El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la influencia que las primeras relaciones de pareja tienen en el sexismo de los y las adolescentes. Para ello, utilizamos un procedimiento que hizo salientes a algunos de los participantes sus experiencias pasadas y actuales de pareja, antes de evaluar su sexismo. Participaron en el estudio 130 adolescentes (67 chicos y 63 chicas) de centros educativos españoles. A la mitad de la muestra, se le solicitó que informaran sobre sus relaciones de pareja antes de responder a un cuestionario que medía el sexismo ambivalente. La otra mitad cumplimentó inicialmente el cuestionario de sexismo y después informó de sus relaciones de pareja. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que al hacer salientes las relaciones de pareja, el sexismo informado por las personas participantes es mayor: en el caso de los chicos, tanto el SB como el SH, y en el caso de las chicas, el S

    Development of ambivalent sexism and attractiveness of sexist people

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Leída el 16 de marzo de 201

    Violencia de género sobre inmigrantes en España. Un análisis psicosocial

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    En este artículo se analiza la violencia de género perpetrada sobre mujeres inmigrantes en España desde un marco psicosocial. Se persiguen fundamentalmente tres objetivos globales. Primero, revisar algunos de los datos estadísticos más significativos de los que disponemos en nuestro país. Segundo, describir los factores psicológicos y sociales relacionados con el problema, la especial vulnerabilidad de este colectivo, así como las barreras a las que sistemáticamente tiene que enfrentarse. Y, tercero, ofrecer una visión de la prostitución como un ejemplo evidente de violencia de género, del que son víctimas un importante número de mujeres inmigrantes. Finalmente, se discuten las aportaciones más importantes realizadas desde las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento en general, y de la Psicología en particular, proponiendo posibles iniciativas investigadoras para el futuro

    Violencia de género sobre inmigrantes en España. Un análisis psicosocial

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    En este artículo se analiza la violencia de género perpetrada sobre mujeres inmigrantes en España desde un marco psicosocial. Se persiguen fundamentalmente tres objetivos globales. Primero, revisar algunos de los datos estadísticos más significativos de los que disponemos en nuestro país. Segundo, describir los factores psicológicos y sociales relacionados con el problema, la especial vulnerabilidad de este colectivo, así como las barreras a las que sistemáticamente tiene que enfrentarse. Y, tercero, ofrecer una visión de la prostitución como un ejemplo evidente de violencia de género, del que son víctimas un importante número de mujeres inmigrantes. Finalmente, se discuten las aportaciones más importantes realizadas desde las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento en general, y de la Psicología en particular, proponiendo posibles iniciativas investigadoras para el futuro

    The Impact of Sexism on Leadership in Female-Male Climbing Dyads

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    We investigated how sexism affected leadership in mixed-gender alpine climbing-dyads. We asked whether benevolent sexism would impair, and hostile sexism would increase (as a form of resistance) women’s leadership; and whether benevolent sexism would increase men’s leadership (as a form of paternalism). A correlational study assessed reported leading behaviour of alpine climbers. Then a vignette-based experiment presented climbers with cross-gender targets of which three were sexist (non-feminist), and one feminist (non-sexist) and assessed leading intentions depending on targets’ and participants’ gender attitudes. Findings showed that women endorsing benevolent sexism indicated lower leading intentions with targets expressing benevolent sexism (i.e., benevolent and ambivalent men) as compared to hostile sexist men. Moreover, women’s benevolent sexism negatively affected their leading intentions with men endorsing the same gender ideology. Unexpectedly, women with low endorsement of hostile sexism reported higher leading intentions with a hostile sexist man than an ambivalent one, and with an ambivalent than a benevolent man. Conversely, men intended to lead more with female targets who expressed benevolent sexism, accommodating these women’s expectations. Further, men intended to lead more with ambivalent women, than with women deviating from gender stereotypes (i.e., feminist women, or hostile sexist women - who lack benevolence expected based on gender stereotypes). We conclude that benevolent sexism likely reinforces traditional gender roles in a leadership context when men face women who fit the gender stereotype; and when women are benevolent sexist, themselves. Moreover, low hostile sexist women, confront men’s hostility with higher leading intentions, as a form of resistance

    Psychosocial Care Needs of Women with Breast Cancer: Body Image, Self-Esteem, Optimism, and Sexual Performance and Satisfaction

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    As breast cancer is on the rise, it is essential to understand the consequences of the diagnosis for patients. This article investigates whether there are differences in different psychosocial variables in Spanish women with breast cancer according to the type of surgery the patients underwent and in comparison with a control group. A study was carried out in the north of Spain in which 54 women participated (27 women were the control group, and 27 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer). The results of the study indicate that women with breast cancer have lower self-esteem and worse body image, sexual performance, and sexual satisfaction than women in the control group. No differences were found in optimism. These variables do not differ according to the type of surgery the patients underwent. The findings confirm the need to work on these variables in women diagnosed with breast cancer in psychosocial intervention programs

    Historias de silencio y miedo, lo que no cuentan los datos sobre violencia de género durante la COVID-19

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    La pandemia de la Covid 19 se ha manifestado de formas diversas, y no solo las específicas del virus. Durante el inicio de la pandemia la violencia de género se ha agudizado, ante el aparente silencio de las noticias sobre este tema. El confinamiento ha funcionado como un acelerador de la violencia y el control en el hogar. En mayo de 2020, la ONU alertaba del repunte global de la violencia de pareja. En épocas de crisis, las mujeres pueden presentar un riesgo más elevado de padecer violencia infligida por la pareja como resultado de las tensiones crecientes en el hogar. En el artículo se describe el proceso de toma de conciencia que atraviesan las mujeres ante la violencia de género y la búsqueda de la ruptura de la situación. Se presentan las dificultades en este proceso durante el periodo de la pandemia, a través del discurso de las trabajadoras sociales.The Covid 19 pandemic has manifested itself in a variety of ways, and not only those specific to the virus. With the pandemic, gender-based violence has become more acute, in the face of apparent media silence on this issue. Confinement has accelerated violence and control in the home. In May 2020, the UN warned of a global spike in intimate partner violence. In times of crisis, women may be at higher risk of intimate partner violence as a result of increased tensions in the home. The article describes the process of women becoming aware of gender-based violence and seeking to break the situation. The difficulties in this process during the pandemic period are presented through the discourse of women social workers

    Occupational Depression in a Spanish-Speaking Sample: Associations with Cognitive Performance and Work-Life Characteristics

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    This 386-participant study investigated the structural and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI). Exploratory structural equation modeling bifactor analysis revealed that the ODI meets the requirements for essential unidimensionality. Measurement invariance held across our sample and the English- and French-speaking samples used in the ODIs initial validation study. Mokken scale analysis indicated that (a) the scalability of the instrument was strong, (b) no violations of monotonicity or local independence were present, and (c) invariant item ordering was sufficiently accurate. The ODIs reliability was optimal. The ODI exhibited both convergent validity and discriminant validity vis-à-vis a job-unrelated measure of depression. Furthermore, occupational depression correlated substantially, and in the expected direction, with objective cognitive performance and 10 widely studied work-life characteristics. This study suggests that the ODIs Spanish version has excellent structural and psychometric properties and can be confidently employed by occupational health specialists.El presente estudio, realizado con 386 participantes, ha indagado en las propiedades estructurales y psicométricas de la versión española del Inventario de Depresión Ocupacional (ODI, según sus siglas en inglés). Un análisis bifactorial de un modelo exploratorio de ecuaciones estructurales mostró que el ODI reúne los requisitos de unidimensionalidad esencial. La invarianza de la medida se mantuvo en nuestra muestra y en las muestras anglo y francoparlantes utilizadas en el estudio de validación inicial. Un análisis Mokken de la escala indica que: a) el instrumento tenía un fuerte carácter escalar, b) no hubo violación de la monotonicidad o independencia local y c) el orden invariante de los ítems fue lo suficientemente preciso. La fiabilidad ha sido óptima. El ODI presentó tanto validez convergente como discriminante en relación con una medida de depresión no relacionada con el trabajo. Además, la depresión laboral correlacionó en gran medida, en la dirección esperada, con el desempeño cognitivo objetivo y 10 características muy estudiadas de la vida laboral. El estudio destaca que la versión española del ODI tiene unas propiedades estructurales y psicométricas excelentes, por lo que puede utilizarse con toda confianza por los especialistas en salud ocupacional

    Spanish Validation of the Emotional Reactions to Challenging Behaviours Scale in Employees Working with People Exhibiting Intellectual Disabilities

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    The Emotional Reactions to Challenging Behaviours Scale (ERCBS) was designed to evaluate the emotional states of support staff facing challenging behaviours from recipients. Employees working with People Exhibiting Intellectual Disability (PEIDs) are exposed to challenging behaviours. Exposure to challenging behaviours can affect the occupational well-being of these employees. It is thus important for investigators to have instruments assessing employees' emotional reactions to challenging behaviours reliably and validly. In this study, we translated the ERCBS into Spanish and inquired into the psychometric and structural properties of the adapted instrument. We relied on a sample of 232 employees working with PEIDs. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the ERCBS was best modelled as a two-factor measure involving a negative emotion factor and a positive emotion factor. The two factors were highly correlated (0.547), suggesting that a distinction between "emotional" and "non-emotional" individuals might be relevant when using the ERCBS. Alpha and omega reliabilities were satisfactory. ERCBS scores did not differ between men and women. ERCBS scores correlated negatively with participants' age and years of service with PEIDs. Our study suggests that the Spanish version of the ERCBS can be used to assess emotional reactions to challenging behaviours among employees working with PEIDs