58 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Dalam pembelajaran online Kesulitan belajar siswa adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan karena siswa akan jenuh apabila guru menyampaikan materi yang sulit dipahami oleh para siswa pada saat pembelajaran daring berlangsung. Saat itulah guru harus berupaya untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa, baik menyampaikan materi yang diajarkan, dan menggunakan media pendukung seperti power point, menggunakan video sebagai penambahan materi dan memberikan interaksi lebih kepada para peserta didik


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    This research is motivated by several reasons, including, First, at this time there was a philosophical error that was applied by educational institutions that is generally education in Indonesia is influenced by Western paradigms that tend to be secular. Second: it is time for Muslims to apply educational principles based on Islamic teachings that originate from the Koran and Sunnah. The writing method uses a descriptive analytical method that is philosophical normative that is adjusted to the sources of literature. The results of the study can be mentioned that the formulation of Islamic education is education that bases its conception on the teachings of monotheism, namely efforts to streamline the application of Islamic religious values that can lead to the transformation of values and knowledge as a whole to humans, society and the world in general in accordance with values which is transcendenta


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    AbstrakPola pendidikan Islam pada masa Rasulullah, khulafaur-rasyidin (Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Usman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib), Bani Umayyah dan Bani Abbasiyah, yaitu pendidikan yang bermuatan nilai ruhiyah dan bersumber dari wahyu. Dalam tulisan ini pula memperlihatkan bahwa Islam telah melakukan reformasi yang sangat penting dalam perubahan peradaban manusia. Perubahan tersebut antara lain sistem kehidupan jahiliyah sudah berganti menjadi sistem kehidupan masyarakat Islam yang beradab dan berakhlak. Masyarakat dunia mempunyai peradaban dan kebudayaan yang sangat tinggi setelah mereka mengambil Islam sebagai way of life dalam sistem kehidupan mereka. Proses terjadinya reformasi yang menyebabkan kemajuan tersebut tidak pernah lepas dari usaha keras dalam bidang pendidikan Islam yang berorientasi ke depan. Salah satu usaha tersebut adalah berlangsungnya proses pendidikan yang sangat baik yang pernah dilakukan dan ditanamkan oleh Rasulullah, khulafaurrasyidin, bani Umayyah dan bani Abasiyah


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    [Kuantitas dan kualitas buah mentimun dari berbagai metode penyerbukan]. Metode penyerbukan mentimun yang berbeda dapat menyebabkan efektivitas yang berbeda dalam pembentukan buah dan, pada gilirannya, menentukan hasil akhir dan kualitas buah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan  pengaruh penyerbukan oleh lebah T. laeviceps dan serangga penyerbuk lainnya terhadap produksi tanaman mentimun. Perlakuan yang dilakukan yaitu penyerbukan terbuka dengan bantuan T. laeviceps dan serangga penyerbuk liar, penyerbukan dengan bantuan manusia, dan penyerbukan oleh angin. Indikator yang diamati meliputi kuantitas dan kualitas hasil panen termasuk umur simpan buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyerbukan terbuka dapat meningkatkan persentase pembentukan buah, kenormalan, panjang, diameter, berat, dan jumlah biji. Namun, pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyerbukan tidak mempengaruhi umur simpan buah mentimun

    Experimental and numerical study on the aerodynamics and stability characteristics of a canard aircraft

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    Modern day fighter aircrafts are mostly canard configured because of its advantages over conventional configuration. The primary objective of this work is to investigate the low speed aerodynamic and stability characteristics of a canard configured aircraft. Using CFD -ANSYS Fluent package, numerical flow simulations were carried out for a typical canard configuration such as Burt Rutan’s VariEze, a composite homebuilt canard aircraft. To validate the numerical results, wind tunnel testing of a scaled model was carried out. Finally the effect of horizontal location of canard on the aerodynamics and stability characteristics was studied

    Quantifying Governance and Public Policy in Public Sector: Understanding the Dynamics of Factors Affecting Cost and Quality of the Provincial Development Projects of Pakistan

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    Aim of Study This study identifies and explores the most critical factors affecting the cost and quality of the public sector development projects. Hence, addressing the governance system while ascertaining the most common factors affecting cost and quality within PSDP. Finally the study mark the frequencies to the factors resulting in cost overrun and poor quality. Need of Study Quality and cost relationship has always been a challenge in the execution of PSDP, Punjab Pakistan. These two issues are inseparable and generally have a profound bearing on the success of a project. There are numerous of projects accomplished at very higher cost than expected whereas less attention has been paid to overall project quality. There are records of projects executed at a cost far higher than expected. Others suffer high percentage of delay whereas some suffer less attention been paid to quality. Research Approach The study was executed through survey and interviews, using the self-managed questionnaires among the respondents including top level management to lower level management of the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. The data was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-20). Research Findings This study revealed that there is highly positive and significant relationship between cost and quality of the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. The study explore the major and foremost factors affecting the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. This study has also categorized and prioritizes the most vital factors affecting cost and quality within PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan respect to their significance. This study also subsidizes by enabling the contractor/consultants to succeed with maximum quality ensuring at reasonable cost, thus confirming safety performance within PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. Limitations This study is limited to the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan only. Importance and Contribution The findings of the present study are also important for all the stakeholders (clients, project managers, contractors and consultants). This study will enable management of PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan for taking suitable actions in improving the performance of cost and quality in the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. Keywords: Governance, Project Cost, Project Quality, Public Sector Development Projects (PSDP

    Improved design of three phase hybrid excitation flux switching motor (HEFSM) with segmental rotor

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    This paper presents the new design of Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Motor (HEFSM) using segmental rotor structure. HEFSMs are those that consists all the excitation flux sources at their stator with robust rotor structure. The rotor is designed as segmental due to the reason that segmental rotor has ability to yield the magnetic path for conveying the field flux to nearby stator armature coil with respect to the rotation of the rotor. This design gives the clear advantage of shorter end winding compared to the toothed rotor as there is no overlap winding between field excitation coil (FEC) and armature coil. In this paper the initial design of HEFSM with segmental rotor has been improved by changing segment span, FEC slot area and armature slot area until maximum torque and power of 33.633 Nm and 8.17 KW respectively have been achieved. Moreover coil test analysis, induced voltage, cogging torque, magnetic flux characteristics, torque vs. field current density and torque vs. power speed characteristics are examined on the basis of 2-D finite element analysis (FEA

    Measuring effectiveness of safety management system of multistory building: fire safety audit

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    The fire safety and protection of a multistory building seems not only national, but a worldwide concern. To sort out this issue, there is a special need to pay attention towards fire safety management system of buildings. In recent decades no. of fire incidents to whole over the world increased to a very high level and yearly a large number of users died and a substantial property damage takes place. In this regard, effective fire safety management system plays an important role towards the fire safety of building and to avoid fire incidents and reduce its effects. The major aim of this article is to evaluate the existing fire safety measures by designing a fire safety audit, for a public sector multistory building, in which all the components of fire safety system will be inspected by considering relevant NFPA standards and UAE fire and life safety codes. By conducting fire safety audit, conclusions are derived and safety gaps are identified in existing fire safety management system, which may be rectified for effective fire safety controls. Accordingly, recommendations drawn on the basis of findings, analysis and conclusions for proper fire safety management system