9 research outputs found

    Efek Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Gambut Terhadap Cadangan Karbon Dan Aktivitas Enzim β-glukosidase, Laccase Di Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat

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    Perubahan penggunaan lahan gambut dapat menyebabkan hilangnya karbon dari tanah. Akibat adanya drainase lahan terjadi percepatan proses dekomposisi gambut. Aktivitas β-glukosidase dan Laccase merupakan enzim yang dapat dijadikan indikator terjadinya perombakan bahan organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek perubahan penggunaan lahan gambut terhadap cadangan karbon dan aktivitas enzim β-glukosidase, Laccase di Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat. Pengamatan dilakukan berdasarkan tipe penggunan lahan dan kedalaman gambut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan dalam 3 dekade terakhir pada periode tahun 1990-2020, perubahan penggunaan lahan paling luas adalah perubahan penggunaan lahan hutan rawa menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit, yaitu seluas 48.812 ha (69%). Rata-rata cadangan karbon lahan gambut Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan sekitar 2.263 ton.ha-1. Berdasarkan penggunaan lahan, cadangan karbon dari yang paling tinggi ke yang paling rendah dengan urutan sebagai berikut: lahan terbuka (LT) 3.842 ton.ha-1 > semak belukar (S) 3.345 ton.ha-1 > hutan (H) 2.833 ton.ha-1 > perkebunan kelapa sawit (PS) 2.001 ton.ha-1 > lahan pertanian (LP) 135 ton.ha-1. Rata-rata aktivitas enzim ß-glukosidase di Pesisir Selatan lebih tinggi (1,78 μg.g-1.jam-1) dibandingkan aktivitas enzim Laccase (1,20 μg.g-1.jam-1) pada semua penggunaan lahan. Aktivitas β-glukosidase dan Laccase pada beberapa penggunaan lahan yang paling tinggi ke yang paling rendah dengan urutan sebagai berikut: lahan pertanian (LP) > lahan terbuka (LT) > semak belukar (SB) > perkebunan sawit rakyat (PSr) > perkebunan sawit swasta (PSs) > hutan (H). Aktivitas enzim di lahan pertanian lebih tinggi daripada penggunaan lahan lainnya


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    This study aims to analyze of effect of income, education and the number of family members on the development of child labour in Bireuen Regency. The data in this study are obtained by distributing questionnaires to 69 respondents who are child workers in Bireuen Regency. The sampling technique used is Random Sampling and the data are analyzed by using Multiple linear regression. The results of the study indicated that the Head of household income and education have a significant and negative effect on the development child workers in Bireuen Regency, The number of family members has a positive and significant effect. Simultaneously,  the income and education of the Head of household and the number of family members significantly affect the development of child workers in Bireuen Regency

    Analisis Penerapan Kontrak Baku pada Pembiayaan Musyarakah menurut Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus pada Bank Syari'ah Mandiri Cabang Banda Aceh)

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    Kontrak baku adalah perjanjian tertulis yang dibuat atau disediakan oleh sebelah pihak, dengan mencantumkan berbagai macam klausul kontrak yang telah dibakukan oleh sebelah pihak tanpa memberi kesempatan kepada pihak lain untuk menegosiasikannya. Adanya kontrak baku dalam dunia bisnis syariah ini menjadi pro dan kontra di kalangan masyarakat terutama di kalangan ahli hukum, karena di samping mempermudah dan menghemat waktu, juga bertentangan dengan prinsip syariah yaitu menzalimi pihak lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jawaban terhadap persoalan pokok bagaimana praktik penerapan kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah di Bank Syariah Mandiri cabang Banda Aceh, tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap penerapan kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah serta sisi positif dan negatif dari penerapan kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif analisis melalui data primer yang diperoleh dari penelitian lapangan (field research) dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah yang diterapkan di Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Banda Aceh bersifat final dan tidak dapat direvisi oleh nasabah. Pembuatan kontrak tidak mengikutsertakan nasabah dan tidak ada negosiasi di dalamnya menyebabkan kontrak baku ini bertentangan dengan asas berkontrak dalam Islam yaitu asas kebebasan berkontrak, asas kemaslahatan (tidak memberatkan) dan asas keseimbangan (keadilan). Walaupun demikian, kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah ini secara hukum adalah sah karena telah terpenuhinya rukun dan syarat berkontrak dalam Islam ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak baku tersebut oleh kedua belah pihak sebagai bukti bahwa kedua belah pihak sama-sama ridha. Adanya kontrak baku pada pembiayaan musyarakah mengandung sisi positif dan negatif yang sebanding, karena di satu sisi memudahkan dan menghemat waktu, di sisi lain memberatkan sebelah pihak. Oleh karena itu, dirasa perlu adanya negosiasi atau menghilangkan klausul yang memberatkan untuk menciptakan kontrak kerjasama yang seimbang, adil dan saling ridha (suka sama suka) di antara kedua belah pihak

    Aktivitas β-Glukosidase pada Beberapa Kelas Penggunaan Lahan Gambut Tropis di Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat

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    Most of the peatlands in Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra have been converted into agricultural activities. Due to drainage, the peat decomposition process becomes faster. The activity of β-glucosidase is one of the enzymes that can be used as an indicator of the decomposition of organic matter and produces greenhouse gas emissions, likes CO2. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the activity of β-glucosidase in several land uses in Pesisir Selatan peatlands. Observations were performed in several land-use types consisting of agricultural land (LP), bare land (LT), shrubs (SB), smallholder oil palm plantations (PSr), private company oil palm plantations (PSs), and forests (H). The activity of β-glucosidase was analyzed by using salicin and Na-acetate methods. The results of this study showed that the highest β-glucosidase activity was found in agricultural land use (LP). Based on the land use types, the activity of β-glucosidase follows agricultural land (LP) 3.42 μg.g-1.jam-1 > bare land (LT) 2.26 μg.g-1.jam-1 > shrubs (SB) 1.63 μg.g-1.jam-1 > smallholder oil palm plantations (PSR) 1.31 μg.g-1.jam-1 > private company oil palm plantations (PSs) 1.28 μg.g-1.jam-1 > forest (H) 0.80 μg.g-1.jam-1. Soil characteristic that significantly affects enzyme activity is water content where the higher the water content, the lower the β-glucosidase activity, and vice versa. Based on this study can be concluded that the change in land use from natural land to agricultural land triggers an increase in the activity of enzymes in decomposed peat materials.Key words: β-glucosidase, enzyme, palm plantation, land-use, peatlan

    Laccase activity as an indicator of peat degrading microbes in several types of peatlands use in West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Land clearing and drainage activities on peatlands had boosted the decomposition rate of organic matter, caused by an increase in soil temperature and soil microbial activity. Enzyme activity is a sensitive indicator to measure changes in the decomposition process. The enzyme activity associated with the decomposition of organic matter is Laccase. This research aimed to study Laccase as an indicator of lignin degradation in several types of peatland use in Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra, namely forests, shrubs, oil palm plantations, agricultural land, and bare land. The Laccase activity was measured by using the ABTS method. The results of our study show that Laccase activity in several types of peatland use from the highest to the lowest follows the order: agricultural land (LP) 3.20 μg.g-1.hour-1 > bare land (LT) 1.46 μg.g-1.hour-1 > shrub (SB) 1.17 μg.g-1.hour-1 > smallholder oil palm plantation (PSr) 0.66 μg.g-1.hour-1 > private company oil palm plantation (PSs) 0.70 μg.g-1.hour-1 > forest (H) 0.06 μg.g-1.hour-1. Soil characteristics that affect the enzyme activity are water content, which is negatively correlated with the Laccase enzyme. The higher the water content in the peat material, the lower the Laccase activity. Therefore, it is necessary to control the soil water content high to prevent the rate of peat decomposition. Keywords: Laccase, enzyme, oil palm plantation, land use, peatland

    Aktivitas β-Glukosidase pada Beberapa Kelas Penggunaan Lahan Gambut Tropis di Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat

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    Most of the peatlands in Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra have been converted into agricultural activities. Due to drainage, the peat decomposition process becomes faster. The activity of β- glucosidase is one of the enzymes that can be used as an indicator of the decomposition of organic matter and produces greenhouse gas emissions, likes CO2. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the activity of β-glucosidase in several land uses in Pesisir Selatan peatlands. Observations were performed in several land-use types consisting of agricultural land (LP), bare land (LT), shrubs (SB), smallholder oil palm plantations (PSr), private company oil palm plantations (PSs), and forests (H). The activity of β-glucosidase was analyzed by using salicin and Na-acetate methods. The results of this study showed that the highest β-glucosidase activity was found in agricultural land use (LP). Based on the land use types, the activity of β-glucosidase follows agricultural land (LP) 3.42 μg.g-1 .jam-1 > bare land (LT) 2.26 μg.g-1 .jam-1 > shrubs (SB) 1.63 μg.g-1 .jam-1 > smallholder oil palm plantations (PSR) 1.31 μg.g-1 .jam-1 > private company oil palm plantations (PSs) 1.28 μg.g-1 .jam-1 > forest (H) 0.80 μg.g-1 .jam-1 . Soil characteristic that significantly affects enzyme activity is water content where the higher the water content, the lower the β-glucosidase activity, and vice versa. Based on this study can be concluded that the change in land use from natural land to agricultural land triggers an increase in the activity of enzymes in decomposed peat materials Key Words: β-glucosidase, enzyme, palm plantation, land-use, peatlan


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    Penelitian tentang klasifikasi dan pemetaan tanah telah dilaksanakan di Kenagarian Koto Tinggi Kecamatan Baso Kabupaten Agam dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis tanah di Laboratorium Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas Padang, mulai dari bulan Februari sampai Mei 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan tanah di Kenagarian Koto Tinggi menurut sistem Taksonomi Tanah USDA (Soil Survey Staff, 2010) sampai tingkat famili, kemudian disetarakan dengan sistem klasifikasi Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor (PPT, 1983) sampai tingkat rupa, dan sistem klasifikasi tanah World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB, 2007) serta membuat peta tanah semi detail dengan skala 1 : 25.000. Metoda penelitian ini adalah metoda survei dengan pendekatan landskap dimana satuan lahan (land unit) menjadi dasar batas satuan peta tanah dengan asumsi satu satuan lahan akan menghasilkan satu jenis tanah yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 6 jenis tanah sampai tingkat famili pada 7 satuan lahan di Koto Tinggi yaitu: (1) Aquandic Humaquepts, ashy-pumiceous, glassy, isothermic (Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Gleisol Umbrik, bertekstur sedang, berdrainase buruk (PPT) dan Anthrosols (Epidystric) (WRB) luas 55 Ha. (2) Vitrandic Humudepts, ashy-pumiceous, glassy, isohyperthermic(Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Kambisol Umbrik, bertekstur agak kasar, berdrainase baik (PPT) dan Haplic Umbrisols (WRB) luas 119 Ha. (3) Typic Humudepts, berliat, kaolinite, isohyperthermic (Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Kambisol Umbrik,bertekstur halus,berdrainase baik (PPT) dan Haplic Umbrisols (Hyperdystric, Endoclayic) (WRB) luas 220 Ha. (4) Typic Humaquepts, ashy-skeletal, mixed, isothermic (Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Gleisol Umbrik, bertekstur agak halus, berdrainase buruk (PPT) dan Epigleyic Anthrosols (Epidystric) (WRB) 185 Ha. (5) Typic Melanudands, medial, amorphic, isothermic (Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Andosol Melanic, bertekstur agak halus, berdrainase baik (PPT) dan Melanic Andosols (Hyperdystric) (WRB) luas 1.226 Ha. (6) Typic Hapludands, medial, amorphic, isothermic (Soil Taksonomi) setara dengan Andosol Umbrik, bertekstur agak halus, berdrainase baik (PPT) dan Umbrik Andosols (Hyperdystric) (WRB) luas 180 Ha. Kata kunci :Klasifikasi tanah, Pemetaan tanah, Koto Tinggi


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    This study seeks to analyze the application of standard form contracts imposed on bankssharia. The existence of a standard form contract in professional interactions of sharia business has indeed caused pros and cons in society, especially among legal experts, although it could facilitate and save time, it is also against the sharia principle of wronging others. This research aims to find out how the practice of applying and reviewing Islamic law is implemented intostandard form contracts on musyarakah financing in BSM Banda Aceh branch, including the positive and negative sides from the application of the standard form contract. The research method used is the qualitative method through primary data obtained from the field. The results showed that the standard contract at musyarakah financing at BSM Banda Aceh Branch is final and cannot be revised by the customers. Making contracts without involving the customers and the room of negotiation causes that this standard form contract is contrary to the principle of contracting in Islam, namely the principal freedom of contract, the principle of benefit (not burdensome) and the principle of balance (justice). Nonetheless, the standard contract on musyarakah financing is legally valid because the fulfillment of the terms of harmony and the terms of contract in Islam are indicated by the signing of the standard contract by both parties as proof that both parties are equally pleased. The existence of a standard contract on musyarakah financing has a positive side, and negatives are comparable, because, on the one hand, it makes it easy and saves time, on the other hand, incriminating next party. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to negotiate or eliminate a clause which is burdensome to create a balanced, fair and mutual cooperation contract between the two parties