255 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Structure, and Ferromagnetism of a New Oxygen Defect Pyrochlore System Lu2V2O_{7-x} (x = 0.40-0.65)

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    A new fcc oxygen defect pyrochlore structure system Lu2V2O_{7-x} with x = 0.40 to 0.65 was synthesized from the known fcc ferromagnetic semiconductor pyrochlore compound Lu2V2O7 which can be written as Lu2V2O6O' with two inequivalent oxygen sites O and O'. Rietveld x-ray diffraction refinements showed significant Lu-V antisite disorder for x >= 0.5. The lattice parameter versus x (including x = 0) shows a distinct maximum at x ~ 0.4. We propose that these observations can be explained if the oxygen defects are on the O' sublattice of the structure. The magnetic susceptibility versus temperature exhibits Curie-Weiss behavior above 150 K for all x, with a Curie constant C that increases with x as expected in an ionic model. However, the magnetization measurements also show that the (ferromagnetic) Weiss temperature theta and the ferromagnetic ordering temperature T_C both strongly decrease with increasing x instead of increasing as expected from C(x). The T_C decreases from 73 K for x = 0 to 21 K for x = 0.65. Furthermore, the saturation moment at a field of 5.5 T at 5 K is nearly independent of x, with the value expected for a fixed spin 1/2 per V. The latter three observations suggest that Lu2V2O_{7-x} may contain localized spin 1/2 vanadium moments in a metallic background that is induced by oxygen defect doping, instead of being a semiconductor as suggested by the C(x) dependence.Comment: 9 pages including 7 figures, 3 table

    Hole depletion and localization due to disorder in insulating PrBa2Cu3O7-d: a Compton scattering study

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    The (mostly) insulating behaviour of PrBa2Cu3O7-d is still unexplained and even more interesting since the occasional appearance of superconductivity in this material. Since YBa2Cu3O7-d is nominally iso-structural and always superconducting, we have measured the electron momentum density in these materials. We find that they differ in a striking way, the wavefunction coherence length in PrBa2Cu3O7-d being strongly suppressed. We conclude that Pr on Ba-site substitution disorder is responsible for the metal-insulator transition. Preliminary efforts at growth with a method to prevent disorder yield 90K superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7-d crystallites.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised version submitted to PR

    Prospects for monitoring bird migration along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway using weather radar

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordEach year, billions of birds migrate across the globe, and interpretation of weather radar signals is increasingly being used to document the spatial and temporal migration patterns in Europe and America. Such approaches are yet to be applied in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), one of the most species-rich and threatened flyways in the world. Logistical challenges limit direct on-ground monitoring of migratory birds in many parts of the EAAF, resulting in knowledge gaps on population status and site use that limit evidence-based conservation planning. Weather radar data have great potential for achieving comprehensive migratory bird monitoring along the EAAF. In this study, we discuss the feasibility and challenges of using weather radar to complement on-ground bird migration surveys in the flyway. We summarize the location, capacity and data availability of weather radars across EAAF countries, as well as the spatial coverage of the radars with respect to migrants' geographic distribution and migration hotspots along the flyway, with an exemplar analysis of biological movement patterns extracted from Chinese weather radars. There are more than 430 weather radars in EAAF countries, covering on average half of bird species' passage and non-breeding distributions, as well as 70% of internationally important sites for migratory shorebirds. We conclude that the weather radar network could be a powerful resource for monitoring bird movements over the full annual cycle throughout much of the EAAF, providing estimates of migration traffic rates, site use, and long-term population trends, especially in remote and less-surveyed regions. Analyses of weather radar data would complement existing ornithological surveys and help understand the past and present status of the avian community in a highly threatened flyway

    The Mouse Gastrointestinal Bacteria Catalogue enables translation between the mouse and human gut microbiotas via functional mapping.

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    Funder: Royal SocietyHuman health and disease have increasingly been shown to be impacted by the gut microbiota, and mouse models are essential for investigating these effects. However, the compositions of human and mouse gut microbiotas are distinct, limiting translation of microbiota research between these hosts. To address this, we constructed the Mouse Gastrointestinal Bacteria Catalogue (MGBC), a repository of 26,640 high-quality mouse microbiota-derived bacterial genomes. This catalog enables species-level analyses for mapping functions of interest and identifying functionally equivalent taxa between the microbiotas of humans and mice. We have complemented this with a publicly deposited collection of 223 bacterial isolates, including 62 previously uncultured species, to facilitate experimental investigation of individual commensal bacteria functions in vitro and in vivo. Together, these resources provide the ability to identify and test functionally equivalent members of the host-specific gut microbiotas of humans and mice and support the informed use of mouse models in human microbiota research.Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by Wellcome Trust and Royal Society [206245/Z/17/Z]. Rosetrees Trust [A2194]. Wellcome Trust [098051]

    Extreme water levels, waves and coastal impacts during a severe tropical cyclone in northeastern Australia: a case study for cross-sector data sharing

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    Severe tropical cyclone (TC) Debbie made landfall on the northern Queensland coast of Australia on 27 March 2017 after crossing the Great Barrier Reef as a slow-moving Category 4 system. Groups from industry, government and academia collected coastal hazard and impact data before, during and after the event and shared these data to produce a holistic picture of TC Debbie at the coast. Results showed the still water level exceeded the highest astronomical tide by almost a metre. Waves added a further 16&thinsp;% to water levels along the open coast, and were probably unprecedented for this area since monitoring began. In most places, coastal barriers were not breached and as a result there was net offshore sand transport. If landfall had occurred 2&thinsp;h earlier with the high tide, widespread inundation and overwash would have ensued. This paper provides a case study of effective cross-sector data sharing in a natural hazard context. It advocates for a shared information platform for coastal extremes in Australia to help improve the understanding and prediction of TC-related coastal hazards in the future.</p

    The impact of changes in stakeholder salience on CSR activities in Russian energy firms: a contribution to the divergence / convergence debate

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    This empirical paper examines the drivers underpinning changes to socially-responsible behaviours in the Russian energy sector. Responding to recent requests to contextualise CSR research, we focus on the changing set of stakeholders and developments in their saliency as reflected in corporations’ CSR activities. Based on interviews with more than thirty industry professionals, our findings suggest that Russian energy companies’ CSR is strongly stakeholder driven, and organisations adapt their activities according to their dependence on the resources that these salient stakeholders possess. We challenge the proposition that CSR in Russia arises from purely endogenous, historical, paternalism or neo-paternalism. We identify stakeholders that now shape CSR in the Russian energy sector, both endogenous (institutional and contextual forces relevant to the national business system) and exogenous (relating to the organisational field of the energy industry - international by nature). We thereby contribute to the convergence / divergence debate within CSR theory by demonstrating that both national business systems and the organisational field must be taken into account when analysing the forces that shape CSR strategies in any one country

    Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Muc2 Mucin Play Major Roles in Disease Onset and Progression in Dextran Sodium Sulphate-Induced Colitis

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    The sequential events and the inflammatory mediators that characterize disease onset and progression of ulcerative colitis (UC) are not well known. In this study, we evaluated the early pathologic events in the pathogenesis of colonic ulcers in rats treated with dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). Following a lag phase, day 5 of DSS treatment was found clinically most critical as disease activity index (DAI) exhibited an exponential rise with severe weight loss and rectal bleeding. Surprisingly, on days 1-2, colonic TNF-α expression (70-80-fold) and tissue protein (50-fold) were increased, whereas IL-1β only increased on days 7-9 (60-90-fold). Days 3-6 of DSS treatment were characterized by a prominent down regulation in the expression of regulatory cytokines (40-fold for IL-10 and TGFβ) and mucin genes (15-18 fold for Muc2 and Muc3) concomitant with depletion of goblet cell and adherent mucin. Remarkably, treatment with TNF-α neutralizing antibody markedly altered DSS injury with reduced DAI, restoration of the adherent and goblet cell mucin and IL-1β and mucin gene expression. We conclude that early onset colitis is dependent on TNF-α that preceded depletion of adherent and goblet cell mucin prior to epithelial cell damage and these biomarkers can be used as therapeutic targets for UC

    Sec12 Binds to Sec16 at Transitional ER Sites

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    COPII vesicles bud from an ER domain known as the transitional ER (tER). Assembly of the COPII coat is initiated by the transmembrane guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sec12. In the budding yeast Pichia pastoris, Sec12 is concentrated at tER sites. Previously, we found that the tER localization of P. pastoris Sec12 requires a saturable binding partner. We now show that this binding partner is Sec16, a peripheral membrane protein that functions in ER export and tER organization. One line of evidence is that overexpression of Sec12 delocalizes Sec12 to the general ER, but simultaneous overexpression of Sec16 retains overexpressed Sec12 at tER sites. Additionally, when P. pastoris Sec12 is expressed in S. cerevisiae, the exogenous Sec12 localizes to the general ER, but when P. pastoris Sec16 is expressed in the same cells, the exogenous Sec12 is recruited to tER sites. In both of these experimental systems, the ability of Sec16 to recruit Sec12 to tER sites is abolished by deleting a C-terminal fragment of Sec16. Biochemical experiments confirm that this C-terminal fragment of Sec16 binds to the cytosolic domain of Sec12. Similarly, we demonstrate that human Sec12 is concentrated at tER sites, likely due to association with a C-terminal fragment of Sec16A. These results suggest that a Sec12–Sec16 interaction has a conserved role in ER export

    Colonic epithelial ion transport is not affected in patients with diverticulosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Colonic diverticular disease is a bothersome condition with an unresolved pathogenesis. It is unknown whether a neuroepithelial dysfunction is present. The aim of the study was two-fold; (1) to investigate colonic epithelial ion transport in patients with diverticulosis and (2) to adapt a miniaturized Modified Ussing Air-Suction (MUAS) chamber for colonic endoscopic biopsies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biopsies were obtained from the sigmoid part of the colon. 86 patients were included. All patients were referred for colonoscopy on suspicion of neoplasia and they were without pathological findings at colonoscopy (controls) except for diverticulosis in 22 (D-patients). Biopsies were mounted in MUAS chambers with an exposed area of 5 mm<sup>2</sup>. Electrical responses to various stimulators and inhibitors of ion transport were investigated together with histological examination. The MUAS chamber was easy to use and reproducible data were obtained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median basal short circuit current (SCC) was 43.8 μA·cm<sup>-2 </sup>(0.8 – 199) for controls and 59.3 μA·cm<sup>-2 </sup>(3.0 – 177.2) for D-patients. Slope conductance was 77.0 mS·cm<sup>-2 </sup>(18.6 – 204.0) equal to 13 Ω·cm<sup>2 </sup>for controls and 96.6 mS·cm<sup>-2 </sup>(8.4 – 191.4) equal to 10.3 Ω·cm<sup>2 </sup>for D-patients. Stimulation with serotonin, theophylline, forskolin and carbachol induced increases in SCC in a range of 4.9 – 18.6 μA·cm<sup>-2</sup>, while inhibition with indomethacin, bumetanide, ouabain and amiloride decreased SCC in a range of 6.5 – 27.4 μA·cm<sup>-2</sup>, and all with no significant differences between controls and D-patients. Histological examinations showed intact epithelium and lamina propria before and after mounting for both types of patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that epithelial ion transport is not significantly altered in patients with diverticulosis and that the MUAS chamber can be adapted for studies of human colonic endoscopic biopsies.</p