44 research outputs found

    Fenomena Human Trafficking Ditinjau Dari Peranan Sosial Budaya Dan Media Massa

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    This study aims to determine the phenomenon of human trafficking as a manifestation of adolescent sexual exploitation in Indonesia, which is seen from the point of view of the socio-cultural and mass media role. The method used in this study is a case study with secondary data. The results showed that the phenomenon of human trafficking can occur due to various factors (internal and external factors), mainly social and cultural factors adolescents and mass media

    Peran Komunikasi Interpersonal dan Promosi Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan di Obyek Wisata Baduy Kabupaten Lebak Provinsi Banten

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    Indonesia offers a diverse range of indigenous cultures and civilizations with tourist potential. Tourism in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, is similar. The Baduy tourism item is one of the attractions that showcases the diversity of ethnic. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the forms of communication used by the Lebak Regency Government through the Lebak Regency Tourism Office to introduce Baduy to the wider community were to develop a communication strategy by promoting tourist attractions through interpersonal communication and various media, including cultural events (Seba Baduy), Tourism Ambassador Saija Adinda, billboards, press releases, and internet media for the Lebak Regency Tourism Office such as twitter, facebook, websites, and blogs. Furthermore, the Ambu video and the Baduy traditional attire worn by President Joko Widodo during the 2021 MPR/DPR annual session are examples of information given to the larger society about Baduy Cultur

    Android-Based Traditional Games

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    The traditional Bentengan game is one of Indonesia's popular cultural heritages from the 1980s to the 1990s. Aside from being a cultural heritage, this game has benefits including for sports, training for concentration, or just for public entertainment. However, in the present where technology has become widespread, this game has begun to be almost forgotten and replaced by digital games. Therefore, we need a way to keep the game sustainable by utilizing the existence of technology, namely by changing the concept of traditional to modern. In this research the transformation process from traditional to modern games will be carried out using the ATUMICS method. The results of the transformation were developed into a 3D android game with additional online multiplayer features. Alpha test results using a black box showed that most of the application functions were running as expected, and the beta testing showed satisfactory results with an average overall rating of respondents saying 82% of digital games had the value of "VERY GOOD" and was enough to describe the actual Bentengan game


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    The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the difficulties of students in solving problems of mathematics communication skills of students of grade VII SMP Darul Hikmah regarding the material of linear equations and inequalities of one variable. The data analysis technique uses descriptive methods, namely analyzing data by describing or describing the data that has been collected. The population of SMP Darul Hikmah students is 26 students. The data were obtained through test techniques using instruments, amounting to 4 questions and designed in the form of a description (essay) as an indicator to measure the level of communication skills. From the results of the calculation of the 4 indicators, namely indicators of organizing and combining mathematical thinking of 75.96%, indicators of analyzing and evaluating mathematical thinking of 83.65%, indicators using mathematical language to express correctly by 44.23%, indicators of communicating mathematical thinking logically and clearly so that it is easy to understand at 12.50%. Based on these data, junior high school students' mathematical communication skills are still in the low category, namely 54% and need improvement

    Identification of Bacterial Leaf Blight and Brown Spot Disease in Rice Plants with Image Processing Approach

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    In agriculture, technology can provide benefits to farmers. However, at present there are still very few farmers who use technology, especially computerization in their agricultural processes, such as the identification of diseases in rice plants, there are still many rice farmers who cannot recognize and distinguish the types of diseases in rice plants. Research on the identification of bacterial leaf blight and brown spots on rice plants has carried out before, but the accuracy rate is only 70%. This research developed a system to identify bacterial leaf blight and brown spot in rice plants through leaf images with an image processing approach. Image of affected rice leaves is segmented first using K-Means Clustering, then the texture features are extracted using the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) with features extracted in the form of energy, contrast, correlation, homogeneity and shape pattern characteristics using metric and eccentricity features, then identified using Euclidean Distance. The training data used 40 images for each disease and 12 images for each disease. The test results show that the system has a better level of accuracy than previous studies that reached 100% with a Mean Squared Error (MSE) value of 0.007282214


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    Dalam sebuah piranti lunak aplikasi, komponen basis data merupakan suatu hal yang dinilai sangat penting untuk dipersiapkan keberadaannya. Terlebih berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman praktis yang ada, pada umumnya program aplikasi diraneang tanpa persiapan yang matang dalam proses rekayasanya. Hal ini memungkinkan terjadi luputnya peneatatan dokumentasi dasar yang berisi tentang blueprint atau skema masterplan basis data yang seharusnya ada. Semestinya dokumentasi tersebut dimiliki sebagai upaya antisipasi terjadinya pengembangan basis data yang mungkin akan terus tumbuh sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pengguna program aplikasi tersebut dari waktu ke waktu. Saat ini pembuatan basis data banyak dibantu dengan piranti lunak pemodelan data yang ada, diantaranya adalah Sybase PowerDesigner yang merupakan eontoh kakas Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE). Umumnya, pola "langkah maju" digunakan dalam pembuatan basis data mulai dari pembuatan Conceptual Data Model (CDM), Physical Data Model (PDM) sampai dengan Generate Database menggunakan Data Base Management System (DBMS) tertentu. Namun seandainya basis data pada suatu DBMS telah ada maka dapat dilakukan pola pembuatan dengan pendekatan "langkah mundur" (reverse engineering) yang dimiliki oleh CASE. Artinya dari suatu basis data yang telah ada dapat dihasilkan kembali CDM sebagai dokumentasi awal penelahaan kebutuhan dan hubungan antar data pada suatu sistem tertentu

    Peranan Efikasi Diri Guru Dalam Prestasi Belajar Siswa

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    Education is one of the most important factors to create a quality generation in the future. The main problem that becomes the focus of the problem related to the quality of learning that is interesting to study in an effort to improve student achievement is teacher self-efficacy. The meth[1]od used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data of this research are primary data and secondary data collected through interviews and observations. The results of the study indicate that the teacher in addition to acting as a teacher, educator and mentor, through teacher self-efficacy can increase student learning achievement to the maximum so that students are able to obtain maximum learning outcomes in accordance with the educational goals that have been se


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    Lately, there is often a mixture of beef and pork done by traders to the general public as buyers. This is due to the unconsciousness of the buyer on how to recognize the type of meat purchased. The effect of this meat mix can certainly be detrimental to buyers, especially Muslims. Image processing is a general term for various methods in which it is used to manipulate and modify images in various ways. Classification is a method of grouping some information and ensuring it is listed in a class.. Classification of beef and pork differentiator in this application using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method while for texture extraction using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method. The information used in the examination was 30 images of fresh meat divided into 15 images of fresh beef and 15 images of fresh pork. The data used is data Classification of Beef and Pork Image based on Color and Texture Characteristics. The result of classification accuracy obtained in this application is 80%

    Implementation of Image Enhancement Algorithm for Image Forensics using Mathlab

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    The purpose of this journal is to explain the implementation of the image enhancement algorithm for image forensics. Image Forensic deals with the types of digital evidence in the form of digital image files. One of the most commonly used digital devices in providing digital evidence for forensic analysis is CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television). CCTV images have a low quality such as noise, blur, lack of light intensity, etc., so that the image must be enhanced so that forensic analysis can be done. To enhance image quality, an application is needed by applying the image enhancement algorithm. The algorithm applied to the application is a Low Pass Filter to increase low pixel intensity, High Pass Filter to increase high pixel intensity, Median Filter to replaces the original pixel value with the pixel center value of the image, Mean Filter to replaces the original pixel value with a value the average pixel of the image, the Gaussian Filter for reducing noise in the image, the Wiener Filter to reduce blur in the image, the Histogram Equalization spreads the image histogram value, Contrast Stretching to stretch the contrast intensity in the image and Bicubic Interpolation to increase the image size and resize the image. In this study, the application was built using MATLAB and the testing process for each algorithm was based on Timing-Run, MSE and PSNR parameters. From the test, the average MSE value is 1058.512083 and the PSNR value is 541.61875 dB, which means that the resulting image has a fairly high level of similarity and the average time needed to process the algorithm for the image is 0.114627915 seconds


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    Betta fish are known as fighting fish, are aggressive and like to attack several types of Betta fish. They have attractive body colors, beautiful fins, calm and dignified movements. However, there are still many people who are wrong in distinguishing the types of betta fish, especially for those who just bought them, so to help determine the type of betta fish, a Matlab application was built to determine the types of betta fish based on their shape. K-Nearest Neighbor can classify objects based on learning data that is closest to the object so that the results can be more accurate. Canny is known as the optimal edge detection, this algorithm provides a low error rate. Invariant Moment is a feature extraction method that produces 7 features used to recognize an object. The combination of K-Nearest Neighbor, Canny, and Invariant Moment resulted in a fairly high accuracy for determining the type of betta fish, namely an average of 68.5714%, for training data with a total of 70 betta fish data, and 70%, for test data with the number 20 Betta fish data