58 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini membuktikan, bahwa pendidikan pesantren memiliki nilai lebih dari pada pendidikan non-pesantren. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan; 1) Peserta didik/santri mampu menerapkan nilai agama dan nilai sosial,  2) Peserta didik /santri mampu menghadapi tantangan era globalisasi dengan tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai etika dan moral sesuai dengan tuntunan agama, dan 3) Peserta didik /santri mampu berkompetensi dan menghasilkan karya. Tulisan ini menggunakan pisau analisis yang dikemukakan oleh Talcott Parsons melalui teori fungsionalisme struktural; unit tindakan menuju sistem tindakan, yang menjadi faktor pembentuk santri di pondok pesantren dalam merealisasikan nilai-nilai, norma-norma, kesadaran secara kolektif,  dan terus melekat dalam diri santri/santri, yang hal tersebut tidak dijamah oleh pendidikan non-pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif berupa observasi dan wawancara yang bersifat analisis-diskriptif  berdasarkan perspektif sosiologi

    Machine Learning Assisted Framework for Advanced Subsurface Fracture Mapping and Well Interference Quantification

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    The oil and gas industry has historically spent significant amount of capital to acquire large volumes of analog and digital data often left unused due to lack of digital awareness. It has instead relied on individual expertise and numerical modelling for reservoir development, characterization, and simulation, which is extremely time consuming and expensive and inevitably invites significant human bias and error into the equation. One of the major questions that has significant impact in unconventional reservoir development (e.g., completion design, production, and well spacing optimization), CO2 sequestration in geological formations (e.g., well and reservoir integrity), and engineered geothermal systems (e.g., maximizing the fluid flow and capacity of the wells) is to be able to quantify and map the subsurface natural fracture systems. This needs to be done both locally, i.e., near the wellbore and generally in the scale of the wellpad, or region. In this study, the conventional near wellbore natural fracture mapping techniques is first discussed and integrated with more advanced technologies such as application of fiber optics, specifically Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Distributed Strain Sensing (DSS), to upscale the fracture mapping in the region. Next, a physics-based automated machine learning (AutoML) workflow is developed that incorporates the advanced data acquisition system that collects high-resolution drilling acceleration data to infer the near well bore natural fracture intensities. The new AutoML workflow aims to minimize human bias and accelerate the near wellbore natural fracture mapping in real time. The new AutoML workflow shows great promise by reducing the fracture mapping time and cost by 10-fold and producing more accurate, robust, reproducible, and measurable results. Finally, to completely remove human intervention and consequently accelerate the process of fracture mapping while drilling, the application of computer vision and deep learning techniques in new workflows to automate the process of identifying natural fractures and other lithological features using borehole image logs were integrated. Different structures and workflows have been tested and two specific workflows are designed for this purpose. In the first workflow, the fracture footprints on actual acoustic image logs (i.e., full, or partial sigmoidal signatures with a range of amplitude and vertical and horizontal displacement) is detected and classified in different categories with varying success. The second workflow implements the actual amplitude values recorded by the borehole image log and the binary representation of the produced images to detect and quantify the major fractures and beddings. The first workflow is more detailed and capable of identifying different classes of fractures albeit computationally more expensive. The second workflow is faster in detecting the major fractures and beddings. In conclusion, regional subsurface natural fracture mapping technique using an integration of conventional logging, microseismic, and fiber optic data is presented. A new AutoML workflow designed and tested in a Marcellus Shale gas reservoir was used to predict near wellbore fracture intensities using high frequency drilling acceleration data. Two integrated workflows were designed and validated using 3 wells in Marcellus Shale to extract natural fractures from acoustic image logs and amplitude recordings obtained during logging while drilling. The new workflows have: i) minimized human bias in different aspects of fracture mapping from image log analysis to machine learning model selection and hyper parameter optimization; ii) generated and quantified more accurate fracture predictions using different score matrices; iii) decreased the time and cost of the fracture interpretation by tenfold, and iv) presented more robust and reproducible results

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Performance Management System in the Ministry of Higher Education

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    The main objective of performance assessment is to manage to provide the necessary information about the personnel employed in the organization to be available to managers in order to make appropriate decisions to promote the quality and quantity of employee work. The main objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the staff performance management system in the Ministry of Higher Education. This is descriptive research in terms of data collection method and in terms of purpose tactical research and in terms of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The statistical population of this study is all employees of the Ministry (720) the indicated assembly (72) was determined with a confidence level of 90 percent and a sampling error of 10 percent using Crecy and Morgan formulas. The most important findings of the research showed that Performance management in the Ministry of Higher Education has created a conducive environment for better performance among employees up to a limit, but this system has not produced the effective results that it was supposed to produce in improving employee performance, but there has been a series of problems and inadequacies, and evaluation performance management does not form the basis of the reward system in this organization, and the performance management of the work in this ministry is not so tangible that all employees have same the reception and have a theme opinion about it

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Performance Management System in the Ministry of Higher Education

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    The main objective of performance assessment is to manage to provide the necessary information about the personnel employed in the organization to be available to managers in order to make appropriate decisions to promote the quality and quantity of employee work. The main objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the staff performance management system in the Ministry of Higher Education. This is descriptive research in terms of data collection method and in terms of purpose tactical research and in terms of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The statistical population of this study is all employees of the Ministry (720) the indicated assembly (72) was determined with a confidence level of 90 percent and a sampling error of 10 percent using Crecy and Morgan formulas. The most important findings of the research showed that Performance management in the Ministry of Higher Education has created a conducive environment for better performance among employees up to a limit, but this system has not produced the effective results that it was supposed to produce in improving employee performance, but there has been a series of problems and inadequacies, and evaluation performance management does not form the basis of the reward system in this organization, and the performance management of the work in this ministry is not so tangible that all employees have same the reception and have a theme opinion about it

    Implementation of Unbiased Stereology Method for Organ Volume Estimation using Image Processing

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    Stereology had been widely used around the globe for estimating the value of the biological structure. It interlinks the connection between the dimensions using a sample that is 2D for a quantification in 3D structure. Volume estimation using stereology method is the most common and basic quantification that shows an example of how stereology works. Stereology method has a drawback when it comes to a lot of samples, so it is common for a researcher to use the computer to help to quantify and to do repetitive work, which is known as computer-assisted stereology quantification. The purpose of this research is to develop software that can assist researchers using stereology method for estimating the volume of a sample object from its 2D digital images with point counting method. The software was built based on the manual procedure of volume estimation using stereology method performed by experienced researchers. The volume estimation using the software were then compared with the results of the manual procedure by the experts on the same samples, i.e., the kidney and trigeminal ganglion of a rat. The experimental results showed that the relative difference of the volume estimations between manual and computer assisted calculations were 0.93% for rat kidney sample and 10.81%. TA1 trigeminal ganglion sample. Based on the results, the software estimation can be used for further analysis


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    Di era industri 4.0 perkembangan teknologi semakin pesat, hal ini menjadi salah satu kemudahan dalam melaksakan pembelajaran daring. Terdapat banyak pilihan media pembelajaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan guna mengadakan kegiatan belajar mengajar secara daring baik yang bersifat untuk pembelajaran mandiri maupun pembelajaran di kelas maya. TV Edukasi merupakan sebuah media dan sumber pembelajaran berbasis web TV Streaming. Namun, minat semua guru dalam menggunakan media TV Edukasi tentunya berbeda. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penilaian atau persepsi untuk mengetahui kedua aspek tersebut. Dengan ini dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan positif antara kualitas TV Edukasi dengan minat penggunaannya. Terdapat beberapa aspek yang dinilai antara lain adalah materi, kebermanfaatan, daya tarik dan kemudahan penggunaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasional. Sasaran dalam penelitin ini adalah guru-guru yang telah tersosialisasi dalam penggunaan TV Edukasi di wilayah Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan penelilitan didapatkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan dari aspek (1) materi, (2) kebermanfaatan, (3) daya tarik dan (4) kemudahan penggunaan dengan minat penggunaannya sebagai altrnatif media pembelajaran daring. In the industrial era 4.0, technological developments are increasing rapidly, this has become one of the conveniences in carrying out online learning. There are many choices of learning media that can be used to carry out online teaching and learning activities both for independent learning and learning in virtual classes. TV Edukasi is a streaming TV web-based media and learning resource. However, the interest of all teachers in using TV Edukasi media is of course different. Therefore it is necessary to have an assessment or perception to know these two aspects. With this, research was carried out with the aim of finding out whether there is a positive relationship between the quality of Educational TV and the interest in using it. There are several aspects that are assessed including material, usefulness, attractiveness and ease of use. The method used is descriptive correlational. The target in this study were teachers who had been socialized in using TV Edukasi in the West Java region. Based on the research, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship from (1) the material aspect, (2) usefulness, (3) attractiveness and (4) ease of use with interest in its use as an alternative online learning media


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    Job satisfaction and productivity are the main focus of most organizations. Therefore, the present research was conducted to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity of lecturers in “Seyed Jamaluddin Afghan teacher training institute. It was a cross-sectional study. Descriptive and correlational methods were used to analyze the data. The population of the study was 200 lecturers of Seyed Jamaluddin Afghan teacher training institute out of which 131 were selected as a sample by a simple random method. To collect the data two standardized questionnaires, Smith, Kendall & Hulin’s (1969) job satisfaction questionnaire and the AGIO model 1980 manpower productivity questionnaire were used. The findings show that there was a meaningful relationship between the components of productivity and job satisfaction. There was no significant difference between male and female lecturers’ perceptions in terms of productivity. Furthermore, findings showed that lecturers with bachelor's degrees were more satisfied than lecturers with doctorate degrees


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    Job satisfaction and productivity are the main focus of most organizations. Therefore, the present research was conducted to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity of lecturers in “Seyed Jamaluddin Afghan teacher training institute. It was a cross-sectional study. Descriptive and correlational methods were used to analyze the data. The population of the study was 200 lecturers of Seyed Jamaluddin Afghan teacher training institute out of which 131 were selected as a sample by a simple random method. To collect the data two standardized questionnaires, Smith, Kendall & Hulin’s (1969) job satisfaction questionnaire and the AGIO model 1980 manpower productivity questionnaire were used. The findings show that there was a meaningful relationship between the components of productivity and job satisfaction. There was no significant difference between male and female lecturers’ perceptions in terms of productivity. Furthermore, findings showed that lecturers with bachelor's degrees were more satisfied than lecturers with doctorate degrees


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    Perkembangan teknologi semakin pesat dan pemenuhan tenaga terampil dan ahli sangat diperlukan untuk era global di masa mendatang. Arus globalisasi menuntut setiap individu untuk siap berkompetisi dengan bangsa asing di dunia industri. Salah satu langkah untuk menghadapi globalisasi tersebut adalah dengan konsep pendidikan link and match. Adapun desain pendidikan link and match adalah menghubungkan dunia industri dengan pihak pengguna output dari proses pendidikan. Dengan langkah ini diharapkan dapat meminimalisir kesenjangan antara dunia pendidikan dengan dunia industri dan dapat menghasilkan calon-calon tenaga kerja terampil dan ahli yang siap bekerja di dunia industri


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the validity of latent tuberculosis (TB) as a predictor for TB of thoracic spine.Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 31 patients with osteoarticular TB diagnosed on the base of clinical features, magnetic resonance imaging, and tissue biopsy. Patients' demographic and clinical characteristics of the disease were recorded. Latent TB was diagnosed by tuberculin skin test (TST) >10 mm. Results: The mean age of patients was 44.9 ± 19.0 years. Females were 17 (54.8) and mean body mass index was 24.6 ± 4.9 kg/m2. Thoracic spine was the highest osteoarticular TB site. Then, lumbar spine TB was 3 (9.7%) patients. Third in rank was TB of the knee joints 2 (6.5%). Cervical spine and hip joint TB were each one, 1 (3.2) patients, respectively. Validity of latent TB as a test to predict TB of thoracic spine revealed that if TST was positive, then this test will be accurate in 77.42% and we can establish the diagnosis of TB of the thoracic spine with 90.48% confidence if we had a clinical suspicion of TB of thoracic spine.Conclusion: There was a significant positive correlation between osteoarticular TB and latent TB. Thoracic spine TB was the most common osteoarticular TB infection compared to other sites. Patients who had latent TB have 9.5 times risk of having TB of the thoracic spine. Latent TB was a valid measure to predict TB of thoracic spine
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