7 research outputs found

    Volatile State Mathematical Models for Predicting Components in Biomass Pyrolysis Products

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    Volatile state mathematical models for quantifying the chemical components in volatile biomass pyrolysis products were developed. The component mass yield Yi rate depends linearly on its pseudo kinetic constant and the remaining mass yield. The mass fraction rate of each component was modeled from the derivation of its mass yield rate equation. A new mathematical model equation was successfully developed. The involved variables are: biomass number, temperature, heating rate, pre-exponential factor, and pseudo activation energy related to each component. The component mass fraction yi and the mass yield were predicted using this model within a temperature range. Available experimental pyrolysis data for beechwood and rice husk biomass were used to confirm the developed model. The volatile products were separated into bio-pyrolysis gas (BPG) and a bio-pyrolysis oil (BPO). Five components in the BPG and forty in the BPO were quantified. The pseudo activation energy for each pseudo chemical reaction for a specific component was modeled as a polynomial function of temperature. The component mass fraction and yield are quantifiable using this developed mathematical model equation within a temperature range. The predicted component mass fractions and yields agreed excellently with the available experimental data

    Volatile State Mathematical Models for Predicting Components in Biomass Pyrolysis Products

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    Volatile state mathematical models for quantifying the chemical components in volatile biomass pyrolysis products were developed. The component mass yield Yi rate depends linearly on its pseudo kinetic constant and the remaining mass yield. The mass fraction rate of each component was modeled from the derivation of its mass yield rate equation. A new mathematical model equation was successfully developed. The involved variables are: biomass number, temperature, heating rate, pre-exponential factor, and pseudo activation energy related to each component. The component mass fraction yi and the mass yield were predicted using this model within a temperature range. Available experimental pyrolysis data for beechwood and rice husk biomass were used to confirm the developed model. The volatile products were separated into bio-pyrolysis gas (BPG) and a bio-pyrolysis oil (BPO). Five components in the BPG and forty in the BPO were quantified. The pseudo activation energy for each pseudo chemical reaction for a specific component was modeled as a polynomial function of temperature. The component mass fraction and yield are quantifiable using this developed mathematical model equation within a temperature range. The predicted component mass fractions and yields agreed excellently with the available experimental data

    Pemodelan Proses dan Evaluasi Ekonomi Produksi Bio-Oil dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

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    Oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) are solid waste which is the residue from processing palm oil into crude palm oil (CPO). The high number of OPEFB produced requires proper handling to minimize the negative impact on the surrounding environment. One of the solutions to deal with this is to process OPEFB into bio-oil using fast pyrolysis technology. Before applying the process in the real world, it is necessary to do an economic evaluation first to find out whether the process can be economically profitable. This study aims to carry out an economic evaluation of the bio-oil production process made from OPEFB using fast pyrolysis technology. Aspen Plus was used in this study to carry out process modeling, while the economic evaluation was based on several literatures such as previous books and journals. Based on the results of the economic evaluation, the total capital cost (TCC) required to build this facility is USD 1,152,686 with an operating expenditure (OpEx) of USD 168,107. Then, from the economic indicators in the form of payback period (PBP) and internal rate of return (IRR), this facility takes 4 years to reach PBP with an IRR of 22%.Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah padat yang merupakan sisa produksi dari pengolahan kelapa sawit menjadi minyak sawit mentah (MSM). Tingginya jumlah TKKS yang dihasilkan memerlukan penanganan yang tepat untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Salah satu solusi untuk menangani hal tersebut adalah dengan mengolah TKKS menjadi bio-oil dengan menggunakan teknologi fast pyrolysis. Sebelum mengaplikasikan proses tersebut didunia nyata, perlu dilakukan evaluasi ekonomi terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui apakah proses tersebut dapat menguntungkan secara ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi ekonomi pada proses produksi bio-oil berbahan baku TKKS dengan menggunakan teknologi fast pyrolysis. Aspen Plus digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk melakukan pemodelan proses, sedangkan evaluasi ekonomi didasarkan pada beberapa literatur seperti buku dan jurnal terdahulu. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi ekonomi, total capital cost (TCC) yang diperlukan untuk membangun fasilitas ini sebesar 1.152.686 USD dengan operating expenditure (OpEx) sebesar 168.107 USD. Kemudian, dari indicator ekonomi berupa payback period (PBP) dan internal rate of return (IRR), fasilitas ini memerlukan waktu 4 tahun untuk mencapai PBP dengan IRR sebesar 22%

    Microbial Bioprocess Method for Sustainable Squalene Production to Replace Shark Liver Oil in Industrial Applications

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    Squalene is a natural organic compound commonly derived from shark liver oil and widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. As worldwide environmental awareness grows, the usage of shark liver oil is increasingly being criticised since it has the potential to harm marine ecosystems. As a result, new technologies will be demanded in the future to lessen reliance on shark liver squalene manufacturing. Therefore, this paper proposes an alternative process to produce more sustainable squalene to preserve environmental sustainability and reduce the threat of the extinction of rare sharks that are widely hunted for the benefit of the industry. This paper proposes a new method to produce high-quality, non-fish, environmentally friendly, and scalable squalene. The experiment used methods from Lasiana Beach in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) strain. The strain used has the potential to produce squalene from the microalgae Aurantiochytrium. The NTT strain used has the characteristics of round-shaped cells and a yellowish-white cell color. The pure isolate is grown in the nutrient’s media, consisting of glucose, yeast extract, reef salt, disodium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, peptone, and a mixture of aquadest. The result of biomass is checked using a microscope, and there are Aurantiochytrium microalgae cells that have the potential to produce squalene. The result cell has a diameter of 17.6 μm on the results of main culture. The total weight of biomass produced was 34.5 grams in 1 liter. The biomass obtained had a fishy smell and a brownish-yellow color. The results of this study show that the biomass organoleptic characteristics and cell micrographs are consistent with the results of previous studies. The resulting product, in the form of squalene, can be further used as a raw material for cosmetics, nutraceuticals, medicines, and vaccines. The results of this research are very interesting for further study as an environmentally friendly alternative raw material. This approach will preserve environmental sustainability and reduce the threat of extinction for the rare shark, which is widely hunted for the benefit of the industry

    Extraction of High Economic Potential of Lipids from Heterotrophic Cultivation of Indigenous Aurantiochytrium Microalgae Strain

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    Aurantiochytrium microalgae has long been recognized as oleaginous microalgae since its capability to produce high content of lipids biomass. Produced lipids from cultivation process of Aurantiochytrium can contain high concentration of omega-3 docosahexanoic acid, hence valuable biomass from the Aurantiochytrium microalgae has the potential to be used as a source of raw materials for nutrition, cosmetics and medicines. Generally,  Aurantiochytrium microalgae can be found in mangrove ecosystems. Even Indonesia is ranked as the largest mangrove in the world, but the use of Aurantiochytrium sp microalgae is rarely explored in Indonesia. In order to optimize biomass utiisation produced the cultivation process, there shall be an optimum extraction process. Therefore, this study present the optimization of lipids from the Aurantiochytrium sp microalgae. The isolate used in this research comes from Bunaken mangrove forest, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The cultivation process consists of three steps, namely standing culture (SC, 48 hours), pre-culture (PC, 48 hours) and standing culture (SC, 120 hours). The cultivation took pace in an erlemeyer flask using orbital shaker with an orbital speed of 220 rpm at room temperature and pressure. The average dried biomass was 9.4 g/L. In addition to cultivation process, recent paper presents also an extraction methodology using organic solvents, namely methanol, chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane. The lipids fcation can be extracted with a minimum of 7% lipid and a  maximum of 47% lipid. From this study, extraction using acetone-chloroform-ethyl acetate solvents resulted in the highest fraction of lipids from the extraction process of Aurantiochytrium biomass. Since the paper discussing the extraction process of native Indonesia strain of Aurantiochytrium microalgae has never been presented before, therefore this paper shall be valuable basis for further research in this field

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Surfaktan Lignosulfonat dari Lignin Alkali Standar dan Lignosulfonat Teraminasi dari Lignosulfonat Standar

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    Ketersediaan lignin yang melimpah dan efisiensi biaya, lignosulfonat dapat digunakan sebagai stabilisasi surfaktan. Penelitian ini melakukan sintesis surfaktan lignosulfonat dan lignosulfonat teraminasi dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan gugus sulfonat pada lignin alkali standar dan gugus amina pada lignosulfonat standar serta mengetahui nilai tegangan antarmuka lignosulfonat teraminasi hasil sintesis. Metode yang digunakan adalah sulfonasi lignin alkali standar  menggunakan reaksi substitusi elektrofilik dan aminasi lignosulfonat standar menggunakan reaksi Mannich. Lignosulfonat hasil sintesis akan dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) dan lignosulfonat teraminasi hasil sintesis akan dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR dan IFT (Interfacial Tension) tensiometer. Karakterisasi lignosulfonat hasil sintesis menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kemunculan vibrasi ikatan dengan lignin alkali standar. Perbedaan dapat terlihat dengan adanya vibrasi ikatan S=O sulfat pada bilangan gelombang 1420,78 cm-1 dan C-S-O pada bilangan gelombang 623,37 cm-1 pada lignosulfonat hasil sintesis. Karakterisasi FTIR lignosulfonat teraminasi hasil sintesis menunjukkan adanya vibrasi ikatan N-H pada bilangan gelombang 3258,62 cm-1 dan vibrasi ikatan C-N pada bilangan gelombang 1214,45 cm-1. Kedua vibrasi ikatan tersebut tidak dapat ditemukan pada hasil analisis FTIR lignosulfonat standar. Hasil pengukuran IFT menunjukkan nilai tegangan antarmuka lignosulfonat teraminasi hasil sintesis sebesar 2,124 mN/M. Nilai tegangan antarmuka lignosulfonat teraminasi hasil sintesis yang lebih rendah dari lignin alkali hasil isolasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan lignosulfonat standar menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan amina primer berupa etilendiamin dapat mempengaruhi lipofilisitas lignosulfonat teraminasi sebagai surfaktan