421 research outputs found

    And they were sanctified: a social imaginary

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    1 archivo PDF (12 páginas). fhundequinquagintaTomando en cuenta que la verdad es sólo un efecto de sentido y que se construye mediante el discurso, este trabajo pretende identificar las marcas de verosimilitud de un acontecimiento social (la canonización de Juan Diego y la beatificación de Juan Bautista y Jacinto de los Ángeles). El análisis de las formas y referencias lingüísticas permite delimitar algunos puntos de convergencia (invariables) y divergencia (variables) con los que se (re) produce el imaginario social. Abstract: Considering that truth is nothing but an effect of the senses that is built through discourse, this work attempts to identify the hints of veracity of a social event (Juan Diego’s canonization and the beatification of Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Angeles). The analysis of linguistic forms and references delineates some of the areas of convergence (invariable) and divergence (variable) through which the social imaginary is portrayed. PALABRAS CLAVE: discurso, Iglesia, Estado, imaginario social. KEY WORDS: Discourse, Church, State,Social Imaginary

    From Extractivism to Adjacency. A Research Manifesto

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    This essay concerns with the ways in which extractivism continues to be reproduced in academic frameworks despite innumerous initiatives of decolonization. Engaging with artistic research and embracing a materialist approach that emphasizes embeddedness and embodiment, as well as acknowledging the affective-aesthetic flows that accompany research, the authors locate the heart of the problem at the disjuncture between critical epistemology and research practices. This disavowed space of knowledge production, they argue, is where the logics of extractivism and its racialized epistemic dualism are reproduced. The authors put forward the notion of adjacency, as in their view, dwelling on the power of ‘excessive proximity’ that informs experiences of contamination, vulnerability and accountability has the potential to destabilize the violence of epistemic dualisms and white innocence

    lessons learned from monitoring conservation agreements in the Colombian Amazon

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    Many environmental issues can be attributed to misaligned distribution of the costs of conservation and the benefits of conservation. For instance, biodiversity represents value for the global community, but biodiversity protection imposes various costs on local communities in forested areas of developing countries. Correcting this misalignment requires presenting these local communities with appropriate incentives. Conservation agreements – negotiated transactions in which conservation investors finance direct social benefits in return for conservation actions by communities – are one tool for doing so. The results of this approach depend crucially on effective monitoring of both ecological and socio‐economic impacts to verify that environmental and development objectives are met in a socially equitable, economically efficient, and financially sustainable way. Monitoring also is needed to verify that parties to the agreements are in compliance with their commitments. This paper will present the conservation agreement model and demonstrate the central role of robust monitoring frameworks, using the example of agreements between Conservation International and communities in the Colombian Amazon. These agreements are designed to protect forest areas and two endangered species of fish that are important to local livelihoods and have a high commercial value in neighboring countries. A key feature of this project is that the agreements both depend on and strengthen social and resource governance within the partner communities, thereby promoting self‐determination while enhancing the overall context for socio‐economic development. At the same time, lessons generated by this project inform emerging frameworks for scaling up the approach to advance conservation and development at the national level, requiring integration with national policies. The paper will conclude by identifying the strengths and limitations of the conservation agreement approach, emphasizing that effective monitoring is essential for success and exploring the implications of scaling‐up for design of monitoring frameworks

    Becoming the people: a critique of the populist aesthetics of homogeneity

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    Although Ernesto Laclau argues that heterogeneity is at the core of homogeneity, I argue that his account of heterogeneity ultimately pulverizes it. In his work, heterogeneity either becomes colonized (invisible and disavowed), or it becomes excluded (highly visible, penalized and anxiety provoking). Laclau’s uncritical deployment of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and its modernist epistemological dualism, I argue, lead him to not only theorize heterogeneity as racialized/feminine excess that needs to be excluded for meaning to emerge, but also, to conceptualize populism as the performative homogenizing production of the (phallic) signifier of the “One.” My paper stresses the political and conceptual problems of such a formulation

    Salud laboral y engagement, en los docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de Chaclacayo, 2016

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    La presente investigación es de tipo cuantitativo de diseño correlacional, este estudio se llevó a cabo con los docentes de las Instituciones Educativas Estatales de Chaclacayo, con el objetivo de determinar la relación significativa de la salud laboral y el engagement. La muestra estuvo constituida por 95 docentes, asimismo, para la obtención de los datos estadístico y determinar la relación significativa de la salud laboral y el engagement, se aplicó un cuestionario de Engagement y salud laboral, con 50 preguntas, distribuidas de la siguiente manera: 7 preguntas demográficas, 26 preguntas sobre la salud laboral y 17 preguntas de Engagement, para confirmar el resultado del instrumento suministrado a los docentes de las Instituciones Educativas Estatales de Chaclacayo. El resultado de la investigación evidencia la siguiente conclusión: No existe un coeficiente de correlación significativo, entre la salud laboral y el engagement de docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de Chaclacayo, 2016.TesisLIMAEscuela de Posgrado Unidad de Ciencias Humanas y EducaciónT02320TE3 P19 201

    Vaporizing white innocence: confronting the affective-aesthetic matrix of desiring witnessing

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    In this article, we mobilize a theoretical and political critique to the aesthetic and affect that informs “white innocence” and its attempts at “witnessing” the pain of the Other. Engaging with the work of Black critical race theorists (most prominently, Hortense Spillers and Amber Jamilla Musser), we put the artistic interventions of Hannah Black and Parker Bright critique of Dana Shutz’s “Open Casket” in conversation with Teresa Margolles’s “Vaporization.” In doing so, we explore the epistemological, affective and aesthetic dimensions of the desire of whiteness to transcend its own matrix of race-power. We argue that Black’s and Bright’s interventions are refusals to accept or be the object of the desire for redemption, collaboration, and recuperative forgiveness. Margolles’s Vaporization, on the other hand, compels to engage the space, corporality, and epistemology of flesh and forms by thinking through the multiplicities of embodiment as experienced through art and social productions. Margolles opens possibilities for us to think about fugitive moments of material, subjectivity, and social entanglements within institutionalized alienation itself that are otherwise re-metabolized by white innocence and the global art space

    The flesh, which is not one: meditations on multiplicity and its populist arrest

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    By tracing the political resonances of the concept of the ‘real’ in its different theorizations -particularly in relation to singularity and border, and its opposite, multiplicity and entanglement- in this paper we highlight the existing relation between epistemological frameworks and political imaginaries or regimes/horizons. In order to do undertake this task, we offer a critical conceptual triangulation between Chantal Mouffe’s account of the current ‘populist moment’, and the theorization of the real in the work of Jacques Lacan and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. By mobilizing a dialogue between psychoanalysis and (post)phenomenological thinking, we suggest that if the real is not conceptualized as an ontological negativity that the empty signifier needs to tame, but as an aesthetic, embedded and embodied experience of multiplicity, we can think beyond the logics of antagonistic antagonism and instead embrace the ethos of fleshy relationality that informs our co-dependence, precariety and vulnerability

    Assessment of MODIS spectral indices for determining rice paddy agricultural practices and hydroperiod

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    The aims of this study were to assess the dynamics of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI(1) and NDWI(2)) and Shortwave Angle Slope Index (SASI) in relation to rice agricultural practices and hydroperiod, and (2) to assess the capability for these indices to detect phenometrics in rice under different flooding regimes

    Environmental Coordinates for the legal protection of the urban environment. The case of the NNO Axis of the La Plata

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    El artículo aborda el desarrollo de una experiencia vivenciada por la Clínica Jurídica de Derecho Ambiental de la FCJyS-UNLP, respecto a un conflicto urbano-ambiental sobre ordenamiento territorial en el Eje NNO de La Plata. El dictamen jurídico ambiental fue, en esta oportunidad, la herramienta jurídica utilizada para construir una respuesta a la problemática. Los fundamentos giraron en torno a los presupuestos mínimos de protección ambiental, la evaluación de los impactos ambientales acumulativos y los principios ambientales. En particular, el Principio de no Regresión -que a la fecha de la realización del dictamen no se hallaba consagrado expresamente en ninguna norma- se erigió como núcleo y punto cardinal de la solución, con importantes resultados para la protección del ambiente urbano.This article discusses a case pertaining to the Legal Clinic of Environmental Law of the FCJyS-UNLP, regarding an urban-environmental conflict on territorial ordering in the La Plata NNO Axis. The environmental legal opinion was in this case the legal tool used to supply a response to the problem. The fundamental aspects revolved around minimum budgets requirements for environmental protection, the evaluation of cumulative environmental impacts and environmental principles. In particular, the Principle of Non-Regression -which at the time of the ruling was not expressly enshrined in any regulation- yet emerged as the core and cardinal point of the solution, with conveyed important results in the protection of urban environment.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale