37 research outputs found
Karakteristik Sifat Fisika Kompon Karet Alam sebagai Bahan Dasar Footstep Sepeda Motor dengan Berbagai Formula
Pembuatan kompon footstep sepeda motor dilakukan untuk mendapatkan campuran yang homogen antara karet dan bahan kimia pembantu. Kompon dicetak dengan waktu, suhu dan tekanan tertentu sehingga menjadi produk. Komposisi/formulasi yang tepat sangat diperlukan untuk mendapatkan sifat fisika kompon yang baik. Hasil pengujian sifat fisika kompon menunjukkan bahwa ketiga formulasi yang dibuat (F1, F2, dan F3) memiliki nilai uji kuat tarik (N/mm2) lebih baik bila dibandingankan dengan kompon pabrikan (FP) yaitu 13.12 (F1), 10.79 (F2), 7.73 (F3), dan 6.89 (FP), tetapi memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah untuk uji kuat sobek (N/mm) yaitu 2.36 (F1), 2.70 (F2), 2.86 (F3) dan 4.50 (FP), serta kekerasan (Shore A) yaitu 15 (F1), 18 (F2), 22 (F3), dan 49 (FP)
Akselerasi Penyediaan Lapangan Pekerjaan terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Industri di Kota Pekanbaru
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis akselerasi penyediaan lapanganpekerjaan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Kota Pekanbaru karena sektorindustri saat ini memegang peran yang sangat penting bagi PDRB suatu daerah.Majunya suatu negara dilihat dari sektor industrinya yang mampu menciptakanproduk unggulan negara tersebut. Akselerasi penyediaan lapangan pekerjaanterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan elastisitaskesempatan kerja, elastisitas kesempatan kerja sektor industri tahun 2008-2009semakin elastis artinya terdapat hubungan antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja yaitu dengan semakin elastisnya kesempatankerja untuk sektor industri yaitu 9,05% tahun 2008 dan 9,15% tahun 2009. Tahun2010-2011 kesempatan kerja menunjukkan semakin inelastis dari 0,40% turunmenjadi -1,95% berarti lemahnya akselerasi antara penyediaan lapangan kerjaterhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja ditandai dengan penurunan jumlah kesempatankerja sebagai akibat Perubahan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,98%. Jumlahpenyerapan tenaga kerja dari tahun 2008-2011 cenderung meningkat dari 2.249,67tenaga kerja menjadi 45.661,29 tenaga kerja terjadi peningkatan sebesar 43.411,62tenaga kerja artinya untuk sembilan sektor lapangan USAha di Kota Pekanbarumampu memberikan peluang untuk menekan angka pengangguran. Penyerapantenaga kerja untuk sektor industri juga meningkat dari 315,1707 tenaga kerjamenjadi 4.190,97 tenaga kerja yang berarti sektor industri mampu memberikanpeluang penyediaan lapangan pekerjaan dan penyerapan tenaga kerja sehinggasektor industri mampu memberikan kontribusinya untuk PDRB Kota pekanbaru
Investigation of Math Beliefs, Self-Efficacy and Prospective Math Teachers Conceptions
This research used the case study method to investigate the mathematics teaching and learning conceptions of prospective mathematics teachers with a focus on three key aspects, namely Mathematical Beliefs (Belief in Mathematics) Mathematics Self-Efficacy (Self-Confidence in Mathematics), and Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics (Self-Confidence in Teaching Mathematics). The research method used is a qualitative approach using interviews as a data collection tool. Data collected from interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis. This analysis involved identifying thematic patterns in the data that reflect the research participants conceptions of teaching and learning mathematics. This research focused on understanding the participants frames of mind and identifying factors that influence their views and beliefs related to mathematics and teaching mathematics. The results of the research show that there is a complex relationship between these three factors. First, Mathematical Positive beliefs , where mathematics is considered relevant in everyday life, influence the development of Mathematics Self-Efficacy . Prospective mathematics teachers who see mathematics as a useful tool tend to have higher self-confidence in understanding mathematics. Second, Mathematics Self-Efficacy โ has a significant impact on โ Self-Efficacy of Teaching Mathematics.โ Prospective mathematics teachers who feel confident in their mathematics abilities also feel more confident in teaching mathematics concepts to students
Wiyono Village in Pesawaran Regency is one of the strategic villages in cocoa business development. The poor management of cocoa pod waste has resulted in dirty garden sanitation and many sources of cacao pod rot disease. Lack of knowledge about the utilization of organik waste from cocoa and Trichoderma sp which has the potential as organik fertilizer has become the main topic in the Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) activities. The partner's great desire is to make his village a model village, as a clean, healthy and free of waste village through processing organik waste and utilizing Trichoderma as fertilizer. This PKM program aims to develop farmer groups so that they can make organik fertilizer from cocoa plant residues from the garden in the form of leaves, fruit peels and fallen/rotten fruit in partner villages through the composting process. The solution offered is the transfer of technology for making compost organik fertilizer by giving EM4 to speed up the composting process so that it is expected to be able to provide organik fertilizer and make garden sanitation cleaner. The results obtained after the implementation of this PKM are that the Setia Usaha farmer group community is able to produce organik fertilizer with good quality from raw materials for cocoa husk waste and Trichoderma for the needs of their own group or as a side business. The increase in income from the sale of organik fertilizers is not too significant. Knowledge of how to make compost from organik waste raw materials compared to before and after the implementation of PKM increased by 95%
Permberdayaan Perempuan dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru
Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPMUniversitas Lancang Kuning telah membantu kelompok tani sari buah dan ladang sari dalampeningkatan pendapatannya.Usaha kedua kelompok mitra tersebut memproduksi olahan kerupukdan awal mulanya kedua USAha kelompok mitra tersebut berproduksi secara konvensional,kemasannya tidak menarik serta tidak memiliki izin produksi sebagai USAha kecil rumahan. Tujuandan target PPM ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat menjadi lebih kreatif , inovatif serta dapatmembantu masyarakat terutama bagi ibu ibu rumah tangga yang ada didalam kelompok mitramampu meningkatan pendapatannya melalui diversifikasi produk olahannya,membuat kemasanmenjadi menarik, serta adanya izin Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PPIRT). Metode yangdigunakan dengan pelatihan , konseling manajemen USAha , membuat desain kemasan, sertamengurus PPIRT. Hasil dari PPM adalah produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok mitra memilikinama produk , nomor PPIRT serta kemasan yang lebih menarik untuk dapat dipasarkan keminimarket, dengan peningkatan omzet penjualan hampir 50%
Analisis Kegiatan dan Persepsi Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi Terhadap Kegiatan Kuliah Praktik Lapangan Zoologi Vertebrata
The purpose of this study was to determine student perceptions of vertebrate zoological field study at LIPI Cibinong. The research method used is a descriptive method with survey techniques. The survey was conducted on 52 students of Biology Education department at UIN SGD Bandung. The results showed that 80.2% of students gave positive perceptions of vertebrate zoology field study because according to the students this field study could increase the meaningful learning, expand knowledge about vertebrate zoology, and strengthen the intimacy between students. Also, students believe that the field study is an implementation of Edutainment activities.
This paper discussed what strategic steps have been taken by the Indonesian government as policy makers during the emergency period of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to protect the entire nation and Indonesian bloodshed from all forms of threats in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This paper uses a literature approach. The findings of this study are that the government has prepared three strategies for handling COVID-19, namely handling health emergencies, social security networks, and economic resilience. By knowing the strategies and programs issued to carry out these strategies, it can be concluded that in terms of planning, regulation and governance, the government has carried out its functions properly, but what needs to be underlined is that it is not only appropriate but also fast